Word count: 2600+
Warnings: just some angst and then fluff, nothing that would need a special warning
Jeez.. I rewrote the first half of this chapter so many times I can't anymore. I started with the chapter that had 1400+ words and look where we ended up. It took me four days to get it into current version. I really wonder what was flowing in my system that I wrote such a misserable first draft. Maybe I just skipped coffee. Hopefully it finally makes senseđźâđš
Part XXVIII | Part XXX

Lucien didn't come back after talking with Tamlin. You asked him about the fox boy, but he only muttered that something happened and he had to return to human lands. It was disappointing since you hoped he would stay a bit longer. You liked his cheerful nature and a seemingly endless number of stories.
Without mentioning the conversation they certainly had in the two hours they spent outside, Tamlin stepped closer and hesitantly embraced you for the first time since he rejected your touch in the morning. He leaned his forehead against yours, searching for something in your eyes, his own full of regret. His thumb caressed your cheek as if he was wiping away the tear that had already dried. Only then he apologised for his previous behaviour and tried to make it up to you with a breathtaking kiss.
You really wondered what had happened between the two because since Tamlin returned he was different. It was hard to explain because it wasn't any palpable change, more like a feeling, though it was there. If he was loving and tender before, now he was excessively loving and tender. You would bask in his love and care, if you didn't know any better. The sweetness of his acts was tinged with bitterness that settled inside you and grew with each passing day.
Soon the change became more clearer. There was something wrong with him. He could smile, tease you and cuddle with you as much as he wanted, but the nervous energy and tension was always present. At first he was only occasionally drumming with his fingers, but soon enough he started also pacing a lot, often biting his bottom lip and tapping his foot. He was apparently stressed out.
But why? What caused it? As far as you knew nothing had changed in your lives. You continued with your peaceful simple everyday tasks that he seemed to enjoy before. It was nerve-racking. You tried to help him by making him feel comfortable, preparing delicious food and calming teas. You tried everything you could, however nothing worked.
Soon you were left only with a hope and a believe in love that he expressed so often with every no matter how small a gesture. You wanted to believe in him, but it was hard. His nervousness made you feel uneasy and it got worse and worse.
Lucien promised everything would be fine once he talked with Tamlin. In the weakest moments you wished Lucien never mentioned the wedding, that he never came for a visit. You thought that that was the cause of it all.
You even considered to take out the wedding topic once again, so you could reassure him that you didn't and wouldn't expect anything like that from him. That if he hated the idea of being married so much, you were fully content to continue living with him like this, without any official recognition of your relationship. But, in the end, you were too worried about his reaction and rather decided to throw out the whole idea and bury the words like wedding and marriage so deep that nobody would dig them out.
Tamlin obviously had something he'd like to share with you. However, when you gave him an opportunity to say whatever bothered him aloud, he just brushed it away.
"Is everything okay?"
"Perfectly fine," he always replied. Or, "everything is perfect." Those were the only answers he had for you. Perfect. Perfect. He repeated it so often you started to hate the word.
And on top of all your worries, he everyday disappeared for hour or two, sometimes he was gone even for half a day. Of course, it wasn't something bad and you wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so atypical for him. He was free male and High Lord of this court. He had every right to go wherever he wanted, but during the months you lived together, he had never done anything similar. Definitely not on a daily basis and without telling you what he was up to or where to look for him if necessary.
Each day around the same time, he suddenly stood up, said that he's going hunting and he was gone. He never forgot to return with rabbit or something small, but it was his smell that gave out that it wasn't the only activity he engaged in. You smelled freshly cut wood, earth and paint that lingered on his clothes among the other unfamiliar scents you couldn't decipher. When you asked him about it the first time it happened, he only laughed nervously and quickly changed the topic. It was the first and the last time you tried it. Because if he wanted you to know, he would simply answer the question.
Sadness was consuming you piece after piece until you became dull. You tried to hide it from him, to pretend that everything was as perfect as he'd proclaimed. If only you were a skillful liar. He wouldn't notice anything.
Based on his behaviour it was clear that he not only noticed it but also worried about you. His embraces were firmer and kisses more passionate. He never missed an opportunity to tell you how much he loved you. Moreover after disappearing for hours he even started to bring you flowers as an apology. It was his way of trying to cheer you up, to put a smile on your face. What a pity that it didn't work.
And so you were waiting for him to open up to you until you couldn't take it anymore.
It was after the dinner. All day long, it was quite cold and the evening was even colder. In human lands behind the border was already hard winter and even though an eternal spring reigned in this court, the wind blowing from the south brought some of the coldness in.
As usual, you were seated on Tamlin's lap in embrace of his strong arms, silently watching the dancing flames in hearth. Your mind wandered aimlessly from one thought to another, continuously swirling around him, his sudden change and mysterious behaviour.
The words flowed from your lips before you could stop them.
"Could you, please, tell me what's going on?" you asked him calmly in a small voice. You didn't want to fight. You even wasn't angry. You were just tired, completely exhausted and wanted to know the truth regardless of what it was.
His heart skipped a beat and his Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. He tried to smile. "Nothing. Everything is perfectly fine, love."
You sighed and began to pull away. His embrace tightened, holding you in the place.
"Hey.. Love, where are you going?" he asked lowly, a hint of pain in his voice.
"If you don't want to tell me what's going on, I-" you weren't sure what you wanted to say. You didn't want to give up on him, push him around or give him ultimatum, but this already hurt. And a lot. The uncertainty was slowly killing you.
"Please, don't," he pleaded, tugging you to his broad chest. The tips of his claws slid out, pricking your skin a bit painfully. He was desperate. "Just give me little more time and I will explain everything. For now, just believe in me. Please. I love you so much. I swear it's nothing bad. Really. I actually hope you will like it once you see it. Please.."
You sighed, thinking about it. "Fine," you said at last.
"Just a few more days, love. I know it's already so hard for you, but please, have a little more patience with me," he reassured you again and kissed the crown of your head.
And he did as he promised.
Hardly a week passed since that evening. You were in the kitchen, washing some forest berries that you collected in the morning, when Tamlin returned after two hours of being who-knows-where with a beaming smile. He strolled to you and hugged you from behind, placing a ticklish kiss on the column of your neck followed by gentle nip. Resting his chin on your shoulder he peeked down on your hands.
"What is my pretty little rose doing?" he cooed to your ear happily.
"I thought I would tried to bake a berry pie," you murmured, still not looking at him. You occupied yourself by placing the clean berries on already prepared dough in the baking form.
"Hmm," he kissed the sensitive spot under your ear. "It sounds amazing. How can I help?"
"I'm almost done. Just to bake it."
"Fantastic," he laughed and waited until you placed the last berry and wiped your hands. Then he snapped his fingers. Cake was baked right in front of you. "I think now it's done."
He turned you around and before you could say anything more he kissed you deeply. His tongue slipped into your mouth, exploring. Fingers of one of his hands threaded through your hair on the nape of the neck, supporting your head, the other hand travelled down your body and settling on your hip squeezed lightly. When he pulled away, he licked his lips and growled contentedly.
"Love, do you remember when I asked you for a few more days?"
"Yes, I do," you hummed, your head still spinning as an aftermath of his actions.
"It's over. I'm ready to show you. If you still want to know, of course."
You immediately agreed and Tamlin smirking winnowed you to the edge of the forest near his manor. He took your hand in his, squeezing it firmly.
"Would you take a walk with me?"
"And where are we going?"
He just laughed. "You will see soon, my love."
And so you followed him. As soon as you walked past the last of the trees, you got a view of his entire estate. You stopped in awe. Even from a far you could see the change. Gardens were clean and freshly planted, facade of the manor was repaired and painted, new windows reflected sunlight.
Your heart sank and you instantly felt sorry that you ever doubted him.
"Is this where you've been going all that time?" you whispered to the wind, tears stinging your eyes.
"Lucien helped a great deal, but I had to make sure everything will be perfect," he grinned down at you and tucked a strand of hair that had come loose from the braid, back behind your ear. "What do you think?"
"It looks much better now. I mean it's beautiful." You swallowed hard and turned to him. "I'm so sorry, Tamlin. I-"
He sealed his lips over yours, silencing you. His kiss was sweet and deep, but he didn't hurry with it, enjoying every second of it. By the time he pulled away, you were weak in your knees, only his arms around your waist still held you upright.
"I am sorry, my love. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I couldn't tell anything. I made you worried and sad because of that. I hope you could find it in yourself to forgive me."
You just shook your head, inhaling his scent and gently drawing circles on his back. You rested your head over his heart and the two of you stood there for some time holding each other, admiring the scenery. Then Tamlin took your hand once again and led you down the hill to the manor. He gave you a tour, starting in spacious gardens and then proceeded inside, showing you different sitting rooms, halls, ballrooms, picture gallery, dining rooms, kitchen and library and at last he showed you some of the smaller bedchambers.
After hours of walking around, at last he took you to the biggest bedchamber that occupied entire top floor. It was a bright complex of connected rooms with up to ceiling windows leading to a private balcony and furnished with light-coloured furniture with a lot of small details.
First you walked into a sitting room with a big hearth and a set of sofas and armchairs placed near it. In one corner of the room was a bookcase full of old looking books, in another was a small counter with everything necessary for making a tea. The room was simply furnished, yet elegant, plants and amounts of blankets and small pillows added to the overall cosy atmosphere that reminded you of your cottage.
Next to it was an actual bedroom. A large bed with cream-coloured sheets dominated to the room. Two sets of doors led to an enormous walk in closet and a bathroom with bathtub big enough for at least two people. Everything was airy, decorated with different kinds of flowers and plants, and overall pleasant to look at.
Tamlin nervously watched you while you took a look around, adding small comments about furnishing and decorations. At the end of the tour he took you out to the private balcony. The view from up there was magnificent. Most of the gardens were visible from there. You couldn't help yourself and got lost in that beauty.
Still nervous Tamlin stood next to you with a light smirk on lips and let you enjoy yourself. After a while he cleared his throat to pull your attention back to him. "So what do you think? Do you like it?"
"It's lovely, Tamlin. You did an amazing job on the house and the gardens as well. Everything is perfect." You chuckled at the word.
"Do you.. do you think you could live in here?" he nervously played with something in his hand, but you couldn't see what it was.
"Live in here? With you?"
"Yes, I mean.." he took your hand, got down on one knee and looked up at you. His emerald eyes shone in last rays of setting sun. He wet his lips nervously before he continued in a slightly trembling voice. "Will you do me the honor and marry me?"
He opened his hand, offering its content to you. In the center of his big palm sat a small heart shaped box with ring in it. It was a simple jewellery, but it perfectly matched the pendant he gave you before.
You let out a shuddering breath. "I-.. I thought you don't want to get married."
"I have to apologise for that. Again." His hand with ring dropped slightly. "I wasn't completely honest back then. And I'm sorry I hurt you. I really didn't mean to. I understand if you decide to reject me. But I want you to know.. You are.. my everything. Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life. I want nothing more than for you to become my wife. I'd love to live the rest of my life with you by my side. That's the only thing I sincerely wish and pray for with all my heart."
You couldn't take it anymore, tears sliding down your face. You rushed to his open arms and hugged him with all your strength.
"Tamlin," you cried. "Yes! A thousand times yes!"
"Gods, thank you," he whispered to the crook of your neck and his arms closed around you.
You didn't know how long you stayed like that, crying and kissing and again crying. After some time Tamlin carried you to the set of sofas. The sun had already set below the horizon and temperature dropped. Tamlin wrapped a blanket around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side.
"Can I?" he asked, holding the delicate ring between fingers. You offered him your hand and he slipped it on your ring finger. You held your hand up so both of you could see it.
"It's perfectly perfect," you smiled at him.
He chuckled at your teasing remark.
"Yeah, perfectly perfect. But not as much as you," he kissed you.
Most of the night you spent sitting under the clear night sky full of shinning stars. Later you returned to your cottage to eat already cold dinner that you had prepared earlier, and went straight to the bed. That was the last night you slept in your small cottage in the woods.

