zadeofearth - XXXIII

⠃I'll try hard to hide inside the most obvious places I know ⠃

55 posts



If ever you're thinking of taking your life away today or tonight, please don't. I'm not saying this just to gain likes or anything. It's not because depression or suicide is something "in". No. I've experienced talking to someone before they take suicide and I'm telling you, it's not even near romantic as the public portray. Now, stop what you're doing. Drop whatever you're holding. Whatever you're thinking of doing right now, stop it. Now sit. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Now, cry. Release it all. Ugly-cry your heart out. I don't care if you slap or pinch yourself. Cry it all out. Wash you face after crying and breathe in, breathe out. Now, stand up. Buy whatever you want. Read whatever you want. Now, I'm not saying you'll forget your problems. I'm saying that you should find little things that could possibly make you stay. Because you have to stay. Because there should be a reason why you have to stay. Death isn't even near satisfying. I always tell that to myself. You have to stay because you have to. Because there should be a reason to stay. A lot of people are here for you. Don't do it.

More Posts from Zadeofearth

6 years ago

15 songs to listen to if you need a good cry

Just Like Heaven - The Cure

High And Dry - Radiohead

Hurt - Nine Inch Nails

Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division

Ode To My Family - The Cranberries

To Forgive - The Smashing Pumpkins

Happiness - The Fray

Fix You - Coldplay

Sheila - Jamie T

Nana - The 1975

Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground

Graveyard Girl - M83

I’m With You - Avril Lavigne

Heroin - The Velvet Underground

Every Breath You Take - The Police

7 years ago

2018 Season’s Greetings - The Jin Harem (pt.2)


Let’s continue the journey! 

Today it’s all about the Mafia Game (a whole other mess)

Let’s Begin!


Ahhh Of course.

We got domestic AF looking Namjin

You can’t tell me they don’t look domestic and sweet af


First, Jk starts fooling around with the pointer

Jin sees it and follows suit

Of course, the Maknae and the Madnae…


Then Tae joins in with the pointer twirling

At one point, Joonie joins in with the foolery too

He stops immediately though

Next, Hobi joins in with the fun 


Meanwhile Yoongi…

Also, a side-eyeing Joon at how the rest aren’t paying attention to Chim’s narration and instructions

(they should have listened because the games were so messy)


Jimin: Looking into the camera like in The Office

‘See this? That’s what I put up with daily’



And the Madnae strikes again!

Jin hits Tae’s pointer with his own 

and of course, Tae retaliates by hitting Jin’s pointer back

How old are they again?


Keep reading

7 years ago

Yas fucking hell just what I needed

zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
zadeofearth - XXXIII
6 years ago

People shouldn’t have to earn kindness. They should have to earn cruelty.

Maggie Stiefvater, forever (via coral)

7 years ago
Even Bts Room Had A Glo Up
Even Bts Room Had A Glo Up
Even Bts Room Had A Glo Up
Even Bts Room Had A Glo Up
Even Bts Room Had A Glo Up
Even Bts Room Had A Glo Up

even bts’ room had a glo up