. 001. Nina Zenik . - Tumblr Posts
the corporalki was swearing under her breath, the whispered words quiet and heading towards a crescendo, matching the quickened pace she'd taken to escape the guards that were catching onto what had happened. they'd planned to the near detail, a given for any of brekker's plans, but it could not always account for human error, or in this case, the unpredictability of the world as it was. a terrible domino effect that had the group splitting up, beads of sweat forming at her hairline and she was certain the lower end of her skirt had been torn off from the corner she'd turned. all the rest was a blur that resulted in her catching a marvelous sight — she was certain she'd need to give that beast a kiss on the head.
the grin was not to be missed, curls sticking to the edge of her face, mischievousness heavily stained in her features. “ i'm extremely funny, i'll have you know. admit it, you want to laugh. ” tongue clicked over the roof of her mouth as if she meant to chastise him, small steps following behind as they moved out of plain sight, and especially distanced from the horse that clearly had it out for him. “ it was as quiet as it could've been. don't look at me like that. ” gaze narrowed as she straightened out the wrinkles in her dress, digging into her pocket for a folded - up pastry she'd brought along. “ something - something about a lover's quarrel. who are we to get in the way of such scandal ? ”
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ? [ nina for kaz ]
bad enough that the job had gone awry, worse still that kaz had caught the back end of a nasty kick from their trusty, startled getaway, the horse and carriage positioned directly outside. he'd stayed in the mud for perhaps too long, considering his choices that had led to this moment and re - evaluating if he perhaps even had the will to get back up. when nina had stumbled across him, the sky happened to be split in two, and two versions of her stood above him. he'd pulled a face of clear disgust and pushed himself up and out of the dirt, slick from the rainfall the previous day, using his cane as decent enough leverage to keep himself upright as he hobbled to the stairs.
her question forced his already blank expression to darken, kaz blinked at her as though to say, really? “ unfortunately i'm not blind. one of you is bad enough, i don't have the energy to deal with two. ” three, if he counted the ghost of another in his peripheral. and to supply her with an honest answer, he held up his hand, middle finger on display in a perfect mirror of her own position. “ ha - ha. i'm glad you think you're funny. what happened to keeping everything fucking quiet? ”