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More Posts from Yunloyal
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
Synopsis: Having the infamous Vice-Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force as your fiance isn't easy especially when the rest of the force expects you to be strong enough to be worthy to be by his side along with your family demanding you to finally get married and give them an heir. The continuous onslaught of expectations and demands from all sides keeps you up at night when you think about how you don't really have a good relationship with him. Or at least that's what you thought...
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Note/s: This is a series but I'll try making every part as oneshots so you can read them as is without being confused. I'll add the links once i'm done making the story ^_^
Trope/s: Arranged Marriage; Misunderstandings; Childhood Sweethearts; Hopeless Romantic; Hidden Power; School Romance; Soulmates; Love at First Sight; Workplace Romance
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Smut, Romance, Action
Warning/s: Insecurities, Anxiety, NSFW, Jealousy, Self Hurt

Original Character:
Uzui Kagami
The Uzui clan of ninjas has always been active in assisting the Hoshina clan from the shadows, with a only few of its members serving the Defence Force and the rest being assigned as bodyguards for important people. The Uzuis had been cultivating their personal blade style, however, only select individuals can manage to fully exhibit its potential, thus encouraging its family members to focus on their technical skills in weaponry.
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A Comedy of Errors. Chapter 1: Negotiations
Background: Y/N is a transfer student who joined Karasuno High in her second year because her family shifted to Miyagi. She is a volleyball player and plays as a wing spiker (ace) in the Girlâs Volleyball team. Â
Pairing: Karasuno x fem reader || Romantic Pairing: Asahi x fem reader
Genre: Comedy and slight fluff at the end
A/N: Comedy is back!!! I am so excited to be writing fun stuff again because the response on the last funny story was so great and I had so much fun writing it and imagining the funny scenarios (you should definitely give it a read, I am sure you will enjoy it). As soon as I had the idea for this story, I just got straight to writing and havenât stopped. Hope you enjoy!!

