she/her | 17 | INTPmultifandom brainrot“To hold me like water, or Christ, hold me like a knife.”

181 posts

Happy Father's Day To Mr. Keating!!

Happy Father's Day to Mr. keating!!🎊🎉🎊🔫🎉🎊🎊🎉✨️✨️✨️🎉🎊🥰🎉🎉🎉✨️✨️

Happy Father's Day To Mr. Keating!!
Happy Father's Day To Mr. Keating!!
Happy Father's Day To Mr. Keating!!

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More Posts from Your-local-dead-poet

9 months ago

just started watching the perks of being a wallflower for the first time, and I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Todd - Mr. Anderson theory

but this man just said that people used to refer to him as Spaz SPAZ!!!

how have I never heard this theory before, and why does he kind of look like him

(I was gonna put a picture here for reference but I can’t find any, but he’s the kid with glasses, braces and inhaler)

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9 months ago








these are all noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.


but poetry,







these are what we stay alive for.

happy aniversary dead poets society. you make me bawl like a little baby every time.

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9 months ago


CHARLIE: trying WAY too hard to be everyone's airport crush. has to be dragged out of the liquor section of the duty free shop ("but the vodka is so CHEAP"). plays a game of "trying to sneak as many metal objects past the security check as possible". when he gets a pat down he keeps wiggling his eyebrows and saying some variant of "wow no you're wayy too old for me" to the security guy (who's probably considering quitting his job). is secretly terrified of flying but tries not to let it show (grips neil's hand so hard it hurts when they take off)

TODD: literally a ball of pure anxiety in the beginning of it. SO scared he overpacked, he's constantly talking about what if his suitcase is too heavy and he has to empty it out and everyone in the queue will be watching him and GOD HE HATES AIRPORTS. calms down a bit after the security check (totally panics about what if he accidentally put a gun down his pants or something and doesn't remember), and then just chills in the perfume area of the duty free shop, trying all the scents. buys loads of snacks because you never know if the place you're going to has the good ones. tries not to think about the possibility of the plane crashing. likes watching the clouds.

NEIL: A literal kid. Is the one who ACTUALLY overpacked, and runs around with his suitcase (he'd totally sit down on it and ride it around if that was socially acceptable). spends like an hour in the shops and is suddenly convinced he needs to buy a lot of unnecessary stuff. BUT goes into airport dad mode as soon as he needs to, he has all the tickets and keeps reminding everyone of having their passports ready, he knows the gate number etc. takes the lead and gets them to the plane safely.

KNOX: has like an hour long "in case i die on the plane" video ready for chris, and they have a long phone call to say good bye (interrupted when charlie gets into a fight with a security guard - "c'mon dude, who's side are you on, the government?? like being a small little guy in power??" "Sir I'm going to repeat it one more time, I need you to take off that belt please."). if knox wasn't dating chris, he'd totally be looking at all the cute girls at the airport for like two seconds and trying to telepathically tell them they're cute (relatable, not gonna lie). Is so polite and charming to all the staff that it's on the verge of being funny, Pittsie teasing him about really being the perfect son in law. Honestly just a very chilled flyer, he has fun.

PITTS: has even more fun. has like an extra bag full of snacks that everyone makes fun of and then obviously wants some of later (pittsie gives them some because he's a bro, but they have to swear that he's the best and will get the front seat of every car they'll ride). TOTALLY has one of those inflatable neck cushions. the security guy comments on how tall he is mainly to make conversation, but pittsie is still proud of it (i think i mentioned my headcanons about pitts' relationships with his height? or did i never publish them?) and smiles for the next minute. reads the on-flight magazine. super excited at take off, he's like LET'S GOOOO while todd and charlie are on the verge of crying. freaks out about omg I forgot my passport (neil took it from him one second ago). fun facts about planes!!

MEEKS: the chillest. tries to calm todd down by telling him statistics and all that about the narrow chances of dying on a plane until charlie snaps and is like SHUT UP OH MY GOD ("'kay sir" 🫡😳). nerds out about planes with pittsie! has WAY too many tags on his bags in case they get lost. tells really bad airport puns that pittsie thinks are HILARIOUS. spends the wait by just sitting in a café and drinking way too much coffee. ONLY buys one teeny tiny little bag of m&ms and then eats like half of pittsies snacks. sits more comfortably than pitts because his legs are shorter and don't get cramped and DEFINITELY teases him about it like 'hmm i don't know what you mean, there's plenty of leg room!"

CAMERON: really excited for the flight, loves the whole experience. printed out everything twice just in case!! all his liquid items are in these little plastic bags that no one ever uses (or maybe y'all are just better than me). eats SO much beforehand to save money because the airport prices are ridiculous. runs to the gate like three times to check it hasn't been changed. has the craziest methods to keep his ears from popping.

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9 months ago

dps boys running into you crying

(or, dps memes as headcanons pt. 2?)

Dps Boys Running Into You Crying

(picture stolen from pinterest, props to the creator)


- his first instinct is to ask what you need

- want to talk about it? want a hug? want him to change the subject and distract you? he’s got you.

- he’s used to crying by himself and he knows how painful it is not having someone there when you need them.


- after asking, he’d pull you away to a quiet space in case you want to talk or just take a breather

- really good listener and really understanding

- personal hc that he’s the best poet to come to for crying, panic attacks, etc. like he would take the time to learn how to help you and then commit that to memory🥺


- not the best with words in this situation but he’d offer you a handkerchief and a listening ear if you wanted to talk about it

- if you were crying over someone (in a romantic/brokenhearted sense) he’d probably be like “same” and share his own experiences bc i feel like he connects by relating


- he’d notice you way before he thinks to speed up and he’d hesitate first, okay? he would.

- offering comfort isn’t his strong suit, he doesn’t even really know how to deal with someone who’s feeling really strong emotions

- if the other poets were around he’d probably kind of gesture over at you so one of them talks to you instead


- similar to cam, he’s really awkward about helping someone who’s emotional but it’s more obvious here

- would find someone that can check on you immediately. he cares, he just doesn’t know how to show it


- charlie’s always been pretty physical so hugging you would be instinctive

- of course, if you’re not the physical type and you push him away or something, he’d put his hands up and respect your wishes

- he’s just used to having friends like neil and he knows how important comfort can be in these situations


- he’s looking around trying to see if anyone else notices bc if they do he’d gladly let them take care of the situation instead

- he’d be the type to ask “do you want some water?” just because he wants to help but has no idea how

- tbh he’d probably leave i’m sorry😭

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