Do You Believe Her Now Alya Lol
Do you believe her now Alya lol

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More Posts from Yinyangtwinflames
What is your opinion about Konoha being a fascist government and the Will of Fire being a fascist propaganda?
Usually Uchiha apologists comes up with this claim and are salty about Sasuke finally sucking up to Konoha.
It's hilariously ignorant of them and their claims are blatantly untrue. I've seen some of these people's 'arguments' and it all boils down to "Konoha authoritarianism so fascist! Please clap! Me intelligent!"
Fascism is equally authoritarian as a monarchy, an oligarchy, or even a theocracy. Further proving that these pseudo-intellectuals don't know what it is when in their small brains "authoritarianism = facism".
The villages are all authoritarian dictatorships, to some extent. While fascism is a type of authoritarian dictatorship, it is classified by its anti intellectualism, cult like ruling caste, strict abhorrence of foreigners and anything deemed "unusual", and hyper religious zealots. While Oto and old Kiri/Mist could accurately be called fascist, Konoha hardly qualifies as one.
Even with Kishimoto's sketchy and vague world building of Naruto's politics, the facts are there: There are at least two councils in Konoha (Elders and Jounin committee) which can limit the Hokage and prevent him from being an absolute dictator, there is Daimyo/Feudal lord who seems to share the power and has some authority over the village. Foreigners aren't demonised. The cult dogma typical of fascist governments isn't there. Literally nothing is there to back Uchiha apologists' 'arguments'.
I've also seen how Will of Fire is supposedly the aforementioned missing cult dogma...and excuse me, what?! Cult dogma consists of rejecting reality because you don't like the implications (what actual states use to brainwash the population), Will of Fire is literally the generic Shounen shtick about compassion and power of friendship and all that jazz. It's quite simply about being a good person. Plus, Danzo doesn't even believe in Will of Fire and he's supposed to be the super 'fascist' in this scenario.
Moreover, Naruto's world is clearly a Feudal Japan copycat. Are these silly Uchiha apologists gonna go back and call all the old civilisation fascist states?! They might as well be doing that since they clearly have no idea what fascism means.
The fact this is coming from Uchiha apologists who literally support Uchiha's coup (AKA subjugating everyone else) is highly ironic. It's quite more likely that Uchiha would have made a fascist state out of Konoha had their coup been a success.
Plus, the one of the actual facism governments in Naruto's world is Bloody Mist. Aaand it was helped established by two Uchiha over the decades (Madara and Obito).
I have to say the fact there are some people who throw words like "facism" so casually is disheartening, much less for a generic shounen whose author was so distressed and pressurised, he flat out admits he barely thought his plot through or planned anything ahead. And being so casual with facism makes the word lose its weight and is, quite frankly, offensive and insensitive toward real-life victims of facism.
I'm not saying to not analyse your favourite media. Overanalyse it for all I care but you can always be intelligent and sensitive about it instead of pulling bs out of your behinds. Use canon not your bad fanfiction.
As for Sasuke, I don't see him as a state bootlicker. He was an international criminal, got pardoned and now goes where he wants in a world that pardoned criminals are under massive surveillance and scrutiny and Shinobi have to be in their villages as much as possible. I never saw Sasuke's loyalty toward Konoha but rather toward people he cares about, namely Naruto. This is my take on Sasuke's character.
Thanks for the ask.
I think Soichiro had survived to the warehouse scene. I think although being devastated by finding out his son is Kira, he wouldn't condone Matsuda shooting Light. I think he would intervene and get Light some medical help. Because even though his son is a mass-murderer, he's still his son. And he can't just sit back and watch. That would've been interesting to see. Although my heart hurts for his mother and sister when they find out. 😥 Light why?
Actually I kind of doubt the warehouse scene would have happened if Soichiro had survived because Light wouldn’t have attempted murdering his dad. Light keeps the entire task force alive for as long as he does because he specifically doesn’t want to kill his dad as well. For that matter, I’m also pretty damn sure this whole “seduce Takada” plan would have never taken off if his dad were around either and second arc as a whole would have looked very different.
Buuuut if we’re going to disregard Light’s characterization and assume the warehouse proceeds as planned, I also really doubt Matsuda would have shot Light if Papa Yagami were right there. How could he? Like sure, he feels betrayed and all, but anything he feels would be nothing compared to what Soichiro would have felt and there’s really no way Matsuda could squeeze himself in there with his own comparatively tiny personal angst.
In that scenario, it’d be the SPK who shoot Light, and the SPK wouldn’t have gone nuts with their guns like Matsuda does so there’d be a very good chance that Light could have been stabilized and received medical attention. Even Ryuk might have kept Light alive a liiiittle longer just so he could watch the drama between Light and his dad. But then again, maybe not. I don’t think Papa would begrudge the SPK for trying to stop Light from writing by shooting him nonlethally and once, but that’s with retrospect. In the moment, all he’d see is his child suffering and in pain and Soichiro is demonstrably irrational when it comes to his kids. He fails completely to be an unbiased police officer when it comes to Light and Sayu and the idea that Soichiro would just watch someone gunning down his kids is totally unbelievable. I’m pretty sure Papa would put himself between Light and his shooter, swat the note scrap out of Light’s hands and plead with him to stop. He wants answers, not a dead son.
Light gives everyone an explanation as to why he believes he’s in the right prior to getting shot, and I find it very difficult to see how Papa would miss the parallels between what Light is saying and what he taught Light personally about the importance of justice and self sacrifice. That’s the part that has to hurt even more because he, of all people, would be inclined to view Light as a good person who was just deeply misguided. Soichiro of all people would not give up on his son, and wouldn’t see him as an irredeemably evil human being. He’d want Light to turn himself in peacefully and atone for what he’s done. The actual warehouse scene would have eviscerated Soichiro emotionally.
What do you think of Rin and her dynamics with Kakashi and Obito?
There is this view that Rin’s only existence is to be a source of Trauma for Obito and have a crush on Kakashi... While Yeah, I agree with it if I just look at her profile alone.
But hey, Can we look sideward and ask ‘What’s the purpose of Iruka other than Acknowledging Naruto in Chapter 1, Worrying about Naruto during Chunin Exams, buying him Ramen here and there, Consoling him after Jiraiya’s death and advising him to come alive after fighting the War...???’
I totally summed up Iruka’s character in few lines which can be counted within our fingers. But somehow, I never saw anyone mocking Naruto for saying Iruka as his important person. I am pretty sure, if something happened to Iruka during the Pain Arc, Naruto would have gone Batshit Crazy. And He also went crazy after Orochimaru taunted him with Sasuke’s name. But if Obito does the same, it’s called ‘He was simping for a Girl & started a war for her who didn’t even love him back’. I just find this claim to be pretty sexist.
[[Yeah, Yeah... I generously mock Sakura for simping over Sasuke who don’t even love her back. But Unlike Sasuke, Rin genuinely cared about Obito just as much as she did with Kakashi.. So, Obito having such strong feelings for her is understandable. But In Sakura case.... Ahem]]
With that being said,
Rin & Kakashi actually had no development or dynamics to be honest. At the very least, I saw her having a mild Crush on him and after Obito’s death, they just gave me some comrade vibes. And also, Even when everyone were alive, Still Rin was not rabidly chasing Kakashi to the point of tiring him out. I think it’s safe to say, she actually moved on from this crush business after Obito’s death. And from Kakashi’s side, he respected her as his Team Mate with no special feelings from his side.
However, when it comes to her dynamics with Obito though, It really gave me this childhood Best friend vibes.