The first time Asahi saw you, it felt like he was seeing the sun for the first time.
Since the boysâ basketball team has been occupying the boysâ gym a lot, lately, Daichi asked Michimiya if he could use the girlsâ gym in the evening.Â
Michimiya, of course, had been more than happy to say yes to Daichi and handed him the spare keys in her excitement. In fact, keys were nothing. if Daichi had asked her for a kidney, she would probably have ripped her own out of herself and handed it to him.Â
However, even though she had said yes to him with such confidence and assured him that she would make the arrangements for the boys to practice, there was a giant hurdle standing in her way.Â
Once she had squeezed every extra second she could talking to Daichi, as soon as he left, she turned and ran to the floor where the second yearsâ classes were.Â
Continuar lendo
ushijima x reader. some angst, mostly fluff, suggestive content. timeskip spoilers. plot: your long-time coworker turned friend, Kuroo, sets you up on a date with one of his finest clienteles.
To stay unattached is to keep a distance.
Ushijima Wakatoshi knows this well enough. He had gotten accustomed to it at an early age, when his parents divorced. It was pretty clear that his mom hardly wanted anything to do with him, and neither did her family.
His intention is to keep this maxim walking into the date. Though, it doesnât deter him from being the gentleman he is, even when you show up 15 minutes late.
Your first impression of Wakatoshi is that he is a man of few words. You arenât put off by it, however, you prefer a man that knows his points, speaks it, and waits for a response in deliberate silence. Itâs endearing in its own way.
Itâs endearing now, when you canât help but find yourself staring at him. His dress shirt and pantsâArmaniâ are tailored to fit him perfectly. You saw when he stood up to greet you, even pulling your chair out for you (swoon.) His jawline is sharp, eyes stoic, and his shoulders are so broadâ
Heâs turned to you with expecting eyes.
âOh- sorry, what did you say?â
Wakatoshi clears his throat and straightens in his seat. âI said because Iâll be in Europe soon, Iâm not looking for anything serious right now.â
Oh. Okay⊠you can work with that. You usually donât do one-night-stands, but the longer you look at him, the more amorous youâre getting.
âIâm sorry if that disappoints you.â
You perk up, realizing you havenât given a reply. âNot at all! Iâm not really interested in that either.â
A lie. You fear you are quite the hopeless romantic at heart.
As you resume to your dish, he takes a moment to watch you.
Wakatoshi might not be too well versed in pop-culture, but he has picked up a few magazines in his free time and reads enough ads to know that youâre quite the public figure yourself. Quite the vivacious one at thatâ according to some headlines.
He isnât too sure of what your job is, just knows that youâve worked alongside Kuroo for a while and recently ventured into the fashion world. Your confidence in style illuminates under the dim lamps of the restaurant: classic, chic, timeless. He hadnât missed the wandering eyes when you walked through the door.
When Kuroo had called him during his off-season trip back to Japan, Wakatoshi had initially declined, not wanting to start something he wasnât sure if he could finish. But, Kuroo had insisted, saying that you thought âhis eyes are prettyâ and wanted to see for yourself if they were olive or brown. Safe to say, he was intrigued and figured heâd quell your thirst for knowledge.
When dinner concludes after some small, but interesting talks, Wakatoshi insists he pay for the bill, and before you can deny, his card is already given to the waitress without even looking at the check.
âThank you for dinner, Wakatoshi. It was delicious.â
âOf course.â He says as he holds the door open for you. You both walk to the marble water fountain placed in front of the parking lot. âHave you decided what color my eyes are?â
You freeze.
(âTheyâre definitely brown.â Kuroo assured.
âWeâll see. You didnt tell him I said anything about his eyes though did you ?â
âNot at all!â Kuroo gave his salesman smile to your glare. His two thumbs up acting as a shield from your valid accusation.
He did.)
You make a mental note to leave a scathing voicemail later.
âOh!â You laugh, bashful, a hand coming up to rub your neck. âThatâŠ.â
It appears Wakatoshi is still waiting for an definitive answer. You suppose heâs the not the type of man to tease, but still comes off just as humorous through his bluntness. Itâs lovely, you think, you prefer to be the one teasing anyway. You step closer, leaning in close enough for him to feel the surface of fabric on your evening wear against his own. The string lights around the restaurant have given you both a warm, golden hue. Itâs brighter out here.
ââŠRight now, they look olive. In the restaurant, they looked a dark brown.â Your voice is quieter now, but youâre still looking at him with that inquisitive gaze of yours. And he canât help but study back. He scans your face and absentmindedly thinks those magazines donât do you justice. He watches as your lips curve upwards into a small smile. âI guess it depends on the lighting, but my verdict is olive.â
Neither of you have moved, still inches apart. It feels⊠intimate. âWhat color do you say they are?â
Wakatoshi never thought about it, never really cared, but right now, he just wants to agree with you. âOlive.â
He watches as your smile grows, feeling his heart beat at a quicker pace. âAh, I love being right.â Thereâs a moment of silence until you take a step back and extend your hand, âWell. Goodnight, Wakatoshi.â
Wakatoshi gives a nod, breaking out of his short-lived trance. He takes your hand, thinks your skin is some sort of magnet the way he canât bring himself to pull away.
And before he can think clearly and go through with his plan of saying goodbye and leaving it at that to go your separate ways, he leans in closer, gently tugging you in with his hand still in yours.
You donât move a way, instead you purse your lips as you look to his and back up at his olive eyes.
His voice is just above a whisper.
âMay I⊠kiss you?â
Heâs not sure who kisses who first after he asks. He just knows that for the following weeks, Wakatoshi sees you more than he should be. He becomes accustomed to your presence in his apartment, your smell on his bed, and the way you call him âtoshi against his lips.
The weekend before his flight(weekends of which you usually spend the night) you donât come over. He doesnât play dumb at the fact that he had been the one to say it wasnât serious in the first place. You seemed to take that to heart. He remembers the sadness in your eyes the last time you were in his home, telling him you werenât good at goodbyes. Did you think he was?
Wakatoshi spent that weekend mulling the last few weeks over, missing you. He mentally scolds himself for letting it go this far, but how was he supposed to know his heart would cave at your simplest touch?
This kind of issue can only be resolved by talking to one person: a best friend.
And Tendou Satori rarely misses a phone call from his.
âI suppose me leaving is for the best.â Wakatoshi had rationalized, the afternoon before his flight, filling Tendou in about the heartache that is you.
âThe more distance the better.â
âAh, but Wakatoshi-kun, doesnât distance make the heart grow fonder?â
His flight landed in Poland around noon. Many hours on the plane, Wakatoshi decides he isnât good at goodbyes either. He calls you when he reaches his hotel.
âHi.â His voice is caught on the air, surprised youâd picked up so quickly. âI just landed. IâŠIââ
To be unattached is to keep a distance. But, even thousands of miles away from you, Wakatoshi is bound, tied true to the anchor that is your voice and the mirage of your face when he hears it.
âI miss you too.â
He wants to laugh because really, itâs only been three days since youâve seen each other. Have you both grown lovesick?
âCan I see you when I get back?â
âWakatoshi, thatâs weeksâ months away.â You laugh. He smiles upon hearing it. Yeah, lovesick. âWho knows what will happen by then?â
His smile is replaced by a confused frown. âWhat will happen?â Before you can answer, he has spoken again. âNothing will change. For me, at least.â
You hum. A beat of silence. ââToshi?â
âIâll be thinking about you until then.â
Wakatoshi thinks he might just fly you out and attach you to him forever.
(On a random weekday, Kuroo receives a box of Parisian chocolates and a typed out âThank Youâ card on his desk. The card flips to show a man with red hair and red eyes.)

a/n: ty for reading! long distance sucks, but this couple will make it thru :â)
Smoke Eater - Part 3

Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. ReaderÂ
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but heâs also known to break a few hearts. Heâs starting to crave something heâs never had, though. Something stable. Something real.Â
Thatâs when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.  Â
AN: Ready for some more ridiculous flirting? lol
đ„ Series Masterlist
Song Inspo: âGot a Hold on Meâ by Christine McVie (of Fleetwood Mac) Word Count: 5,800 Tags/Warnings: Mutual pining, fluff, first encounters and first dates

Part 3: âGot a Hold on Meâ
Your gaze drew a path onwards, eventually reaching the other end of the bar.
There you caught sight of red flannel over a black undershirt, familiar broad shoulders, and an even more familiar face. Your eyes widened a fraction as his met yours, gleaming with recognitionâŠand interest.
That slow smile of his was familiar too. It made a lance of heat run down your spine. You gripped the counter, mostly to steady yourself as you let out a breath.
Lieutenant Winchester.

