193 posts
Cross Over The Arcana/Howl Moving Castle I Had A Lot Of Fun Drawing That (but I Guess It Was Funnier

Cross over The Arcana/Howl Moving Castle I had a lot of fun drawing that (but I guess it was funnier in my head 😅 Sorry my dear Asra ) and I don’t draw comics (or do gif) often so please be indulgents 🙃 It’s a bit messy somtimes… I need to work a bit on my OC Nell’s clothes I drew her here with some random clothing.. And of course this story happens with the flirty Howl before he met Sophie 😉😉😉 Also English isn’t my main language so tell me if you see some grammar mistakes… 😖
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More Posts from Z3zen

I’m just… yeah

Welcome to my masterlist, I hope you find what you’re looking for! 💕
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It’s All Under Control (Wolf Lucifer x MC)
A Very Special Night (Birthday Lucifer x MC)
Losing Focus (Mammon x MC)
Your First (Birthday Mammon x MC)
Black and White (Levi x MC)
Not Today, Satan
Here Kitty Kitty (Satan x MC)
Satan with a Cat-Like MC (HC)
Satan with a Dog-Like MC (HC)
The Best Birthday Present (Birthday Asmo x MC)
Asmo With an Asexual MC (HC)
Coming Soon…
A Night Under The Stars (Belphie x MC)
Lord Diavolo:
Diavolo with a high anxiety MC (HC)
Coming Soon…
Gentle (Simeon x MC)
Coming Soon…
Hey, You There. (Solomon x MC)
Headcanon Masterlist
Art Central List
The Brothers as Demon Animals
Diavolo and Barb as Animals
Satan being a good brother to Levi
The Brothers as PVRIS Lyrics (+ Why)
Just an odd dream I had that may make you laugh
If you’re afraid of storms
Obey Me Unsolved Mysteries
Barb and the router issues
The Brother’s Fears
Obey Me, but an RPG Game
Who dies first in a Horror Movie
Shirtless Brothers
Brain Scan with Levi, Mammon, Asmo, Beel
Sharing Feelings With a Pacted Demon (Drabble)
Could I please get some Mammon x MC fluff? Only if you want to though

