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This Chapter Was So Good I Cant Wait For Next Week!!

This chapter was so good đŸ„č I can’t wait for next week!!

All Bark and No Bite- 16

Masterlist /Series masterlist

Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8

ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe

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All Bark And No Bite- 16
All Bark And No Bite- 16
All Bark And No Bite- 16

Chapter warnings: Fem/Afab reader, kinda smut, kissing, bathing together, cursing, crying, pet names, fluff. Really not much for this chapter but lemme know if i missed anything important.

WC: 6.2k

Not gonna lie, this is kind of a filler chapter. But I hope yall enjoy nonetheless :)

All Bark And No Bite- 16

The rumbling that escaped out of Jeongins chest as he pumped you full would have been off putting to anyone around. They would have found the emittance to be dangerous- vicious almost- and possessive, with how deep and gravely the growl was as he bit into the tender flesh of your shoulder for the second time today. Having spent nearly three days with the young Alpha you knew well enough by now that he was nearing control over himself once again as he finished inside of you, the growl more of a warning he had cum. 

He let your used and bruised body slump into the sheet below you, your arms acting as a pillow under your head. Jeongin draped himself over you, pressing you further into the bed. His knot was still locked tightly inside of you and with each movement from him it rubbed against the sore walls of your core. 

The alpha laid wet kisses along your spine after he licked away the blood from his final claim on you. In total over his rut he had bitten into you eight times, in varying places all over your body. You could imagine you looked like you were mauled by a wild animal, though that wouldn’t be far from the reality. 

“I think it’s finally over, baby.” Jeongin breathed into your ear from above. He had a lightness in his voice you hadn’t heard since before his rut started. “I feel the effects lifting from me as if I can breathe again.”

“M’ so glad, Innie.” You murmured, the pure exhaustion you felt was coming through you clearly. “Now you can be comfortable again.” 

He cooed at you, “Oh omega, you sweet baby. I’m more happy for you. You have been so so good to me the last few days, taking everything I gave you with no complaints, letting me take whatever I needed from your precious body.”  He nuzzled into your neck and hair as he felt his knot begin to deflate. You both grunted as he slowly pulled out of you. His copious amount of cum was seeping out of you and onto the already soiled bed. With how much cum, blood, and sweat was covering it Jeongin knew it would be better to just toss it out at this point. “I can’t express how much it means to me- how much you mean to me. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and to our family.” 

You knew it was his post nut clarity that was making him sappy, but you couldn’t stop the sniffles that left you. “Innie
 I feel the same way about you and everyone in this pack. You’re my family now and I love you guys.” You strained your neck over to kiss him and he returned the gesture. 

“Even Minho?” He teased, giggling when you rolled your eyes. 

“Hmpf.” You felt your cheeks heat, “Yes, even Minho” You threw a finger at his face menacingly “But don’t you dare say anything!” 

He laughed harder and pulled you closer, kissing your nose. “My lips are sealed. Buuuut, I’m not so sure about the gremlin who's listening outside the door as we speak.” He raised his voice slightly for the last part of his sentence . “You’re not slick, you Pabo! I could smell you from down the hall!”

Your mouth was agape when you heard a shriek- that sounded suspiciously like Jisung- coming from the other side of the door and then the scuff of scurrying feet. “I didn’t even know he was there!” 

Jeongin hauled himself off the bed with a hearty laugh, “He’s been doing that since day one. He comes around periodically, most likely to check on you to make sure I hadn’t eaten you alive. The whole pack does it. You seriously couldn’t tell?” 

You shook your head as you slowly arose from your laid position, wincing when you felt the throb between your legs. “Uh uh, I didn’t notice at all.” 

“I guess I did have you a little
 preoccupied.” He had a smirk on his face as if he was proud of himself. “My senses were in overdrive so it made it easier to smell and hear them. My alpha instincts were on a constant high alert.” 

You nodded, “That makes sense. I felt similarly when I was in heat.” You could still feel the pooling liquid seeping out of you, the now coolness of it was making you grimace. “Since your rut is ending, do you think we could please go take a bath? The last few rounds have left me kinda.. Sticky.” 

“Oh yeah!” He slipped off the bed and found a pair of shorts somewhere amongst the wreckage of his room. He put them on and returned back to your side. “Come on, baby. Lemme carry you.” You lifted your weak arms up to him as he bent to scoop you into his hold and you wrapped them around his neck. 

He walked out of his room freely for the first time in a few days. All the other times you had to make sure the coast was clear and that no other pack members were on the same floor. Innies possessiveness and alpha aggression when he was in a rut was on another level so the young alpha generally tried to avoid leaving the room during that time anyways. Thankfully it was not the same for you. During his moments of rest and clarity you had been able to exit the room for bathroom breaks and food. The pack members always greeted you with gentle kisses as they assessed you and you had to assure them you were ok. Innie was particularly rough in his fucking of you after you came back, though; the scent of the other boys on your skin driving him crazy. 

“Wait! Should I put something on? I’m still naked..” You trailed off, biting your lip. 

Jeongin chuckled, “It’s nothing most of them haven’t seen before at this point, baby. Plus we’ll get you some clean pjs after you're all cleaned up.” 

Jeongin carried you into the bathroom and set you on the counter while he went to start heating the water and filling the tub. You watched as he found a few different bottles of bubble bath, and giggled quietly when he opened each one and smelled it before he decided on one he deemed acceptable.

While the tub filled you turned to look at yourself in the mirror. You hadn’t seen your reflection since this morning so you were anticipating seeing the new marks that had been left. You gasped lightly when your eyes found all the dark marks and bites left on your body. Innie really did a number on you, he was unable to control many of his urges when it came to claiming your body. You poked and prodded at a particularly deep bite wound on the side of your left breast. 

‘That's gonna be sore for weeks.’ You thought as you poked. 

“I think that one is my favorite.” Jeongins voice startled you as he rested his head on your shoulder, looking into your eyes through the glass. He had a cheekiness in his tone. “Was my favorite place to bite you. So soft and tender.” He sighed wistfully, as if remembering the moment. 

“Yeah, tender enough that it’s going to take forever to heal.” You huffed, narrowing your eyes at him. 

He snorted, pulling back. “You’re one to talk. Look at this monster you gave me!” He tilted his head to show you his neck that he had asked you to bite into the previous day. His skin was marred and dark red, showing just how deep your teeth had buried into his flesh. “Stings like a bitch now. But it’s ok, I kinda like it.” He grinned and gave you a clumsy wink.  

You laughed and shoved him playfully, “Ok mister masochist, help me into the tub please.” He obliged your request and hauled you into his arms once more before he lowered you into the heated water. Your head fell back with a deep sigh as you relaxed into the tub. He has chosen a lavender scented soap that was divine. Innie stepped in and settled himself directly behind you. He then leaned your back against his chest, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. “Mm this is nice.” 

He hummed in return, leaning over to grab a washcloth. He dipped the cloth into the water then pulled it up, giving it a squeeze to release the water inside. The alpha lovingly ran the cloth over your neck and shoulders, wiping away the remaining blood and saliva. Then once your top half was wiped clean he brought the cloth back down into the heated water, then gently to your core. Your breath hitched when he made contact with your folds. “Shhh baby, I know it hurts. Lemme clean you up, ok?” He whispered reassuringly in your ear. 

You let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding, trying not to close your legs to keep him from touching you where you were most sensitive right now. He continued his slow and delicate ministrations while peppering kisses on your cheeks every time you let out a pained whimper. Eventually he finished his task, throwing the cloth onto the edge of the tub. Then he just let you rest in the still hot water.  

Sitting there in the tub was peaceful. Neither of you were talking anymore given how the fatigue was catching up to you both. It was nearing nightfall already, you could tell it was late evening by the setting sun casting in the small window. The lavender fragrance of the bath soap combined with the heat of the water was easing the tension in both of you. 

“Ya know, I haven’t had a bath in years.” Innie's voice startled you lightly, just as your eyes were about to droop. He laughed quietly when you jumped. “Sorry, baby. Just reminiscing, don't mind me.”

“Why haven’t you had a bath in so long? Do you not like them?” You asked, keeping yourself awake now. 

“I’ve never been a huge fan of sitting in hot water. Maybe my blood just runs hot. I also think it’s kinda boring. Just doing nothing in a tub. But right now I can honestly say I’m loving being here with you. I’m feeling very relaxed, and happy that I get to be with you.” He had a blush on his cheeks. 

“Aww Innie. You really are such a sweet boy.” Your heart swelled and you beamed at him. “ We can take baths together anytime you want.” You leaned up to kiss his jaw. 

“I’ll be taking you up on that offer, don’t you worry.” He kissed you back. 

“Can I cash in that offer too, baby?” 

You both looked up at the door being cracked open just slightly and a pouty face appearing, looking at you with hopeful eyes. 

“Hyunjin, what the fuck are you doing in here? Get out!” Jeongin groaned, annoyed now by the new presence. 

“No! It’s not fair! You’ve hogged her for days! I missed my baby!” The beta whined, his pout growing even bigger. “Plus you left the door unlocked so really this is your fault.” 

Jeongin scoffed, “You still got to see her everyday, your stink was all over her every time she came back to my room. And what about me?! Didn’t you miss me?!” He pulled you closer to his body, making the water slosh off the side of the tub.

“Of course I missed you, Innie. We all did.” Hyunjin replied with an eye roll. “But I’m not mated with you now am I? No, I’m claimed by my baby and now it’s my turn with her.” He skulked closer into the bathroom and grabbed the towel that was left on the counter. “So give her here.” He looked at the alpha expectantly as he held out his arms for you. 

Jeongin grumbled a whine, “Hyunnng you’re being so mean to me.” Still, he scooted you forward slightly so Hyunjin could grab you. Jeongin gave you a final kiss, “ I love you, I’ll see you in a while, baby.” He whispered to you before he handed you over to the beta. 

“Love you Innie.” You replied then let Hyunjin pull you from the tub and into his arms, where he promptly wrapped you in the big fluffy towel and whisked you out of the bathroom. 

Once you were out of the bathroom Hyunjin nuzzled into you with a purr as he carried you to your room. “Mm I missed you so much baby.” 

You giggled, his hair tickling your neck. “Missed you too Jinnie.” 

He set you gently on your bed as he ran the towel over your form, being mindful of the fresh bites and bruises. He bristled when you winced, “Sorry, love. Innie sure did a number on you, huh?” 

You gave a weak chuckle, “Yeah, he got a little rowdy. He always apologized afterwards so I don’t mind.” 

Hyunjin went into your wardrobe after he wiped you down and pulled out some pjs for you. He helped you dress even when you insisted on being able to do it yourself. “I wanna take care of you, baby. Let me help you.” You couldn’t deny him when he pouted like that, batting his eyelashes at you. 

He had put you in a tank top and panties, then he turned away to get you out some pj pants. That small distraction was all that was needed for the peeping tom at the door to spring in. Hyunjin screamed in surprise as Jisung swung the door open with a lightning quickness and launched for where you were seated on your bed. You yelped a laugh when he scooped you into his embrace. “Ahh Jisung! What are you doing?!” 

“Hi baby.” He grinned as he stood up now with you in his arms. He smooched you on the lips.He gave Hyunjin a glance “Sorry, gotta blast!” Then he sprinted out of the room, holding you.

“No! Jisung you asshole, I was having my time with her!” Hyunjin screeched as he chased the younger beta. Jisung was running down the hall towards the stairs cackling loudly. You were holding on for dear life, a nervous grin on your face. “Stop! I’m serious! It’s not fair!” 

“It’s my turn now! You had yours, I missed her too!” 

“I had a whole 6 minutes with her!” 

“Sucks to suck!”  Jisung had gotten down the stairs and had barely made it around the corner when he ran into another figure. Jisung nearly fell backwards at the impact. He ended up backing up into Hyunjin who had been right on his tail. 

Amidst the whole debacle, it was Changbin who grabbed you from Jisungs falling form. Jisung had run into him when he was coming to see what the commotion was. “What a pleasant surprise.” The alpha grinned. “Nice to see you, baby.” 

You giggled, letting him take you. “Hi Binnie.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. 

“Changbin! Give her back, it's my turn.” Jisung whined like a child when he was able to set himself upright again. 

Hyunjin pushed him with a scoff, folding his arms. “You stole her from me, asshat. It’s my turn.” 

“Sucks to suck, right guys?” Changbin snickered, then turned and walked down the hall. 

“Boys I’m not a toy! There are no turns.” You protested from your place in Chanbins arms. Your pout was light; you couldn’t be mad at any of them for this game of toss around. You had missed them all so much, even though you saw them all briefly during the last few days. 

“Of course you're not a toy, baby. These young boys need to learn some manners when it comes to a beautiful woman.” Changbin threw a playfully dirty look behind him at the betas who trailed behind. 

“Are you gonna be the one to teach them, Binnie?” You teased, nuzzling into him. 