You couldnât help but smile back as you met the manâs gaze across the bar.
You recognized his bearded friend, Benny, who leaned over and said something to Dean. You couldnât hear him, of course, but maybe he was asking a question. Because Dean nodded and said something in reply before he picked up his glass of what looked like whiskey. And he smoothly got up out of his seat.
Anticipation and nerves coiled together in your lower belly. You turned to your friend, who was already sipping at her vodka cranberry.
âDre, help me,â you pleaded.
Andréa discreetly followed the path of your gaze, and her brows raised. A smirk curved her lips.
âOh, babe. You need to help yourself,â she replied.
âI havenât done that in a while,â you admitted. Your dating life had been sorely lacking, between the demands of your job and taking care of things at home. âIâm gonna say something demented.â
Andréa huffed in amusement.
âSo? Thatâs half the fun,â she said. A smile curved her lips. âI think Iâm going to go play some pool.â
And with that, your friend abandoned you. She slid off her seat and patted your ass on her way over to one of the pool tables. You watched her go with narrowed eyes and pursed lips.Â
âThere you go, hun,â said Jo. She slid your drink in front of you. It came in a deep round glass on a stem, with a straw on the side.
âThanks,â you replied.
You opened the straw and took a small sip to steady yourself, as you saw Dean coming out of the corner of your eye.
You even pretended not to notice the handsome man sliding into the seat next to you. His elbows rested on the counter next to yours, and you finally glanced over at him.
âCan I help you, sir?â you asked. A coquettish smile played at your lips, but you even surprised yourself with your smooth delivery. Inside, you had butterflies.
You didnât notice the way Joâs gaze lingered on you and Dean, a frown marring her features. Though she soon moved on to another patron.
And Deanâs attention was solely on you. He gave you a handsome smile, full of charm. You gave him expectant brows.Â
âWell, weâll see. Iâve got a question for you,â he said.
You indulged him with a nod. âOkay. Whatâs your question, Lieutenant?â Â
âWhy Girl Scout cookies?â he asked, speaking of the baked goods youâd brought by the firehouse yesterday. âI mean, weâve gotten cakes, muffins, Krispy Kreme donuts. But I gotta say, weâve never gotten some bakery-style Trefoils.â
Your smile brightened a bit.
âWho doesnât like âem?â you asked. âI mean, you can walk by their table and be all coy and pretend youâre not going to buy anything, but then you walk away with half a dozen boxes of Thin Mints.â
Dean chuckled, and you enjoyed the way it crinkled the corners of his eyes.
âOr is that just me?â you added, and once again sipped at your drink.Â
Meanwhile, AndrĂ©a felt a hot gaze on her as she set up the cue balls on the pool table. She allowed it with a subtle smile. If it was the same one sheâd crossed paths with earlier when she walked in with you, then she didnât mind.
She was, however, getting impatient.
âMind if I join you?â
The pleasant drawl of the manâs voice licked up her spine. When she glanced over her shoulder, her smile widened a fraction. Finally.
âFor a game?â she asked. She straightened, brushing a smooth wave of dark hair off her shoulder.
And she turned to meet the bearded man standing casually behind her, resting his glass on the edge of the pool table. The gray of his rolled up, buttoned-down shirt brought out the vivid blue of his eyes. But even though he was tall and broad, he didnât seem intimidating.
âTo start with,â he said. His lips quirked at a smile. âBut first, I think itâd be a damn shame if I didnât ask for your name.â
AndrĂ©aâs head tipped to one side as she considered him. She picked up the second pool stick and handed it to him.
âAre you going to ask?â she replied. Her fingers curled around her own stick as she leaned a hip against the table.Â
It made him smile. Those eyes of his considered her dress, an earthy green that brought out the hazel in her eyes, warm against her tan skin. But he lingered on her face, full lips and long, dark lashes.
âWhatâs your name, beautiful?â he asked.
âAndrĂ©a,â she answered, and gestured to the pyramid of cue balls. âIâll even let you go first, if I get your name.â
His smile deepened, and he leaned over beside her to line up his shot. He glanced over and found the challenge in her eyes was more than welcome.
âIâm Benny,â he said. He took the shot without looking at his target, breaking the pyramid and scattering cue balls across the table.

Back at the bar, your drink and your conversation were both bringing a pleasant buzz to your brain. You nodded along with the music when âGot a Hold on Meâ by Christine McVie replaced Boston.
âYouâre liftinâ me up,â she sang through the speakers. âNever let me downâŠand I smile whenever youâre around.â
Dean glanced at you with a small grin, shaking his head.
You couldnât help but smile back. âWhat?â
âNothinâ,â he said. âI just didnât expect to see someone like you here.â
Your brows furrowed. âSomeone like me?â
He caught the look on your face, and his turned apologetic.
âNah, I just meanâŠthis doesnât seem like your usual vibe,â he said.
You werenât quite sure how to take that, but you eventually shrugged.
âTo be honest, I donât go out all that much,â you replied. âI like it here though. Good music, good drinksââ
âAnd good company, I hope,â Dean added in. You allowed that with a smile.
All the while, Christine kept singing.
âIâve been down. Iâve been used. Now I know, I know, I know, I just canât loseâŠâ
âSo did you guys like the cookies? Or did the Girl Scout thing put you off,â you teased. Deanâs lips quirked.
âSweetheart, those delectables were gone by end of shift. Iâm talking that afternoon. They were easily some of the best cookies Iâve ever tastedâŠIâm serious,â he said, when you became a bit bashful, and maybe disbelieving.
âIâm tellinâ you, if you had your own bakery, Iâd be lining up every damn day,â he said. He then sent you a playfully suspicious look. âMatter of fact, you didnât just buy those, did you?â
Your smiled warmed as you considered your half-empty glass. Your fingers traced the rim.
âWell, donât laugh butâŠI actually went to culinary school,â you said. Deanâs brows rose high at the confession.
âWhy would I laugh about that? Thatâs awesome!â he said. âWhy didnât you become a chef or something?â
Your gaze drifted downwards. âWellâŠletâs just say, life got in the way.â
His face dimmed a little at that. But you noticed, and you tried to perk up.
âSo yes, sir. I baked all five dozen of those cookies with my own two hands,â you said more cheerfully. You raised waving fingers. âIâve got the burns to prove it.â
Youâd actually made a rookie move, trying to move one of the trays before it had sufficiently cooled down. It was bad enough that you had to apply some aloe last night.
Dean made a show of furrowing his brows, with playful concern.   Â
âLet me see,â he said. He straightened in his seat, acting more âLieutenant Winchesterâ as he took your hands and examined your palms and fingers. You blushed, and you bit your lip against a smile as his larger hands handled yours with care.
He did notice the redness on your fingertips, and part of your right palm. He glanced up at you.
âDo they hurt?â he asked.
You blinked at the genuine note in his question.
âOh, not really,â you said. But you smiled at the fractional raise of his brows. âWell, maybe they still sting a bit, but itâs nothing. I had worse in school, believe me.â
Dean hummed as he considered your hands. Your face heated up further as you tried to get a read on what he was thinking. Was he about to do the cheesy thing and kiss it better? (Though you probably wouldnât mind, even if he did.)
Instead, Dean reached into his own glass and grabbed an ice cube. After shaking off some excess water droplets, he moved the ice against the pads of your fingers, then down the fading red mark on your palm.
âThat feel better?â he asked.
If possible, your blush intensified as your insides warmed and melted like hot butter. It was a sweet, and seemingly earnest gesture that plucked at your heartstrings.
And that was how Dean Winchester got your number before âGot a Hold on Meâ ended.

Andréa was still chatting away at the bar with Benny by the time you decided to call it a night. She understood why you wanted to get home, to check on your grandfather.
You saw a bit of disappointment in Deanâs eyes when you said you needed to go, but he graciously offered to walk you to your car. It was pretty late, after all, and you had more than one reason to agree as he stepped out with you into the night.
You didnât know if it was the evening chill, or his presence burning beside you that made a small shiver run through you. But once the two of you reached your car, you hesitated and looked up at Dean. You realized that you were reluctant to end this, whatever it was.
He quirked a smile down at you and tucked a wily strand of hair behind your ear.
âIt was good to see you,â he said.
âLikewise, Lieutenant,â you replied, with a teasing gleam in your eyes. His were drawn to your face, lowering to your lips.
âCan I see you again?â he asked.
Again, your face warmed. âI think Iâd be okay with that.â
His smile grew with his huff of amusement.
âOkay, how about I pick you up tomorrow night?â he offered. âThatâs, uhâŠif you donât got any plans.â
Your heart was hammering in your chest. Play it cool, for the love of God. Just say yes.
You didnât usually agree to let a man pick you up on the first date, but something about Dean felt intrinsically trustworthy. Maybe it was the fact that heâd already saved you once this week.
âSure,â you agreed, sounding more casual than you felt. âWhat did you have in mind?â
Dean considered that with a thoughtful look.
âTell you what, let me take you to dinner. Somewhere nice,â he said. His hand raised to thumb at your warm cheek. He couldnât see your blush, but you were sure he could feel it.
âI like dinner,â you admitted. Though you immediately wanted to slap yourself. Idiot!
Dean just laughed, and your blush turned to one of embarrassment.
âAll right. Something we can agree on,â he said in amusement. âIâll see you tomorrow then. Get home safe, okay, sweetheart?â
You nodded, though you paused, looking up at the indecision on his face. His gaze roamed your face, once again falling to your lips. Nervousness trilled down your spine, though you didnât know why.
Maybe you were just a coward, but you didnât wait for him to decide. You just gave him one last smile before you turned from him, unlocking your car with a press of a button on your keys.
âWell, goodnight,â you told him. âSee you tomorrow.â
He nodded, stepping back from you. âSee you soon.â

