Hi. I'm Jo. she/her. Welcome to my little corner of the world. I write fanfiction and I'm learning to draw

43 posts

Prompt List

Prompt List

6 - “Why are you following me around like a lost duckling.”

19 - “Can't you just not work today?”

Daryl Dixon x Daughter!Reader

Words: 1027

Warnings/Notes: None

Prompt List

Not my image

It had been a long week up till now. The group was busy working in Alexandria. Some people gardening, others building up the wall or keeping watch. You woke up to an empty house, your father already out and working. You walk down the stairs as he comes in the door.

“I figured you’d be up about now. I’ll make ya some breakfast and then I gotta head back to work.” Daryl walks over to you after setting his bow down on the bench by the door. “What d’ya think of that?”

“Can’t you just not work today?” you complain to him all the time about how much he’s out and helping out.

“Pumpkin, we talked about this, I have to help out.” Daryl picks you up and carries you over to the kitchen. 

“But you’re always goneeee.” you drag out the end of your sentence. Adding a whining tone to your voice. Daryl sets you on the counter as he gets out the waffle maker.

“Hey, wha’td I say bout yer whinin’.” Daryl doesn’t look at you, but you can hear the sternness in his voice.

“Sorry daddy.” You fiddle with your fingers while you wait for him to turn back around. When he does he has the waffle mix and other instruments in his hands. 

“Yes!” you say with excitement, your fists shooting up.

“Figured you'd be excited.” He comments with a smirk as he begins mixing the batter.

you sit on the counter and help with what you can as your dad makes you waffles. You two have a great time talking and your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

Eventually the waffles are all done and you two sit at the barstool and eat them. You watch as your dad eats only a couple and gives you the rest of his syrup.

“Why didn't you eat as much?” You pause shoving the waffles in your mouth to talk. 

“I had some food earlier this morning, so I ain't that hungry.” He says with a small smile.

You smile and shrug, shoving more waffles in your mouth. 

“Alright kid, I gotta get back t’ work.” He stands up and ruffles your hair, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 

“Can't you stay home today?” you finish eating your waffles and turn around to face him in you chair. 

“We talked about this kiddo, I gotta do this.”

“Then I can come with you?” you mouth shoots up in a smile and you run towards the stairs. “Lemme grab my stuff.”

You don't even give him a chance to say anything before you run up the stairs and grab your little messenger bag. You shove in your coloring book, a normal book, and some extra little things. 

You come down the stairs to him dressed back in his boots and jacket, standing with his arms crossed, his bow hanging off his shoulder.

“Alright, c'mon.” he says, nodding his head towards the door. 

“Hang on, I gotta put on my boots.” you plop on the floor next to the shoes, which are only yours and Daryl's at the most. 

When your done tieing them up, Daryl helps you to stand and hands you your pocket knife. He got it for you a while ago and wont let you leave the house without having it on you. 

“Ready?” he asks.

“Ready.” you look up and smile at him. 

He only nods before opening the door and holding it open for you. He shuts it behind him and walks alongside you. Today he has to get the bike ready so he can go out scouting with Aaron eventually. You two walk along the sidewalk, watching the few birds fly by or someone else on a walk. It's times like this that you miss with him. Even before Alexandria, when you were always on the run. You get to be with him all the time and do everything with him. You don't like being alone in the house all day every day.

When you make it to Aaron's house he greets you with a snack and juice.

“Thanks!” you say with a smile. Even after all the waffles you had just 20 minutes ago you eat the fruit he handed you right away and sipped on the juice. 

You follow Daryl into Aaron's garage and see the bike Daryl has been working on.

“Are we gonna be able to ride it just like your last one!?” You look at him with and excited expression plastered on your face.

"Eventually, I might change some things to make it easier, and we need to find you a helmet if we can.”

“How are we gonna find a motorcycle helmet for me?”

“I dunno kid. Even if it was just a bike helmet. Any type of helmet really.” He sits on the stool and begins messing with parts.

“How ‘bout ya sit in that chair over there and color or someth'n.” He nods towards a chair in the corner. 

“I think I'm gonna watch you.” you set your bag down in the chair and stand by where Daryl was working. You stay for a while like that day. Following him when he goes to the workbench or the other side of the bike.

“Alright kid, why are you following me around like a lost duckling?”

“I just wanna see what your doing, and I miss when we were together all the time.”

