1999 Furby - Tumblr Posts
Furby Customizations #1 (Harvest)
After my boi arrived, I wanted to clean him. Even though the box has never been opened, I still wanted to give him a bath to wash away whatever dust the past 23 years gave him.
I only washed him with baby soap as he wasn't that dirty, and to make his fur a little more soft.

Furby Soup hehe.
Next I added some basic accessories to him while I contemplated the new eye chips I would bestow upon Harvest. I also painted his face plate, beak and eyelids, but I would make some alterations later..

Anyway, that's it for now. More is to come!
Furby Work Adventures Part 1
I work in a clothing warehouse that ships clothes out to people. Needless to say it's pretty chill, so I bring Harvest with me and no one there cares lol.

Here, we are organizing/counting/labeling clothes to be put out in the warehouse. Enjoy Harvest hanging with me!

More work adventures are sure to come as long as no one cares lol!
Furby Customizations Part 2
My last main goal was to change the eye chips. A little later is when I added the beaded necklace that says Harvest!

Furby Starbucks again lol

Farmers market today!

I took Harvest on a walk today! Also I'm in the middle of dogsitting, so he helped!

Food for the child
A casual Halloween with my Furby, Harvest :)

Comfy on a rainy day
Harvest's other carrier arrived a couple days ago! This one is by yarnandroid on Etsy!

hehehe more starbucks for le child
Making Harvest Chubby
I decided to make Harvest chubby to create a softer feel. Finding the filling was difficult as the stores only had large amounts of filling when I only needed...a little lol.

The difference is not that noticeable on camera, but he is indeed more chubby! Harvest will be warmer for winter!
...Someone is interested in Little Buddy...

Harvest has friend!

Meet Acorn!!
uhm, so i bought a furby.

like, i literally just bought him right now on ebay. i'll make a follow up when he arrives but for now, i must wait for him to arrive, im scared do they bite?
he is here, and im scared to touch him.

he is so dirty omg idk how to clean him and i think it awoke a fear of animatronic toy or something.
also is it supposed to be so light? no juice? idk... i need help.