Well, it was tomorrow. And you were trying not to freak the hell out.
âThatâs it,â AndrĂ©a said. âThatâs the one.â
You had her on FaceTime, with your phone propped up on your dresser as you raided your closet.
Your hair was pinned up, your makeup done, and now, sheâd helped you find the right outfitâa dress in vibrant emerald green that hugged your curves and fell to about mid-thigh. You smoothed out the straps and twisted to see yourself in the mirror.
âWhyâre you frowning. This is perfect!â AndrĂ©a said.
âI justâŠâ You sighed, once again trying to tug up the neckline. It was a bit lower than you preferred, but if you remembered right, your friend had encouraged this purchase a while back.
âIt isnât too much, is it?â you asked.
âNot for a first date with a smokinâ hot firefighter, mind the pun,â AndrĂ©a teased. âYouâre a knockout, babe. He wonât be able to pick up his tongue off the floorâŠbut Iâm sure you can find a place for him to put it.â
You spluttered laughing, even after you made a scandalized sound. âYouâre ridiculous.â
Still, you knew you could always count on Andréa to hype you up. You appreciated that about her; she was confident without being petty or prideful. And while she never begrudged you for your more cautious approach to things, she did try to get you out of your comfortable shell when you needed it. This, apparently, was one of those times.
You chose a pair of black suede heels Dean hadnât seen before, along with a few spritzes of perfume in strategic locations on your body.
âOkay, Deanâs supposed to get here at 8:00. Until then, regale me with more about your night with Captain Benjamin Lafitte,â you said, drawing out each word of the manâs name with a suggestive flourish.
Andréa gave a dreamy sigh. She smiled as she sat back against her headboard in bed.
âHe was just soâŠâ she trailed, like she was sorting through a collection of memories, savoring each one, all while trying to find a way to distill it all into a simple sentence. She had an artistâs mind, and so tended to romanticize. But you enjoyed the way she spun her stories.
âEarthy, and real, while still being charming,â she said. âIâm pretty sure he let me win the pool game. Which ordinarily would annoy the shit out of me, but when he offered to buy me another drink, I couldnât say no, andâŠwe talked until the bar closed.â
âWow.â Your eyes widened as you made the finishing touches on your clipped up hair.
âRight? Iâve never had an experience like that with a perfect stranger,â she said. âI thinkâŠI think it was like, one of those connections you hear about, see on TV but never think it happens in real life. Iâll tell you, when we walked into the bar, his eyes were the first thing I saw. And they were the last thing I remember from that night, after he kissed me goodnightâŠwell, more like made out against my car, but you get the idea.â
She smiled as her face became lost in thought. Meanwhile, you tried not to be envious that sheâd had more courage than you.
âAre you going to see him again soon?â you asked. AndrĂ©a seemed to come back down to Earth at the question, meeting your gaze.
âI think so,â she said. âWeâre trying to plan something for next week. Heâs also a construction contractor.â
You nodded. âYeah, Dean was telling me that a lot of them have part-time jobs when theyâre not on shift.â
âDoes he do anything on the side?â she asked.
âIf I remember right, he said he fixes cars sometimes, but Iâm not sure if heâs a certified mechanic,â you replied.
âWell, maybe he can spruce up your old-ass Toyota Camry. How long have you had that thing?â she asked. Â
You scoffed. âSince college. And it was old then, since I got it usedâŠI think Iâve racked up about 200,000 miles on it.â
AndrĂ©a grimaced. âOh God. You really need a new car, before that thing breaks down on you.â
âThatâs what I keep tellinâ her,â said Grandpa George. He appeared in the doorway with a mug of tea. He waved at AndrĂ©a on your phone screen. âHey there, sweetheart.â
âHey, George. Whatâre your plans this evening? Go-karting or roller blading?â she teased with a grin.
George matched it with a hearty laugh. Andréa was his favorite.
âWell, I think Iâll start at the roller disco and see where my heart takes me,â he replied. Though he had fond stars in his eyes, and you smiled, knowing what memory he was about to recall.
âAh, my wife and I met at one of those cheesy-ass places in the â70s,â he said. âShe was a regular there, had the knee-high socks, the shiny skirt, her long hair whipping around like a rope⊠I remember she skated past me and knocked me clean onto my ass. I watched her skate away, that little skirt swishing. I think I was half in love right there.â
Your heart twinged, both for yourself and for him, as you could see the sting of melancholy in his eyes. Your grandmother had passed away a few years ago, but it was still deeply painful for both of you.
George shook his head, as if clearing the ghosts of memory from his mind. He looked over at you with a fond smile.
âWell, donât you look beautiful?â he said. And he reached out for your hand, playfully raising it above your head and twirling you around as you smiled. âReminds me of when your grandma helped you get ready for the senior prom.â
You snorted at that. âYou mean when she almost glued my eyes shut, trying to get those fake lashes on?â
Youâd rather pluck out your own eyes than have to ever again go through the âde-gluing process,â as sheâd called it.
âItâs a shame we donât have any pictures of you that night,â George considered. A knowing smile crossed his face. âYou looked adorable.â
âI looked like I had a wonky eye,â you retorted. âWhy do you think I burned all the evidence?â
Andréa tried not to, but she chortled at your expense. You shot her a narrowed look.
âCareful,â she teased. âDonât strain yourself, Wonky. Youâve got a better night than prom ahead of you.â
âSpeaking of, whenâs that boy supposed to pick you up?â George asked.
You let out a breath, slightly nervous as you checked the time on your phone.
âIn about ten minutes.â

âOkay, for the third time,â Sam said, trying his best to be patient. He sat on Deanâs bed while the man stood in front of the bathroom mirror. He was debating the age-old question: tie, or no tie?
âRed wine goes with red meat. White wine goes with chicken and fish,â Sam reminded him. âIf you get red, you want to order a bottle of merlot. Itâs full bodied without being dry as hell.â
âYeah, merlot with meat. Got it,â Dean nodded. âWhatâs white again?â
âEverything else,â Sam said, once again. âIf you order white, Iâd say go with a pinot grigio. Itâs light, can be dry or can be fruity. It all depends on personal preference, but I really likeââ
âWell, Iâm probably getting steak, so no to pinot,â Dean said. He finally decided on no tie, just a black suit jacket over the dark blue shirt, with a couple of buttons left open at the top.
Sam sighed and gestured at his brother. âAnd what if she wants fish? What if she hates red wine?â
Dean frowned. âRight. Okay. Pinot or merlot, got it.â
âAlways ask to try it first,â Sam added. âOr hereâs a thought. You could just be yourself. Order a beer and let her get whatever she wants.â
His frown deepening, Dean shook his head and left his bathroom. He crossed his bedroom to find his shoesâthe nice black ones he only wore for weddings and funerals.
âNah. This girlâs classy, Sam. Canât half-ass this,â he said. A bit of unease coiled in his stomach, but he tried his best to ignore it.
He couldnât remember the last time he got nervous to meet a girlâŠmaybe because he hadnât gone out on an actual âdinner and conversationâ date in a while.
Or at least, he didnât think he could count his dates as real ones.
âYouâll be fine,â Sam said. He could see plainly what his brother didnât want to admit, only because they knew each other so well.
Dean glanced over at Sam and flickered at a smile. He grabbed his keys, his wallet, and didnât think he was missing anythingâŠ
âDean,â Sam said. He nodded over at the bundle on the dresser. Dean reached for it and shot his brother a wink.
âHold the fort, Sammy.â

