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- fictional husband collecter -

๐ฌ๐ก๐ž/๐ก๐ž๐ซ | ๐ซ๐ž๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฌ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐œ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž๐ | ๐จ๐ง ๐š๐ง ๐ข๐ง๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐ก๐ข๐š๐ญ๐ฎ๐ฌ. . .

117 posts

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แด แด€สŸแด‡ษดแด›ษชษดแด‡'๊œฑ แด…แด€ส แด แด‡xแด€แด›ษชแดษด๊œฑ - ๊œฐสŸแดœ๊œฐ๊œฐ

๐€/๐: Whew! Ok, I'm taking a small break right now- I have one more request to do, and ofc as soon as I can I'll finish it, but I don't want to burn myself out or anything.

I'm just taking a quick writing rehab right now. Nonetheless, the banter was so fun to do, and I hope you all like it!

If I do write another chapter for the week, it'll probably be for What A Dish, What A Doll!

โžบ ๐–๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐‚๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ: 2,903 โžบ Song Recommendation: ๐“”๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ฌ ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ | ๐“‘๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ท๐“ผ

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. . .

The chill of Februaryโ€™s frosted breath graced the glass panes of the largest building in the Veeโ€™s district, an imposing force that not-so-subtly hinted at how far their influence and power expanded across the Sinnerโ€™s Circle of Hell, as it stood right in the heart of the Pride Ring for all to flock to. No matter how depraved, sadistic, or perverted you were, the territory of the Vees surely had something in store for your insatiable appetite to feast upon.ย 

And since the first twenty-four hours of the infamously romantic month, chaos had erupted within the offices of the Vees. Other than Halloween, it was the greatest vice of Voxโ€™s hellish existence, filling his calendar to the brim with meetings, product improvement, managing holiday events and sales, and not to mention Velvetโ€™s stupid โ€œLove Potionโ€ gimmick-ย 

For Christโ€™s sake, the goddamn holiday started with a โ€˜Vโ€™! Their brand of perfection practically relied on that lovey-dovey nonsense.ย 

For the past week, the only thing filling up Voxโ€™s schedule and keeping him from you was showcasing shitty rom coms with horribly conceived plots, Velvet rushing around like a mini-hurricane and destroying everything in her wake for her latest fashion show, and Valentino?ย 

Oh, donโ€™t even get Vox fucking started.ย 

And now, after all of that overwhelming bullshit that kept him from warming your bed for the past few days, Vox desperately wanted โ€“ no, needed to escape and spend quality time with his darling. With you.ย ย 

He had the usual Valentineโ€™s Day blueprint in mind: eat ice cream and binge-watch your favorite TV-shows, while you flustered the hell out of him with your affections and make hot chocolate, and then fall asleep in each otherโ€™s arms by the fire.

Mundane, cheesy shit like that was the highlight of his days after another exhausting workday keeping it all roped together and navigating Velvet and Valentino's nonsense.ย 

Their facade was of modern sophistication, perfection at its very finest that was produced for only those who could afford it, and it was all piled into Voxโ€™s lap to regulate the chaotic, unpredictable behavior of his fellow Overlords, and keep their volatile nature in check.ย 

But the continuous hardship that came with his stressful job would fade with the wintry wind as soon as he stepped off the elevator and into your shared penthouse, and like a patch of sunlight to snow, youโ€™d melt away all his worries with a smile and a rub of his head as you took care of him for the night.ย 

Almost there...ย 

The television demon groaned as he crossed the threshold over to your apartments, seeing no need to keep up his perfectly aligned posture.ย 

And, like a mercy served by Gods, Vox was met with the heavenly sight of you standing in your fluffy, midnight blue bathrobe that youโ€™d received on your birthday, courtesy of Val. Vox wouldโ€™ve personally burned it to high hell, but you adored the design, and he couldnโ€™t resist you when you pleaded with him.ย 

โ€œVox...โ€ crossing your arms at the doorway, his light, his spark, his reason to maintain everything about his own reputation stood with a stern furrow in your brow as you strode over to him.ย 

โ€œDonโ€™t tell me youโ€™ve been overworking yourself again, love,โ€ you grumbled as you took off his bowtie and removed his coat, and you smoothed out the front of his striped vest as Vox stumbled for an answer.ย 

โ€œI-โ€ *sigh* โ€œIโ€™m not pushing myself that much. You know how the job is, especially around this time,โ€ seeing your face fall and your lips tighten into a straight line, Vox took your hand, squeezing it within his gloved palms as his sharp teeth pulled into a small half-smile.ย 

โ€œBut coming home to you makes it all worth it,โ€ a tender hand dancing with waves of tingling sparks cupped your cheek, and with a heavy sigh, you looked to him with concern and affection swirling within your tender gaze.ย 

โ€œYeah, yeah. All Iโ€™m saying is those two bumbling excuses of Overlords should at least give you a couple of days off,โ€ you scowled softly, but your frown melted into a flustered pout as Vox kissed it away, and a soft buzz of electricity lingered against your lips.ย 

โ€œNow, now, enough of that, my dear. We still have the whole night to ourselves, donโ€™t we?โ€ You giggled, a long-awaited melody to his ears as Vox spun you around to press your back against his chest. How beautifully the sound replaced Velvet's usual grating, shrill voice that penetrated his ears. How agreeable you were, that you didn't fight him like Valentino, that you truly cared about him and his well-being.

