999 Week - Tumblr Posts

Day 2 - Snakes and caramel

@999week Day 3 - Santa and cookies

@999week Day 4 - Clovers and pastries

@999week Day 6 - June and teatime

Day 3: Break out of the stage

I've only a junepei doodle to spare today ❣️

Day 6: As you’re taking center stage

🎶Now Playing: 1. Extreme Extrication
extreme (adj.):
A drastic expedient.
extrication (n.) :
The act of getting yourself out of a bad situation with great difficulty; a freeing from perplexities.

🎶Now Playing: 2. Eternitybox
eternity (n.) :
A state to which time has no application; timelessness

🎶Now Playing: 3. Chill and Rigor
chill (n.) :
an unpleasant feeling of coldness in the atmosphere or the body; equanimity, a lack of warmth and cordiality, unfriendliness
rigor (n.) :
the quality of being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or strict; demanding, difficult, or extreme conditions

🎶Now Playing: 4. Digital Root
digital root (math) :
Mastering the digital root concept can help you achieve better grades at school, this is because it can be used to check that your answers to arithmetic problems are correct

🎶Now Playing: 5. Morphogenetic Sorrow
sorrow (n.) :
A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, unhappiness, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others

🎶Now Playing: 6. Recollection
recollection (n.) :
The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; a reminiscence

🎶Now Playing: 7. Tinderbox
tinder (n.) :
Dry, flammable material, such as wood or paper; used for lighting a fire
box (n.) :
A predicament or trap

🎶Now Playing: 8. Riddle and Puzzle
riddle (n.) :
A verbal puzzle, mystery, or other problem of an intellectual nature; to speak ambiguously or enigmatically
puzzle (n.) :
A game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge; anything difficult to understand or make sense of

🎶Now Playing: 9. Trepidation
trepidation (n.) :
An involuntary trembling usually caused by terror or fear; a fearful state of concern or hesitation

quietus (n.) :
Something that quiets or represses; final settlement

🎶Now Playing - 999 Week 2022
(Compilation of all my pieces for last year's @999week!)