3d Posing Shenanigans - Tumblr Posts
I've been given too much power (figured out how to pose 3d models in blender)
And if you're wondering what I would do with such a power, wonder no longer. The answer is "zack fair ff7 pat valstrax monster hunter on the head :]"

*kicking my legs* tee hee, so you know how you can pose the cc models, right? soooo,,, can my sons hold hands??
Hello! We think alike - this is, in fact, one of the first things I wanted to do :]
Unfortunately, while the website I got the models from had a good number of Sephiroths, I ran into a few issues with them, the main one being none of them came with any bones to pose with (+ I do not trust myself with rigging them by hand whatsoever, and ripping the model directly seems complicated). In fact, the only CC model that I could work with off the bat was 1st Class Zack.
Not that it stopped me from trying something anyway. speak to me sephiroth!! stop t posing :(

All that said, I'm sure I can get my hands on a Sephiroth with an armature from *somewhere*, so I will try searching elsewhere (maybe even actually digging into the guts of CC myself) and get back to you on this one.
also while I'm here, here's a zack on MHW rathalos i did (and apologies for not being able to properly fulfill your ask right away)

Update on the model finding situation: man, I really might have to rip models straight from the game but ripping seems complicated... wait what's this

Yes. YES!! and it would appear you get them with rig bones
Plus, I already know how to dig around in Wii games to some extent, so provided their files are set up in a kind enough way I can yoink a bunch of Monster Hunter monsters from Tri (has some of my absolute favourites!! Alatreon, Qurupeco, Deviljho, they're all so good)
Anyway the long and short of it is i can get a Sephiroth, and also plenty of creatures, and listen @moisttwaterr you're getting your lads if it's the last thing I do
Extra: I did also come into possession of an FF7R Seph, but he's just so detailed (especially on the face. his face bones honestly look like a dandelion i have no idea what i'm looking at). there's so much going on - troubleshooting is impossible for someone who is as currently clueless as me and it lags when I move parts lol. It's really cool! But CC models lots easier to work with, which is on account of being from the PSP I guess
back at it again playing with the zack fair and monsters 3d nonsense (there are a bunch of MH Rise monsters on models resource now)

Zack and Espinas have more in common than you think. For example, they are both spiky jungle pals that i love dearly
Folks - I now have the 3d knowhow and the method to rip the 3d models from CCFF7, and that includes the bones! I also figured out the fix for other misc issues I were having such as with transparency
Check it out :O (hurls Amatsu MonHun through the hole in Aerith's roof)

I've also gone through every model in the game and made a list of what's what. So, theoretically, there are no limitations! And you know what that means: @moisttwaterr we finally have the technology.... the quest to make ZS hold hands has finally completed!!!

(If there's anything people'd be interested in seeing send in an ask ^^ also if you were in the same place as me, where you wanted to do this but can't get the bones/textures/anything to work, maybe I can help)
I'm so happy to have finally got this working :D These model rips and my lowpoly Nyanko were the two things I was ultimately aiming to figure out when I started figuring out 3D models months ago. Now I need to figure out a next step lol. Definitely want to try animating
It was a pain to get there but now I can also rip models from 3DS Capcom games, which means Ace Attorney and 3rd+4th gen MonHun characters/creatures/locations!! Although i've only done Ace Attorney Dual Destinies as of yet. (some screenshots of the courtroom under different lighting, and some of FFVII characters in there because of course there will be, under the cut)
I noticed that when not lit as it is in the game, Dual Destinies' courtroom actually looks quite a lot like the earlier parts of the series. Moody lighting always made it feel super different to me so it's surprising how alike it really is. I ended up leaving it like this for now lol

And you know what else! Creacher on the witness stand!! (also my lads are too dang tall for law unless I squish em down apparently)

Camera tests turned out great! Not 100% accurate but I am having fun
I will use this power very responsibly (I won't)