A Diffrent Kind Of Story - Tumblr Posts
Since I realized it's going to take me some time to get to the point of my fic to actually introduce my OC's, I'm just going to do that here now!
I'm also going to name some canon characters (e.g. Che'nya) and will explain their positions in the fic and how I think their personalities are.
Wondorsmore is the dorm founded on the curiosity of the Young Explorer. They are housed in a deformed, very colourful house with a gigantic garden and maze. Gem colour is blue.
Alicynthia Fantasmore (Alice): A light headed 2nd year student and the dorm leader of the dorm. She's a very kindhearted girl who loves tea time, baked sweets and croquet. Mostly everyone calls her Ali-chan, since her actual name is rather hard to pronounce for others. Nobody knows how she got the title 'dorm leader', because she daydreams a lot and gets distracted very easily. She has terrible orientation and will even get lost on an open field. Her mother handles all trading between the Rose Kingdom and the other lands, for which she respects her very deeply and hopes that she'll be able to handle such responsibilities one day.
Che'nya/Alchemi Alchemivichi Pinka (Cheshire Cat): The vice leader and one of Ali-chan's personal 'caretakers' and advisor. She's very aware of her responsibilities but necklaces them most of the time by napping or pranking other students, and loves to speak in riddles and confuse others. She has an immense fear of dogs, since one nearly bit her hand of when she was a child.
Marriposa Fafelyna (Caterpillar): Jokingly gets called the 'Second Vice of Wondorsmore'. Also Ali-chan's caretaker #2, but she's more of an motherly figure than Che'nya, who's more of an aunt. The 3rd year is kind of strict, but means it well, and has a lot of patience for others. She's hungry 24/7 and very tall. She also pupates up when she is faalls asleep. Smokes, but is not allowed to in any closed room or building, that's why she's mostly in the garden. Che'nya's roommate.
Arley Blanca (White Rabbit): A curious 1st year with a terrible sense of time. That's why she has a lot of clocks. Her father even runs a clock shop and got tought on how to build and repair clocks and watches. Her whole site of her shared room is full with clocks. Naturally, when ever it's a full hour, it's get very loud, which doesn't bother her, since she's used to it, even though she has very sensitive ears. She is allowed to do that, because she is alone in the four-person room.
Sunizwe is the dorm founded on the leadership of the Lion King. The members live in a big wood house, which has many plants and veins growing along it's sides, in the Savanna jungle. It has no roof unless it's raining and wild animals can't get near the dorm. Gem colour is topaz yellow.
Rainona Adolpha (Little Red Riding Hood): A 3nd year girl from the Land of Pyroxene as dorm leader in the middle of the Savanna, surrounded by beastmen. She's way mor robust than she looks. Never seen without her red hood/cape.
Zywie Najyba (Rafiki): Vice leader and 'doctor' of the dorm/school. Comes from a family of doctors or medical related stuff, they also work for the Royal Family. So, of course, she knows a lot about medicine and how things are within the family. Also has exsperience as a shaman. The 3rd year is concidered the 'wises' in the dorm
Eventyhav is the dorm founded by the dedication of the Little Mermaid. The dorm members live in an old shipwreck underwater. Gem colour is aqua blue.
Rielle af Atlantica (Arielle): A 2nd year dormleader and the youngest princess of the 7 princesses of the coral sea. Always full of question and likes sticking her noise into things that aren't her business. She's super impressed by human culture. But she often misunderstands the use or meaning of things. For example, for some time she used a fork as a hairbrush. Her voice is incredible lovely and beautiful.
Fabienne Guppy (Flounder): The vice of the dorm and best friend of Rielle. She's very shy, sweet and easily flustered. She's afraid of many things, sharks being the Nr. 1. Rielle always tries (and being successful every time) to convince her to go with her on her 'adventures'. Rielle also mainly calls her 'Fabie'. She is very good with the oboe (and saxophone, to some degree) and often plays for the dorm members.
Amyrlas is the dorm founded on the intelligence of the Prince of Sands. They are housed in a tiger head shaped, gold and marble cave near an oases. The gem colour is turquis.
