zdislandgirl - All Things TIVA & NCIS
All Things TIVA & NCIS

My Happy Place

85 posts

Just Watched Last Night Episode And It Was A Great One, I So Loved The Reunion With McGee Best Of All

Just watched last night episode and it was a great one, I so loved the reunion with McGee best of all and the raw emotion of Gibbs and Ziva at the end, but I have one question what was with the attitude from Sloane and Kasie can someone explain that to me as I don’t quite get it.

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5 years ago

I know twitter’s not the most reliable source but I have seen tweets saying that Cote is back on set next week, has anyone else seen or heard this?

5 years ago

Even though GIbbs needs to let Ziva do her thing and let her go it doesn’t mean that he can’t still look out for her. He doesn’t need to go looking for her or anything but he can keep his eyes and ears open to see if there is any chatter that might be relevant, so that if it gets too dangerous he can potentially help. 

Then instead of Ziva having to come and protect him he could protect her and show her that he was trying to make amends and that he wasn’t going to let her down again.

5 years ago


I live outside the US but have a VPN can anyone tell me how I can get to watch Cote’s come back next week?

I’m desperate, I can’t miss this after waiting for 6 years

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5 years ago

If you want to get the full effect of the first 2 episodes of season 17, watch episodes 1+2 of season 11, season 13 x24, season 16x13 and then season 17 1+2 one after the other then you get the whole story and all the feels. After that you can see why we need a happy Tiva reunion

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5 years ago

Last night they had Jack talking to everyone about Ziva, but the conversation I would like to have seen would be one between McGee and Gibbs, after all they were the ones closest to Ziva. 

They are the ones with the history and connection to her and the most confused and conflicted feelings, that even if they talk to the others they just won’t get it as you had to be there with them to truly understand all that they have been through together as a dysfunctional family, especially as the new team doesn’t seem to have as much of a family dynamic.

McGee heard Ziva mention Paraguay Gibbs could have told him that Ziva went looking for them and McGee could tell Gibbs that he wished they had the chance to say goodbye. 

The episode as a whole felt a bit flat and just highlighted the different energies between old and new, and not having Gibbs and McGee discus things was a missed opportunity.