Sometimes, you'd even force his workaholic ass to return to your apartment and get him ready for bed, practically hauling your grumbling, overworked hubby into bed, and forcing him to sleep in the next morning.

And it was the sappy, lovesick moments like these always reminded Vox that he'd never find anyone else like you.

All the more reason to keep you tightly within his grasp...

โ€œYeah, I guess, so. You dork,โ€ you flicked the very center of your husbandโ€™s face, and he blinked a few times in surprise before chuckling and shaking his head.ย 

โ€œOh, yeah? And what does that make you for loving me~?โ€ Vox swayed against you gently, his inner fans suddenly warming himself up more than usual as he poorly attempted to conceal his light blush at having you so close.

Your laughter chimed through the air like the first sunbeams breaking through stormy gray clouds upon the aftermath of a thunderstorm.ย 

โ€œWell, I suppose that makes me your lover,โ€ you simpered right back at him, turning your head slightly so you could stand on your tiptoes and kiss him.

It felt almost like a dream when you were in Voxโ€™s arms like this. Simply existing with each other, standing above the Pride Ring as if you ruled the entire Sinnerโ€™s Circle. Untouchable, ambitious, and madly in love.ย 

As if on cue, the sound of a gentle, reflective saxophone poured from the speakers installed within the penthouse as the lights dimmed, and you felt yourself drifting away as you swayed with your husband.ย ย 

The soft buzz of electricity bounced against your figure as Vox stared down at you, his dead, automated heart pounding erratically as his hands slid from yours down to your waist, digging into the fabric of your robe with sharpened claws.ย 


โ€œYes, my dear?โ€ย 

With a deep breath, you lilted your voice as you spoke to him, in hopes that seeming more placating and docile could shake Voxโ€™s stance upon his insistence to work himself to the bone. No more would you allow yourself to stand hopelessly to the side while you watched your husband work himself into such a distressed, sleep-deprived state.ย 

โ€œIโ€™m putting my foot down. Youโ€™re not going back to that horrible place for the next week, at least.โ€ Vox stiffened at your tone of finality.ย 

โ€œExcuse me?โ€ He chuckled as if you were joking with him, but your resolute glare told him otherwise. โ€œCheck your phone.โ€ย 

With a hesitant glance towards his pocket, Vox slowly pulled out his phone, only to find that, in fact, every work-related app had been temporarily blocked from the device.ย 

Raising an eyebrow, he looked back at you and tapped your nose with a haughty smirk. โ€œNice try, but itโ€™s going to take more than that for me to fall for your wiles, my dear,โ€ย ย 

When you only grinned up at him with no hint of malice nor any trace of exasperation tugging at your usual, beautiful smile, his triumphant grin fell. โ€œWhy are you looking at me like that? What...โ€ย 

ย A slow realization turned in Vox's mind as he recollected the last few days, when you were poking and prodding at him and his programming for โ€œno apparent reason,โ€ and he wrote it off as curiosity born from your boredom while being locked up at the penthouse apartment.ย 

But by fuck, he was really regretting indulging you right now, for once.ย 

With a surge of panic, Vox immediately blue-screened, as he mentally checked for any of his work-related tabs and files, only to find them completely, and suspiciously empty.ย 

No notes. No texts. No documents.ย 


You... You fucking hacked into his mainframe!?ย 

His interface returned to normal to find you slumped against him, only perking up when you saw your husband had returned from his frenzied search of the crime that had been committed; the heinous act of keeping Vox from working.

And here the culprit was standing, swooning and relaxing in his hold, nuzzling against him as if she wasnโ€™t to blame for his entire workspaceย vanishing off the face of the Earth for the next seven days.


โ€œ...How long have you been planning this?โ€ Vox was absolutely aghast. He knew you could be impulsive, perhaps even irrational, compared to your cool, collected husband, but this was...ย 

You grinned triumphantly as you tapped his nose right back.ย 

โ€œI just thought you could use a few days off, spending some time in your wife's company for Valentine's Day~..."