"I'd Spend My Last Dime, Just to See You Smile" Mammon/Avatar of Greed (Obey Me!)
@niphredil-14 Thank you for being my first ask! I'm very happy to start writing for people again and my hope is for my writing to make these people smile from ear-to-ear. I plan to do my very best! I hope you enjoy!
Mammon thought today would be the day things would go right for in his life. He found a sweet amount of Grimm just lying about on his way out of house for school that morning, was able to hold more than a thirty second conversation with MC during passing period without any of her other suitors interfering, and on the way home he was able to purchase a pair of designer sneakers he'd been wanting since their release last month with aid of his pride and joy Goldie. Yet once he returned home, that's when everything turned sour. Mammon was about to drop his bag off in his room before heading in the direction of MC's to hopefully hang out with her for a half hour or so before dinner. Possibly work up his nerve to ask the pretty human girl who has been living with him and his brothers for what seemed like a long time. It was only right that he should the one to ask her out and become her boyfriend, right? He was the first demon she chose to make a pact with, after all. With that little detail being very special to the avatar of greed, it sparked emotions bigger and greater than simple adoration or gratitude. Though he decided to put aside his pride and his stubborness to put all his cards in front of her, the action into fulfilling those plans had to be delayed for the time being. At the moment, he was caught in an ugly confrontation with Lucifer.
"Whaddya mean you are kicking me out, Lucifer? Don't ya think that's a bit extreme, even for you?" Mammon shrieked in reply at the consequence for not paying his recent bills that were piling on Goldie's weary shoulders and were about to give under the weight of its owner's irresponsibility.
Lucifer, debating whether he should just leave in the middle of discussion for Mammon to figure what he really meant or choke him out because hearing him yell for the others to hear gave him a pounding headache, sighed. Massaging his aching temples as he tried to find how to explain his decision in easy, simple words in his extensive vocabulary. "It's only until you find yourself a real job. It is high time you learned how to fend for yourself instead of leeching off others all the time. If you continue to be this careless and irresponsible, you'll never have a decent future for yourself. And I and our brothers refuse to bail you out anymore. Get an actual job or find other living arrangements. If you also want repossession of your credit card, you'll have to pay back all that money you owe on it through hard work. I'll give you until evening to come back with a job. Don't waste it," without another word, Lucifer tucked the card away inside his pocket and left a flabbergasted Mammon behind.
Though he was furious with Lucifer and how everything he said was law, Mammon knew better than to write his threat as a joke. He needed a job and quick, because if he didn't the great Mammon couldn't protect his beloved human from everyone else back home. That being the motivation to find work, he surprisingly landed himself a job at Hell's Kitchen and another at Hocus Pocus. It was sad, though. The only reason they hired him so quickly and with as little as a short interview, they were both very short-staffed as is. It did not bother him too much since the pay was good and hours were fairly reasonable. In less than a month, Mammon was able to pay off almost all the payments he had on Goldie and he felt having a job wasn't as terrible as he once thought at the start. It made him feel more reliable and gave him the sudden desire to use his money for someone other than himself. For the first time, he wanted to give something to MC rather than just take like he always had.
A month or so passed, Mammon had paid everything off and had enough money to spend on that little sparkling object he often saw in the front window of Majolish from his walk to and from his two jobs. After work one day, he purchased it without hesitation and walked back to the House of Lamentation with a proud stride in his step. His heart jumping nervously in his chest, each leap growing with intensity, he knocked on MC's bedroom door and waited anxiously for permission to enter.
"H-Hey, MC. If you are busy, I'll make this really quick. There's actually somethin' I wanna give ya," stumbling over his words the second the door opens and blushing madly as he dramatically attempts to hide the bright pink bag behind his back after his eyes meet hers. "Look, if you don't want it, I'll just..." averting his eyes as he tries desperately to collect himself before he melts into a puddle of embarrassment but stiffens as he watches MC climb off the bed to approach him and seize the bag from his clammy grasp.
"Thanks, Mammon, you didn't have to get me anything," her giddy grin causing the embarrassment he felt disappear as his chest swelled with excitement and relief while she pulls the charm bracelet out from under the complementary tissue paper. "It's beautiful... Thank you, Mammon. You're really sweet, you know that? Can I try it on?" Beaming with joy, the avatar of greed reflexively grasped for her hand and replied softly, "Hey, MC, let me help ya. Put it on, I mean." Amused but also charmed by his behavior today, MC only nodded and watched as Mammon latched the bracelet to her wrist.
"I love you, MC..." Her heart at the brink of stopping at Mammon's declaration, though that feeling of temporary shock became relief when she found resolve shining brightly in his deep, dark blue eyes. "I don't want to be with anyone else but you. I don't want you to be with anyone but me. I was the first demon you made a pact with when you first came to Devildom and I want to be the first and hopefully the last you'll ever love. I'd give my last dime to make you smile, I'd settle for the uncool things if it'd make you closer to me. I want to love you, MC. I want to become a bigger part of your life. Is that somethin' you're okay with me doin?"
His whole body was on edge as MC entered his personal space, threaded her fingers through his soft white hair, and pressed their lips together. His entire body flushed with heat at the feeling of her every curve molded to fit his body, her mouth interlocked with his, and her heart racing next to his. Once Mammon could process what was going on, he swung an arm around her waist and cradled the back of her head with his free hand. Gripping handfuls of hair in between his fingers as he kissed her vigorously, greedily, desperately like he'd soon wake from a dream that felt too good to be real. Once they had parted from each other, Mammon felt MC's soft hands cup his cheeks and his heart doing backflips inside his chest as she stared at him adoringly. "You really have a werid way of asking people out, but guess that's just apart of your charm. You are already the first and last man I'll ever love. I was just waiting for you to return those feelings. I love you, too, Mammon," MC answered with a bright, joyous grin.
Mammon was just about to pull MC in for another kiss until he heard her ask. "So, where's the reciept for this bracelet, Mammon? You didn't steal this, did you?"
Rating the fashion sense of Settsu Banri
Liber tells us that Banri is a ‘fashionista.’
I’m here to prove them wrong. I’m also here to roast the hell out of Banri.
Let’s go.

