28 posts
Minor Kny Spoilers (?) And Rant
Minor kny spoilers (?) And rant
I'll never get over how well the character deaths are written in kny. Like you get introduced to this colourful and very characteristic individual, you grow attached to them, you learn their backstory and you just think that the character will see the end of the story. That's what you think.
NO, gotouge just kills them off but in the most heartbreaking and soul crushing way, and it never fails to make me feel sad.
Kny is just full of tragedies that take place for the greater good with a bittersweet ending. A lot of people hate on kny saying that the plot isn't interesting and it's only saved by the animation. How does that explain the manga being one of the best-selling manga globally then, huh?
But I like how there's a pure evil villain, not a sad, misunderstood character with a complex background(not hating on those plots). Simplicity is nice sometimes.
I have so much more to say but I'm not writing allat
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Hot take to some ppl but I genuinely think giyu and sanemi have more potential than giyu and shinobu.
I would say I'm not comparing ships and blah blah blah but if I simmer it down I quite literally am so bear with me 🙈
1. Wind and water : this combo wombo gets me everytime, two natural elements ? SIGN ME UPPPP
Storms, hurricanes, whirlpools, like wind and water are just meant to be. And when you compare that to water and insects it doesn't really click as well, no hate to giyushino shippers ofc, it just feels like there's a lack of chemistry (literally) compared to wind and water.
2. The dynamics: we all know giyu cares for shinobu and shinobu cares for giyu but I feel like it's more of a sibling dynamic if anything. Shinobu constantly annoying and bothering giyu whilst he just tolerates it because he likes the company shouts siblings to me.
And we see this kind of treatment by giyu in other relationships, too, like him and tanjiro, e.g., an entire episode is dedicated to tanjiro bothering giyu until he starts talking. Tanjiros nagging is very, very similar to shinobu, and if you can confidently say that tanjiro and giyu are sibling coded, then you can't *really* confidently say giyu doesn't see shinobu in a similar way. Right ?
ON THE OTHER HAND, sanemi and giyu have this relationship based on a misunderstanding (that I believe if it did not happen they would get along more than obanai and sanemi) not only that but giyu also actively wants to be his friend which isn't stated the same for shinobu. You could argue that she and giyu are already friends, but if they were, I'm sure he would be much more open around her. He literally *smiled* at the thought of giving sanemi his favourite food when there's actually no scene of giyu smiling around shinobu. You can't tell me that he isn't way too eager to become his no. 1 hater's best friend (or boyfriend).
3. THE OBSESSION GOES BOTH WAYS this post may make it seem like giyu is pining after an aloof and mysterious sanemi, but NO.
Sanemis weird obsession with giyu and his attitude exceeds iguros. You can see it when giyu tries to leave the hashira meeting early, and both iguro and sanemi have a problem with this, but only sanemi gets up to stop him physically. NOT ONLY THAT but when they have their little spar and tanjiro interrupts them he accuses him of spying on them. Like there's nothing secret about a sparring session unless there was something deeper going on at the same time... (we know what u are).
And don't even get me started on that official art that was posted the other day like their breathing techniques literally make a heart. And it was sanemi not shinobu ðŸ˜.
If you stuck with this rant until the end thank yeur and ur welcome to ask questions 🫶
Pride demon or smth
accidentally deleted this, omg

Nobody actually realises how much I love this duo

Episode 7 deleted scenes 😗
The conversation between Tanjiro and Giyuu.

What do you mean that's not what happened????😅