โ€œBut when did you- No, how the hell-?โ€ย 

โ€œIt seems that youโ€™ve fallen victim to my wiles yet again,โ€ย 

โ€œOho, you sneaky little-!โ€ Vox practically tackled you into a hug as he discharged a small bout of electricity, tickling you with an electrifying warmth, just by holding you against him.ย 

โ€œCโ€™mon, Iโ€™ve got another surprise for you,โ€ with a soft giggle and a gentle tug of his antenna, you pulled Vox from the floor as his free hand shot up to his hat with a small, bashful frown.ย 

โ€œI told you to stop that!โ€ He outwardly groaned, but you could hear the flustered electrical buzz that Vox emitted whenever you did something to him that he really liked.ย ย 

โ€œYou know I donโ€™t like it,โ€ he muttered, but as always, you saw right through him.ย 

โ€œAnd we both know thatโ€™s one of the biggest lies youโ€™ve ever told me,โ€ you grinned back at him cheekily as you pulled him into the living area, where you had spent most of your afternoon setting up when Vox was occupied with his work.ย 

In the living room, you had set up a small, cozy gaming area. It then hit Vox just how long you had been setting this up, waiting for him to drop his guard and into your scheming hands.

That little criminal...

Two controllers, one for you, and one for Vox, sat upon a pile of fluffy blankets. A few pillows draped in silk cloth surrounded the area on the couch, and before it upon the coffee table, there sat a freshly made bowl of popcorn, and various other chocolate candies and snacks.

โ€œHm... Seems like someoneโ€™s been itching for a rematch.โ€ A challenge glinted in his sensors, and you leaned into him with an equally blazing ire.

"You wanna bet...?"

. . .



Your fingers pressed the controller furiously as the TV blared in front of you, and as you crossed the finish line, you let out a whoop of victory, nearly falling out of Voxโ€™s lap in your bout of triumph.ย 

โ€œYes!โ€ โ€œNo!! Fuck!โ€ย ย 

You and Vox shouted simultaneously, making you burst into a fit of triumphant laughter as he groaned and slumped defeatedly behind you.ย 

โ€œAre you serious!? Thatโ€™s the fifth time in a row!โ€ Vox nearly crushed his controller in his vice grip as he threw a slew of curses at the TV.ย ย 

The two of you had been playing Mario Kart for the past hour, blissfully unaware of how your gaming match had whisked the both of you into a heated competition of bumper cars and tallying points for each round someone won, and the winner would be picking the movie you watched.

You stuck your tongue out at him with a victorious beam. โ€œIt seems the Nintendo wants us to watch the Kissing Booth tonight,โ€ you giggled madly when Voxโ€™s face scrunched up in disgust.ย ย 

โ€œYeah, babe, there is no way Iโ€™m watching that.โ€ย 

โ€œAw, come on, I won fair and square!" you leaned into your husband, who sighed with exasperation but softened at the sight of your pout.ย 

โ€œPlease...? I promise weโ€™ll watch whatever you want tomorrow!โ€ย 

โ€œItโ€™s my first day off the job, and you want to watch the goddamn Kissing Booth!?โ€ย 

"Pretty please, Sparks?" Voxโ€™s aura buzzed softly at the nickname, and he narrowed his eyes down at you as you begged him with your puppy eyes.

โ€œPlaying dirty, huh? Fine. Letโ€™s watch your dumbass movie,โ€ Vox pouted with crossed arms as he slumped into the couch in defeat and his antenna buzzed softly in annoyance. It sparked abruptly when you clapped excitedly and pulled him by his collar to lay a tender kiss on his cheek.ย ย 

โ€œThank you! I promise, youโ€™ll love it,โ€ you grinned mischievously and grabbed the remote.ย 

Vox, in fact, did not love it. In fact, it was so bad that you both started watching it ironically and threw jabs at it occasionally.ย ย ย 

โ€œSo, who do you think she should pick? Her psycho-controlling best friend, or the pretty boy with anger issues~,โ€ You leaned your head against his shoulder as you shoveled a handful of popcorn into your mouth, your eyes glued to the screen.ย 

Vox sighed and rubbed his forehead, equally as invested as you were despite your shared frustration with the film.ย ย 

โ€œHonestly? She should dump both of them and run for the goddamn hills.โ€ย ย 

You snorted. โ€œYeah? Well, I wouldโ€™ve chosen her boyfriend. He gets better over the next couple of movies.โ€ Vox raised an eyebrow at you. โ€œSeriously?โ€ย ย 

Popping a few M&Ms into your mouth, you nodded at him. โ€œYeah, Iโ€™m serious! He gets some serious character development,โ€ you mutter sarcastically, before licking your lips with a shit-eating grin. โ€œHe seems really cold and angry on the outside, but heโ€™s not so bad once you get to know him.โ€ย 

Nudging his shoulder, you glance not-so-subtly up at him, and Vox took the hint, tickling your sides softly with a smirk.ย 