Starting with his usual outfit... first of all, those blue jeans don’t match very well with the black and purple colour scheme, and it sticks out. Just wear black jeans, Banri.
Second, this guy really likes his animal print. I’m not sure why he thought plaid was a good pattern to combine with that, but overall I’d say this is an ugly outfit.
And yes, his hair is horrible. I’ll get to that.

Masumi makes the Hanasaki school uniform look pretty good, but Banri... why the purple jacket underneath? It doesn’t sit well at all, especially in his actual Hanasaki academy card. Anyway, the colours are unappealing and the colours remind me of his greasy mushroom hair.

Black suits Banri pretty well, and I’d say this is one of his better ones. The studded leather jacket is also very suitable for Banri imo, very punk vibes.

As said, black suits Banri. Most redeemable about this outfit is the hair - whoever told him to style it like that, I love you - this card gives off the cocky rich boy vibes that really should be the takeaway from Banri.
It’s simple and stylish, just a black jacket and turtleneck; Sakyo would be proud.

Okay, so if you look at this from the top half only, this is definitely one of Banri’s better looks! Probably because a good part of his gross hair is brushed away from his face by that baseball cap.
I’ve no problem with the sweater either, it actually looks good, although I see you trying to sneak animal print into it, Banri...
The reason why I dock points from this one... Those pants, what the actual fuck Banri? Why did you think bright red was a good idea to put with the rest? This shit makes me glad I’m not someone who wears colours.

Roman Episode had everyone looking dapper, including Banri! Nice pinstripe suit, and the add-ons of the fur coat, fedora and fancy golden tie-clip all give the look of a gangster.
Though it doesn’t quite count, considering Yuki was the person who chose this for him. There’s no way I’d trust Banri to design his own costume.
If only he cut his damn hair.

Bucket hat.
...Now that’s out of the way, I’d say the rest of his outfit is decent. Definitely something you’d consider workout gear.
That fucking bucket hat. Smh.

Banri, the animal print... It makes you look like a washed-out middle-aged rockstar trying, and failing, to revive his career. That’s not a good thing, Banri.
Sigh. Just get rid of the animal print and it’d be fine.

...How do I unpack this? It’s just... Genuinely distasteful. He’s got this ugly floral jacket on, these salmon-pink pants, and... Banri, you need to button your fucking shirt.
Sir, no amount of tiddy will save you from that horrible trash you call style.

