Do you think we'll be in love forever?
402 posts
Youneverlikedmeanyway - Sad Internet Girl - Tumblr Blog
I’m surrounded by squalor. I created an infestation. They’re everywhere. I can’t deal with this shit. Nobody knows I’m living in a fucking depression pit. Thinking of cleaning it up is sending me spiraling. I tried to get rid of them but they won’t go away. And everyone’s gonna find out the shit I was living in. I’d rather be found dead in my mess than confronted and looked down upon while I’m alive
I feel like I’m trying to hold my life together like a bundle of yarn falling apart. Each loose end is another lie that makes me feel so guilty but that must be maintained just to keep existing in my paradise. And every time something unravels and takes me out of this paradise I really wanna end it

Margaret Atwood, from “Europe on $5 a Day”, The Door

— Tina Chang, from “Color.”
I feel like there’s no way out. I really don’t want to but I feel so stuck. I really fucked up this time

— Izumi Shikibu, from The Ink Dark Moon: Love Poems by Ono No Komachi and Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan

— Natalie Diaz, Manhattan Is a Lenape Word

— Mahmoud Darwish, Another Road in the Road

Warsan Shire, from “Midnight in the Foreign Food Aisle”, Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head

![[ID: Look how we bleed from all this wanting]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b2a748271c0fdc6cf11cb6f1089fd25d/cd498f4afcc34da0-e5/s500x750/f6f001cd52fff330001dd99ed58c1d9914239a4f.jpg)
Woman, Eat Me Whole, Ama Asantewa Diaka

Alex Dimitrov, from “Living in Time” [ID in ALT]

i want to live on his tongue, build a home of gospel
Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems, Dulce María Loynaz, tr. by James O’Connor ( @feral-ballad ) | Farewell, Arthur Hacker | Death Wish, Josh Alex Baker | L’Amore, la Morte e Il Sogno, Roberto Ferri | The Torn-Up Road, Richard Siken | The Fall (detail), Alan Stephens Foster | The 17-Year-Old & the Gay Bar, Danez Smith | Scene of Deluge (detail), Joseph-Désiré Court

Mary Oliver, from “Marengo.” [ID in alt text]
And the bathroom stall I’m in smells like his favorite cologne. I cant escape it. I miss him so much sometimes it hurts.
Somebody in my class had a tattoo of a semi colon and I’m just thinking. Why couldn’t that be him. Why couldn’t he have chosen to keep his life going.

A great sense of grief washes over me as I watch my face settle into the same expressions his once did

Jericho Brown, from Another Elegy (”This is what our dying looks like”)", The New Testament

mfenweek - soulmate
Yesterday I went to a lantern festival. Write you a message. Hope it reached you, wherever you are