He flexed with you still in his hold, boasting of his strength. “Who better than a strong alpha like myself?” You laughed into his neck. “Take notes, boys.” 

Changbin carried you all the way through the house and out the back door onto the back patio. The outside string lights were on, illuminating the patio as the sun continued to fall further from view and the night settled in.  The grill was on and there were various plates of vegetables scattered around the table next to it. The air was hot and mildly humid. Summer was definitely here now.

 Leaning on the banister next to the grill was Chan and Minho. Chan's face lit up at the sight of you coming out the door. Minho couldn’t hide the twitch of his lips when he saw you, his delight peaking through. 

“There's my love. Was wondering when you would come down and join us.” Chan approached you and Changbin as the latter plopped down on the outdoor sofa with you in his lap. Chan cupped your cheek and leaned in close to you, rubbing noses with you. He gave you a gentle kiss with a smile. Changbin huffed in mild jealousy, pulling you even closer. “Oh come on Bin, our girl deserves all the love we can give. Why be stingy, hm?” Chan hummed with a laugh as he pulled back.

“Exactly!” Jisung came crashing down onto the furniture beside you on the right, grabbing onto your arm attempting to pull you away. “You read my mind, oh wonderful leader.” 

Hyunjin was the next to speak up. “ You literally stole her from me! If anyone is stingy it’s you Ji!” He stomped his foot petulantly before coming over and sitting on the left side and grabbing one of your legs.

All this tugging was starting to make your wounds hurt, so you tentatively and quietly tried to interject, “Umm guys, can you please be easy on m-”  

“Jinnie, you went and took her right from Jeongin! Don’t act all high and mighty, I see through that shit!” Jisung cut you off, seemingly unable to hear your timid voice. He pulled on your arm a little harder. 

Changbin squeezed you to keep you in his hold, making you wince. “ You guys are children.” He rolled his eyes. 

Hyunjin scoffed, his grip accidentally digging into one of your darker bruises. “ You’re one to talk, you ripped her right from Ji.” 

“I saved her from you idiots!” 

You felt your eyes start to water from the pain and from being ignored. You felt too timid to interrupt them again so you just took it. Though, you didn’t have too for long. 

A deep growl halted all the boys in their actions. All of you swiveled your eyes to Chan who still stood a few feet away, now with a menacing look on his face. His eyes were narrowed at the three boys who held you captive. “That is enough from you three. Can’t you see your fucking hurting her?” He stalked closer and reached down for you. 

Immediately they all let go of you. Changbin spoke up, “ I’m so sorry baby, we should have been gentler on you.” 

“Especially since you just got done with Innie. I forgot about your wounds baby I’m sorry. Hyunjin apologized sheepishly. 

Jisungs lip wobbled as tears welled up in his own eyes. “M sorry, please don’t hate me.” 

“It’s ok, I’m not mad. And I could never hate you, Ji.” You wiped your tears once Chan had you secured in his arms. He still had a pissed off crease to his brows. You brought your thumb up to smooth over his brows, smiling when he kissed your palm. He carried you to the picnic table they had set up, placing you down on the bench. He straddled the bench and had you lean against him. 

“Mm much better, huh omega?” He hummed, kissing your head and holding you close. 

“Yes alpha.” You relaxed against him. You could hear his heartbeat from where you rested. It was calming. “ I’m gettin tired, Channie.” 

He chuckled, “I would be surprised if you weren’t tired, my love. You have been kept very busy lately. You gotta stay up for a while though, dinner is almost ready. The pack has been excited to share a meal together as a whole again.” You nodded, trying to keep yourself awake. 

Looking around you noticed how much food had already been laid out. There was a pile of kabobs, fresh veggies and a plate with some chicken. You looked up as Minho brought another plate full of done food and set it on the table in front of you. 

He gave you a teasing smile, “Hi baby. Welcome back.” 

You couldn’t hide your grin, reaching a cautious hand out to him, unsure if he would grab it. “Hi Min. Glad to be back.” Thankfully, he did. He held on to your hand for a second, running his thumb along the skin of your knuckles. Then he brought those same knuckles up to his lips, placing a kiss there. It was so soft you almost didn’t feel it. It only lasted a moment though, before he let you go and returned back to the grill.  

You let your hand drop with a sigh. Sometimes you wondered where you stood with Minho. One moment it seemed like he hated you, the next it was like he cared for you. Almost as if you were lovers. The back and forth from him was giving you whiplash to say the least. Chan was behind you, running his lithe fingers along your exposed thighs. “Hey now, no more thinking for tonight. Just relax, omega. I got you, Alphas got you.” 

You nodded and were going to reply when you were distracted by the sliding door flinging open. Felix stepped out holding a plate, Seungmin was right behind him also holding a big plate. “Ok this is the last of it!” Felixs eyes found yours quickly and he shoved the plate he held at Minho, who cursed him out for almost dropping it. He scurried over to you quickly, kneeling down to be beside you. “Y/n, baby. Are you ok?” He looked deep into your eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. 

“Mhmm, I’m fine Felix. Just really sleepy.” You shrugged sleepily, giving him a kiss. 

Seungmin sat down in front of you with a snicker. “Oh I bet you're really exhausted after what Innie did to you, huh baby? If the sounds that came outta his room was any indication.” He deepened the pitch of his tone, “ ‘Oh omega I’m gonna ruin you, I’m gonna breed you and make you mine.’” He imitated the youngest pack member, adding in fake growls. 

“Seungmin!” You pushed him away as he laughed, “Don’t be vulgar.” 

He leaned in real close with a smirk, “I thought you liked it when I talked dirty to you, puppy.” 

You stuttered, turning your face away from all the boys. “Well
 I- um..” You felt your face heat up as you tried to come up with a witty response but fell on none. “ Well you're a jerk so, blah.” 

You felt Chan laugh from behind you, clearly he was amused at your turmoil. “You’re so cute, omega. So feisty.” 

“Don’t you start making fun of me too!” You craned your neck back to see him biting his lip to hold back his chuckles. “You’re supposed to be on my side!” 

He held one hand up in defense, “ I am on your side, baby. But I also know he’s telling the truth, so why fight it.” 

You huffed, crossing your arms but wincing when you accidentally brushed against the deep bite on your breast. Felix was the one to notice your discomfort. “What’s wrong? Are you hurting?” 

You rubbed the spot that was sore, “It’s nothing, just a leftover battle wound from helping Innie.” 

Seungmin was still sat in front of you and he had zero hesitation before he reached for the bottom of your shirt and yanked it up to expose your chest to him. 

You gasped, trying to pull it back down, “Minnie! What the fuck?!” 

He smacked your hand away as he tried to locate the area that was bothering you. “Oh stop, we’ve seen you naked before there's no sense in being shy. Let me see what’s bothering you.” 

Chan soothed you by pumping out calming pheromones and rubbing your back. He wanted to see the damage himself anyways. 

You slowly felt yourself calm down, giving in to the boys around you and dropping your arms. “Thata girl.” Your alpha praised you with a kiss on the back of your head. You had calmed down so much in fact that you hadn’t even noticed your outburst has caused every member present to stare at the scene unfolding, each of them eyeing your now exposed breasts. Chan continued to pour praises and sweet words into your ears as the beta in front of you got to work inspecting.

Seungmin held your shirt up with one hand, while the other was prodding around at your fresh bites and marks. His gaze was searing into you in a scrutinizing way, as if he was meticulously counting each and every tooth mark and finger print that lingered on your body. He clicked his tongue when he saw just how deep some of these bites went, “Jesus, pup. You got fucked up didn’t you? Poor thing.” He had a sympathetic tone to his voice.

When his nails accidentally dug into the wound on your breast you winced and squirmed. Felix - who was still beside you- ran his hands comfortingly along your exposed thighs. “You’re ok, lovely.” He reassured you the best he could, but if he was being honest with himself; seeing you sitting here almost naked, just in your frilly pink panties, was making him drool. He risked a glance over at the other boys and could see the same thing for them. 

Jisung and Changbin both had their hands in their lap, as if trying to conceal their erections. Hyunjin had a proud smirk on his face (he had picked her panties out, afterall) as he bit his lip. The only one not ogling the omega was Minho, who had his back turned to the scene but Felix could see the tight grip the elder beta kept on the spatula. 

Chan and Seungmin had total concentration on your body, both looking you over for the particularly painful ones. Everyone was so invested in you that no one heard the door slide open again until the youngest alphas' voice startled them. 

“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Jeongin had stepped out to join the pack, his hair was still wet from the bath and he was barefoot. “Is this some kind of weird orgy?” 

Seungmin let your shirt fall back onto your torso with a scoff, “You wish, you sick pervert. We were examining all the marks you left on her.” 

Jeongin rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Ha uhh yeah, I got a little carried away.” He came to your side, pushing Felix out of the way. The beta responded with a quick ‘Watch it, asshole!’ before he moved out of the way and went to sit at the table. Jeongin crouched down beside you and took your hand, “How are you feeling, baby? Still feelin sore?” 

You nodded, “Uh huh. ’m also really worn out. I need a nap.” 

Chan cooed at you from behind you, “My poor girl, you have to eat a full meal first. We gotta get you to heal up.” 

“Good thing it’s all ready now then.” Minho brought the last big platter of grilled meats and veggies to the table. He set a plate down in front of you and began to serve you your food first. He gave you a little of everything. “Here you go, be careful it's hot.” 

“Thank you Min.” You grinned appreciatively. He nodded in return, setting a lemonade down in front of you as well. 

“Come and get your food, ya filthy animals.” Minho called to the other pack mates who weren’t yet around the table. For that comment he received a few middle fingers (that he just laughed off evilly). 

After everyone was sat and served, it really dawned on you how much you enjoyed this life. The teasing and comradery was something that was still taking you some time to get used to, but it felt more like home each and everyday. While you ate Chan kept one arm around your back, keeping you close to him while he ate with the other hand. Seungmin was to your left, keeping his hand on your thigh under the table. Changbin was seated across from you playing footsie with you under the table. 

It seemed they all had their own ways of wanting to be close to you. The realization made a wide grin appear on your face. 

“What's got you so happy over there, sweet girl?” Felix brought you down out of your own little world. 

“Nothing,” You replied, crinkling your eyes at him. “Just thinking about how happy I am here with you all and how much I love you. ” 

The silence after your statement was deafening. There was a beat where no one said anything, and for a split second you felt your heart drop into your stomach. A creeping feeling of doubt began to wash over you, but it was quickly erased by the  loud chorus of “AWWWWW”s that flooded out of each boy. Suddenly you were swarmed by the pack, ending up in the middle of a huge pile of man. The sudden overwhelm of all their scents was beginning to make you dizzy. 

“You’re so cute, omega.” Chan had a cheekiness to his tone as he giggled in your ear from behind. 

You felt a wetness falling onto your chest, the drops seeping in through the shirt you wore. And then you heard the sniffles. “Ji
 Please don’t cry. You’re gonna make me start crying.” You could already sense the tears welling up on your lash line, threatening to fall at any moment. 

“I can’t help it.” He wailed, burying himself into your shirt even further. “You make me- us- so happy, baby. Plus it’s not just me crying! Look at Lix and Hyun, they're crying too!” 

Now that he mentioned it you could faintly hear the little hiccups and sniffs from beside you. 

“Don't bring us up when you know we’re emotional, you dick head!” Hyunjin shrieked, pulling Jisung away so he could now hold you closer. 

“Alright guys, let’s get off of our baby. She’s still sore, ya know.” Chan was casual with his demand, being the first to pull back from you. 

“Yeah thanks to Jeongin.” Seungmin snickered and eyed the youngest Alpha. 

Jeongin cast his gaze down quickly, riddled with sudden nerves, then looked back at you with an apologetic crinkle of his eyes. “Sorry again, omega.” 

You reached your hand out to him to take, “Innie you don’t need to apologize to me anymore, or at all. I took care of you like a good omega does for her alpha. Plus, I had a lot of fun with you. You made me feel
 really good.  ” You beamed at him to show you meant every word. 

He grabbed your hand, ignoring the hollering that erupted from the rest of the teasing pack. He sent you a wink before he leaned in to give you a peck on the lips. 

“Our little boy is a man now!” Changbin laughed loudly as he gave Innie a hard pat on the back. 

“Hyung, I’ve always been a man. At least more of a man than you.” Jeongin dodged the smack that was sent his way from Changbin, cackling with amusement at the elder alpha’s displeased huff. 

“You wish you were half as man as I am!” Changbin tried to puff out his chest to give a more dominant display, but all it did was make everyone laugh louder. 

“And you wish you were half the man that Channie Hyung is.” Felix added to the banter, looking to get a rise out of Bin. 

Changbins chest deflated as he pondered the statement. Then he shrugged in agreement, “Yeah pretty much.” 

“Ok ok, If we’re done eating we should clean this up. All this food left out will attract bugs.” Chan stood from his place, grabbing both his and your plates in his hands. He smooched your cheek as he stood, “sit tight love.” 