โ€œAnd Iโ€™m a dork?โ€ย 

โ€œYeah, and youโ€™re a contagious one, too!โ€ Your hands grabbed at his arms as he crushed you into a hug, pulling you even closer as he rested his head upon yours.ย 

โ€œWell, then I guess that makes two of us, doesnโ€™t it my dear~?โ€ ย 

โ€œNo! Stop! Please, I can't breathe!โ€ You attempted to flail around dramatically, but within Vox's vice grip, that was next to impossible.ย 

โ€œAh-ah-ah! Iโ€™m afraid youโ€™re trapped within my wiles, darling!โ€ย 

โ€œCurse you! How dare you use my own spells against me!โ€ You giggled as he continued his bombardment of tickles and small, feathered kissing against your nape and the small back of your neck.ย 

Soon, your laughter died down and you both fell silent as you finished the rest of the movie.

While you slowly began to drift off into sleep in Vox's arms, spent from the day of preparing your apartment for your husband's arrival, he looked down at you with a tender half-smile.

I can't believe someone like you would even look at someone like me...

"Hey, babe-?" He whispered out into the dark, before huffing out a chuckle when he realized you were still asleep.

With a soft smile, and a tender patter of his heart, Vox scooped you up and whisked you away to your bedroom, where he silently dresses you up in a pair of pajamas, and tucked you into bed.

Ever so gently, Vox laid a few of the blankets over your form, dragging them and the silk pillows back from the couch to make his little sleeping beauty ever the more comfortable.

He looked upon you as you dozed the minutes away, blissfully oblivious to the war that raged inside of him.ย 

While Vox was impressed that you had managed to somehow hack into his mainframe and alter his actual mental programming, it really would take more than basic understanding โ€“ plus, you pulled it off unguarded. Now, of course, this spawned a new problem for him, but heโ€™d deal with it in due time. Besides, itโ€™d give him a proper excuse to slack off a little bit, with you.ย 

God, what was he thinking? The old Vox wouldโ€™ve seen such a desire to goof around with some girl while the other two Vees went around wreaking havoc and partaking in whatever idiocy without Vox to keep them in check.ย 

But you werenโ€™t just โ€˜some girlโ€™ to him.ย 

And frankly, those two clowns could go fuck themselves.ย 

A part of Vox wanted to remain in your bed, for your sake, but there was work to be done, and Velvet no doubt was positively livid at the fact that he wasnโ€™t answering any of her calls.ย 

So, with a newfound confidence in his advances, your husband bent over you, softly pinching your chin within his finely sharpened claws, and laying a few tender kisses trailing from your lips down to your nape.ย 

I wish I could do this to you when youโ€™re awake... But that smile, fuck, I canโ€™t even form sentences without fumbling when you look at me like all you want is to give me the world.ย 

You groaned and turned over within the sheets,ย scooching towards him with a soft furrow in your brow.

Vox kissed it away, before reluctantly pulling away from your side, standing at the door with a small, yearning smile.

โ€œTil morning, my dear.โ€ย 

. . .ย 

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๐„๐ง๐ ๐๐จ๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ: Happy Valentine's Day from our favorite crazy-ass TV demon!

I'm sorry I didn't get to post this yesterday, but I was feeling so unmotivated by the end of it, and I decided to rewrite most of this fluff fic, just to give you all a quality post.

I don't half-ass things, especially when it comes to writing, that's just why my fics take a while to post.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and comments are always appreciated!

. . .ย 

๐‘ป๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’๐’Š๐’”๐’•: @hazzbindarlingg, @darkangel582, @starsformydarlingmazel, @chitter-chatter, @matrixbearer2024

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1 year ago

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. . .

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1 year ago

Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons

๐€/๐: A fluffy bulleted fanfic in the form of bulleted points and a dash of headcanons, featuring the apple daddy of hell himself, Lucifer ;)

This is mostly me simping for the short, awkward duck-loving lil guy, and also experimenting with writing for his character.

Anyways, enjoy!

Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons
Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons
Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons
Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons
Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons

. . .

๐ŸŽช When you met Lucifer, you were honestly shell-shocked. He was so... whimsical, and captivating, maybe a bit awkward, and with his ringleader getup, it made him look equally as silly as he seemed. He just... wasn't whom you were expecting at all.

๐ŸŽช "Charlie... That's your dad!?"

๐ŸŽช "Well... Yeah? Why do you sound so surprised?"

๐ŸŽช "Look at him!" He didn't seem anything like the Lucifer you'd heard stories of from your parents, who tried to scare you away from debauchery and sin with their over-exaggerated tales from their biblical teachings.

๐ŸŽช They didn't exactly pay off, clearly.

๐ŸŽช But this? This was absolutely not who you thought you had to protect Charlie from.