His car rumbled to a stop in front of your house just a few minutes late. Dean took a moment to admire the nice-looking beige house with its dark trim, old but still in good condition. And he wondered if you had roommates, or if you lived alone. Maybe you even owned this place.Â
He wasnât sure, as he could only see one car in the driveway (your car, he recognized). He knew heâd need about two or three other roommates to be able to afford this two-story house.Â
He straightened his collar and blew out a breath. Get it together, asshole. Youâre going on a date, not running into a burning building.
Funny, heâd probably be less nervous with the latter.
Youâre not nervous, he reminded himself. You like her, thatâs allâŠyeah.
Rolling his eyes at himself, Dean turned off the car and grabbed his key out of the ignition on his way out. He walked up the red brick path up to the porch and knocked on your door.
His pulse picked up a bit when he heard a pair of heels approaching the door. Soon enough, it opened, and Dean was greeted with a sight. Namely your face, and a smile spreading across it.
Beautiful, he couldnât help but think, as his gaze dipped to take in the rest of you. He liked the color of your pretty green dress, the soft and classy makeup, the goddamn sexy heels, and the way your hair was pinned up. (Even though it looked so soft, he wanted to see it loose.)
He liked it all, especially that you seemed happy to see him.
âHey there,â you said, a little breathy, like youâd been hastening down the stairs.
Dean gave you a smile, along with the small bouquet of flowers heâd been hiding behind his back.
âHey, sweetheart,â he said. His smile deepened when you uttered a gasp at the modest bundle of red tulips. âFeel like I shouldâa gone with something more impressive to match you. You look beautiful.â
You glanced up at him with a sweet smile, but you took the flowers and shook your head.
âNo, these are gorgeous. IâŠcanât remember the last time someone gave me flowers,â you admitted.
It was a bit old-fashioned, but one of Deanâs earliest memories as a kid was seeing his dad come home, late from work as he so often was. But heâd stopped along the way at his momâs favorite flower shop. He brought her red tulips rather than red roses.
Dean didnât know why. Maybe that was her favorite flower, or maybe the roses were all out. In his memory though, his momâs upset faded whenever she saw those flowers.   Â
âThank you,â you said warmly, taking Dean out of his thoughts. He flashed you a smile touched with slight embarrassment. He drew a hand through his short hair at the back of his head.
âWell, uh, are you ready?â he asked.
You nodded. âYep! Just need to grab my purse and put these in some water.â
You welcomed him inside the house while he waited for you to find a vase. Dean took the opportunity to look around from where he stood in the hall. It looked big on the outside, but inside, it looked like a cozy family home. He took in the wood furniture, a paisley couch in the living room, family pictures on the wall and in a China cabinet rather than actual fine China.
It didnât exactly scream high-powered saleswoman, but maybe youâd inherited it from your family. Or you were going to have it fixed up before you sold it, like some Property Brothers-type action. Or he was reading too much into it entirely, and should just focus on the fact that youâd agreed to go out with him to begin with.
Dean perked up when you returned with your purse on your shoulder and the tulips in a vase, which you set down on the living room coffee table for now. You greeted him again with smile.
âIâll find a better place for those later, just didnât want to keep you waiting,â you said.
âYouâre good,â he said. He offered you his hand, along with a grin. âI hope youâre hungry though. I know how much you like dinner.â
You giggled, ducking your head in embarrassment. You followed him out the front door.
âIf we can forget about that tipsy foot-in-mouth moment, thatâd be great,â you said. Dean shook his head.
âSorry, my mindâs like a steel trap,â he teased, even as he led you down the few steps of your porch in your heels.
âOh, really?â Your brow raised. âOkay, Iâll remember you said that.â
Dean smirked. âUh oh. Why do I feel like that oneâs gonna bite me in the ass someday?â
âWeâll see,â you replied in amusement. âFuture dinners might be on the line here.â
Your eyes widened when you finally saw his car parked behind yours in the driveway. Big and black and sleek and Chevrolet.
âWow. Thatâs your car?â
Dean shot you a grin that was somehow proud without being smug.
âYou like her?â he asked. He unlocked the car and even opened the passenger side door for you.
Wow again. A rare gentleman. You smiled and obliged him by climbing in.
âI think I do,â you said. Dean got in on his side after closing your door. The doors creaked and the engine rumbled when he turned the ignition. He looked over at you in a way that made your insides both flutter and melt. Anticipation and warmth.
âThink she likes you too,â he said.

Shit, what did Sam say? Dean stared down the wine menu, which may as well have been a Chinese grocery list, for all he knew.
Red was what? What the hell is a Malbec? Sounds like a kind of fish. That canât be red wine.
He discreetly raised his gaze above the menu. You were sitting there, pretty much perfect while you looked over the appetizer menu. This was an Italian restaurant. A nice one, and a cut above Deanâs usual dining spots. Neither of you had eaten here before, but you looked vastly more comfortable than he felt.Â
âWhat sounds better to you, clams or bruschetta?â you asked. Your eyes flicked up to his thoughtfully. âYou donât strike me as a clammy kinda guy.â
A smile tugged at his lips. There was a âclamâ joke in there somewhere, but he wasnât sure youâd appreciate it.
âBruschetta is the toast with little tomatoes, right?â he asked.
âYep,â you nodded, but then your head tilted as you looked down at the menu again. âOr we could do meatballs. Comes with twoâa ball each.â
You bit your lip over a smile, tinged with embarrassment, like you didn't realize what you were saying until you said it.
Dean smirked. Maybe your sense of humor was more in line with his than he expected.
âWell, I donât typically go for balls, meaty or otherwise. But whatever you want, sweetheart,â he teased. Truth be told, he loved Italian meatballs, but right now, he liked your snort of amusement even more.  Â
By the time the server, Liam, came to the table, you seemed to know what you wanted, while Dean was still looking over the wine list like it was Calculus homework.Â
âWould you like something to drink?â Liam asked.
Dean paused, unsure of how to respond. He glanced at you on reflex. You were waiting for him to say something, he knew. He just wasnât sure what he could say that didnât make him look like an idiot.
âIâll have a glass of this Cabernet Sauvignon,â you replied to the server, and pointed out the name of the wine on the list. He nodded and wrote that down, then turned to Dean next.
âAnd for you, sir?â Liam asked.
Again, Dean had a conundrum.
He decided to play it safe. âIâll have the same.â
You eyed him a moment, before you turned back to Liam.
âCan we try it first? See if we like it,â you said.
âCertainly,â he nodded. âDo you want to start with an appetizer?â
âYes. The meatballs, please,â you replied, glancing at Dean with secret amusement. His lips hinted at a smirk.
When the server left to put in the order, you rested your elbows on the table and folded your hands under your chin.
âSomething tells me youâre not big on wine,â you said.
Deanâs smile became more self-deprecating as he tapped a finger on the table.
âThat obvious, huh? âŠWell, canât say I didnât try.â
âDean Winchester.â Your head tilted as you considered him. âAre you trying to impress me?â
âTrying, maybe. Doubt Iâm succeeding,â he admitted with a short laugh.
You let out a small sigh, but you didnât look disappointed.
âI just want to get to know you,â you said. âYou donât have to woo me or anything.â
His brow rose in a subtle challenge. âWhat if you deserve a bit of wooing?â
You glanced down then, with a pretty blush beginning to dust your cheeks. He could still spot it in the dim lamplight, and it made him smile.
âI get what youâre saying,â he inclined his head. âI just have a feeling the guys you go out with know how to order a bottle of wine, at least.â
You met his gaze at that. Your brows drew together, and it wasnât until that that you realized what Dean seemed to be thinking. Like you were somehow better than him, or out of his league. While that was incredibly flattering (and downright surprising), it just wasnât true, you felt.
Youâd been nervous as hell up until this point, convinced that this manâs interest was half because heâd saved you. Because really, between the cut of that jaw, that smile, and those eyes, he could have anyone. And yet, heâd noticed you.
So now, you gained enough courage to reach across the table and rest your hand over his. It earned his attention.
âLook, Dean,â you said. âYou donât know anything about the kind of guys I go out with, so why donât you just try to get to know me, instead of being whatever you think I want?â
There was a challenge in your eyes, but your smile softened it, along with your hand in his. Dean curled his fingers around your hand, and he nodded.
âThatâs fair,â he said. His thumb drew across the back of your hand as he considered what youâd said. He realized he wasnât being fairâŠ
âSee, women tend to like the firefighter thing, until they donât,â he said.Â
âWhat do you mean?â you asked.
âWell, after a little while, itâs like the shine wears off,â Dean admitted. âBetween the long, sometimes inconsistent hours, the weight of the job⊠Itâs either too much, or not enough, you know?â
As much as that disheartened you to hear, you kind of understood what he was saying. First responders led challenging lives, and you could imagine how hard it would be to maintain relationshipsâfrom family and friends to lovers. And when he met your eyes, you had a feeling you knew what he was really saying underneath.
Itâs not enoughâŠor heâs not enough?
You frowned and squeezed his hand.
âThat must make it hard to find a real connection with someone,â you said.
Dean read the look in your eyes: sympathetic, but not pitying. He appreciated that, and you right now. But he was also getting a bit embarrassed. Good job, Mr. Overshare.
He let go of your hand just to lean back in his seat and card his fingers through his hair. He blew out a breath.
âSorry. Donât know why Iâm saying all this crap,â he said with a chuckle.
You smiled and crossed your arms on the table. âItâs not crap.â
He gave you a wry smile.
This Dean is not what I expected, you thought. He was all panty-dropping smiles and one-liners, until he wasnât. Behold, the softie underneath.
Liam soon returned with two glasses with a sample of the wine youâd requested. Dean took his glass, but waited a moment to watch you bring yours up to your face. You inhaled first before you took an experimental sip. You smiled and hummed at the taste. It led Dean to sip his as well.
He immediately made a face at the bitter, strong taste that razed across his tastebuds. He was used to the burn of alcohol, but this was just gross.
Thatâs when he caught that look on your faceâa small smile as you gauged his reaction.
âRefreshing,â Dean quipped. And dry as hell.
âYou want a beer instead?â you asked.
âDefinitely,â Dean nodded, looking up at Liam. âHeineken, if you please.â
âThat I can do.â The other man quirked a smile. âAnd for you, miss?â
You tapped on the rim of your wine glass. âA glass of this please. Thank you.â
âAbsolutely,â Liam replied. âIâll bring those shortly.â
Dean watched you with a smile. You caught him at it and smiled back questioningly.
âWhat?â you asked.
He shook his head. âNothinâ.â
He liked the way you carried yourself. Smart and classy, without being a snob. Confident and sexy at times, while shy and freakinâ adorable at othersâŠ
Damn, Dean thought. He liked you. He did.
And he didnât want to admit it, but that kind of scared him.