He stops what he's doing and looks up at you from his seat.

“Pumpkin, why didn't you tell me. I could have taken you with me more.”

“I dunno. I just figured you weren't alway gonna be this busy.”

“I get it, and I'm sorry. I didn't really notice that you wanted to come, I thought you would like having your own space.”

“I just miss you sometimes.”

“Alright, I'll tell you what, tomorrow we'll have a just us day. We can do whatever we want.”

“Alright.” a smile breaks out on your face and you giggle in excitement.

“Alright kid.” Daryl has a smirk on his face as he continues to work and you continue to watch.

Hope you enjoyed it!!



Thanks for reading, as always like, comment, and re-blog to support your writers and other artists.

Thanks again and see you soon.

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More Posts from Zillobeastbait

1 year ago
Bad Batch S3 Ep3 (out Of Context)

Bad Batch S3 Ep3 (out of context)

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1 year ago

Till the End - Ch. 3 - Pt. 2

Chapter 3

Shes Only Six

(notes - episode re-write y'all better love this. jk have ur own opinions lol but I hope you enjoy.)

Till The End - Ch. 3 - Pt. 2

photos from pinterest, moodboard by me

Crimson watches as the people around her pull out guns. She sees Hershel and the other young girl heading back for the door. She freezes. Unsure of what to do. The panic hit. The dead people are coming towards her, everyone is running around, and the world is just being too loud. She can hear Rick yelling at everyone, and at Lori, to get out of there. To get away from the walkers, but her feet are just stuck.

“Crim!” she suddenly hears a voice call her name. She snaps out of whatever trance she was in.

“Crim go with the others!” She turns her head for a moment to see Daryl yelling at her to follow Lori and the others. She suddenly takes off. She follows where Hershel and the younger girl go. She runs between the walkers, their limbs coming after her and their moans filling her ears. She catches up with them quickly, as the man is on crutches.

“Come on!” The younger girl yells at her and she runs up and grabs her hand. From there she helps Crimson up the stairs and into the gate. Herschel follows shortly after, taking out a walker with his crutch before making it safely into the gated area. She watches with them as Lori, another woman, and the young boy make it into a safe area.

When the walkers are gone Crimson waits with Hershel and who she learns is Beth for a while. Hershel tells Crim that Rick, Daryl, and who she learns is Glenn will make sure it’s safe.

Suddenly they all come running out, including two men she hasn't seen before. Hershel starts talking to them but Crim doesn’t listen as she bolts down the steps. At least as fast as she can for her size. She runs up to Daryl and clings to his leg like it will save her life.

“Wha the-” Daryl looks down at her with a bit of surprise on her face. He’s about to shove her off but then he hears a sniffle, and then another. Then suddenly he can feel her body shaking.

“Listen kid, ‘s gonna be alrigh’’” He puts his crossbow over his shoulder and leans down, picking her up. “Yer ok, ‘s gonna be ok.”

Crimson stops crying but shes still shaken up. Suddenly Rick stops talking, who she didn't really realize was talking in the first place. Everyone turns to look at the woman and the boy exiting one of the gates, with a baby. Daryl turns to face the direction of them, Crimson staying tucked in the crook of his neck. She watches as everyone starts crying, as their worlds seem to fall apart. Daryl feels her cuddle in even closer and he holds her head in his hand.

“‘Ts gon be alrigh’ Crim, ‘ts gon be alrigh’.”

Everyone stands around for a long while, letting everyone process the recent birth and death. After a little while Daryl sets Crim down and kneels in front of Rick. Crim watches as he waves his hand in front of Rick. Trying to get his attention. After it doesn’t work he gives up and tunes into everyon’s conversation about the baby.

“What’re we gonna feed it? We got anything a baby can eat?” Daryl gets up and walks toward Hershel. He looks over the baby for a minute before talking again.

“The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. Hershel looks over to Daryl. By now Daryl is standing next to Crim again, and she's back to hugging his leg. Daryl rests a hand on the back of her head, still paying attention to Hershel.

“And soon or she won’t survive.” Hershel continues.

“Nope. No way. Not her. We ain’t losing nobody else. I’m goin' for a run.” Daryl says as he pulls his bow over his shoulder. Crimson clings harder to his pants, not wanting him to leave her again.

“Crim, I'll be back. You’ll be alrigh.” Daryl comforts the child.

