zahmaddog - 🖤💀CT9904💀🖤

Obsessed with clones. 29 she/her. Crosshair is my boy...

622 posts

Part 6: Above Pabu

Part 6: Above Pabu

Warnings: SMUT (18+ ONLY) & It's so fluffy imma die

Crosshair x fem!reader | Word Count: 1894

Hello friends. Smut happening in this chapter; I mark where it begins so you can skip ahead if needed. It's not super plot driven smut, but you know, smutty Crosshair is kinda nice to have around. I'll publish 2 chapters today so you can skip ahead if smut ain't your thing. Let me know if anyone else wants to be in my tag list. This series is wrapping up, but I'll keep writing and maybe take some requests.

Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V

Part 6: Above Pabu

The safe sound of hyperspace encompassed you as you leaned back into your captain’s chair and relaxed for the first time in days. Releasing the tension in your body, you felt a few tears escape from your eyes as the emotions of fear and desperation cleared. You closed your eyes, wiped the tears quickly to not be seen, and tried to fall asleep.

“Are you all right?” Crosshair floated the simple, yet complex question your way. He clearly had been watching you closely.

You inhaled deeply and exhaled, taking your time to respond, “I will be.”

You turned your attention towards him. He sat forward in his chair, focused on you, looking unnerved with his toothpick in his lips.

“Are you okay?” you asked in return.

He nodded and echoed your words, “I will be.”

He stood from his seat and took the step towards yours, sweeping his arms under your legs and around your shoulders, Crosshair lifts you from the chair and carries you back to his chair. Sitting back down, he pulls you close to his chest and wraps you in his arms. You enjoyed the quiet peace with him for a few moments, then noticed he had fallen asleep as his soft snore startled you. You take the toothpick from his mouth and kiss his cheek, chuckling to yourself. 

You studied his stolen stormtrooper armor and the bruise forming on the back of his head, “What did I get you into?” But then the guilt came flooding in. “What did I get you into?” You knew Crosshair would fight you on it; he wanted to be there next to you. He risked his paradise and security to be at your side, but you realized he deserved so much more. Running your fingers up his chest and neck, you cradle his face; running your thumb over the tattooed circle just under his eye. 

“Let’s get you home, Cross,” you whispered. Not leaving his lap, you plugged the coordinates in for Pabu. Then realized you should give Hunter a call to check in, but also to see if it was safe to return. You look back at Crosshair, who was lost in his deep slumber, and smile a little. You gently stand, so as not to wake him, and walk to the middle of the ship to comm Hunter.

The transmission went through and two holo-figures appeared on the table.

“Hi!” Omega beamed.

“It’s been a while since we’ve heard from either of you. How was your vacation?” Hunter asked.

“Vacation?” you were perplexed.

“Crosshair said you were going on a vacation… together?” Hunter’s voice grew worried, “Where is Crosshair?” “He’s up front asleep,” you assured.

Hunter relaxed a little. 

“So, if you weren’t on vacation, where were you?” Omega questioned.

“Imperial prison,” you dryly joked.

Omega and Hunter looked at you, trying to understand why you would joke about something so dark and relevant to their pasts. Hunter’s raised eyebrow fell as his eyes narrowed.

“That wasn’t a joke, was it?” Hunter sighed.

“No,” you muttered, embarrassed and too tired to say much more.

“But you made it out?” Hunter tried to verify.

“Surprisingly. I’m still trying to sort out how and why,” you thought through the escape carefully, “I think in the end, chasing us down wasn’t worth the Empire’s effort.”

You heard Crosshair stir behind you. In a dry, monotone, half-asleep voice, he managed to say, “Is that Hunter?” before falling asleep once more. You look back to Hunter.

“I’m going to get him home to you,” you promised. “He saved my life countless times in the last few days.”

“He does that,” Hunter nodded in agreement. 

“Are you coming back to Pabu too?” Omega pleaded. 