AN: Hohoo, so believe it or not, this is just part 1 of the first date! The rest is to come in the next chapter. But how did you like this so far?
Next Time:
You watched him curiously as he shrugged out of his jacket. He wrapped it around your shoulders, like this was some kind of Hallmark moment.
Heh. Canât believe Meg had it right, he thought, as he caught your blush.
âThanks,â you said softly.
âCanât let you catch cold in this little dress,â Dean reasoned.
He gently tugged you in closer by the ends of his jacket. Once again, his gaze was drawn to your face, your eyes, and finally your lips. You still held both ice cream cones between you two, but he could be careful enough to sample something else.
He started to lean inâŠ
Keep Reading: PART 4

Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
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Word count: 2600+
Warnings: swearing, otherwise mostly fluff

Next few days it rained just as Tamlin had predicted. Thanks to him you had enough food, the only problem was the fast running out herbs. Not wanting to go out, it was a great chance to practice your magic abilities. High Lord always sat down with you, watching over you. Whenever you had trouble, he offered advice. It wasn't easy after so many years of not using your powers, but it was fun and the two of you laughed a lot when things didn't turn the way you wanted them.
Except of that there was nothing much to do. You couldn't go out and moreover as a result of your reckless run in the rain you caught a cold, so looking out the window and wishing the downpour finally stopped was all you were allowed to do.
Tamlin banned you from the kitchen, making you sit whole day in front of the hearth while he took care of everything. Including you. He wouldn't even let you go up the stairs on your own. You suspected that if he wanted he could cure you with a single snap of fingers, but for some reason he didn't want to. But you couldn't complain at all.
It was pleasant to have somebody to care for you, especially when they did it with such love. Every refilling of your mug was accompanied by kiss on crown of your head and kind smile. Every fixing of the blanket or handing you a book, got you a soft, sweet kiss on cheek and gentle caress. No need to say that you actually spent more time sitting on his lap than on your own. Your chest swelled every time Tamlin slipped into your armchair, pulling you to his strong body.
Bad weather also gave you a lot of time to talk, to really talk about things that bothered you. You patiently listened to his life story, about his family, years in father's army and everything that hurt him while Amarantha pushed him to sacrifice his friends, made him watch the death of so many innocent lives right before his eyes and then just for fun tortured girl he liked and even killed her. He told you about what happened after Amarantha died, all the nightmares that haunted him for months, the echo of the crack of neck that followed him every second of every day. He intentionally skipped the part about your brother being an ass, but you already heard about it from Feyre.
You knew he didn't want you to pity him and you tried not to, but it was hard. You reassured him that he did all he could to protect his Court and held him when you were short for words.
When it was your turn to share pieces of you, well, you didn't have much to say. Your family wasn't perfect, but it wasn't as bad as Tamlin's. Your mother, cousin, brother and his friends made sure you had a quite happy childhood and the only really bad, traumatic thing that happened to you, was the night you lost your mother and your memories.
"Tamlin, I want to thank you," you whispered into the crook of his neck when your tears finally dried. He was gently rocking you while drawing circles on your back with his warm hand. "If it wasn't for you, I would be dead."
He shook his head dismissively. His body was tense as you shared what you saw that night, his jaw still clenched, tips of his claws slightly jabbing the skin of your hip where he held you. You couldn't see his face from this angle, but you could imagine his frown, cold emerald eyes full of hate and rage gazing into the dancing flames. He looked like that when he told you about his father and brothers. All those years when he tried not to get in their way, keeping it low to survive, left a lot of hatred and anger in him. "I could do more. I-"
"You did enough," you stopped him. "I'm alive just because you were there. You aren't responsible for whatever happened to me afterwards."
He looked down at you in disbelieve. "I knew they had somebody in dungeons. I should have done something, help you escape."
He leaned to the side, putting as much distance as possible in between you which wasn't much in your current position. His hands fell to armrests, claws fully slid out. "It doesn't matter what they would have done to me."
"I thought that we already talked about this, but never mind," you spoke calmly with a soft sigh. "Let's say you went down there and helped me get out. What would have happened to you after that? They would have punished you or even worse."
"It matters..a lot.. To me, it matters.."
He watched you out of the corner of his eye and then sighing pulled you into another hug. He looked defeated.
"We can't change the past, Tamlin. But I'm glad you didn't go down there to find out what your father was up to. If you did, I might have never met you again. And we wouldn't be here now, holding each other."
At that moment air crackled with static energy and Rhysand winnowed in.
"Horrible weather," he grunted, shaking drops of rain from his cloak. Last few days he was too busy and only sent you messages. You didn't expect him to appear anytime soon.
Rhys looked around, his gaze fell to you watching him with wide eyes from Tamlin's lap. He froze in shock, his face colour changing from warm tanned to white and then to red.
"Hands off of my sister," he hissed. "Just a few days! I don't show up for few fucking days and you already dare to touch her? Like this?"
Tamlin sighed looking away and without a word began to gently push you from his lap so he could stand up. You knew he couldn't stand your brother's visits and rather disappeared on the second floor, but you needed to put a stop to this stupid situation. You clung to him, holding him in place. He raised a brow at you, but you only smiled at him.
"You didn't knock," you said in sweet voice to Rhysand whose eyes were jumping between you and High Lord of Spring.
"What?" He sputtered angrily.
"Do you remember when we talked about finding happiness?" You were calm as you looked up at him. His talons scratched the walls around your mind and you let him in.
What does this mean, sweetheart? I'd love you to stand up. Now.
Rhys, I'm happy.
You could feel flush spreading on your cheeks. Talking about this kind of feelings was something you'd never done with your brother nor he mentioned his lovers to you in the past. It was probably the only border you two kept intact.
What?! With him? You can't be serious. If you want a High Lord we can try to figure something out. But you.. and him.. Rhys' voice in your head was almost pleading.
I don't want a High Lord. I don't care about such things at all and you know that very well. I-.. I have feelings for him, Rhys. Do you.. understand? He might be my happy ending.
Admitting this much, you were too shy to even look your brother in eyes.
Meanwhile Tamlin stayed still, watching you with concern. Hands that he respectively put on armrests in presence of your brother, inched closer.
"Everything okay?" he murmured, so only you heard him. You nodded.
