70s Songs - Tumblr Posts

I'd love to do this with my current WIP!!! Unfortunately I want it to be a TV show, so Wednesday might be a bit harder? Anyways, I hope I can still do this!! Currently still developing the characters of this project, so uh yeah?

A fun fact I can think of is a side character's pets. He owns four female pigeons, all of which are named after songs from the 1970's. Although, when he refers to all of them at once, he calls them Lovelies.

I hope that's fun enough?

Just a little something I though of that might encourage some interactions around these parts. Feel free to use these daily prompts and ideas on your own page! Don't forget, if someone comments on your response, try to comment on their's!

Meet the character Monday: Introduce us to one of your characters!

Tip of the world Tuesday: Tell us something interesting about the world your character lives in. Go deep into your world lore/building

WIP Wednesday: Post a paragraph from your current wip. Make sure to comment on other's works!

Thirsty Thursday: Talk about one of your ships in you WIP. If there isn't any romance involved, talk to us about the kinds of relationships your character has with other characters.

Fun fact Friday: Give us a random fun fact about a character/setting/etc.

Sit down Saturday: What do your character's do in their downtime? What are some common recreational things people do in your world?

Source Sunday: What inspirations did you draw from for your WIP

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