Enterprising leftist bisexual | 15yo, she/her | if you run an ed blog dn mfing i and I pray for your immortal soul

71 posts

Febuwhump 2024, Day 2: Solitary Confinement

Febuwhump 2024, Day 2: Solitary confinement

I'm doing this one with my Vampire: the Requiem OC, Damien Velasquez (maybe I'll draw him soon)

CW: uncaring god, wishes for death, mention of gagging

Damien is a shuddering wreck. I still don’t remember what I did wrong, he thinks, but it’s not a mistake that I’m here. At least, that’s what he thinks whenever he can pull himself out of that animal part of his mind. It hisses, it growls, it keens pitifully, and while Damien is more alone than he has ever been before, he is sure of its presence. The room is so dark it’s as if no light has ever touched it. Damien feels twisting, gnawing pain through his torso, and he wishes he could die. Death, pain, heartbreak- all that he had feared must come and shield him from that slowly circling dread.

It is closer now. Maybe it will put him out of his misery. 

That is a foolish hope. He is the only one there. The slop behind him molders and attracts legions of flies. He can drink from these, the way a fish gasps in anything before it. Damien gags on the struggling insects. ‘Ayúdame, Dios’, he whimpers, as if God would look at him with anything other than contempt. 

If He would look at all.

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Please. Help.

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Please. Help.
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