8th Member - Tumblr Posts
HIYA!!!! im requesting a yoongi & gender nuetral!reader where the reader is the 8th member of bts and yoongi has a soft spot for them. mostly because the reader doesnt bother him but seems to be always stuck next to him like glue. so maybe the members reaction to it too and yoongi beibg yoongi lol! and the readers likes being affectionate but only with yoongi hyung haha
I assumed this was more like a sibling/close friend kind of relationship. so if you want a romantic twist i can make a part two :)
Affinity // part 2
It is no secret that y/n and Yoongi have an unspoken bond, one everyone knows of. Its clear by the way they always stick together, the way neither of them seem to mind the constant closeness. The way Yoongi softly smiles at them when they are together and the way y/n always seems to pick him to stay next to.
In all honestly Yoongi is kind of like a comfort to them. Just being around them works wonders for their mind and heart. They don't even have to verbally communicate, just being around him can make any bad day good and any bad thought disappear. Even the panic they sometimes feel at airports and other places crowded with screaming fans seems lesser when they cling to Yoongi's arm. Nobody seems to know why this is, even y/n themself doesn't know. It had been like that from the start.
People would think Yoongi didn't like that, especially the ones that don't know him well would assume he would even hate it. The constant closeness, the platonic touching and the hugging. New fans and antis have been led to believe he's a cold person. But those who do know him see he actually doesn't mind at all. By the soft reassuring smiles and the comforting hand holding they see it's far from that actually. He somehow feels a sense of comfort as well, being around them makes him feel serene and calm. So you could say they are perfect for each other.
The first day they met, before debut, it already started. Meeting new people, especially know you're going to work with them and be around them alot from then on, is scary. He could immediatelt sense the discomfort on y/n's face. The way they tensed when someone talked to them, the way they would try to avoid conversations as much as possible and the way they seemed to close off all together. The other boys didn't really seem to notice, but he did. And he surprised himself by taking it on himself to make them feel better. So he sat next to them and tried to initiate calm and simple conversations with them, hoping it would get them to open up to him. And they did. We could assume that's the reason they have this bond now.
Next example is how they're in his studio a lot. They don't necessarily speak or try to get his attention. They just enter and do their thing, be it laying down, working on music or just doing their own thing. It has become a regular thing for them, and Yoongi can barely remember a time where they didn't show up in his studio every other day. If they didn't show up for a few days it would even be concerning. With the boys Yoongi might have gotten annoyed by now and told them to stop, getting distracted whenever they show up. But it's different for y/n, their presence doesn't bother nor distract him. Besides, they always take care of him as well, making sure he eats, drinks and sleeps well. And with them he doesn't mind the little breaks, he doesn't mind when they physically stop him from working. Because he knows they care about him and know what's best.
After a little while of knowing each other they got physical very quick. Hugs, holding hands or just arms or legs touching while sitting next to each other.
Fans point out a lot that y/n and Yoongi are always together. That they're joined at the hip. Some of them would use this as 'evidence' for their ship but most can see what's really happening here. They're glad that y/n and Yoongi like each other so much, it means that they at least have each other. No matter what happens.
Last example will be right now, as they're doing a live. All 8 of them.
"I bet that didn't actually happen." Jimin laughs after listening to Taehyung's story, who was almost yelling while trying to convince them he wasn't lying.
"You sure? Tae always experiences odd stuff." Namjoon remarks, looking at the camera after saying that, raising an eyebrow at army.
Y/N laughs cuddling more into Yoongi's side. They had a long day and everyone is tired, but the boys decided they wanted to do a short vlive before going to bed. While y/n was fully on board and was excited to interact with armys, they still felt very tired and just wanted to be in bed. But they figured cuddling up to Yoongi would have to make do.
"Y/N stop hogging Yoongi-oppa." Jin reads a comment out loud, laughing as he reads the English comment using a honorific at the end of it. He turns to y/n and Yoongi and whines, "yes, stop hogging them," he mockingly says.
Yoongi scoffs as y/n chuckles and shakes their head. They throw their leg over Yoongis and forces themself closer, laughing a bit harder. "No way!!" Yoongi seems to turn a bit red at this action but manages a small and low chuckle, playfully rolling his eyes at them.
"I, for one, think it's endearing." Hoseok speaks, smiling gross lovingly at the intertwined duo.
"Sickening, really." Jimin adds, but the look on his face says otherwise.
"You never hug me like that!" Taehyung grunts, frowning at y/n. But as soon as y/n opens their mouth to speak, taking him a bit too serious, he laughs. "Just kidding."
"They're really something else aren't they?" Jungkook pipes in, giving a soft close mouthed smile.
"You two should just da-" Jimin started reading another comment, laughing like crazy, but getting interrupted by Yoongi.