Happy Birthday To Our Winter Bear I Purple You
happy birthday to our winter bear ❄️ I purple you 🤍
More Posts from Yoruxx
episode 12 of true beauty really has me in shock, who could do something like that to jugyeong.. I really don’t like how Soujin is becoming like the bullies.. I’m gonna catch her outside ..
this episode got me in shock ... I can’t believe minthe did that in front of hades and persephone.. 💀
I hope persephone doesn’t see hades differently .. :c
seojun deserved better 🥲
It broke my heart that he was always their for jugyeong and she never saw it .. these last two episodes broke my heart in two
this show is amazing 🤎
jongin’s bowling struggles = my daily struggles
Aftercare & why it’s not only important but ESSENTIAL
What is aftercare: Aftercare is a form of providing comfort for your significant other, usually one who takes on the role of a submissive. It causes them to feel safe, and secure. It is a way to reduce the chance of Subdrop. Aftercare is common in the BDSM scene due to the intensity of the scenes or actions that take place. BUT it is also extremely important in the CGL community as well.
Using Aftercare after a punishment has been done is really important. It shows that while you had to punish them, you still love them! You still care about them and their needs and how they are feeling.
It is also important to know that aftercare is needed by dominants as well, this is not something that is for subs only. Be aware of how your partner is doing before and after a scene or relationship experience. It’s important to be aware of these things to avoid a potential relationship damaging experience.
If you ignore subdrop or the needs of your partner, it is possible for them to lose interest. They will become distant. They lose their trust in you. They will begin to find less enjoyment in entering a scene or aspects of the relationship dynamic with you.
Examples of Aftercare:
Drawing them a bubble bath
Cuddles and a movie
Gentle caressing
Just holding your partner
Giving them a bath
A massage
Using soothing lotions on bruises/marks
A short nap with your partner
Petting/soothing with words. (i.e. good girl/good boy/ you did so well)
Giving a treat (warm milk/tea/some goldfish, etc)
Brushing their hair
Watching a movie of your partner’s choice
Reading a book to them
Kissing their marks/bruises/wounds
Letting them know they’re safe
Wrapping them in their favorite blanket with their favorite stuffed animal
Ensuring their comfort item is within reach
Treating any potential injuries/wounds
Having a deep conversation/heart to heart
Reading them a story
Preparing a meal for you and them, ensuring they eat and hydrate
Answering questions they ask -remaining calm during it.
Ask how they are feeling and checking often
Validate them
Be emotionally available and understanding
For more information about aftercare check out these following links:
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