I have no words. I... Who let him dress like this? If I was his mother there is no way in hell I’d let him go out in this. Why is he popular again?
It literally looks like he just raided the closet of a drunken vodka aunt, a lumberjack and a circus clown and called it an outfit.
-10/10 Absolutely fucking vile.
So the only reason why I’m stopping here is I’m not allowed to post more images, but I’m sure I got my point across. Banri’s a fucking fashion disaster.
Not only that, but what the fuck is your hair, Banri? It looks like a greasy mushroom. That lock right in the centre is just annoying to look at, and I can only imagine he gets his hair in his eyes all too often.
You have no excuse, Banri. You go to the same salon as Azuma.
(This is just a joke, don’t take it too seriously!)
Obey Me! Surprise guest guide and other tips
Thank you so much to @ike-sol and her friend for starting out this project, for making the spreadsheet to better organize the data, and for inviting me in to do this with them!
This guide focuses on how to get 3 hearts from the boys after the dance battles without using any item. Also, we only compiled the results for if you get 3 stars in the battle. Let's get into it!
First, we found out that there are 6 different places where you can touch your Boy. You have the option to tap, or rub these:
The high five (no rub for that one)
The hair
The face
The chest
The arms (both arms work the same)
The hand (for Lucifer and Satan only)
(There is also the option to shake your phone but research has not been done on that because it's just way too annoying to do)
Important: The shoulder is a lie! It acts as the junction point between the arms and the chest, and can pick up as either depending on the Boy, and sometimes even the side.
Here are the results:
(💗 = big hearts, gives you more intimacy points)
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Tap hair
Rub hair 💗
Tap hand
Rub hand
Rub chest
Tap arm
Rub arm
3rd move
Tap hair
Rub hair 💗
Rub face
Tap hand 💗
Rub hand
Tap chest
Rub chest 💗
Tap arm 💗
Rub arm
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Tap face
Tap chest
Rub arm
2nd move
Tap hair
Rub hair
Rub hand
Rub chest
Rub arm
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Rub face
Tap hand
Tap chest
Rub chest 💗
Tap arm
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Rub hair
Rub face
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Rub face 💗
Rub chest
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Rub hair
Rub face
Tap arm
2nd move
Rub hair
Rub face
Rub arm
3rd move
Rub hair
Rub face 💗
Tap chest
Tap arm
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Tap hair
Rub hair 💗
Tap chest
Tap arm 💗
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Tap face
Rub chest 💗
Tap arm
Rub arm 💗
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Tap hair
Rub chest
2nd move
Rub hair
Rub face
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Rub face 💗
Rub chest
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Rub face
Tap chest
Tap hand
Tap arm
3rd move
Tap hair
Tap chest
Tap hand
Tap arm
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Rub face
Tap chest
2nd move
Tap hair
Tap chest
3rd move
Tap face
Tap hand
Rub hand
Tap arm
Rub arm
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Rub hair
Rub face
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Rub face 💗
Rub chest
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Rub hair
Rub face
Tap arm
Rub arm
2nd move
Rub chest
Tap arm
3rd move
Rub hair
Tap face
Rub face
Rub chest
Rub arm 💗
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Rub face
Rub chest
Tap arm
3rd move
Rub hair
Tap face
Rub chest
Rub arm 💗
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Tap hair
Rub face
Tap arm
2nd move
Tap hair
Rub face
Rub chest
Rub arm
3rd move
Tap hair
Tap face
Tap chest
Rub chest 💗
If he high fives you:
2nd move
Rub hair
Rub face
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Rub face 💗
Rub chest
If he doesn't high five you:
1st move
Rub hair
Tap face
Tap arm
2nd move
Tap hair
Rub face
Tap arm
3rd move
Rub hair 💗
Tap face
Rub face
Tap arm
And now for the "other tips part":
(Sorry if this is a bit jumbled)
If you're farming for certain battle rewards (watches, cups, etc.) you will get better results by battling in higher numbered chapters. This doesn't really apply to objects like skulls and above because you can only get them from hard battles, which you can only try 3 times a day.
In battle, little demons of pride never attack immediately when their bar is full. Don't wait for them, it's better getting your 2 attacks with your whole team and sometimes taking the hit.
Little demons of greed follow anyone that attacks, whether it's you or other members of their team (when paired with other non-greed). Wait for their bars to get full to attack them all at once.
Little demons of envy only follow you in battle when you are not countering. Wait for their bars to get full to attack them all at once.
Little demons of wrath rarely attack immediately when their bar is full. Don't wait for them, it's better to get your 2 attacks with your whole team and sometimes taking the hit.
Little demons of lust rarely team attack, usually each member will attack solo at random times. Ignore them, attack with your full team, take the annoyance.
Little demons of gluttony attack immediately when their bar is full, or sometimes one second later. If your whole team has the speed, counter. If one or more of the guys is too slow, take the hit and attack with all three guys when you can.
Little demons of sloth attack immediately or sometimes one second later, in groups of 2 if the team is only made up of sloth demons. When mixed with others, they will only NOT attack if the other two are attacking or have attacked in the last few seconds. Counter only if all your guys' bars are full. If not, take the hit and attack with all three guys when you can. Beware of their shock attack, even if the game shows you a wide smiley before the battle.
That's it for now!