“I want to help!” You protested, eager to help the pack with even the simplest tasks. 

“You are helping. You’re sitting there looking pretty for us.” Minho patted your head as he passed you, carrying a large platter back into the house. 

You felt your cheeks heat up, turning away from him so he didn’t see the pleased look on your face. 

It was a few minutes later that the whole table was cleared and cleaned up. Chan came back for you and held out his arms for you. You lifted yours so he could grab you into his hold. “Let’s get you to bed, omega. I know how tired you must be especially now that you’d have a full meal.” 

Now that he mentions it you were starting to feel that fatigue from earlier. You covered your yawn with your hand, then nodded in agreement. “Yeah I think I’m ready for bed, Alpha.” 

He passed by the kitchen so you could say your good nights to the other boys. “Goodnight guys. I’ll see you in the morning.” You offered them a lazy smile. 

“Damn, is it that time already? I feel like I haven’t gotten to see you at all.” Jisung pouted, coming in to kiss you. 

“I know I’m sorry, ‘m just really tired.” You were starting to feel guilty about needing to sleep. ‘He’s right, they have barely seen me. Maybe I should just stay up for a while.’ 

There was a sudden twinge of sourness that was leaving your body, your contrition coming through clearly for all to smell.  

Jisung was speedy to backpedal his words, “No, it’s totally ok! You should definitely get your rest!” His boba eyes were wide and his hands were raised in a defensive way. “In fact,” He deepened his voice to act intimidating, “It is my command that you get some good rest, asap.” 

Chan snorted a laugh and there were a few scoffs and chuckles from the other boys. You had hid your smile behind your hand, you couldn’t help but feel amused at his phony display of dominance. “As you command, master.” 

Jisung visibly gulped at the name, but his reaction was nothing compared to the reaction Minho was having, the beta practically choking on his spit. He attempted to cover it up by pretending he accidentally ran into the counter when he received a side eye from Hyunjin. Minho's mind went racing at your comment, liking the way the title sounded on your lips. 

“Say goodnight to Baby, I’m taking her to bed now.” Chan brought you to each of them so they could all give you small kisses and wish you goodnight. Then he swiftly carried you up the stairs and to his bed. You will never get over how strong he is, carrying you like you weigh no more than a teddy bear.  

He set you down and covered you in the blankets. He then climbed in next to you and cradled you in his arms. You purred affectionately as you nuzzled into him. You felt instantly soothed at being back in his embrace, in the bed you share together. The alpha felt the exact same way. He was more than thrilled to have you back with him. One day he could handle, but the three days were borderline torturous. 

“Channie..” You whispered, your voice quiet as it cut through the silence within the darkness. 

“Mhm” He answered, his own eyes beginning to droop. He hadn’t slept much the last few nights, too anxious to get any real rest. 

“I love you.” 

“Mm, I love you more.” 

The both of you were out like a light.

All Bark And No Bite- 16

Minho's mind has been stewing for a few days. Ever since he met Changbins new friend, Wooyoung, something hadn’t felt right. It felt like he was missing something. 

He remembers the encounter very clearly. The beta man had been friendly, almost too friendly. And very personable. He had answered each of Minhos questions, none of which seemed to raise any alarms. 

‘Where are you from?’ ‘Goyang, it’s a city up north.’ 

‘What brings you to town?’ ‘Here to help out my uncle.’ 

‘Whos your uncle?’ ‘Park Jin-young.’ 

‘Are you mated to an alpha?’ ‘Yes, his name is San. We've been mated for a few years.’ 

‘Where is he at?’ ‘He’s back at home, taking care of the cats.’

All of his answers seemed to check out. Though to Minho, the answers did seem a little too clean. There was just something that was off. Something he couldn’t quite place a finger on. He knew he would have to be diligent going forward. He didn’t want to say anything to anyone about it yet, in fear of being completely wrong. But he would hold this thought close to his chest. 

All Bark And No Bite- 16

Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!

Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!

Beta read by my loves @ayejaii and @jehhskz <3


Taglist- Closed

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the bolded names couldn’t be found for some reason đŸ„ČđŸ„Č sorry y’all

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More Posts from Yonaofyourmom

11 months ago
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

skz + hands [and how they use them]

a small drabble of stray kids' hands (appreciation) and how I THINK they use them in bed. <3

warnings: hand kink, sexual content (MDNI), fingering, oral (f receiving), squirting (hyunjin), putting that i mention jeongins church ring in here bc some people are religious n i aint tryna stir the pot

Masterlist | skz + thighs

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Chris : Man absolutely fingers you to the Gods. He's the type to know his hands drive you wild and he will absolutely use it to his advantage. That little 'Hall of Fame' move? Yeah - he's doing that shit to you under the dinner table when you join the boys for a night out. He's extremely good at using his hands to coax an orgasm out of you. (And you best bet he rubs over your clit with his thumb. Man is too experienced in fingering at this point. He knows all of your weak points.) conclusion: uses his index and ring finger during sex + thumb for the clit <3 skilled enough to use one hand and make it amazing

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Minho : He... *sigh.* I'm going to be that person and say that when he fingers you, you can feel the veins in his fingers. Not in a gross way - in a like, textured... ribbed-for-your-pleasure-dildo kind of way. His hands are soft - incredibly so - and because of how the blood pools in his hands any time he lowers them below his ribcage, you just feel it when he's kneeling over you and two fingers deep in your pussy. He'll use his free hand to touch and pinch at your clit though - he's a little too disoriented to use just one hand. But he loves the way his hand looks when he grabs at the plush of your thigh and the veins in his hand become more prominent the tighter he holds onto you, keeping you open for him. conclusion: uses his middle and ring finger during sex, uses the opposite thumb for the clit <3 too eager to use one hand, gets messy and uses two

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Changbin : He - Girl. He.. *sigh pt. 2* He's the type to not...? finger as much? But more, use his hands to spread your pussy open for him so he can shove his tongue as deep as possible into you. He's going to use his hands to hold your thighs apart (as if his broad ass shoulders dont push your thighs open enough) but he's going to do it specifically by putting his hands on the junction between your thighs and hips and splaying his fingers are far apart as he can. (also an ass grabber.) conclusion: enjoys some good handfuls of ass while he eats you out

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Hyunjin : Absolutely fingers you - but always does three instead of two because he's an overachiever. He's going to be fucking you with his fingers so hard that the fucking wet squelches that come from your pussy are NOTHING short of absolutely drop dead sinful. Y'both goin' to Hell for the way he destroys your pussy with his hand. Also, who cares about the clit. You're not even going to be worrying about that because you'll be too busy squirming and crying at the way he fucks you with his fingers. conclusion: the type to fuck you with his hands so hard that you squirt. that's his end goal.

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Jisung : Less of a finger-er, more of an eater. A grabber. Very grabby. He'll hoist your legs over his shoulders (mf is broad and nobody ever talks about it bc they're too focused on his waist) and slip his arms (which are again- big as FUCK) under your thighs so he can rest his hands on your abdomen. He likes feeling over your sides and tummy, maybe even reaching up to pinch your nipples and he's absolutely going to be just groping and kneading at your breasts when you start to squirm against his face. conclusion: likes to grope and grab, knows you enjoy the feeling of his hands on your body.

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Felix : Again, less of someone who fingers and moreso someone who eats. Man is hungry. Man needs that meal. Man - needs that meat. (LMAO SORRY) Anyway absolutely will grab at you while he eats you out. But unlike Ji where he's groping and grabbing and whatever - Felix will slap his hands on your thighs, arms wrapped under your legs, and then he'll lay there and eat - and knead at your skin while he does it. There is never a moment where his fingers aren't digging into the soft plush of your thighs and kneading the skin, pulling lightly on it and feeling how it bulges between his fingers. He's weak for it. conclusion: thigh man 100%

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Seungmin : The type to start by eating you out and letting you relax and think you're being taken care of but then slip his middle finger in and fuck you with it while he abuses you with his tongue. No warning, just a sudden intrusion that's definitely not unwelcome. Uses his free hand to pin your abdomen/hips down to the mattress so you can't move around too much. Also the type to absolutely bury his face in your pussy and try 'n get his tongue as deep into you as he possibly can. A messy eater. conclusion: eats you out like you're his last meal but likes to keep you on your toes and wiggly. he thinks you're so cute.

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]

Jeongin : We all know he's got pretty hands. (next to seungmo, imo.) So we know he's going to use his long fucking fingers to destroy your pussy. Definitely the type to use his middle and ring finger to fuck you, free hand splayed over your thigh to push it away from his head. You swear on God he's pushing at your cervix every time he goes knuckle deep and it makes you try to close your thighs but he refuses to let it happen and holds you open. Where Seungmin fucks you with his tongue and his fingers - Jeongin fucks you with his fingers and lets his mouth take care of your clit only. But his tongue is a topic for another time. conclusion: certified clit sucker. has the longest fingers known to mankind and keeps his church ring ON while you fuck.

Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]
Skz + Hands [and How They Use Them]


© chvnmax

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10 months ago

[possessed by demon] 2min threesome đŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘č

happy bee-day (haha, bday) bee! đŸ„łđŸŽŠđŸ’žđŸŽ‚

đŸ·ïž: threesome (foreplay), fingering, spit, 2min 2minning

“kim seungmin, you dumb dog.”

“yes, cat hyung?”

minho huffs from his spot beside you on the bed, but you can see the way his ears flush strawberry pink. as soon as you look at him though, seungmin’s finger crooks inside of you, and your eyes dazedly flutter down to look at the younger man.

he tuts, but you can’t bring yourself to pay him any mind as seungmin fucks a second, long finger into your spasming cunt along with the first.

minho doesn’t give him a response but settles instead on furrowing his brows and scowling down at him until deciding to make his own move. he curls tightly against your side and nuzzles his face into your neck, nipping at the sweaty skin there. one of his little hands kneads gently at your stomach before it travels up, up, up to a hardened nipple and pinching it between the knuckles of his ring and middle fingers.

“jagiya,” he murmurs, hot against your neck. “jagi, pay attention to me.”

“really?” an incredulous laugh from seungmin from between your spread legs. “you were the one who told me to make myself useful and use my fingers.”

“no, you must have heard me wrong. i said make yourself useful and go back to your bedroom. hyung is busy.”

seungmin just laughs and curls his fingers again, and you cling to minho’s naked shoulder as your thighs shake. seungmin’s fingers are long and slender; they fill you up nicely and reach so deep inside that it takes your breath away. a particularly deep thrust has your cunt gushing around seungmin’s digits, but before your legs can try to close around his shoulders, two juxtaposing hands are holding them apart. minho’s hand grips the one closest to him, squeezing the flesh roughly and keeping you open. the other is held in seungmin’s gentle grasp, his hand rubbing soothingly up and down the skin of your shivering thigh.

minho noses behind your ear, and you can feel his smile.

“i like when you keep your legs open,” he whispers. “even if it’s for a dumb puppy.”

all you can do is whine. your hips manage to buck sloppily against seungmin’s probing fingers, but your rhythm is shot in your desperation to cum. minho’s thick thigh hooks over yours, purposefully making you work harder to keep some semblance of a rhythm.

“hyung, that’s mean,” seungmin grumbles, and his fingers fuck you rougher so you don’t have to work as hard to maintain your grinding.

“hyung’s not mean. i wouldn’t do this if i was mean.”

the same hand on your thigh moves to your pussy, and his small fingers slide right to your swollen clit.

“oh my god!” you keen, the first thing you’ve said in what feels like hours. both of their hands are too much. seungmin’s pumping inside of you and minho’s rubbing outside, it’s too much.

you’re nearly delirious, head tossed back and mouth wide open. it’s loud, the sound of fingers and pussy and pleasure.

it gets even louder when minho leans up and over to spit onto your throbbing clit. he rubs it in, then spits once again to let it slide down to your hole. it catches on seungmin’s fingers, and they’re both mesmerized.

“your turn, seungminnie,” minho breathes, spreading his fingers into a vee to spread your lips and show seungmin your clit.

seungmin leans down to do just that, spitting softly onto your cunt. the lack of force sends most of his spit latching onto his chin instead, but minho is quick to wipe it up with his wet fingers and bring the bubbling spit to your waiting clit.

“th-thank you, hyung.”

minho’s cock is hard against your thigh, and you can see seungmin grinding his hips down on the mattress.

“kim seungmin,” minho says again, spreading the lips of your cunt once more. he taps your clit with his middle finger, and you feel his grin again when it makes you jolt.

“yes, hyung?”

“why don’t you give it a kiss, hm?”

