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10 months ago
"Show Me What You've Got, Kinomiya!"

"Show me what you've got, Kinomiya!"

Recently I finished rewatching Beyblade and was remembered on how influential the show was on me. Not only personally but also artistically. I vividly remember how I ran home from school in order to watch Beyblade at 3'o Clock, not to miss a single episode. There was something about this show that just hooked me. The battles, the music. The characters. After G-Revolution I drew my own comics with the characters. Of their own battles, their own interpersonal struggles and it was my very first AU. (lets say I wasn't too happy with Dranzers Faith in G-Revolution and I wanted to draw a happier ending). It also brought me and the neighbourkids together , as they were obsessed with Beyblade as well and we replayed the episodes on the playground while we argued who will be Kai in the end. (we did the same with Digimon, especially with Digimon Frontier, but that's a story for another day.) In Winter I tried to wear my scarf like Kai and I looked ridiculous but personally I related to him the most as a kid. I still do as an adult. I burn for art in a similar way as Kai and Tyson burn for Beyblade. But like Kai, I'm also a person who does not speak much and is rather on the introverted and calmer side. I rather like my work to speak for myself rather than the words that come out of my mouth. (but if you speak about art around me, make sure I won't shut up about it )

Anyway. In order to show my love, I decided to draw this Fanart. I chose that very iconic place from episode one, where Kai and Tyson meet for the very first time. However, except of drawing all the other Kids, I decided to draw the Bladebreakerz. I tried to capture the anticipation before the battle, the tension, the excitment. Almost a similar feeling I have whenever I start a new artwork.

What was your favorite show while growing up? And if it's also Beyblade, who is your favorite character :)?

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