๐ŸŽช You were the 'mom' of the Hazbin Crew, always looking out for everyone, and earning yourself a soft, irreplaceable spot in their hearts. And you clearly had a soft spot for Charlie, and that set off many initial alarm bells for Lucifer.

๐ŸŽช He didn't want to have another Alastor on his hands.

๐ŸŽช Lucifer cornered you about this, of course, and you were still grappling with the fact that he wasn't how you thought he was going to be at all.

๐ŸŽช And you turned out to be just as unexpected...

๐ŸŽช โ€œIโ€™m just worried about herโ€ฆ She has such a big heart, and I just donโ€™t want her to get hurt. I should know what itโ€™s like to be taken advantage of by people I put my trust and love into."

๐ŸŽช Though he is slightly curious about that, he decides that perhaps it'd be nice to have someone checking up on Charlie from time to time, and there is no way he's encouraging Alastor's presence anywhere near her.

๐ŸŽช You also found his love and overprotectiveness for his daughter quite endearing, although it was insufferable to watch them be so awkward around each other in the beginning.

๐ŸŽช So, you agreed to watch over Charlie for Lucifer, making sure to encourage her dreams in his stead. For Charlie's happiness, and because, well, why would you say no? You were already looking after her before.

๐ŸŽช As soon as Lucifer leaves, Charlie is bounding up to you with a wide smile, taking your hands in hers and bouncing up and down on the carpeted floors, so hard she's making indents with her hooves.

๐ŸŽช "Oh, isn't it great!? He believes in me! Me! I thought that after, well everything that happened with Mom, that he'd..." her eyes grow sullen as the mention of her mother sours her mood, and you brush a hand against her cheek with a gentle, reassuring smile.

๐ŸŽช "I have a feeling he always has, Charlie. He just never knew how to say it. And sometimes, when a parent sees themselves in their own children, it... Terrifies them." You turn to an apple-paned window with a melancholic gaze.

๐ŸŽช "He's just trying his hardest for you because he doesn't want to see you fall like he did. You can't fall farther than Hell, but if you try..." you trail off, and your implication held heavy in the air.

๐ŸŽช "But he loves you, and I know that his pride for you knows no bounds, and nor does his worry, Charlie." The demoness brightens at your words, practically tearing up as she grips your midsection in a hug. "Thank you," she whispers, and you ruffle her pale blonde hair with a fond smile.

๐ŸŽช Little did you know, Lucifer had been silently stalking watching the both of you from afar, and he leaves that evening with a heavy weight lifted from his shoulders.

๐ŸŽช As he continues to visit the hotel, he checks in with you for a moment upon the establishment's progress, Charlie, and casual conversation in general.

๐ŸŽช As more time passes, and Lucifer makes more and more frequent visits to the hotel - much to Alastorโ€™s chagrin - after spending some precious time in his daughter's company, he'll ask around for your whereabouts.

๐ŸŽช You'll both naturally fall into more casual conversation outside of the hotel's progress, and you soon realize that there was more beneath the surface of Hell's estranged ruler.

๐ŸŽช Lucifer was captivating, alluring in every form of the word. A creative, inspiring soul who once held dreams and aspirations, and now, the fire that once burned within him was passed onto his daughter.

๐ŸŽช And you could see his desperation to keep that flame inside of Charlie alight.

๐ŸŽช Lucifer slowly grows fond of your company, giving you little sculptures of ducks, and spending near hours raving about his little creations with you.

๐ŸŽช In a haze of his sleep-deprived subconscious, he even made a little duckie for you, complete with all of your defining features that he found the most attractive prominent.

๐ŸŽช It ended up being his personal comfort/therapy duck until you found it, and putting together the resemblance, teased him about it slightly, to which he kept stubbornly denying it.

๐ŸŽช "Okay, but you have to admit, it's clear where you got your inspiration from," you held the duckie up to your face, noting just how precise Lucifer was when making it. Huh, he really hit the mark with this one.

๐ŸŽช The king of Hell turned on his heel, his jacket and hat discarded to the side, and leaving him in his striped circus-patterned dress shirt and ivory slacks.

๐ŸŽช "I don't know what you're talking about," Lucifer bent over his desk, trying to look like he was actually doing something, but his heart and mind were going a mile a minute. Damn his adorable hyperfixations!

๐ŸŽช "Maybe it was just coincidence! I don't know, sometimes I get inspired by things that I..." he glanced at you as you raised an eyebrow at him, and the small red circles plastered against his moonlight-stricken skin glowed a bright red.

๐ŸŽช "J-Just coincidence. Uh-huh, that's right..." he wasn't sure whether he was trying to convince you, or himself with that one.

๐ŸŽช Oh, yeah, you totally bought that bullshit.

๐ŸŽช "Well, for what it's worth, you did a pretty good job. This is your best one, yet!" You beam at him and tuck the small duck figure under your arm.