Rhysand left your mind and silently considered something. Hands at his sides curled into fists, his knuckles white.
"Can I have a word with you?" he asked Tamlin after a while. He frowned at him, but nodded. This time you let him stand up, watching as the two stepped out into the rain. You couldn't help it and sneaked closer to the front door. Through window you could see Rhysand pacing in the rain back and forth, fingers running through his already damp hair. Tamlin stood on doorstep, arms crossed on his chest, his back to you.
Rhysand stopped pacing and turned to him. "Do you like her?"
Tamlin nodded.
"C'mon," Rhys grunted, rolling his eyes. "I mean, do you really like her? No games, no.. getting back on me or something like that..?"
He again only nodded, no words. Rhysand stared him down, gritting his teeth.
"I love her, Rhysand," Tamlin finally spoke so lowly you almost didn't hear him over the sound of rain. "She is my everything."
Your heart swelled. He said that he loved you. Aloud. You talked a lot these last few days, but except of the 'I like you' he told you before, he hadn't expressed his feelings so directly. It was all just small lovely gestures here, soft kisses everywhere except of your lips there. Hearing him to express his feelings so openly brought tears to your eyes.
"I really hope you mean it," Rhysand snarled threateningly. "If you ever even try to think about hurting her-"
"I know. You'll find a way to revenge. I already heard that once before."
In a blink of eye Rhys stood in front of Tamlin, fisting the front of his shirt. His violet-blue eyes shone dangerously. "I'm not joking. Your kin already took me whole my family. She is the only one left. I won't silently watch her being used, hurt and thrown away by any male."
"I will never do any of that," Tamlin hissed in answer, his chest vibrating with growl, but otherwise he hadn't moved an inch, glaring down on your brother. He was just a few centimetres taller than him, but his frame was much sturdier, especially his upper body.
"Good," Rhys released his shirt still glaring at him and stepped back. "You better remember that."
Then he looked straight at you. See you next time, sweetheart. If anything, send me a message. You know how.
"Take very, very good care of her, Tam. She is the most precious person in the world." And with that he was gone.
Tamlin shook his head and grunting something under his breath he opened the door. As soon as he was inside, you rushed to him and squeezed him in firm embrace. Without thinking you stood up on your tiptoes and your lips landed on his. He went rigid, eyes widening.
You realized what you'd done and in shame started to pull away. Tamlin's hand clasped the back of your head and holding you in place his lips parted slightly and brushed over yours. So slowly, he claimed them in tender kiss, not rushing anywhere. Heart thundering in your chest, you kissed him back.
After a minute or two when your lungs burned with lack of oxygen, he broke the kiss and looked down at you, all flushed with glazed eyes. His fingertips brushed away an unruly strand of hair from your face, sliding down to your jaw.
He moved so fast you didn't see it. His next kiss was nothing like the first one. It was wild and hot and needy, war of lips, teeth and tongues. He kissed you like a starving man, devouring and exploring every inch of your mouth, sucking out all air from you.
One of his hands travelled down your body to your hip, his fingers digging into your flesh. You moaned into his mouth drawing a growl from him. Your back arched, chest brushing against the chest. There was no time to take a gulp of air and you were starting to feel light-headed.
Before you could pass out he pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours, eyes closed. Both of you were heaving heavily, lips swollen.
"Gods," you whispered and he laughed, his breath fanning your face. You were drunk on his scent, now suffocatingly stronger.
"You taste like strawberries." He pecked your cheek, lips trailing to your jaw and down the column of your neck to the shoulder. He didn't miss even that sensitive spot under your ear. You bit on your lower lip, holding back another moan.
"Say it again," you pleaded breathlessly.
"What? About the strawberries?" he smile into your skin.
"No. What you told to Rhys."
"Aah, you mean that part that I won't hurt you."
"No, not that."
"Then what?" He was teasing you while his lips and hands explored your body.
"You are such a tease. The other thing you told him."
"Hmm," he pretended to think about it, his mouth slowly returning back to the spot under your ear. He licked the sensitive skin and lightly nipped at it. The moan escaped you before you could stop it. "You mean the 'love you' part?"
You hummed in agreement, unable to think straight with his soft lips playing with your earlobe while whispering words in hoarse deep voice that made your toes curl.
Tamlin stopped teasing you and scanning your face with interest, he waited until you opened your eyes and focused. He caressed your cheek with feather-light touch, fingers barely touching you. The other arm held you firmly to his body. You could feel every shift of his muscles. Bright emerald eyes found yours.
"I love you, Y/N," he said little nervously. "From bottom of my heart, I love you."
Your heart skipped few beats and you closed your eyes again. It wasn't the first time somebody confessed to you, but this was so different. It felt so right as if you were born only for this, waiting for him your entire life.
You ran your fingers along his shoulder blades, ends of his golden hair tickling your knuckles. You inhaled deeply and found his gaze.
"I love you, Tamlin," you breathed out.
"Thank the Mother," his tense shoulders relaxed a little, "I already thought you won't say it."
You huffed amused. He leaned down and gave you a peck, licked his bottom lip and gave you another and another and soon you were kissing again. His chest vibrated with growl.
"I dreamt about this so many times, but it's actually much better than I imagined."
"You dreamt about this?" You quirked a brow, nuzzling to his neck.
Muscle in his jaw flexed. "I did. Every night when I couldn't sleep, I tried to imagine holding you like this and kissing you."
You giggled. "Liar. You made it up now."
He laughed, the sound echoing in that broad chest of his. You snuggled to him even closer, enjoying the beautiful sound. "No, I didn't."
You blushed so fiercely you were glad he couldn't see your face.
"Shouldn't we make some dinner?" you asked after a while.
"No," his hands nestled on your waist. "You should go sit down and wrap up into blanket while I prepare something to eat."
He started to gently push you back towards your armchair.
"Nooo," you pleaded. "I sat all day long. I want to do something too."
"Fine," he cooed adding a log to fire. He snapped fingers and a tome fell into your lap. You immediately read its title, your fingers already prickling with curiosity. "Will you read to me while I cook then?"
"Seriously?" You pouted. He just nodded, chuckling. He knew you loved reading and used your weakness against you, knowing you wouldn't be able to resist. You opened the book on the first page, eager to find out what kind of story Tamlin chose and started reading it aloud.
You only stopped to eat and then Tamlin took the book and read to you until you fell asleep on his lap. Marking your progress he put the book aside. Carefully he picked you up and carried you to the bed. Throwing the blanket over you, he snuggled up to you, kissed your forehead and smiling fell asleep.

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