When everyone in his Academy didn’t bother to care about him, Rin was the one who does these little things to acknowledge his existence. It’s almost like Rin saying, ‘I am here for you and I got this’.
To be honest, Fans are underestimating these little Gestures from Rin by passing it off as ‘Rin was just being nice with a Guy’.
Well, At this point of the story (at 599th chapter), We have seen so many characters like Haku, Gaara, Kimimaro, Kabuto and finally Naruto who were all subjected to lot of sufferings and one of the major issue was Abandonment. Because they didn’t have anyone to say, ‘You are good, I need your presence...And I am here for you’. These are very simple but powerful words to which every abandoned characters crave for. Haku clearly said “Zabuza-san acknowledged me and that’s why I will do whatever he wants”. Same with Kabuto and Kimimaro. And we all know what happened with Naruto in that famous Chapter 1.
Now tell me, how is Rin any different from Iruka in terms of acknowledging a person without expecting anything back????

Here, Obito is clearly saying that he wants Rin to stay by his side, watch over him and correct him if he makes any mistakes. [[Yes, Yes.... He also meant it in a romantic way]]
As Obito expected....

Rin was really watching over him when Obito was doing something reckless. And it’s very clear from his expression that he was very glad to have someone at his side who can see what he was hiding (in this scene, he was hiding a wound he got while fighting).

And this is Rin’s way of saying, ‘Don’t sulk in the corner like a Silly Kid... Show me how you’ll save the world. Let’s go’
Just like Iruka, Rin provides an acknowledgement and moral support to Obito whenever he feels down (Remember Iruka consoling Naruto after Jiraiya’s Death?). And that’s why For Obito, Rin became an important person because she did something which no one has ever did for him. Yeah, He also loved her romantically and he clearly knew that she likes Kakashi. But that doesn’t diminish him from not considering her as someone Precious. It’s like, “It’s Okay, Even if she doesn’t like me in ‘that way’. But I like her presence and She makes me Happy... That’s Enough”.
It’s actually these simple gestures plays an important role in many characters life in this series. For Naruto, Sasuke’s simple smile near that Lake Pier flashback gave him the resolve to continue living without feeling lonely. For Kabuto, Orochimaru’s acknowledgement mattered a lot at that time, no matter their twisted brains.
And that’s why even during his dying moment, he said this...