Tags :
10 months ago

🌊 àłƒâ€§â‚Šâ—œ sea may rise, sky may fall chapter VIII

 Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall Chapter VIII
 Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall Chapter VIII
 Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall Chapter VIII

pairing: lee know x f!reader x han jisung

summary: jisung's intoxicated honesty pays off in that he finally gets what he's been craving so madly. but will it be so easy?

word count: 9.4k

warnings: unprotected sex; consensual sex under the influence; p in v; oral sex (m&f receiving); mxm anal sex; one tiny lil predator/prey moment but it's very hot; another fight bc these pirates thrive off drama

author's note: I'M SORRY FOR LAST WEEK'S CLIFFHANGER BUT THE CHAPTER WOULD'VE GOTTEN TOO LONG OKAY!! to make up for it, this is almost entirely smut lol (see why i couldn't add it?). mwah mwah I love you all who have been reading this and commenting religiously. you mean the world to me!

this series is 🔞, so minors, please DNI

series masterlist // skzms masterlist

< chapter VII - chapter IX (coming: friday, may 3, 3pm CET) >

 Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall Chapter VIII

The breath Minho expels puffs against your neck, makes a shiver run down your spine. Jisung looks like a wet dream, a siren with sweet, kissable lips, soft brown hair, an impossibly tiny waist and soft, strong muscled shoulders.

You want him so bad you ache with it.

“Meet me back at the ship,” Minho growls out, want buried somewhere deep in his voice, and Jisung’s eyes widen, like he didn’t quite believe it would work. But he nods, and then Minho’s warmth leaves your back. You watch him walk out, Jisung’s hand still on your neck. Someone bumps into his back, and it jostles him out of his reverie, seems to remind him where you are. He drops his hand. The loss of both their touch makes you shiver with a desperate kind of loss.

Jisung’s achingly deep, lidded eyes slip down to your lips, and you watch his pink tongue dart out to wet his like it holds salvation.

“Not here,” you whisper. Your voice is high, desperate. You reach a hand out, drag your fingers over the back of his. He shivers. You see your want mirrored in him. He blinks erratically, like he’s coming out of a trance.

“Captain,” he mumbles, his voice thick and low and so, so sexy. You think the title may have never sounded better. Jisung’s eyebrows furrow, he pulls his hand out of your reach. Your heart drops.

“Captain, I kissed him,” he whispers, quietly, sorrowfully. Scared. “Minho. A couple weeks ago. We had a fight and emotions ran high, and I kissed him and I should’ve told you, and I’m so sorry.”

You’re frozen where you are, staring back at him, your face schooled into your usual impassivity, though there’s a dull pain in your chest. You hadn’t expected a confession like this. Not here, not now. Jisung takes your silence for disapproval.

“I’m sorry, captain, I understand if you no longer want this. You can just say the word. You can go back to the ship alone. But I needed you to know before we do this because 
” he takes a deep breath, “because I’ve wanted this for too long to let something like this poison it.”

The kraken in your chest rankles, writhes. But it seems undecided, confused. You force yourself to ask the heavy question on the tip of your tongue.

“Do you just want to do this to get to him?”

Jisung actually reels back at that, his eyes wide in shock, body curled in on itself like the question physically hurt. He shakes his head vehemently, reaches a gentle hand closer, until it can wrap around your wrist.

“No! No, God, no, I 
 I’ve wanted you since I met you,” he mumbles, his eyes trained down, but flicking up, like he wants to look at you, but he doesn’t quite have the courage to. His hand slips from your wrist, down, until he can lace his fingers with yours so gently it takes your breath away. His breath hitches. “That’s the trouble – I can’t stop myself from being so greedy when it comes to you. Can’t stop myself from wanting you. Both of you.”

It’s insane, it’s mad, he’s so beautiful, his touch sets you on fire, it’s terrifying.

Abruptly, you get up and he stares up at you. You smile at him as best as you can, stretching out your hand to him.

“Let’s go then.”

He jumps up, laces his warm fingers with yours, lets you lead him through the tavern, past hazy faces, past two bodies intertwined against the wall leading to the toilets that look suspiciously like Hyunjin and Chan, though you can’t dwell on it now with Jisung between your fingertips.

When you stumble out the front door, the fragrant night air rushes into your lungs. It’s balmy, but the breeze is chilly. It clears your foggy head a little, but does nothing to quell the aching want in your belly.

You turn and meet Jisung’s eyes and something cracks, and before you can take another step to drag Jisung to the ship, he pulls you into the dark, shaded alley right next to the tavern. He’s strong, but his movements are gentle, dark eyes hazy as he pushes you against the wall, his hands skating up to cup your face.

“I can’t wait until we’re on the ship to do this,” he mumbles, hotly, sweetly, and leans in.

He kisses you, and it feels like all the blood in your body is replaced by honey, hot and sticky and sirupy-sweet. His lips are impossibly soft against yours, moving against yours with a barely contained hunger. There’s a tremble in his hand when he drags his thumb over your cheek. He drowns the last dregs of your self-control in his sticky sweetness.

Your lips part and your tongue searches for his, a broken moan shivering out of his throat when they touch, silky and hot, licking against yours like he wants to devour you. He wraps his arms around you, pulls you closer, unashamedly presses you against where he’s hard and straining with desire in his pants, like he wants you to know what you do to him. It makes a shiver of arousal rack through you, and you can no longer resist, allow your hand to slither under his shirt, over the soft, hot skin of his waist. You rake your nails down the soft swell of his abs, and he moans into your tongue. You want to eat up every single sound he makes.

He pulls back when he needs air, his nose still resting against yours, hot breath fanning over your lips.

“I need you,” you whisper and Jisung sighs brokenly, “back to the ship. Now.”

And he complies, grabs your hand, and you run, hand in hand, giggling, through the balmy night, down the dusty streets that are almost empty at this time of night, until your boots slither over the wet wood the quay and you have to slow down. He kisses you again once you’re in the safety of the ship, kisses you, smilingly as he clumsily walks you backwards down the hallway to your quarters.

He’s still kissing you, eagerly licking into your mouth, his fingers digging into the skin of your waist when he pushes open the door. You hear Minho suck in a breath. You turn your head. He’s standing in the middle of the room, the candlelight playing off his sharp cheekbones, painting his dangerous, feline eyes an even darker shade of brown until you think he’s staring into your soul. Jisung is still pressed up against you, presses a wet kiss against your jaw as he watches Minho, too.

His name falls from your lips like a wrecked plea just as Jisung reaches out a hand and there’s no hesitation in the way he takes the few steps it takes for him to get to you. His hands shake when he reaches for you, cradles your face in his trembling hands, fear and tension lingering underneath so much raw, aching desire it makes you dizzy. You breathe out, blink at him, try to tell him wordlessly what you can’t put into words, and he seems to understand. He sighs, lets his forehead fall against yours for just a second before he tips his face forward and kisses you while Jisung watches.

Jisung’s arm around you tightens when Minho shivers out a moan, pries your jaw open with his thumb, slips his tongue into your mouth in the way he knows makes you putty in his hands. When you arch your back into Minho’s touch and brush against Jisung’s hard cock that is still straining against your leg, his breathing goes heavy, his desire like a living thing between you.

Minho’s pupils are blown, when he pulls back, his eyebrows drawn together in a dark determination that you know is him keeping his lust in check, but when he fixes Jisung with these eyes, Jisung gulps.

Minho stares at him, eyes flitting over Jisung’s flushed face, his chest that’s rising and falling sharply, and then, in the blink of an eye, Minho takes a step back, bends down, grabs Jisung’s waist and throws him over his shoulder. Jisung yelps, his hands shooting out, trying to stabilise himself on Minho’s back, and the surprise makes him look so adorable you can’t help but chuckle, letting Minho grab your hand and drag you along into your bedroom. He throws Jisung onto the mattress unceremoniously, Jisung’s body bouncing on the mattress as he struggles to keep up, eyes wide and glued to Minho, who bends down and pulls Jisung’s boots down. The tent in Jisung’s pants is painfully obvious with every shift of his body. Minho looks like he wants to devour him.

Minho gets on the bed, crawls up to Jisung with a predatory look in his eyes and Jisung, half-heartedly, distractedly, scoots back, like he’s trying to escape, but his eyes are glued to Minho, a little moan falling from his lips when Minho wraps his hand around his ankle and drags him back down, pulls him right underneath his body.

“I told you to stop running from me,” Minho growls, and then he swoops down, kisses Jisung so hard the latter’s hips jump off the bed with a debauched moan. Jisung’s hands helplessly hover in the air between them, unsure of where he’s allowed to touch, until Minho grabs one of them and brings it to his waist. Jisung’s fingers dig into the fabric readily, tugging at it desperately as Minho all but devours him.

It sends an odd thrill through you, the image of Jisung underneath Minho. It’s like a maddeningly hot out-of-body experience to see Minho like this, but it’s also impossible to rip your eyes away from Jisung; overwhelmed and turned on and uncertain, pretty and desperate under Minho’s control.

You don’t know if it’s the absinthe, but there’s no shame about it when you crawl onto the bed, get close enough until you can hear the wet slide of their tongues, can see the twitch of Jisung’s fingers, hear Minho suck in a breath when Jisung tugs at his shirt harder. You’re so turned on it’s making you feel dizzy, an aching heat, an embarrassing wetness pooling between your legs. Like you’re bewitched, you lift your hand, trail it up Jisung’s strong arms, over his shoulder, until it’s ghosting over his clothed chest.

Jisung gasps into Minho’s mouth and Minho pulls back, grips his chin between his fingers, fixes him with a look that Jisung is barely able to reciprocate. He’s beautiful when he’s so far gone.

“What do you want, hm?” Minho murmurs, and Jisung keens, his fingers digging into the material of Minho’s shirt and tugging at it.

“Anything,” Jisung mumbles, “everything 

He tries to surge back up to kiss Minho again, but Minho pushes him down, sends you a heated look, before he turns Jisung’s head to you, lets you mould your hand around the sharp line of Jisung’s jaw and drag him into another filthy kiss, one he moans into immediately, his own hand surging up to bury itself into your hair, pulling you closer to lick deeper and deeper. You think you could kiss him like this forever.

His nails rake over your scalp when Minho’s hands slide down his body, under Jisung’s shirt, raking up his abs, find his nipples. He chokes out a moan, spit dribbling from the corner of his mouth, and Minho chuckles darkly, pulls Jisung’s mouth from yours by the back of his hair and pulls his shirt over his head.

And despite how gone Jisung already seems, his eyes find yours immediately, gaze dipping down to your lips before he kisses you again, uses his newfound freedom to turn to you better, hands greedily sliding under your shirt, smoothing over the plush of your waist, kneading and dragging his blunt nails over every inch of skin, until his hand finds your tits, and he squeezes, his mouth opening in tandem, his kiss turning filthier and filthier as he rucks your shirt up. Spit is smeared all over your and his pretty peach lips when he pulls the fabric over your head, leaving you bare for his hands to explore.

When he kisses down your jaw, your eyes fall on Minho, towering over the two of you. His hungry eyes are trained on you, glued to your lips, raking down your naked bodies, following Jisung’s hand as he touches you, his own hand palming himself over his pants before he squeezes himself and instead busies himself with untying Jisung’s pants. He groans when Jisung’s cock springs free and smacks against his abdomen, red and hard and leaking from the tip. You can’t tear your eyes from it. It’s perfect.

“No underwear, filthy boy,” Minho growls lowly, and Jisung chuckles cheekily into the skin of your neck before he lets his head loll against the sheets.

“I like how it fee–“

He cuts himself off with a lewd moan when Minho scrapes his nails up the inside of his thighs and wraps his hand around his cock, pumps him a few times, squeezing another few drops of precum from Jisung’s cock. Your mouth damn near waters.

Minho must notice because before you know it, he has shifted his attention to you, leaning up and over you to press an open-mouthed kiss to your lips before peppering more down the column of your throat. He hums appreciatively, taking his time running his tongue over every inch of your skin until he reaches your breasts, sucking a deep red mark in the valley between them before latching his mouth onto your nipple and sucking so hard your back arches off the bed. Jisung next to you moans softly, one hand loosely wrapped around himself as he watches with hungry eyes.

“Always so fucking perfect,” Minho whispers, his tongue laving over your sensitive bud while his fingers are untying the strings on your pants with care, “so fucking perfect for me.”

He looks up at you through hooded eyes, and something in his eyes makes you ache. Your hand finds his hair, scraping your nails over his sensitive scalp in the way you know drives him mad, and his eyelids flutter beautifully. His eyes dart over to Jisung, and he smirks around you, rucks your pants down enough so he can bury his fingertips in your soaked folds, spreading the wetness around just shy of where you need him the most.

“So perfect for us, hm, Jisung?”

Jisung tightens his fist on his cock with a mewl and nods. He looks at you. A strand of his wavy brown hair is plastered to his forehead. You reach up to brush it away. He follows the action like he’s mesmerised.

“Our captain,” he mumbles, and Minho’s finger finally presses down on your clit, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. Jisung watches with rapt attention as you whimper, brows furrowing, eyes struggling to stay open, stay staring into Jisung’s own.

“Fuck,” Jisung whispers, and you smile. Jisung blinks.

“I need to feel you, Jisung, Jisungie,” you mumble, another moan clawing its way out of your throat when Minho rubs you just so, “I want you to fuck me. Please.”