๐ŸŽช "So... can I keep it? Pretty please?"

๐ŸŽช Lucifer shoves some papers and blueprints off of his desk, completely focused on his work instead of how beautiful your smile was. "No."

๐ŸŽช After that, he creates a little duck of himself to keep beside the one in your likeness upon his desk whenever you aren't around. He inches them closer together every now and then or whenever he gets nervous or jittery.

๐ŸŽช Slowly but surely, Lucifer began to fall. And he is terrified of it. He's starting to yearn for your company, visit the hotel simply to seek you out, and this familiar thudding feeling is giving him a headache that can't be soothed by the fizzling warmth of alcohol.

๐ŸŽช Charlie begins to notice her father's strange behavior, and how it happens particularly around you...

๐ŸŽช Of course, the eccentric princess puts it all together, and she tries to keep it a secret, she really does, but the fact that her dad could actually be falling in love with one of her closest friends, and that he might finally be able to move on from her mother makes her heart overflow with a plethora of emotions.

๐ŸŽช The poor girl ends up spilling the details of your rom-com of a love life to Vaggie while hugging a pillow, crying joyful tears as her girlfriend chuckles and simply kisses her forehead with a small smile.

๐ŸŽช "Don't worry, hon. I'm sure it'll all be fine in the end. Just sleep it off, okay? And don't, I mean DON'T get involved in their love life, alright? Your dad needs some time to figure this out on his own."

๐ŸŽช "But I really want to help them! I know she likes him back; I just know it! And besides, he'll never confess on his own-!"

๐ŸŽช "It'll all be solved later, don't worry, Charlie. Besides, we can't just drop everything for this, can we? The hotel still needs our help,"

๐ŸŽช "Their love needs our help," Vaggie raised an expectant eyebrow, and Charlie receded with a pout. "But I guess it could wait..."

๐ŸŽช "Attagirl."

๐ŸŽช Meanwhile, as you toss and turn in your own bed, a deep fondness for the king that ran deeper than you would like to admit blossomed in your heart and was beginning to see the first rays of radiant sunlight that just so happened to be your unconditional adoration for the king of Hell.

๐ŸŽช Lucifer could make you laugh, smile, and gasp with a wonderment that you hadn't ever felt before, and your heart began to ache for more. More of his presence, and his whimsical, goofy nature that time had taught you to relish and look forward to.

๐ŸŽช All you could do was sleep, close your eyes and hope that these feelings would stamp themselves out soon.

๐ŸŽช But all of that proved to be futile as you woke with a start in the middle of the night, the hazy visions of clipped wings, magnificent and radiant in all their seldom glory, remained fresh in your mind.

๐ŸŽช The glow of a shiny red apple faded from your vision, as you clenched your arms and buried your face into your pillow.

๐ŸŽช You were in for a long night...

. . .

Something Unexpected - Lucifer Headcanons

๐„๐ง๐ ๐๐จ๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ: This was... surprisingly really fun and cute to write! I'll definitely be continuing this, since I really want to flesh it out more

Once again, please, PLEASE use the taglist for my sake ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™ it can get sort of overwhelming when I can't remember certain usernames and tag them, and it's just to make things easier for me.

Oh and Lucifer's aesthetic is circuscore, of course. Underrated aesthetic frfr ๐ŸŽช๐Ÿ’ซ๐ŸŽ

. . .

๐‘ป๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’๐’Š๐’”๐’•: @starsformydarlingmazel, @chitter-chatter, @hazzbindarlingg, @darkangel582, @matrixbearer2024, @prosciuttosblog, @frog-fans-unite, @mysterypotatoink, @burgerflipper72, @chibikochannumberone, @strawberry-gothic, @roboticsuccubus83, @lulurubberduckie

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1 year ago





Art is not mine! ๐‘ช๐’“๐’†๐’…๐’Š๐’•๐’” ๐’•๐’ ๐‘ฉ๐’†๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐‘น๐’†๐’…๐‘จ๐’”๐’‰ ๐’๐’ ๐‘ป๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’•๐’†๐’“!


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1 year ago

I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1

๐Ÿ“บ ใ€ ๐‘ท๐’‚๐’“๐’• ๐‘ฐ | ๐‘ท๐’‚๐’“๐’• ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฐ | ๐‘ท๐’‚๐’“๐’• ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฐ ใ€‘๐Ÿ“บ

๐€/๐: Is that...? Oh my god- It's the sound of another WIP in my endless void of fanfic ideas that managed to see the light of day!! It also means I've added another demon husband to my โœจcOlLeCtIoNโœจ

So, I'm definitely doing a continuation of this- I was having WAY too much fun writing it.

Enjoy your yandere, stalking, creepy-ass television man! :)

. . .

