⠃I'll try hard to hide inside the most obvious places I know ⠃
55 posts
Zadeofearth - XXXIII - Tumblr Blog
“Look, there are always going to be days like this. Days when everything gets a bit much. But a day is just 24 hours. And there are 7 days a week. 365 in a year. You can allow yourself to have days when all you want to do is hide away and cry for a little while. You can allow yourself days to just take care of yourself. There is time.”
— Dust In Sunbeams - untoldxstories8921 (via untoldxstories8921)
People shouldn’t have to earn kindness. They should have to earn cruelty.
Maggie Stiefvater, forever (via coral)

so handsome~
15 songs to listen to if you need a good cry
Just Like Heaven - The Cure
High And Dry - Radiohead
Hurt - Nine Inch Nails
Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division
Ode To My Family - The Cranberries
To Forgive - The Smashing Pumpkins
Happiness - The Fray
Fix You - Coldplay
Sheila - Jamie T
Nana - The 1975
Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
Graveyard Girl - M83
I’m With You - Avril Lavigne
Heroin - The Velvet Underground
Every Breath You Take - The Police

Fav if you save or use
2018 Season’s Greetings - The Jin Harem (pt.2)
Let’s continue the journey!
Today it’s all about the Mafia Game (a whole other mess)
Let’s Begin!

Ahhh Of course.
We got domestic AF looking Namjin
You can’t tell me they don’t look domestic and sweet af

First, Jk starts fooling around with the pointer
Jin sees it and follows suit
Of course, the Maknae and the Madnae…

Then Tae joins in with the pointer twirling
At one point, Joonie joins in with the foolery too
He stops immediately though
Next, Hobi joins in with the fun

Meanwhile Yoongi…
Also, a side-eyeing Joon at how the rest aren’t paying attention to Chim’s narration and instructions
(they should have listened because the games were so messy)

Jimin: Looking into the camera like in The Office
‘See this? That’s what I put up with daily’

And the Madnae strikes again!
Jin hits Tae’s pointer with his own
and of course, Tae retaliates by hitting Jin’s pointer back
How old are they again?

Keep reading
[3/3] two lefts don’t make a right…but three do
Pairing: Yoongi / Seokjin
Summary: Yoongi and Seokjin celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary.
Word count: pt3 2,953 & 5,748 overall
Genre: Uh… my sad attempts at humor? idk it’s pretty light imo
Warnings: other than light swearing none I don’t think?
pt1 here | pt2 here
Even after 12 years Yoongi still can’t help but smile stupidly into Seokjin’s lips when Seokjin wakes him up with his “I can’t believe I’ve put up with your ass for 12 years” kiss. His morning breath is probably disgusting but Yoongi hears no protests from Seokjin when he deepens the kiss, pulling him over so Seokjin hovers on top of him as Yoongi threads his hands through his hair.
Keep reading
Namjoon, honey, this is why I have mad respect and love for you.

namjoon appreciation week | sunday → reason(s) you love him: US edition

zach sang our mvp

Kim Seokjin?? The oldest?? I don’t think so
I love SeokJin
Reblog if you love SeokJin too
🌾✨ Sending endless love and fresh beginnings your way for the month of November! ✨🌾
— yoonjin users ބ
@/yoonjiness @/otpyoonjin @/yoonrjin / yoonrjins @/softlyoonjin @/yoonjinut / yoonjinuts @/ilyoonjin / ilyoonjins @/yoonjinsz @/uttyoonjin @/artyoonjin / artsyoonjin @/cityoonjin
@/seokjintd (+ agustd) @/aguseokjin (mess sorry)

— if you save, like/reblog © letterswoo thanks, enjoy it & have a good day!
— if you use any of these please tell me! ◡ ‿ ◡ ✿
BTS Run 24 - The Jin Harem

What’s this?
Oh just Taejin in their natural habitat, chilling, with Tae’s arm around Jin
Probably because this is common for them? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They look like they just realised the camera caught them
Boys, relax, WE ALREADY KNOW
Also, Jin looks cute af!

Meanwhile 2Seok…
(You guys have no idea how many times I paused to get this glorious moment… Also, I replayed this part so many time just because I can) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes, this is Jin holding Hoseok’s waist
You think we wouldn’t notice in the whole mess?
We ALWAYS notice

Jin instinctively reached out for Yoongi when he was terrified

And Hoseok reached out for Jin out of instinct
Is there some triangle relationship going on or I’m just being delusional?
Ok. I’m delusional

Close-up time!
Lmao Yoongi got shocked at Jin’s cry

I sense the beginning of a new meme

Here we have a Jinmin
Oh, don’t mind them
Jimin is just having the time of his life hugging his hyung
Jin? oh he just has A FREAKING WEAPON
Where did he even get that?
I get that you want to protect Jimin but please do not crime to protect
He protecc but he also attacc

There is definitely something going on with these 3…
(also…this pic looks kinda…wrong…if you don’t see it, stay pure)
BREAK TIME! Here! Have a Weaponised Jin!