“We’ll see. I’m hoping most of the Imperial heat is off my trail, if you understand,” you explained. “Over the past few days, were there any Imperial patrols on Pabu?”

Hunter shook his head, “Not anything we’ve seen.”

“That’s the best news I’ve had all week,” you chatted. “Well, we’re on our way back. I’ll comm you when we get in.” Hunter nodded in confirmation and you ended the transmission. Standing, letting the table take most of your weight, you breathed a sigh of relief. 

You felt Crosshair’s hands snake around your waist and his mouth press against your neck. 

“You should know better than to sneak up on a bounty hunter,” you laughed.

“I’ll take my chances,” he smirked. 

←—smut begins (skip to next chapter) —-->

Beginning to sway a little from side-to-side, you reached up to feel the back of his neck with one hand and met his hand on your waist with the other. 

“So, this was a vacation?” you softly asked.

You felt him sigh in the nape of your neck, “I’ve had worse.”

You spun into him, lacing your hands around his neck and pulling him closer. Crosshair lifted you up by your thighs and pushed you onto the table. Now nearly eye-level with him, he moved in to kiss you. 

Deepening the kiss, you pull him closer and lean back on to the table fully. He follows your lead and slides you up further onto its surface. You’ve wanted him on top of you like this for so long. 

Peeling the stormtrooper chest plate from his body, you run your hands up his chest and up the back of his head. He moans a little, and begins to strip his armor off his arms. You free the buckle to his belt and begin working off his lower armor pieces. They fall off the table to the floor, creating a romantically exciting orchestral clamor. 

Feeling his skin underneath his shirt, Crosshair interrupts the kiss for a moment to remove it over his head, exposing his broad chest and capped shoulders. He returns to your lips, moving passionately with purpose. 

Crosshair begins to feel up beneath your shirt “Get this off,” he begs.

You respond quickly, sitting up, you remove your top. Then you begin to remove your trousers. He helps you out of them, then drops his own. Lacing your legs around his waist, you pull him closer with your arms once more; feeling the warmth of his chest on yours; your chin on his collar.

“Are you sure you want this?” you whispered.

“I’d follow you across the galaxy again if it meant I could be here in your arms like this,” he confessed. 

Crosshair returned to your lips, but only for a short moment as the proximity alarm sounded. 

“We’re already there?” Crosshair exclaimed. 

The ship exited hyperspace on auto-pilot and began its approach to Pabu.

“No, we’re not landing yet,” you panicked a little as things were just getting good. Crosshair lifted you off the table and carried you to the pilot’s seat. He gently put you down and he turned off the engines, leaving the ship softly floating in space. You and he gazed out the front of the ship at the beauty of the universe. He turned his attention back to you and sat back in his seat. Magnetized to his body, you felt yourself stand and drift to him to straddle his waist and cradle his neck with your arms. You greeted him once more with a mellow kiss.

“Where were we?” he softly felt your curves and thighs with his rough hands. The silence of space enveloping you as you became fully immersed in Crosshair’s presence and touch. The ship seemed to float outside of time and outside of place.

“I think you were about to make me yours,” you flirted, letting your hands trace down his neck to his shoulders. 

“How could I forget?” he smiled calmly and slid you closer to his chest.

His hand traced over your thigh and through your folds. You were already so slick; how could you not be? His gaze alone was paralyzing, but his touch was electrifying. In response, you lightly sucked on his collar bone and began to grind against his hand. 

He pressed against your entrance with two fingers and circled your clit with his thumb. You let your knees squeeze his waist as the excitement and pleasure filled you. He let out a small moan, which you muffled as you returned your kiss to his open mouth. He pressed one finger into you. You reach down and stroke his sex.

“It’s my turn to give,” he mumbles. “You give too much.”

You return your hand to his cheek; he can feel you smile through your kiss. You couldn’t remember the last time a guy had cared so much for you. He continued to finger you, his strokes long and varying in pressure. The pleasure made you quake. He added another finger while his lips left your mouth to settle at your breasts as he began to suck and kiss them. 