๐“๐ก๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐ฌ: ๐’๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐ , ๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐›๐ž๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ข๐จ๐ซ, ๐ฒ๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ฏ, ๐จ๐›๐ฌ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง, ๐ž๐ญ๐œ. ๐’๐จ๐ง๐  ๐‘๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง: ๊œฑแด›แด€สŸแด‹แด‡ส€'๊œฑ แด›แด€ษดษขแด | แด€แดœแด›แดสœแด‡แด€ส€แด›

I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1
I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1
I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1
I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1
I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1

. . .

Electricity bounced across clawed, neon-blue fingertips as Voxโ€™s collection of monitors booted up, lining the walls in a cyan-hued excess of the latest tech his company manufactured.ย ย 

With but a wave of his hand, the devices were slaves to his command.ย 

As Vox sat upon his electronic throne that was centered before it all, he closed every work-related tab within his mental browser, before slumping in his seat within the darkness. The demon rubbed where the bridge of his nose wouldโ€™ve been with a stressed crease in his brows; aย little habit that he had acquired from his life above. ย 

To say it had been a long day wouldโ€™ve been the understatement of the century. For the first twelve hours since he had emerged from his quarters, Vox had been bombarded with underlings shoving incessant workloads into his lap.

Ensuring the reputation of the Vees, the new VoxTech Angelic Security system that he had been developing, the countless amount of paperwork and maintaining the digital grid, and to top it all off, he had to manage the temper of one pissed-off Valentino.ย 

Ugh... Fuckin' Val and his goddamn runaways... it's not my fucking fault he can't manage his toys.ย 

Dealing with the lustful moth Overlord's temper tantrums were usually the absolute highlights of Vox's day, but this time in particular there was quite the treat in store for the overworked Overlord.

Hm... Maybe that's how the name came to be. Ah, who am I kidding? Velv just sits on her ass all day.

Of course, Vox pushed his indignation aside and swept everything up with a winning smile of pure showmanship, the pinnacle of excellence in front of the public.

And just as everything seemed to fall into place, like any other day of Vox cleaning up the messes of his fellow Overlords, something just had to go fucking wrong.

Imagine being the literal fucking backbone of the Vees, ensuring that their picture-perfect reputation of utmost excellence and being called up by an irritated Velvet to play babysitter and manage the man-child because of fucking Angel Dust-ย 

And then catching wind of แธงฬดอ‡อ•ฬฬiฬทฬกฬนอ‹อ‚ฬ“mฬตอˆอ”ฬณฬญฬ™ฬอ returning...ย 

A few sparks flew from Vox's antenna as his overheated fans whirred rapidly. That old timey, triangle-assed pฬดฬฒฬฉฬฎอ™ฬœฬŽฬฬ‹rฬธอ“ฬŸอ†ฬ€อ†iฬธฬผอ•อ“ฬบฬนฬชฬ”อ›อŠฬ‹อ—cฬธฬขฬคฬอ‚อœkฬตฬปฬญฬฆฬฃฬชอˆฬ•-ฬธฬขฬกฬชอ‡ฬ–ฬˆฬ...ย 

Slowly, he took a deep breath, stretching his knuckles and tilting his head to the side with a deep frown. He had the evening to himself, now. No Radio-Pricks, no need to maintain the perfect facade he had so carefully crafted for himself and his allies, and no Valentino.

Time to unwind...ย 

A cup of coffee materialized in his hand with a spark of electricity that lingered around his hand, dancing upon his fingers. He scooted just a bit closer to the large, main monitor within the center of TVs installed in his office, and his mental request was immediately answered by the large computer screen before him.ย 

A zipped file containing possibly the most sensitive information that you couldnโ€™t fucking torture out of the television demon happened to be the very first result of his search, almost teasing him with the overtness of his little obsession.ย 

Vox clicked on the file quicker than ever before, and he took a long, slow sip of his drink as he focused solely upon the pretty little blessing that had graced his screens since a few months ago.

You were lounging on your couch, scrolling haphazardly on your phone in your less-than ideal apartment, but hey, it worked for you, so who was Vox to judge? Even if he would've placed you in one of the most mind-bogglingly extravagant penthouses that you'd ever seen in your afterlife, he had no qualms as long as you remained untouched.ย 

And luckily, his position and occupation made it more than easy to ensure that you had no one in particular in mind to take his place.ย 

No matter where you were, or what you were doing, nothing about you remained unseen by Vox, and no stone was left unturned when it came to your private life.ย 

And Vox was always there. Watching. Adoring you through digitally enamored eyes without moving an inch from his seat.ย 

Small, pixelated hearts floated across his interface as you looked through your phone, blessing him with a plethora of reactions. Whether it be with a small pout of your lips, to the furrow of your brows, to that cute giggle-snort you made whenever something seemed funny to you, the electronic Overlord drank it up like red wine from a golden cup glorified by gods themselves.