Jaseema Dha-Hab (Jasmine): Dormleader and the older twin of the Dha-Hab twins. She's one of Kalima's cousins, the stricter and more hot-tempered one. The 2nd year student cares deeply for her sister, but doesn't show it well. Like Kalima, both are very rich, and, surprisingly, the only children in the family. She's very aware of their advantages, and that her parents most likely payed for her and her sister's positions. So she decided to use the money she has to help others. She donates very often and always helps her dorm mates. Which makes her very busy and not being able to spend time with her sister. Back at home, she's stuck with her overprotective parents who forbid her and her sister to go outside without a guard. So she's very happy and grateful for the freedom RSA provides her.
Aliye Dha-Hab (Aladdin): The vice dorm leader and younger twin. She's very carefree, like Kalima, eventhough she knows what could happen to her. Because of that, she leaves her sister in constant worry. And she's very aware of that. The reason she doesn't stop that or doesn't stop causing trouble is that, this, in her eyes, is the only way to get her sisters attention. Even back at home she causes trouble. She often goes outside without permission. When she's outside she disguises herself with poor clothes so she'll blend in easier. She often takes things like food or similar with her to give it to the poor, or sells it so she can give the money to others. Sometimes she even steals things to give them. This is her own way of donating, besides giving money; Being there for them. She has a small hideout in an abandoned building. She even has a small monkey, named Hamai, as a pet/companion.
Ebenholz is the dorm founded on the kindness of the Fairest of Them All. The mebers live in little cottages in the woods near a smal mine. Gem colour is red.
Neige LeBlanche: Dorm leader and the beauty of the school. She's very busy due to her being a model and actress, but always manages to spend time with her dwarf friends. Is like a second mother to them, but can be a bit overbearing sometimes.
The Dwarves: 7 dwarves who are constantly at Neige's side. Often get mistaken as kids and/or siblings. Both claims are false. Come from a dwarf clan that's known for their handywork and multiple mines. All are very good at mining and sorting out gems from real and fake. Surprisingly strong, can lift 5 times the weight they have. Dominic is the 'oldest sister', being the most mature. Hop and Gran often get into friendly arguments. Shelpy mostly sleeps, but loves some drama at school and knows everything about it. Sneek has to deal with a lot of allergies and holds a strong dislike towards spring. She and Hop (aswell as Domi) are often 'mental support' for the ever so shy Timmy. Toby is the air-head and 'youngest sister'. Since a young age, she had trouble remebering things and also had trouble with correct speech.
Theoroas is the dorm founded on the strength of the Godly Hero. They are housed in an ancient Greek themed building with an arena attached to it. Gem colour is copper.
Ziana Thora (Zeus): The 3rd year dormleader of the dorm. She's very stoic and serious, always wearing an angry expression. Very respected and feared, even known as 'The Queen of Royal Sword Academy'. He obtained the title 'dorm leader' as a fist year, right in the first week by challenging the former leader and winning by a land slide. He also has a younger sister (Hercules), but doesn't want to acknowlage her as that. So their relationship is rather complicated. She's also the daughter of the head of the company 'Olympus'.
Pacifica Aquarius (Poseidon): Cousin of Ziana (and Idia) and vice dorm leader. A very bubbly and lightheaded girl. She often drives her cousin insane because she can be very annoying and intrusive. Often just called 'Percy' or 'Paz'. She's very found of the merfolk. Like Idia (and Ziana, technically), Pacifica is a noble aswell; A noble of the Coral Sea. Besides making Ziana often mad, she's also the one who keeps his temper in check.
Verrepantou is the dorm founded on the hope of the Hardworking Princesse. It's only a small dorm, but the members are housed in a simple house, which turns into an impressive palace at night. Gem colour is purple.
Aimée Trein (Cinderella): The sweet and kind dorm leader. She didn't see the need to declare a vice, since it's a small dorm. She also has not the best sence of time, especilly when it's near 12, regardless of am or pm. Overworks herself very often does chores for others out of pure kindness. Also has a big thing for shoes and has multiple wardrobes just for that. Step-daughter to Mozus Trein and has two older step-sisters. Lost her father at a young age.