Jisung’s jaw falls open needily, his hand tightening on himself. More precum pearls out of his pretty cock, drips down his shaft.

“Please, let me,” he whimpers, “God, I want it so bad– fuck, my captain 
 you sound so wet 

And you do, Minho’s fingers having done a thorough job of spreading your slick all over your folds, but so does Jisung, the wet sound of his hand working over his cock mixing with the way your cunt squelches when Minho slides his fingers into you so lewd it makes your head spin. When Minho leans in and attaches his lips to your clit, you moan out pathetically loudly.

“Is that what you want, Jisung?” Minho mumbles, the vibrations of his lips against your clit making you mewl. “You want to fuck your captain?” You bury your fingers in his hair, tug so hard you know it must hurt. But you also know he loves it. He groans prettily, his breath coming out in short bursts, as he carefully, maddeningly slowly fucks one finger into you, then two, seemingly more to keep busy than to get either of you any closer to anything. It drives you crazy.

Jisung blushes a deep pink, the colour spreading down the sculpted swell of his chest.

“Want you to fuck me, too, Minho,” he mumbles, “couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

Minho chuckles darkly. Jisung bats his eyelashes, twists his hand meanly on his cock and moans.

“You’re so fucking big, want to feel you inside of me so badly,” he slurs.

Minho reaches out, wraps his fingers around Jisung’s wrist and tugs his hand away from his cock, making Jisung mewl out at the loss, pouting at Minho. But the pout melts from his lips, dissolves into a hiccup and a moan, when Minho pulls his mouth away from you, wraps his hand around Jisung’s cock and suckles the head between his lips.

Minho’s hand is still between your legs, his fingers working you open as if his mouth isn’t busy swallowing Jisung down so hard his eyes roll into the back of his head with a choked moan. You watch Minho, watch how his eyes glint with something that can only be described as greed, his eyes on Jisung when he swallows around him, on you when he crooks his fingers, hips barely perceptibly rutting into the bed beneath him. Your breath catches in your throat. He’s getting off on this.

You make up your mind then, giving Minho a smirk as you gently pull his fingers from you. He glares at you and puts up a fight, but he goes pliant under your hands, moans prettily as soon as you get up, kick your pants and shoes off your body and smooth your palms over Minho’s back.

You hum softly, in response, fingers dipping underneath the fabric to trail over the sensitive skin of his back, over to the front, the muscles in his stomach jumping with every shudder of his body. He sinks his head further down, and Jisung chokes out a groan.

“I won’t– I won’t last,” Jisung whines, fingers threading into Minho’s hair in a desperate effort to ground himself. “B-been so long since 
 hnnng anyone has touched me 
 like this.”

“How?” you ask breathlessly, gaze glued to his writhing body, his rippling stomach. He chokes out another moan, one that sounds almost like a sob.

“Don’t make me say it 

He sounds so wrecked, it makes you dizzy with want. Your hungry hands slide down over Minho’s clothed cock where it’s hot and leaking and so fucking tempting. You waste no time, palming him gently, but hard enough that his hips buck into your hand wantonly, like he usually only does when he’s extra needy. You slip past his waistband and take him into your palm. The fact that having both of you underneath him, having Jisung’s cock in his mouth is getting him that riled up, makes you feel insane.

Jisung’s hips jump off the bed, and he hiccups out another moan.

“Fuck, fuck,” he breathes out before the confession tumbles out of his mouth helplessly. “Like you care how I feel, like you want to make me feel good, like you care about me, oh god, Minho, I’m .. I’m gonna 
 like you l-love me 

The last words peter out into a desperate sob, and you don’t think he’s even aware he said them when his body locks up and his hips stutter up, and he releases into Minho’s hot, ready mouth. Minho’s cock pulses into your hands, and he fucks into the tight fist you’re offering for him erratically as he swallows Jisung’s orgasm, and then he halts, groans, low and deep in his chest, and cums, spilling ropes of hot and sticky all over your fist and into his pants.

Jisung’s words echo in your head while you stroke Minho through his orgasm, when you pull your hand from him, wipe it on his pants, your guts swirling with warmth and apprehension. It’s not a word you use. It’s not a word you’ve dared to speak since you said, “I love you, too, Dad” for the last time. Never even said it to your mother again. And you know she knew. Until you couldn't anymore. It’s not a word you let yourself use, not even in your head, not even when you think of Minho, though you know, deeply, irrevocably, despite everything, despite how hard you try, that what you feel for him goes so far beyond physical.

And despite everything that happened to him, despite everything the world has done to him, the word had just 
 tumbled out of Jisung’s mouth.

You wonder what Minho feels – if his own sudden release had something to do with that one little word. You wonder if Minho could ever love you. Or 
 if he could love Jisung. Find in him something that you couldn’t provide him. The kraken, so blissfully, remarkably quiet so far, stirs uncomfortably in your chest. Your vision is tightening, and you’re wondering how you can somehow escape the oppressing heat of the room when Minho gets up. He turns to you cups your face in his hands, his eyes hazy and soft, a devastatingly handsome smirk on his face, before he rubs his nose against yours and kisses you, softly, sweetly. It’s easy to get lost in, to let yourself get lost in the way his thumbs brush your cheekbones, his tongue maps out every inch of your mouth, the taste of Jisung still on his lips.

Gently, he licks into your mouth, turns you around, guides you onto the bed, parting from you only long enough to pull off his shirt, shove down his soiled pants, and you can barely get a glimpse of his body, his beautiful, strong, familiar body, before he kisses you again, his hands reverently sliding over your skin. And then there’s a second pair of hands joining him, smoothing up your thigh, and a second pair of lips leaving open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder, and it’s hard to feel anything but warmth and heat and them.

“Let me taste you,” Jisung whispers into your skin, trailing his hot wet lips up your shoulder, up your neck and his breath is searingly hot on the shell of your ear. “You’re one orgasm down, we can’t have that. Let me taste you, please? I want it so bad.”

Minho hums in agreement.

“Let’s see how many times you can make her cum while I open you up.”

Twice, it turns out, is how often Jisung can make you cum with his tongue alone.

He’s a sinful sight, face flushed and messy with your slick, eyes half closed and glazed over as he rubs his tongue all over you with an enthusiasm you have never felt before. He’s messy, lapping up his own spit and your arousal from your pussy with fucked out little hums and moans, fucking his tongue inside of you so deeply, so deftly, you see stars. His technique is not so much technique as a desperation to make you feel good and to feel you everywhere, all at once, in turn, licking inside of you and massaging your clit and nipping at your inner thighs all at the same time, the vibrations of his moans from where Minho is steadily fucking his fingers into his hole driving you closer and closer to the edge.

He moans when you cum and grind against his face, mumbling expletives and fucked out pleas into you, dribbles precum into the sheets when you wrap your legs around his head and he can barely breathe as he steadily works you through your overstimulation and pulls the next one out of you with the help of his fingers buried deep inside you, rubbing the calloused pads of his fingers against your sweet spot. By the time you come down, you’re trembling, can barely think straight with pleasure and have to push him away before he goes for another.

Minho chuckles darkly, smoothes his palms over Jisung’s ass sweetly before giving it a spank. Jisung whimpers, keens into his touch. Minho’s eyes bore into yours.

“Good boy,” he praises Jisung as he stares at you and Jisung preens, smiles dazedly as ruts his ass back into Minho’s soft touches. “Are you ready to get your reward?”

Jisung moans, shakes his head.

 I wanna feel you 
 both,” he whines and Minho blinks twice, before he groans deeply, his hand shooting down to grab his own cock. Jisung, unaware of the effect he has, screws his eyes shut, blushes deeply. “’s so greedy, I know, but I’ve wanted you for so long, I need you both.”

His neediness, his openness, the way he stares at you with a deep blush and such big, needy, eyes when he finally blinks them open – it’s so new to you, so unlike the way you and Minho have been fucking, but it’s not bad. God, it’s not bad. It’s maddeningly, all-consumingly beautiful. Endearing. So hot it makes your stomach turn. Jisung, in all his naked, honeyed beauty, made you feel so warm, so trusted, so 
 entirely and unequivocally wanted.

You sit up, cup Jisung’s face, tuck a strand of errant hair behind his ear. You watch him blink at you with wide eyes, all innocence, and shock, before you pull him in for a kiss so tender it hurts you. He makes a high sound in the back of his throat, his lips going pliant against yours, letting you take what you need from him, as if you’re not trying to give him everything you could.

You can’t do it for long, the ache of your heart, the threat of the kraken too strong to withstand it when he kisses you back just as tenderly. A helpless little sigh, a press of his nose into your cheek, a soft hand on your thigh, and you pull back, peck his cheek sweetly. Minho is staring at you, his face utterly unreadable. You brush it off, turn around, get on all fours in front of Jisung.

Minho moans lowly, a noise so guttural you know he’s doing his best to try to keep it together, but he’s failing spectacularly.

Jisung scoots closer, breathes out a breathless string of praises as he places his hands on your waist, presses a kiss to your shoulder blade. Minho murmurs something you can barely make out, and then Jisung’s velvety, hard cock brushes against your thigh. Jisung’s arms come to cage you in, warm, soft chest folding over your back, his breath on your neck.

There’s no way for you to know what’s happening behind you, only Jisung’s breath and the small noises he makes to go by, and somehow that makes it all even hotter.

When Jisung tenses against your back, lets his head fall against your spine, all you can do is imagine what he must look like while Minho is sinking himself into him. His cock brushes against your skin again, and you’re dizzy with want.

“God, so fucking tight, Jisung,” Minho mumbles softly, brokenly, so familiarly, and Jisung whimpers. “So fucking good.”

An involuntary, frustrated whine fights its way out of your throat and Minho chuckles, but there’s barely any of his usual cockiness in it. He leans further into you, and it takes you a second to realise it’s his hand that guides Jisung’s cock until his head is pushing against your entrance, head almost breaching you, tantalisingly close to what you really want.

Jisung’s arms are shaking on either side of you, and he’s panting against your neck.

And then Minho slowly pushes all the way into Jisung and pushes him forwards, until Jisung’s cock finally slides into you, sinks into you inch by inch, and the noises it rips out of you and Jisung in tandem are filthy. Minho curses out weakly, digs his fingers into your skin where he’s holding onto you. You can feel his resolve crumbling with every second.

Jisung feels heavenly inside of you, filling you up perfectly, hot and thick to the brim, just a little bit of a stretch. But it’s nothing compared to when Minho starts fucking into him, rutting Jisung’s cock deep into you with every thrust. When Jisung bottoms out entirely, kisses your womb, your arms wobble, and you nearly fold into the sheets, but Jisung’s own shaky arm winds around your waist, holds you up and against him.

 don’t” he slurs, his breath punched out of him when Minho fucks into him hard, “wann’ feel you.”

So you try to stay upright, for him, but also for the slick, grounding slide of his chest against your back, the sweet noises he pants into your neck. His moans are melodic, divine, every hitch of his breath next to your ear makes you gush around him more.

Minho fucks Jisung harder, makes him mewl, his arm tightens around your waist, his fingers digging into your stomach, and it pulls you up enough for the head of Jisung’s cock to hit your womb over and over and over again, pleasure and pain mingling and shooting through your body until you can feel the tingling all the way in your toes.

Your body is so, so sensitive after your two previous orgasms, and it feels so, so good, and it’s all so much it makes your grip on reality slip, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You whimper out pathetically when the first tear falls, your cunt clenching around Jisung so hard he bucks into you with a hiccupped moan, cursing and moaning wildly. You hear Minho curse out behind you, and then his hands find your waist, holding you steady, holding you in place, and it only drives Jisung deeper and that’s it.

Your back arches, your head falls backwards onto Jisung’s shoulder, you sob, and you fall over the edge, gushing wetness around Jisung’s cock that’s still steadily being driven so deeply into you, you have trouble breathing. Tears are streaming down your cheeks and Jisung whimpers, moans, kisses your shoulders, does his best to hold on, to hold you, to fuck you through it.

As soon as he feels you go slack, he gently lets down so you can collapse onto the bed, pulls himself from your cunt and lets Minho pull him up against his chest. Jisung wraps his free hand around his own cock, and he only pumps twice before he cums with wail, ropes of his spend shooting over your ass and back, clenching around Minho so hard that he follows only a second later, grinding himself in deep with a string of curses and praises as he unloads into Jisung.

You’re boneless, barely aware of the sounds around you, the sticky mess on your back. Jisung collapses next to you with a huff, his hand reaching for yours as he catches his breath, fingers lacing into yours again, just like they did in the tavern, one of his rings cold against your overheating skin. You shiver. You distantly feel Minho wipe at your back, hear him say your name, before you’re tucked into the sheets, pulled into Jisung’s chest, before Minho’s warm, familiar, naked body slides under the sheets, wraps around your back. You fall asleep as soon as he does, with your face smushed into Jisung’s chest, where he’s already snoring next to you.