Lord, Vox had it bad.

Every step you took, every breath you inhaled, every purchase you made, every club or restaurant you went to, your exact order at your favorite diner, your taste in fashion and jewelry, he memorized every fact, photo, and video and saved it all in a private file. ย 

It was Vox's most precious possession, the closest he could ever get to you, for now.

Voxโ€™s smile stretched across his flat-screen face; a neon hue of razor-sharp teeth pulled into a fond simper as the sound of your chiming laughter rang out across his office.ย 

How he wished to capture the sound, perhaps place it into a bottle for him, and only him to hear, your smile a treasure of the rarest quality to keep.ย 

There was no doubt about it, Vox was your number one fan.ย 

More monitors across the room lit up, whether it be with your beautiful face or your soft, angelicย singing, there was nothing but you, you...ย 

Yฬตฬผฬœฬฟoฬดฬอ•ฬพแนทฬธฬ‡.ฬถอˆอฬŽฬ” ฬตฬŸฬ’ฬšย 

Vox hated the idea of having to share this with anyone else. Share you with anyone else. Every time he ended the night like this, he had to fight the urge to steal you away and seat you upon your rightful place, a throne beside his, towering above his empire with no unworthy, sinful eyes to look upon you.ย 

โ€œHuh... Iโ€™ve actually always wondered what that โ€˜Voxโ€™ guy is like in real life...โ€ said demon froze at the sound of his name pouring from your lips, and a soft blush mixed with the bright blue glow of his face, coloring it a light lavender pink. You were talking to yourself again, something Vox binged like a talk show whenever he was off work. ย 

He could watch you all day like this. And God knows that he would massacre any number of demons, conquer any area of territory simply for a few minutes in your presence.

A casual conversation, witty banter, fuck, he'd rather talk about the goddamn weather with you than be deprived of your presence any longer. Not behind a screen, but in person.

Vox needed something, anything with you, romantic or platonic, though the former would surely grow an insatiable craving, if you kept teasing him like this.

He needed you to be there for him, to just treat him like a person.

Vox normally wouldn't mind the fact that he was always perfecting himself for others, catering to their every desire.ย A machine. Meant to serve the masses, and in turn, they'd fall to their feet before him like flies to honey, insatiable, pathetic worms.ย 

But it'd drive anyone to the brink of fucking insanity, to keep up the same, cheery yet suave charade every draining day.

And with you? Even if you never knew about your secret admirerโ€™s ever-prying eyes watching your every step, it felt like Vox didn't need to put on a show for you. He could simply watch and listen as you, sweet, mischievous, lovable you talked his ears off for the rest of his day.

What I'd give to just kiss the hell out of her-

โ€œHeh, heโ€™s actually kind of cute. Yโ€™know, for a TV, I guess...โ€ you giggled at the end of your sentence as you scrolled through more photos of him, drinking up every piece of content that featured the demon that was watching you through your camera. ย 

A little side-menu of exactly what you had been looking through immediately popped up, and an intense zapping noise from above signaled to Vox that, once again, the demon was two seconds away from overheating and having to reboot himself as he nearly spit out his hot drink.ย 

Vox nearly short-circuited in his seat as you smiled warmly down at your phone, directly into his eyes as his cold, mechanical heart pounded in his chest, and bright red spread across his screen like a virus.

โ€œOh... Ohoho...โ€ย 

โ€œNow thatโ€™s good television...โ€ย 

. . .

I'll Never Meet Another You - Part 1

End Notes: Ok, holy SHIT-

I really like this one. Like GODDAMN this was so fun to write!! I'll definitely be doing headcanons for yandere Hazbin Hotel very soon. Also, that A03 shit I just pulled at the end? You're welcome ;)

Btw I'm working on my Masterlist, so if anyone has requests or drabbles that they'd like to enter, don't be afraid to ask! I think I'll make some rules clear later, like no EXTREME asks or kinks or anything like that.

Smut is on the table though don't be afraid lmao. I'll be the one shaking in my boots when I'm about to post it- ๐Ÿ˜“

Anyway, thanks for reading!! See you next timeโœจ

Tags :
1 year ago
| Don't Worry, Your Fbi Agent Will NEVER Find Us Here ;)

| don't worry, your fbi agent will NEVER find us here ;)

. . .

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. . .

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. . .

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โžบ ๐–—๐–š๐–‘๐–Š๐–˜

I do not, unless explicitly stated, consent to my fics being re-posted to another website, fed to an AI generator, or anything of the like. My fics are posted to my A03 and my Tumblr account only.

I write mostly fluff, but will accept smut requests as long as they don't contain extremities like watersports, incest, scat, etc.

Requests are open! <3

| Don't Worry, Your Fbi Agent Will NEVER Find Us Here ;)

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