And that’s why he couldn’t accept the reality of Rin dying before his Eyes. Also, he couldn’t accept the reality of Kakashi being a failure and his Great Sensei, Yellow Flash of Konoha being an absentee.
When Naruto goes Feral on hearing a Boy’s name, it’s okay... But when Obito does the same, it’s called Simping, eh????
However, when it comes to Rin’s dynamics with her Team as a whole.... She is a person who connects both of her Teammates. Whenever Kakashi and Obito goes into some heated arguments, Rin was the one to say, ‘Enough... Both of you, Let’s go and work together’.

I do think that this is another intentional mockery of Sakura & Team 7 from the Author’s side. Because Rin really had an influence on both the teammates and it’s no denying that Kakashi & Obito, both will listen to her.
Whereas, with Sakura

“Don’t Interfere with us!”
LOL.... Naruto, a boy who usually gets along with everyone and especially with Sakura, he takes all her bullshit without any complaints but when it comes to this... He puts her in her place in a rude manner. This is something Obito will never say to Rin, Not in his life.... that’s for sure. This is exactly why people love Team Minato despite giving off this ‘dysfunctional vibe’.
I’ve seen comments like ‘Team Minato is totally bad because no one gained anything from it. Obito was dead because he sacrificed himself, Kakashi was traumatized by Obito’s death and Rin’s suicide, Minato was never there for them when they needed him the most and he died later... That’s why Obito going so far for this team is unjustifiable.’
Well, Just now I’ve provided all the panels about how Rin was a Precious Person for Obito on more than one occasions. Since he was also an Orphan, just like Naruto, He craves for acknowledgement and he got that from Rin. He got a Rival/Friend from Kakashi and he got his inspirational, heroic Sensei from Minato. But everything got crushed in front of his eyes on the day Rin died. Kakashi, a boy with whom he had an immense respect to the point of setting aside his ego and called him as ‘Captain’ failed to protect Rin. Minato, a hero with whom he revered had failed to be there when it mattered... It’s these failures he wanted to rectify through Mugen Tsukuyomi.
So Yes, Considering this story is not about Obito, we didn’t see much of Team Minato due to the lack of narrative time dedicated to it. While Rin doesn’t have a profound dynamics with Kakashi other than a mild crush, I clearly see Rin’s dynamics with Obito is very similar to Iruka + Sasuke’s dynamics with Naruto.
Something about this scene;

I know some people have naturally used this scene to argue Naruto is straight because of his reaction. But I think the scene is more nuanced than that. As we can see Sakura reacts with nosebleed to this jutsu, which symbolises arousal.

But Naruto doesn’t have a nosebleed towards the girl-girl jutsu, he’s just excited over Konohamaru’s new ability, as he explains this is a friendly competition between them. So he’s not excited in that way. Why not just make him react like Sakura? Because their reactions aren’t the same.

We do know Naruto finds Sasuke attractive even if he is hesitant to admit that (like he knows it might be inappropriate) and does the reverse harem jutsu later which he practiced more than rasengan. But somehow the Sai/Sasuke jutsu is too much in his opinion. In my opinion the obvious explanation is just that he doesn’t want to see Sasuke like that with someone else. I mean:

It’s not like he doesn’t dislike Suigetsu (and Taka) for no reason other than that they used to hang around Sasuke… and it’s not like he doesn’t react dramatically concerning Sasuke any other time…
I remember seeing even Japanese men who said Naruto sounded like a jealous boyfriend in that 4-tails moment. 😭
athenasolives asked: Do you have any thoughts on meaning behind characters’ Japanese pronouns (ie. Light using “boku”)?
Yes!! I think the pronouns characters use are really interesting. As a disclaimer, I’m not a native Japanese speaker and have never lived in Japan myself, so my opinions are largely based on picking the brains of native-speaker friends and research. Unlike English, Japanese tends to omit “I” from sentences. Leaving in personal pronouns comes off as really odd and a sign that whoever is speaking that way is not a native speaker or that they’re on the arrogant/self important side. All of which is to say that personal pronoun choice is important and also interesting because they don’t usually come up in conversation unless for emphasis. As you mentioned Light, I’ll go over my thoughts on him specifically, but the subject of patterns of speech in DN in general could really just be its own tl;dr post, haha.
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