When Jisung returns to his and Felix’ cabin in the late afternoon of the following day, he half expects Felix to be there, already waiting to interrogate him on where he was last night, why he left with the captain, what on earth he was thinking – but their cabin is empty.

Everything is as he left it, Felix’s bed neat and pretty, his own unmade, sheets still crumpled how he left them before meeting the captain to go and get the maps decoded, a mere 24 hours earlier. 24 hours and so much has changed that he’s dizzy with it. The decoding of his uncle’s maps, the discovery of his murderous plot, one that would cost many people their life, the whole region its stability, the people any hope of changing governance. Finally, an opportunity for revenge, for the captain, but also for him, and for everyone else.

And then 
 the night.

He still doesn’t know what gave him the confidence to approach her, to touch her, to touch Minho, to open himself, lay himself bare at their feet, telling them how much he wanted them. He doesn’t know if it was the absinthe, or the way the captain’s hazy eyes were dragging over his face, how Minho kept sneaking him glances, gaze snagging on his body. And he hadn’t expected anything to come of it, if anything, he’d banked on them rejecting him,= and hopefully forgetting it ever happened.

But no, Minho had looked at it him with so much heat in his dark, predatory eyes that he nearly sank to his knees right there. And the captain – God, her fluttering eyelids, soft, hazy gazes, silky skin and plump, sweet lips.

He will never forget the way his heart was beating out of his chest when he kissed her for the first time, world hazy with that green drink and the smell of her, rosemary and seawater and sweet, sweet love. His captain, the strongest person he had ever met, all intelligent eyes and mind-numbingly soft yet filthily demanding lips and sinfully soft body that she used with such confidence, indulged him in with so much trust. And Minho, sex on legs, so scary it made him hard, with his surprisingly soft and caring and talented hands and his beautiful, huge fucking cock that made him cum so hard he saw stars.

Jisung isn’t one to sleep around. He doesn’t need to pretend that this isn’t what it is for him. He likes them; is drawn to them like he hasn’t been drawn to anyone before. And he’s long past wondering how he can feel that kind of attraction to both of them. How could he, when their bodies melted together like they did last night.

Through the porthole, he sees the sun where it’s starting to dip below the horizon, past the islands of the cove of Nassau, and realises that Felix probably needs help with dinner, painfully notices that he would’ve needed help with breakfast and lunch, too. He gets to his feet before he can start worrying about what he knows, makes his way to the kitchen, ambling along the hallways, and he can’t help but realise how good he feels. His body feels limber, warm, well taken care of, well fucked. He can’t tell if he wants to keep the feeling to himself or wants to scream it from the rooftops.

When he woke up that morning, it was to the captains body pressed against his back, her tits rubbing against his back, her hand trailing over his stomach, down past his happy trail until she took his half-hard cock into her hand and starting palming him, before she threw the sheets to the side and crawled between his legs. Minho had scooted over, pulled Jisung into a kiss that was beyond anything his wildest wet dreams could’ve conjured up, nipping at his bottom lip and swallowing his moans when the captain sank him into her hot, wet mouth. He had blown his load in record time, cumming much harder than he thought he would be able to after the night before, but the captain’s nails digging into his thighs, Minho’s fingers meanly twisting his sensitive nipples and the captain’s tongue working some kind of witchcraft on his cock made him fold easily.

But they didn’t seem to mind, the captain sliding up to kiss him with traces of his spend still on her tongue, whispering about how irresistible, how perfect he was, until he was dizzy. And then Minho dragged the captain back into the pillows, kissed her quick and dirty, much to Jisung’s cock’s delight, before he slid into her from behind, his cock tearing the most sinful, sigh from his captain’s lips. Minho fucked her lazily, slowly, indulgently, and Jisung had been unable to look away, his own cock already painfully hard again just from the beauty of them, intertwined, right in front of him. Jisung was helpless, followed blindly when captain breathed out his name like a prayer, dragging him closer. He pressed himself to her front, her soft skin sliding against his with every single one of Minho’s thrusts, and he had indulged, swallowing her moans with his mouth, his hand snaked between them to rub his cock against her clit, fingertips sliding down to rub where Minho was fucking into her until she came, creamy and wet, and all over both of them, so filthy and perfect that it pulled Jisung over the edge again, spilling all over her thighs and Minho’s cock when he pulled out and unloaded all over them.

Minho had gotten up without another word, left Jisung in bed with the captain, who calmly told him he was drawing them a bath when she noticed him fidget. And for an anxious second, Jisung had to fight with the knowledge that this was normal for them, that they did this often, they belonged together and he – was an intruder. He felt their tenderness, and he felt like they were all on the same page, but what if that was not what they thought after all. What if he was a temporary distraction, a one-night fling, something to spice things up, before they dropped him as soon as he left the room. But then the captain pulled him in with those same achingly solid, confident, and beautiful hands and kissed him lazily, willing him out of his head and right into her pliant warmth. And she kept kissing him, protesting so heartbreakingly in the back of her throat when he so much as slightly pulled back, and he could do nothing but succumb, lips trailing over skin, sucking bruises and laving tongues, until his lips were swollen and raw and his heart beating in his throat with the sheer magnitude of what he was feeling.

It was clear that whatever the captain and Minho had, was more than sex, whether they labelled it as such or not. They never said it, of course, but it was clear as day in the way they looked at each other, in the way Minho always checked in with her, in the way she touched him, pulled him close, almost like she needed his contact to survive.

He didn’t fully understand why they hesitated, when their love was so beautifully obvious to everyone around them, but he would give them time. He just hoped they would figure it out before they could shatter his own heart into a million pieces. But somewhere along the lines, Jisung seemed to have lost his own sense of self-preservation because he realised he would let them, just for the chance to have them like this, however long he could.

Jisung sends a tentative wave to some of his crew-mates in the living area as he passes, one they return lazily, passing a bottle of rum back and forth, presumably to nurse their way through the worst of their hangover.

The mess and the kitchen are suspiciously quiet as he makes his way in. Jisung assumed he would find Felix in the middle of prep, maybe peeling potatoes or cutting up some other vegetables, but when he opens the door, he is faced with four of his friends, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed in front of them.

Felix front and centre, his eyes furrowed into an expression of disapproval, Chan behind him, scowling in disappointment. Hyunjin was to the side, his head in his hands, as he observed Jisung without a smile. Seungmin sits on a stool, his iron glare boring into Jisung’s soul.

“Wha-,” Jisung asks, but his voice gives out. His heart thumps uncomfortably against his ribcage. He clears his throat, tries again.

“What is this?”

Felix’ frown doesn’t budge. It freaks Jisung out more than anything else. It feels wrong.

“This is an intervention,” he states, simply, and Jisung blinks stupidly. “For you. Because you slept with the captain.”

Jisung’s mouth falls open, ungracefully. The words, spoken like that, burn. He wants to correct him, wants to yell at him, tell him that it was so much more, so much more than just “sleeping together” and so much more than what Felix could ever know. But Felix continues before Jisung can even finish the thought.

“And don’t even try to lie about it, I saw you two leave last night.”

The fact that denial didn’t even enter his mind makes anxiety slam into Jisung like a freight train. Chan straightens up behind Felix, shifts his weight, before he finally explodes.

“I talked to you about this just the other day, Jisung. I came to you, in full trust, and I asked you why you kissed him.”

Jisung blanches. They’re all looking at him. He feels their disapproval like a punch in the gut.

“Yes, I told them, but only after you left with her last night. But the point is – I asked you not to pursue Minho, I told you that they have a thing going on, something that goes much deeper than we all probably know. And you said nothing would happen, and now what? You sleep with her?!”

Felix places a calming hand on Chan’s arm and he deflates. The pots are already boiling on the stove, Jisung notes. Seems like they planned this thoroughly. He feels like he might be sick.

“Let’s cut to the chase,” Seungmin pipes up, getting to his feet slowly, calmly. His voice is as steady as ever. “Is this some kind of fucked up game you’re playing? Are you maybe still in your uncle’s pocket after all? Are you trying to take us down by destroying the foundation of our entire crew?”

Jisung makes a strangled sound, somewhere between a cough and an undignified squeal. It’s pathetic, and he hates himself for it so much he wants to throw up.

“Seungmin!” Hyunjin exclaims, and glares at the younger man. Seungmin just shrugs.

“Why beat around the bush?”

Hyunjin shakes his head and gets up, walks over to Jisung. Jisung notices how his eyes drag over his neck, and he suddenly feels very self-conscious, feels the drag of the captain’s lips against his skin still, feels his heartbeat in a bruise Minho sucked right below his jaw.

“Jisung, we don’t think you’re lying to us, okay?” Hyunjin reassures him, and he looks like he could be telling the truth, at least.

“But,” he continues, carefully, eyeing Jisung like he might explode any second. And he might. “you have to understand – we don’t know why else you would be 
 doing this. Going after the captain’s partner, then the captain herself. And now sleeping with her?! Do you have any idea what will happen when Minho finds out?!”

Hyunjin goes a little pale at the thought. He looks genuinely worried when he whispers the next words. “He’ll kill you.”

The implication, how wrong all of this is, finally pushes Jisung out of his stupor. He opens his mouth, tries to find the words, loses his courage. He wills his heartbeat back into his chest. Fixes his gaze on the floor.

 you don’t understand,” he mumbles lamely, and he hears Chan scoff. But Hyunjin steps closer, places a supportive hand on his shoulder.

“Try us. Maybe we can.”

“Hyunjin,” Felix says sharply, “we talked about this.”

But Hyunjin just fixes him with a glare before turning back to Jisung. Jisung feels suffocated under their eyes, the fading bites on his skin, the phantom of the pleasure still in his bones, it’s too much.

“I didn’t sleep with the captain,” he exclaims, and flinches, ”well, I did, but 

“What the fuck?!” Chan barks, and Jisung flinches. He steels himself, and faces his angry face, all their angry, disbelieving faces. He lifts his hands defensively, hides behind them because he’s 
 scared, he realises.

“Let me finish. I did sleep with her, but I promise, it won’t be a problem, okay? Because 
 because,” it’s like the whole room is holding its breath waiting for him to drop the bomb. Then he realises it’s just him, and finally exhales. Shakily.

 because Minho was there, too.”

Silence. Deafening silence.

Hyunjin takes a surprised step back, ogles him with wide eyes. Chan breathes out a quiet what?!, and even Seungmin looks shocked. “What do you mean Minho was there?” Felix asks, incredulous. Jisung blushes even harder. His face feels like it’s about to go up in flames. His chest like it will cave in. He thinks he might not make it through this conversation.

“Well, he was there. But not just 
 I mean, he was also 
 involved, so to speak 

Everyone is still staring at him, so he just sighs loudly, throwing his arms up in defeat. Anxiety makes him stupid sometimes.

“We all fucked, okay? I fucked the captain, Minho fucked me, he fucked her, he sucked me off, I ate her out, 

All four of them yell almost in unison, Chan trying to cover his ears, Seungmin squeezing his eyes shut.

“Well, fuck you! You asked!” he yells indignantly, irritation bubbling in his guts. This was really messing up his post-best-night-of-his-entire-life glow.

“You’re not fucking with us?” Felix asks, and Jisung shakes his head. Out in the living area they hear Minho’s loud voice yell something, and Hyunjin looks at Jisung, then at the door, and before he Jisung can stop him, he darts out. He returns moments later, dragging a confused, slightly irritated Minho behind him. When his eyes fall on Jisung, they do something that Jisung had never seen before. A softening, a glimmer of familiarity. It’s breathtaking. Jisung almost makes the mistake of smiling at him like a lovesick fool. But he catches himself.

“Minho, we need you to be honest with us. What did you do last night?” Felix asks, sombrely, but much softer than he was to Jisung. Jisung bristles, turns to Minho.

“They ambushed me to confront me about last night, and they refuse to believe what you were there,” he explains, and Minho’s face goes from confused, to angry, to stony. Then he slowly turns to Felix, nails him with a glare so utterly dark, Jisung doesn’t know how Felix can stand it. But he does.

“What did I tell you about speculating about the captain and my private life? And what did I say I would do to you if you told other people about your theory?”

If Felix is intimidated, he’s hiding it well. He tosses his head.

“We’ve all long known that something is going on between you and the captain, and your secret is safe with us. Nobody beyond this room knows, and none of them will learn of this conversation. We just want to make sure nobody is fucking with our captain.”

Minho stares at him for a little longer.

“Nobody beyond this room?”

Felix shakes his head.

“Nobody beyond this room knows what we’re talking to Jisung about, and nobody will know.”

Minho nods, freezes for a second, blinks. Then an almost eery, slightly evil smile stretches across his lips. Felix, to Jisung’s satisfaction, finally looks a little bit uncertain.

Minho half turns to Jisung, fixes him with a look that makes a shiver run down Jisung’s spine.

“In that case,” he muses, “Jisungie’s not lying. He was with me and the captain last night.”

Jisungie. Jisung’s heart skips a beat.