You squeezed his shoulder, the back of his neck, and his waist with your thighs as his quickening strokes and movements pushed you over your edge; the pleasure flooding your brain; your heavy breathing ceasing for a moment under the pressure of your release. 

“That’s it,” Crosshair crooned as he continued to finger you through your orgasm. Slowly returning to your senses, you lightly sucked on his neck and worked your way to his lips. He slides his fingers out of you, but you felt so desperate for more. You moved your hips up and slid his hard cock into you fully without much warning – he moans and leans his head back. Filled with him, you feel so close; so intimate.

“You good?” you ask. “Never better,” he panted, completely lost in you.

Finding a rhythm, you moved passionately as he guided your hips up and down. Beginning slowly, you could feel his length pass in and through unhurriedly. Neither of you wanted to rush the intimacy of this moment, especially since you didn’t know when you could be so close like this again. You both made the effort to savor and create a lasting memory.

His thrusts and grip on your back and hips intensified as he started to chase his own release. His body felt warm to your touch as you let your hands wander, then settled around his neck to find balance as his movements escalated. You felt pleasure rise in yourself once more; tightening around him. 

“Maker,” he manages to whisper under the tension. He quietly gasps and squeezes you as he seizes up. You feel his release warm inside you, sending you over that edge once more. He relaxes slowly, letting each limb succumb to the relief. He leans his head back against the seat before opening his eyes to meet yours.

Tracing his jaw with your nose, you planted small kisses up his 5’o-clock shadow. Crosshair continued to gently rub your head, back, and shoulders. You and he stayed still for a moment before cleaning up.

“You mentioned a while ago that we’re giving this ship to your brother Echo, in exchange for him flying mine back to Pabu?” you asked Crosshair. “Mm-hmm,” he mumbled as he pulled his pants back on. 

“I will never tell, if you don’t,” you verified with a wink.

“We wouldn’t want to make Echo jealous,” he chuckled. “Let’s get home.” Once dressed, Crosshair switched the ship’s engines back on and continued the descent towards Pabu.

“Home sweet home,” he hummed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part 7: If You Wanted To Be

Tag list: @tentakelspektakel @cloneflo99

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zahmaddog - 🖤💀CT9904💀🖤


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7 months ago

I don’t know why but I feel like Hunter would be both seriously overprotective of Crosshair and very suspicious of any potential significant other Crosshair brought home. But at the same time also a really annoying prude.

On the one hand Hunter has almost lost Crosshair more than once now and doesn’t want him getting into an abusive relationship or falling for an idiot or anything like that.

On the other hand he knows what Crosshair is like most of the time and can’t really understand why a “normal” person might be into him romantically. So obviously there must be something wrong with the potential S/O. Also he knows how Crosshair can be so he doesn’t want this apparently nice person to be scarred by Crosshair’s maladjusted assholery.

And I think he would want to be running a very G-rated household because he has Omega growing up and the three cadets and (in my head anyway) the kids from Tantiss live next door and he doesn’t want them walking in on anyone in “states of undress.” The kids don’t really understand this because Omega was living with them on the Marauder for like two years and you can’t fart in there without everyone knowing. The cadets started out in the same circumstances as all of the other clones and then were living wild on the vine monster planet. The Tantiss kids probably had the closest thing to a normal childhood until they were kidnapped, stuck into Tantiss and put under round the clock observation. So none of them really have a solid grasp of the nuclear family or what that’s “supposed” to look like.

All of this is a roundabout way of saying I think a scenario like this is not out of the realm of possibility:

Hunter knocks on Crosshair’s door and opens it to find Crosshair and S/O sitting in there, 100% clothed and barely touching: Hey we’re going down to the marina to… ugh get a room you two.

Crosshair and S/O, indignantly: We did!

Anyway this is why Tech moved in next door with Phee because they could barely hold hands without Hunter going, “Give it a rest you two, there are children present.”

7 months ago
zahmaddog - 🖤💀CT9904💀🖤
