300 Event - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

300 Follower Event!


So, I decided for 300 that I would make a little writing event because in the past I would write a milestone fic and that was it. It didn’t really connect with my followers!

So now I’m doing an actual event. For this you guys can pick a song from the listed and write about whoever you think fits in whatever vibe fits. Anyone can join and anyone can pick any listed song. This is me getting to know how my followers and others think in relation to some of my favourite songs!

With Lyrics

Dear Romeo - Faceless Boy

Somewhere - ZWALL, Josh A

Wasted Time - Tyto Grey 

Trees - McCafferty

Father Time - Jake Hill

Demons in the Attic - Pseudo, Jake Hill

Darko - Bad Timing

Not Allowed - TV Girl

Saturn - Sleeping At Last

Time - NF

Fairytale - Alexander Rybak

The Art of Heartbreak - Kitsune

In My Head - Bedroom

Deceptacon - Le Tigre 

Without Lyrics

On Top / On Top (VIP) - The Girl Next Door

Nagashi - Idealism

Chilling At Nemu’s Place - In Love With A Ghost

I Feel Lost - Kerlo

Dark Chocolate - Purrple Cat

Recovery - Marika Takeuchi

Leave Me - Dimitri Stockl 

Himitsu - Lama House

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2 years ago

could i please request the prompt “Pay attention to me before I kiss you,” “Sorry, did you say something?” for jake 💖💖

i hope you enjoy!

Could I Please Request The Prompt Pay Attention To Me Before I Kiss You, Sorry, Did You Say Something?

PAIRING | jake x reader

IDOLS FEATURED | sim jake, lee heeseung, nishimura riki

WC | 768

GENRE | fluff, comedy

WARNINGS | explicit language


Could I Please Request The Prompt Pay Attention To Me Before I Kiss You, Sorry, Did You Say Something?

You stared down at the soft, fluffy dog that was laying at your feet, wagging her tail slowly every time you reached down to scratch behind her ears, making small thumping sounds on the bare wooden floor. She opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out and panting happily as you stroked her long white fur, exposing her sharp white teeth and healthy gums. Not that you really noticed anyways; your attention was focused elsewhere, and Layla was well aware of this as she followed your gaze to her owner, who was sat in front of the TV, the tip of his nose only a few inches away from the bright screen. You had already reprimanded him a few times, an annoyed tone poisoning your innocent intentions, but Jake had hardly noticed, muttering a quick affirmative when you asked snarkily if he’d even heard you. He’d barely given you a moment of attention before turning back to his game, shouting directions at Riki and Heeseung, whom you assumed he was playing with. And so, you sat on his bed with Layla at your feet, his two forgotten girls, watching him with an irritated expression on your face, and Layla whining every few minutes in protest of Jake’s distractions.

As another round ended, Jake cheered as his team’s score flashed across the screen in bright yellow font, complimenting Heeseung and Riki, and of course himself, pridefully praising himself for carrying the team and getting the most kills out of anyone in the game. You rolled your eyes at his haughty tone, huffing loudly, perhaps hoping a little that he would notice your annoyance and begin to pay attention to you. After all, it was why you’d even come over to his house. You certainly didn’t come to watch him play games and ignore you the entire time.

“Just one more round, babe!” Jake called, still not taking his eyes off the screen as he shook one hand out, then the other, attempting to shake out his stiff fingers. You hummed boredly, not trusting what he said, as he had claimed the last three rounds would be the last. “Come on, come on,” he muttered to himself, “three wins in a row, we can do it!”

You could hardly make out the muffled voices of Riki and Heeseung from Jake’s headphones, but at this point you hardly cared, and you laid down on his bed, smoothing his wrinkled blue sheets and staring at his ceiling, when a sudden idea popped into your head. “Jake,” you said loudly, hoping that he could hear you through all of the noise in his game, “pay attention to me before I kiss you.” You held your breath as you waited for his response, but it didn’t come, and you sat up angrily, throwing a pillow at the back of his head, making him freeze up.

He removed one ear from under his headphones. “Sorry, did you say something?” he asked, still not even bothering to peek at you. “No, not you Riki!” he complained, “you never shut the fuck up, I can always hear you.”

“Never mind,” you huffed, frustrated, “I’m going home.” You stood up and gave Layla one last scratch behind the ears, sliding your phone into your pocket as you reached for the door knob.

“Wait, wait!” Jake yelled, finally throwing down his headphones, much to Heeseung and Riki’s complaints. “Where are you going?”

“You’re not even paying attention to me,” you grouched, “all you care about is your game.”

“Aw, babe,” Jake said, pushing his full lips into a pink pout, “if you were jealous you should have just said so! I would have given you all the attention you wanted.”

“I’m not jealous!” you denied, but Jake captured you in his arms, rubbing his nose against yours playfully as his long fingers roamed your sides, tickling your ribs and making you giggle. “Fine, fine! Maybe I was a little jealous, but I think it was justified!”

“I’ll only pay attention to you from now on,” he cooed, kissing you gently on the lips, “promise.” But as he tried to kiss you again, his phone started ringing, and he gave you an apologetic look as he picked up the call, one eyebrow raised in confusion at the caller ID. “Hello?”

“Damn it, Jake! We lost because of you!” Heeseung shouted, and Jake quickly turned to look back at his TV, which now showed his deceased character laying face-down in the grass, and he smacked his face with his palm.

“Babe,” he said, clasping your hand in his, “just one more round.”

Could I Please Request The Prompt Pay Attention To Me Before I Kiss You, Sorry, Did You Say Something?

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