And before he knows what’s happening, Minho takes two steps towards him, easily tips his head up with his thumb and kisses Jisung, right there, right in front of them. Jisung’s eyes widen before they slip shut, and he melts into it. Minho licks into his mouth, practised, almost sweetly, and altogether way too filthily for the situation they find themselves in. Jisung knows it’s to punish them. He kisses him back dirtier. Minho smiles against his lips. He’s already aching with need all over again.

But Minho pulls back much too quickly, leaving Jisung dazed and sobering and blushing and entirely unable to meet anyone else’s eyes.

“That clear things up?” Minho asks, looking straight at them, sickeningly sweetly, his hand still cupping Jisung’s face. He doesn’t even wait for their response before he turns on his heels and stomps out of the kitchen. Jisung wishes he could just follow him, but he has to face the music.

“Jisung,” Hyunjin says softly, hesitantly comes closer again. He places his hands on his shoulders, but Jisung’s patience is at its limit. He brushes Hyunjin off, ignores the latter’s pained grimace.

“Why do you always assume I’m lying?” he asks, indignation thick in his voice. The faces looking back at him are surprised, Hyunjin just looks guilty.

“No matter what I do, you always think I’m trying to sell you out. Last time with Minho, now with this. Why are you so dead set on the fact that I’m going to betray you, when I have done nothing to make you think that?! I keep telling you that I’m on your side, I kill my uncle’s men right in front of you, I help the captain and Minho formulate a plan to take him down and then 
 I come back here and the first thought you have when I just 
 do what I want to do, is that I’m, somehow, trying to sell you out?! What the fuck?!”

He feels a familiar tightness in his chest and the way Chan avoids his eyes, the way Hyunjin grimaces at him, it only makes him angrier.

“Just say you don’t fucking trust me and be done with it. But that means what I do and who I fuck is none of your goddamn business.” And with those words, he turns around and stomps out of the room. Nobody even calls after him.

He pretends to be asleep later that night, when Felix turns in for the night. He’s later than usual, Jisung can tell from the position of the moon he’s been staring at for the last few hours as he has willed the warmth, the pleasure back into his body, where it had been displaced by cold shame. He hasn’t been very successful. He could’ve gone back to Minho and the captain, but he couldn’t bring himself to. If they rejected him now he might do something stupid. He still might, because the thought of them, together, as they always have been, happy and sweet and without him, as they always fucking have been, sends him spiralling into territory he would rather not go.

But now Felix is here, changing out of his clothes quietly. Jisung knows he’s late because Jisung wasn’t there to help with clean-up. He knows it’s petty, but he thinks it’s only fair.

When Felix has changed out of his clothes, he doesn’t climb up to his cot immediately, like he usually does. He wavers, before he gingerly sits on Jisung’s bed.

Jisung can’t swallow down the scoff he makes. Felix doesn’t take the bait. Jisung wishes he did. Anger would be easier.

“I think it’s because nobody around here has ever been as honest as you,” Felix finally murmurs. He sounds apologetic. He hesitates for a moment, as if to see if Jisung will interrupt him. But Jisung stays stubbornly silent.

“The likes of us usually don’t go around wearing our hearts on our sleeve like you do. Even when we’re on someone’s side, we play our cards close to our chest. Because you never know, you know? It takes a lot for us to trust someone. Because we all got fucked over one too many times by people we thought we could trust”

Jisung stays still, lets Felix’ words wash over him.

“But you 
” Felix continues, and lets out a weak little laugh, “you walked in that first day, and you seemed to have already decided that you would trust us. You gave us your story and told us you’d be ready to turn against not just the governor, but your own family and 
 well, nobody else has ever just been like that. It almost felt 
 too good to be true.”

Jisung clamps his mouth shut. He doesn’t want to give Felix the satisfaction of arguing with him again. Not after everything else has been used against him.

“But that’s not your fault, is it,” Felix murmurs, and Jisung can’t help it any more. He turns around, sits up, stares at Felix. Puffy eyes and bruised neck and shame and all. Felix looks away, fixes his eyes on the floor. “I think it’s admirable. It’s 
 it’s why I like you so much. I’m pretty sure it’s why the captain likes you, and Minho, too. Scratch that, it’s why everyone has been so immediately taken with you. You are so easy to love, so easy to trust, we’re just all 
 hurt and jaded and in pain 

“So am I, though 
” Jisung mumbles and Felix huffs out a small, humourless laugh. He places his warm hand on Jisung’s leg. Jisung hates how much the touch soothes him. Felix gives him a sad little smile.

“Well, then you’re doing a hell of a job loving regardless.”

Jisung doesn’t entirely know what that means, but he doesn’t ask. After a beat of silence, Felix speaks again.

“What I’m trying to say is that we’re sorry, I’m sorry. The thing is, we do trust you, deep down, more than we would anyone else considering how long we’ve known you, and we love that you’re part of the crew because you added so much. Maybe that’s why the idea of you turning on us now is extra painful. It would shatter a lot of our trust, again, and, like I said, we’re already bad at that. Trusting people.”

He squeezes Jisung’s thigh one more time, before he gets up. Jisung misses it. Felix hesitates in front of his bed, fiddles with the hem of his pyjama shirt, avoiding Jisung’s eyes.

“Can I ask, though 
 If you didn’t sleep with the captain and Minho to break them apart, why did you sleep with them?”

Jisung stares at him, feels his face heat up. His chest aches where his heart is threatening to break.

“Because I wanted to,” he says quietly, eyes falling to the patchwork of his sheet, plucking at a stray piece of string.

“Do you 
 I mean, is it just fun or 
 do you like them?” Felix asks, and Jisung huffs out a humourless laugh.

“I really like them. Both of them. Like, way more than I should.”

Felix hums, but Jisung doesn’t dare look up. The silence he’s met with hurts. Feels portentous.

“Be careful, Jisung, with your heart,” Felix finally says. It’s small. Quiet. “When I say we’re bad at trust, I mean we can also be pretty bad at that kind of thing. Love. We don’t usually get to have that any more. We usually think we 
 don’t deserve it.”

Jisung feels his words like tiny little knives stabbing him in his chest. Outwardly he just nods and Felix looks at him, sighs, and turns to climb up to his cot.

“Okay, enough lecturing. I’m sorry, Jisung, I really am. And I trust you. I’m glad you found us.”

He already has one foot on the ladder when Jisung manages to breathe out his name.



“Can I have a hug?”

Felix chuckles, light and airy, and it makes some of the weight from Jisung’s heart dissolve into the night.

“Of course, silly,” he says and lunges onto Jisung’s bed, tackling him to the mattress. Jisung squeals, yells, pretends to shove Felix off, but the warm weight of him, his hair, soft and still smelling like plum pudding, it’s all he needs.

They wrestle and yell until Changbin slams his fist into the wall and yells at them to shut up.

 Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall Chapter VIII

< chapter VII - chapter IX (coming: friday, may 3, 3pm CET) >

 Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall Chapter VIII

series masterlist // skzms masterlist // kofi

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Tags :
10 months ago

Aphrodisiacs · 「Touch」

Aphrodisiacs Touch
Aphrodisiacs Touch
Aphrodisiacs Touch
Aphrodisiacs Touch
Aphrodisiacs Touch

➄ Massage Therapist!Minho x Client!Reader (f) — 3k

➄ The author chooses not to issue tags for everything that takes place in this work to preserve some element of surprise where applicable. By continuing, you accept to proceed at your own risk. Read full disclaimer here.

⚠ — Unintentionally sensual massage, stigmatophilia (piercing fetishism/mc has one).

➄ Lotus Massage & Healing is all the rage right now, and having a friend that works there has some perks.

Aphrodisiacs Touch

“Okay, I have to ask,” you placed your coffee mug on the table, “What’s up with the rise of Lotus Healing lately? That place is fucking everywhere on social media.”

“A famous ASMR content creator visited us a couple of weeks ago, and ever since then we’ve been getting bookings like there’s no tomorrow,” Felix explained as if he was doing a newscast.

“The fuck? You’re getting rich because of tingles?”

“You haven’t seen what my boss looks like, have you?” he grinned and took his phone out. In a matter of seconds, you were looking at the About page of this high end spa’s website, and your jaw hit the floor.

“NO SHIT! This is him?!” you pointed at the zoomed in image of a ridiculously good looking man on the screen while scaring the passing waitress, “I really thought he was some ancient healing guru or something.”

“Well, he’s very much in his prime years as you can see.”

“I need this man to knead me immediately,” you pretended to wipe the drool from the corners of your mouth, “Does he do one of those happy ending things?”

“Don’t be fucking ridiculous!” he scolded, seemingly offended, “Lee Minho is a legitimate god of massage therapy. He gets booked by stage performers a lot.”

“Oh, he’s a god alright and he looks like my salvation.” 

“Sorry to break it to you, but he’s not dating material, like at all. He’s so fucking stoic, not to mention highkey egocentric,” an utterly unamused expression climbed on his freckles, “I do get these intrusive thoughts of designing humbling experiences for him every now and then, but the pay is insanely good, so

“Can you blame him? If I looked like that, I would have confidence seizures, too.”

Felix’s face changed all of a sudden as if he was having a lightbulb moment. Being such close friends for the longest time, you knew a lot of unnecessarily intimate details about each other, but Felix also knew something about this Lee Minho. Something he casually divulged during some dude talk moment over drinks, but what was important here was that you happened to be in possession of his kryptonite. 

He couldn’t fucking believe this hadn’t occurred to him sooner.

“You know what, I actually have reason to believe he would like you,” he loudly slurped on his coffee.

“Because of ya girl’s infinite charms, why thank you,” you quipped with a pleased smile.

“Something like that,” he smirked in return, “Why don’t you make an appointment for when you’re free? I’ve been meaning to thank you for helping me move anyway.”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for, but you’re the fucking man, Lix!”

You snatched his phone from him to check out the appointment schedule on the webpage, but damn, Felix wasn’t exaggerating when he said people were booking like there was no tomorrow.

“Jesus, how the fuck you don’t have anything available until December?!”

“Scratch the formalities. I’m your plug anyway,” he reached for his mug again, “I’ll hook you up with his custom therapy.”

“Custom therapy?”

“That’s the Lee Minho experience,” he winked and finished the rest of his coffee.

The following weekend, you made your way to Lotus Massage & Healing, very much looking forward to some me time being pampered by some man oozing sexiness. The location was in the heart of the city, and you could literally smell the simplistic extravagance of the place from the moment you walked through the door.

“Hi, I’m here for my 2 p.m. appointment?”

“Welcome to Lotus,” you were greeted by the god of massage therapy himself, “My name is Lee Minho. I’m the owner of the establishment.”

Oh, I know who you are, motherfucker, you wanted to say, but your usual antics weren’t exactly appropriate for your friend’s fancy workplace. Instead, you put on the good girl mask and politely smiled at him.

“I have you for custom therapy today, correct?”

You have me for whatever you want actually, the voice in your head commented on your behalf.


It was hard to believe Minho was real for how good looking he was, but you understood what Felix meant when he was describing his boss. The man was polite, but he wasn’t smiling at all, causing you to wonder whether he was capable of feeling an emotion. Then again he had such an aloof serenity to him that it made perfect sense he was running a business like this.

“Please proceed to Room 3 and undress. I’ll be with you shortly.”

You thanked your prospective therapist and headed to the location you were given. The room looked like it was meant for relaxation. The walls were a very dark shade of brown, almost black, and the soft orange lights illuminating the place provided quite a nice contrast. Placed on a small table next to the massage bed, there were several wooden instruments as well as oil bottles in different sizes and straw-made decorations. Almost inaudible ambient sounds were playing in the background, and it smelled so good inside that the coziness quickly enveloped you. 

You removed all your clothes and put them in a closet, then lay facedown under the soft covers that looked like gray fleece blankets. The material felt so good on your skin. Shortly after, you heard the heavy wooden door open, and you caught a glimpse of Minho’s black scrubs to your left.

“I’ll be giving you a full body treatment today,” he started talking in whispers to let you know about his agenda, “If you’re uncomfortable at any point, please let me know.”

I doubt it, you giggled to yourself inside. You heard the sound of him pumping oil into his palms, rubbing some up to his elbows, and then he established first skin-to-skin contact.

It was like a tornado made landfall.

Minho’s large and veiny hands felt oh so good on your skin, immediately causing you to exhale. Just a few minutes in, you already knew why he was dubbed the god of massage therapy. Slippery but precise movements of his fingers drawing abstract fractals on your back, undoing all the knots you didn’t even know you had, and weirdly enough

Arousing you without touching a single erogenous zone.

Sure, this wasn’t the kind of establishment where he fucked his clients, but just having him touch you however he wanted, and the awareness of being at a beautiful stranger’s complete mercy felt like the most oddly erotic experience of your life. Maybe it was the oils, maybe it was the dim lights, maybe it was simply the knowledge of Lee Minho running his hands on your naked body with the sole intention of making you feel good, who knew, but you were unintentionally clenching your jaw to stop yourself from making questionable sounds.