You know what? Have more since he looks so cute with it!


You think this is cute?

Ok! Let’s go back to the Jin Harem!

Once again, Jin reaching out for Yoongi when in fear

Ok.There’s so much going on here
actually just 2 lmao
my brain isn’t made to handle more than 1 thing. shut up
So the boys said they should ‘hold each other’
Jin reaches for Yoongi’s arm
(Like, yea. I’d reach for a friend’s arm too when they say ‘hold me’)
But what does Yoongi do?
This guy knows what’s good and he’s there to grab the goods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After realising what ‘hold each other’ (in front of the filming crew and cameras and tons of fangirl’s delulu mind) means, Yoongi hastily pulls back his hand

Why is Yoongi bending down?
And Jin had his hand on Yoongi’s back
(Once again, if this doesn’t seem wrong to you, stay pure)

Here we have Jin reaching out to Yoongi again
You need to up the level Jin
Like arm holding is cute and all but this delulu person needs more!
I just have to mention it’s not even 10minutes in and we are so well-fed with the Jin harem. I feel blessed.

Hoseok slips right by Yoongi who’s right in front of him and goes to the back to hold Jin

He freaking reaches out for Jin again
Like I said, these 3 have something going on alright

Here we have a tol hiding behind a smol
Jin is holding Yoongi’s arm
I know it’s hard to see but he SO is


Poor Jin, left behind by Yoongi and looking like a lost puppy

And here we have Yoongi crawling back to his hyung!

REJOICE! They found each other!
And this time, Jin is holding on tight to not lose his man again


This time, smol is hiding behind tol

Dashi Run Run Run~

And then Jin turns around and realises that OH NO CAMERAS

OH but yoongi doesn’t care
Look at Yoongi’s hand
He’s still not letting go of Jin

Oh you think they are cute?
Well they can get freaky too
Matching Weird Yoonjin!

Here we have Weird and Weirder
(Psst, the Green one is Jin while the White one is Yoongi)
(This is some AU where their height has been swapped)

I know it’s hard to see but that’s JK’s hand on Jin’s shoulder
You think I’d miss that? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Here we have tol and toller
omg height difference
Because it’s cute, here Have a Tae

Ok back to Jin Harem

The birth of a new ship?!

It is sailing.
The zombie is totally checking Jin out
I applaud the zombie for their good taste

I wonder what the zombie is staring at ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This is probably what skinship with a zombie is like

Jinmin hugging :’)
Jimin saw the chance to hug Jin and he took it

You see his open arms?
He obviously wants a hug Hoseok
Not a freaking sticker on his face
You see Namjoon’s expression?

So firstly, Jin sips the blue drink
(looking cute af once again)

And JK reaches out for a drink
Which drink?
Is this an indirect kiss?
Meanwhile, the zombies are still staring at Jin
This post turned out soo long. Hope you guys enjoyed it! BECAUSE I SURE DID!

Until next time~

The only comfort food that matters (to me) ft. my bag and jeans

even bts’ room had a glo up
Shet yung mga taong sobrang creative at talented dahil ganun sila and not just for attention.
Paano niyo nagagawa yun???
Teach me senpai.

The Life & Times Of Frida Kahlo (2005) dir. by Amy Stechler // Frida Kahlo from an unsent letter to Diego Rivera
Yas fucking hell just what I needed

If ever you're thinking of taking your life away today or tonight, please don't. I'm not saying this just to gain likes or anything. It's not because depression or suicide is something "in". No. I've experienced talking to someone before they take suicide and I'm telling you, it's not even near romantic as the public portray. Now, stop what you're doing. Drop whatever you're holding. Whatever you're thinking of doing right now, stop it. Now sit. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Now, cry. Release it all. Ugly-cry your heart out. I don't care if you slap or pinch yourself. Cry it all out. Wash you face after crying and breathe in, breathe out. Now, stand up. Buy whatever you want. Read whatever you want. Now, I'm not saying you'll forget your problems. I'm saying that you should find little things that could possibly make you stay. Because you have to stay. Because there should be a reason why you have to stay. Death isn't even near satisfying. I always tell that to myself. You have to stay because you have to. Because there should be a reason to stay. A lot of people are here for you. Don't do it.