“I’ll back you up.” Maggie says, followed by Glenn agreeing.

Daryl nods in their direction.

“Okay, I think we’re going. Beth.” He pulls her slightly away from the group.

“Kid just lost his mom, his dad ain’t doin' so hot.” Daryl lowers his voice as he says it.

“I’ll look out for him.” She agrees.

“Yea, and one more favor, introduce yourself to Crim and look out for her while I’m gone, she ain’t too comfortable here yet.” Daryl adds. Beth just smiles and nods in agreement.

As Daryl continues giving orders, Crim just stands and waits. The people still put her on edge, but she’s getting more used to them, although that outbreak was a huge scare for her. Suddenly Rick is up and running into the building, and everyone else is going everywhere. She doesn’t know exactly what to do or where to go. Daryl runs off with Glenn and Maggie, and Hershel, Beth, and the kid are all huddled around the baby. And just like that, she’s alone. She watches Daryl and Maggie take off on the bike, leaving Glenn behind.

Thanks for reading and as always like, comment, and re-blog! Hope y'all enjoyed!


Part 1


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1 year ago

Stars in the Night (Lilith's Backstory)

Born to the Night

Chapter 1

When Lilith was born, her parents didn't want her. They never had. She was an accident and they were going to get rid of her the moment they had the chance. Maybe even leave the hospital without her. But then of course her mother had the great idea of keeping her and using her to get chores done. When she was too young to do much they didn't do much but keep her alive. She had a pet bed on the floor of the living room, which was comfortable enough for her. She had to learn to feed herself very quickly, once her mom stopped breastfeeding her she stopped feeding her at all. By the time she was five years old she was accustomed to the way things were at her house. She would wake up by something being thrown at her or some yelling and then she would do whatever her parents, if you could call them that, would ask of her. Being able to use the air to reach things she couldn't or lift heavier things was helpful too. Of course she had the force but she didn't know that at the time. She didn't know it was anything special.

By the time she was 10 she was used to it, it was routine. She woke up before her parents, hours before, and would practice reading and writing and study all of the old books and such that her parents had. Then her parents would wake and she would start her chores and tasks and whatever they asked her to do, while they just sat on the couch and watched the holonet every day. One day her father got up and told her to follow him, so she did. He led her all the way into town and then into the space port. She watched as he met up with some of what she heard other people calling pirates. The pirate handed her dad a bunch of money and in return her dad pushed on her back, forcing her to take a couple steps towards the man. One of the others standing beside him grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the ship. Of course Lilith tried to fight back, tried to fight back, but it was no use. She was dragged to a cell in the ship yelling and crying.

She slept, ate, and lived in that cell for 3 days before she felt the ship landing. One of the pirates came in and grabbed her, dragging her outside onto a dusty brown planet. She was dragged into a building and thrown into another cell. She spent another 5 days in the cell. She heard whispers outside of it about the force and jedi and all these other things she didn't understand. Eventually another pirate came and opened the cell once again. This time he put an electric collar on her and let her walk by herself. She followed him to a room with a bunch of machines and a very uncomfortable bed in the middle. Another man was waiting in the room, but he didn tlook like the others she had seen. He looked like her. The pirate stood against the wall and watched as the man in the room directed Lilith to lay on the table. He then asked her to be calm as he put a syringe with a needle into her skin. She hated the pinching but sat through it the best she could. She felt funny for a moment and then fell quickly asleep.

Pt. 2

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8 months ago

Hey y’all, so I’ve been a bit absent for a hot minute… oops! I’m back for the summer though! Let me catch y’all up! I’m still working on TWD, I haven’t actually finished it. I’m also still very, very, very, into Star Wars, I do RP on here for that for the most part. I’m also trying to expand my horizons, so I started watching My Hero Academia. I’m already working on some fic’s for that. Anyone reading who is here for my Daryl Dixon fics don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you! I’m currently trying to balance work and my “vacations” with my hobbies, while also giving myself time to relax and chill.

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1 year ago


Hey! I was the anon who requested #13. I figured you'd do darylxdaughter since that's also how I found you and I love how you write them! Thank you!

Ofc ofc ofc! I'll get right on it! Thanks for the clarification! <333 (also I'll reblog this when it's done or you can send me another ask and I'll attach it there. Sorry wasn't thinking ahead lol)