“Please don’t restrain yourself if it feels pleasurable. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he spoke very softly, noticing the tenseness, “It just means you’re enjoying it.”

“I don’t want people to think something else is going on inside,” you admitted, kinda glad he wasn’t able to see your face, “It feels a bit too good.”

“Our walls are soundproof. Please be comfortable.”

 Since he asked...

His touch became firmer like he was encouraging you to let loose, and you couldn’t help the high note of a moan your sigh started with before receding into a mute breath. If you looked into his eyes at that moment, you would be able to see how satisfied he was with the reaction he elicited.

The moment you felt the flat surface of hot stones gliding on your back, Minho started properly pushing you into a comatose state of relaxation. You were wondering if death by massage was at all possible because it was that good. You were simply melting on that table, the sounds of delight you were making concerningly bordering on sexual gratification by the time he was done with your legs.

“Now turn around,” he whispered his instructions.

There was only one untouched zone left. You couldn’t dare open your eyes as Minho was working your torso, hands slithering all over you like a pair of snakes replacing the discomfort in your body with some poison of pleasure. Your anticipation inadvertently peaked when he finally reached your crotch. 

The room was so freaking silent that the slightest rustle was amplified in your ears sixfold. When he slowly removed the soft material covering you from the waist down, there was no mistake that Minho gulped.

The unexpected sight of a piece of minimalistic accessory adorning your pussy shocked his entire body like a bolt of lightning.

“Christina?” he nonchalantly asked.

“Hm?” you hummed a bit dazed, currently fighting the urge to fall asleep.

“Your piercing.”

“Wow, you namedropped,” you smiled stupidly, “You know your stuff, huh?”

“I’m an intimate jewelry aficionado,” he continued in whispers, “I don’t mean to be crass, but it makes you look even prettier.”

So this was what Felix meant when he said he had reason to believe Minho would like you. You as in your pussy. 

Aficionado my ass, you thought to yourself while internally laughing your ass off. Minho had a very obvious fetish he was normal about, but you still found it super flattering coming from a guy like him, the god of therapy or sex or who the fuck knows what else.

“Thank you very much,” you heaved a sigh through your smirk, “You can feel it if the fancy strikes.”

If the fancy strikes. 

Not only did Minho have complete tunnel vision on the titanium-plated jewelry, but he was also in the middle of a hardcore battle with his urges, chastising himself for being so fucking weak for something like this, not to mention utterly unprofessional. He was suffering from such a horrible case of acute onset desire that he was on the literal brink of throwing himself at you. 

Did issuing a trigger warning for extreme sexiness occur to you by any chance? 

Before soaking his hands in oil again, Minho maneuvered to slide his index and ring fingers down your labia, careful not to make contact with your clit for his own sanity even though both of you were longing for that touch. Your folds were already glistening with your arousal, making him heavily salivate with how much he was craving for it on his tongue. He discreetly stained the tip of his middle finger with you, then turned around to allegedly pump some oil in his palms whereas he just wanted to scratch an unbearable itch in his brain.

Not that he had any experience with narcotics, but he was convinced this was what heroin fiends felt like for how instantly addictive your taste was, and he was going to lose his mind if he couldn’t coat his tongue with your slick through and through.

He took a deep breath and started massaging your inner thighs first. It was a healing touch, but you couldn’t help how your body tensed up no matter how much you were trying to relax. Every time he got closer to your pussy, your breathing patterns changed, suddenly becoming much more frequent, then retreating to its basal rhythm again. It wasn’t long before the awareness hit—this feeling was uncannily similar to having a partner edge you for their own pleasure.

This wasn’t some tantric massage technique or anything anymore. He was legitimately playing with you, and you wanted him to get wetter, messier, just fuck the shit out of you on that table, and use you to satiate his own appetite.

But he wasn’t making a move. 

You didn’t know if it was against some mighty principle or if he just couldn’t find the courage to go through with it. You were trying to find the right words to tell him that you would keep this little secret between you two as long as you lived, that he had nothing to worry about, and that all you needed was his mouth on you, but your mind had stopped working some time ago. All you could process was Minho’s touch. His breathing. The way he kept subtly licking his lips and how his Adam’s apple bobbed every time he swallowed. You were so damn turned on that weren’t able to tell anymore if it was the pleasant-scented oils or your own slick covering you between your legs. Minho’s sharp sense of smell, on the other hand, was snitching on how he was able to get you this wet, which served as a phantom touch that stroked his ego and his cock at the same time.

And even though he had a completely expressionless façade, Minho’s professionalism still couldn’t stop him from getting embarrassingly hard, throbbing every time his fingers caressed your piercing. He was done with the session maybe five minutes ago, but he kept dragging it on to admire you just a little bit longer, and with each drop oozing out of you, he found himself contemplating harder. 

Was your taste worth risking his whole entire reputation and career for?

In the battle of logic versus lust, the latter had already declared a bloody triumph. All he needed to do was to take the loss with grace and surrender. 

So did you.

Minho’s ministrations came to a halt, and he was looking at your soaked cunt like he was in a trance, eyes glassy, pupils blown wide, lips parted and slightly panting. He brushed his thumb over your clit once, overcome with the urge to suck on it, and even though you were visibly clenching, he was just too stunned to act on it.

And you ran out of fucking patience.

“Do it,” you breathily uttered, leaving absolutely no room for any doubt or second thoughts.

One look into your eyes, and Minho’s entire train of thought immediately derailed. You shouldn’t have said that. You really shouldn’t have said that. You shouldn’t have looked at him with that much fire in your gaze. You shouldn’t have sounded like he was everything you ever desired. 

As if he was possessed, Minho pressed two fingers on your clit and started rubbing you. Your moans were getting more and more desperate, and it was just so fucking tempting. His eyes were examining your every move, how your body was reacting to him, how good he was making you feel, and he could only promise to make you feel better. You eventually couldn’t stand it anymore and propped up on your elbows.

“Taste me,” you firmly commanded looking dead into his eyes.

And he lost all control.

Was your taste worth risking his whole entire reputation and career for?

Yes. Yes, it was. It fucking was.

He sinisterly smiled at you in response, and you watched him lower his head and fucking finally give you what you were in dire need of. A single slow drag of his tongue from your entrance all the way up to your clit, punctuated with a soft suck.

“Never thought I would describe taste as pretty, but that’s what you taste like,” Minho spoke a bit more audibly than a whisper this time, “You taste as fucking pretty as your pussy.”

Then he immediately proceeded to ravage you, closing his entire mouth on your cunt. Just kissing, licking, and slurping on you so eagerly as though he was touch-starved for years. You may have said that half-jokingly, but turns out you were going to get your happy ending after all. Happy ending but it was in hell and you were forever burning in the fires of lust consuming you, bestowed with a climax every time you fucking blinked.

And that was the only right way to die. Between Minho’s perfectly plush lips.

You were already so on edge that you instinctively put your hands on his head, which prompted him to lock his arms on your thighs and bury himself deeper into you. You rode his beautiful face faster and faster and faster, hurrying to get your sweet release until you finally snapped, dissolving in his mouth and offering him the most intense notes of your essence. The afterglow of your orgasm slowly spread throughout your entire body, and combined with the already relaxed state you were in, you were almost on the brink of passing out. Minho came into your vision again with a tall glass of water, and you felt every single one of your cells being rejuvenated with the cool liquid rushing down your esophagus. With a pleased smile on his face, he left you by yourself to gather your wits and get dressed, and greeted you in the hallway after you emerged from Room 3.

“Satisfied with the service I presume?”

“Very much,” you reciprocated the curls at the corners of his mouth, “I would love to come in frequently, but I understand you’re quite booked.”

“I take after-hours appointments if you’re interested.”

“Do you now?”

You shared a silent look that lasted several seconds, your smiles still intact. Then Minho took out something that looked like a business card printed on matte black paper from his back pocket and handed it to you.

“This is my personal number. The private booking comes with a side benefit of a nice dinner,” he checked you out one last time from head to toe before leaving, “Call me.”

Aphrodisiacs Touch


Happy endings never felt so good.

Aphrodisiacs Touch

ă€ŒÂ© 2021-2024, cb97percent · No translations, rewrites, or reposts permitted」

Aphrodisiacs Touch

✉ Enjoyed this? It would be cool of you to reblog so that my work can reach more people.

Tags :
10 months ago

The Call | ft. Bang Chan

Inspired by this.

— Rating; M for Mature

— Pairing; Bang Chan x Reader

— Warnings; crack fic LOL, no actual phone call, daddy kink, mentions of poly ot8 + reader, banter, brat!reader, this all could have been avoided if reader just called chan herself.

The Call | Ft. Bang Chan

“Hey, can I use your phone to call mine? I can’t remember where I left it.”

“Yeah, sure,” you shrug, handing it over without much thought. “Changbin or Jisung didn’t know either?”

“Nah,” Chan answers, looking for his photo in your text threads. “Couldn’t ask ‘em because they’re out. Hope I didn’t leave it at the stu—“ he cuts off abruptly.

“What’s up?” you ask him, not looking up from your task. “Is there someone calling in?”

“Uhm,” he pauses, still staring at your phone screen. “Not exactly.”

“Okay?” you hum noncommittally, waiting for him to continue.

“Uh, what’s my contact in your phone?”

Instantly, the flames of a thousand suns engulf you; your whole life even flashes before your eyes. It’s an honest mistake, but one that has you staring at the wall wishing the floor would open up and swallow you whole. The only reasonable response is to stay silent, but you know he’ll ask again.

“Ah,” you say, nervous laughter following. “Christopher.”

The response you get is Chan settling your phone before you, screen up on your desk. A knobby finger is extended from his hand, pointing out your obvious lie. Chan’s sweet, dimpled smile stares back at you from the icon, at odds with the words that fill the space below it.

“No, haha — no. That does not say Christopher,” he accuses, like you don’t know that, like it’s not your phone in the first place.

You look at him for the first time since you handed over the device. It’s a little shocking to see him looking right back at you, a pretty, manicured eyebrow hiked up to his hairline in clear disbelief.

“Channie,” you answer with a questioning lilt. You can watch the way he swallows, adam’s apple bobbing with the motion.

“You’re unbelievable,” he snorts, shaking his head. “Open it up and read it to me, then.”

“Huh?!” you screech, eyes bulging out.

“You heard me. Open it up and read it,” he repeats, crossing his arms over his chest.

You hate that about him. Hate how he can flip the switch from being boyishly cute to sexily in command just like that. It’s rude, so rude, actually. You definitely want to fuck him about it. You want to let your physical actions show him why his name isn’t just “Christopher” in your contacts. Still, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t give him a hard time.

“And if I say no?”

A small huff of laughter rings out, the press of his tongue to the inside of his cheek making the flesh pop out. Of course, of course, Chan remembers. What once was a shy woman is now a bratty princess, remade by Chan’s own hands with the help of his seven other members. You used to be so shy and docile with them. That persona left you the moment you got comfortable and something more daring blossomed in its place. Chan likes that about you, loves it even, but right now he’s got a role to play.

“Well, then Daddy might have to make you.”

“Oh,” you say, nearly going limp in your seat.

Chan’s not really the forceful or punishing type — that’s more Minho’s realm — but it seemingly does the trick. You lick your lips at the thought of being forced to read it out, pussy clenching between your thighs. You’re a sucker for well displayed dominance; you’re also a sucker for a man who calls himself by his title. Clearly, Chan knows both of these things and uses them to his advantage.

“Yeah,” Chan coos, breathy and low. “There’s my good girl, hm? Now go on, do as you’re told, baby.”

You shiver, moving like you’re under a spell. You unlock your phone mindlessly, staring at the one thing that’s causing you so much distress. You glance at Chan again, blinking heavy eyes at him. He thinks you’re way too cute for your own good.

“Tell me what it says, baby. What’s my contact name?”

“B B C,” you start, feeling embarrassment grip your throat at the sound of your own voice, “Daddy.”

“Uh huh,” he nods, “and what does B B C stand for?”

“B-Big,” you choke, “Big Bang Cock.”

He laughs then, something warm and sultry. “You think it’s big?”

“Know it’s big,” you mumble, turning the phone face down on the desk. “You know that too.”

“Hm? Do I? Maybe you should remind me that you can take it, yeah? If it’s so big..” he trails, looking from you to your bed.

“I can take it,” you assure him, scrambling out of your seat so you can fumble your way to the bed. “I can take it so good.”

“And if you can’t?” Chan teases, following behind you.

It’s a risky question, knowing you, but Chan the thrill that comes with knowing you might sass back at him makes his dick incredibly hard. He can feel it twitch in agreement when he sees you grin, looking back at him over your shoulder.

“Then I guess Daddy might just have to make me.”

The Call | Ft. Bang Chan

© hyungszn 2024; please do not copy, steal, repost, modify, translate, or recommend on any other platform without my permission!

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