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3 years ago


Take Me To Church: 15

Take Me To Church: 15

Rating: Explicit

a/n: This is the official end of Take Me To Church, with one more epilogue chapter planned. I want to thank every single person who ever read this - it was the first thing I ever wrote and it holds a very special place in my heart, right alongside these two love sick fools. 

I want to give a special thank you to @filthybookworm, who has supported me endlessly during this entire process - she knows and loves this story and these characters just as much as I do and I literally couldn’t have done it without her or her incredible playlists. 


The light of the fire flickers over the kid’s scrunched features, his head bent over the book splayed open on his knees and his voice is clear and steady as he reads aloud. Din sits next to him, his arms open wide in his lean against the fallen tree trunk and he listens, his attention on the kid, his eyes on the bounty.

Hard to track in the first place, the man has been nothing but trouble since they caught him - weeks to find him, a fight to take him down, a struggle to get him up on the horse - he’s been full of snide remarks all day, trying everything in his power to get under Din’s skin. Clearly angry that he got captured, his barbed insults and scoffs of disbelief rolled right off Din’s back in its straight seat in the saddle; the steady sight of it infuriating the man even more.

He’s restless in his ropes by the fire, shifting in his seat as the kid slowly pronounces the words from his primer into the night and he ignores the tilt of Din’s head at his actions, the look of warning clear on his face. The man huffs when the kid’s reading stumbles, shaking his head at the sight before him and Din narrows his eyes and wishes that the wanted poster had listed “Dead or Alive”.

“What a fucking joke”, the man mutters, his hands tied behind his back as he leans forward, seeking warmth from the bright flames. The man keeps his eyes on the kid, watching his small face look up with a pause before looking over at Din and he smirks at the hesitation, at the look of uncertainty on his features.

“A bounty hunter with a fucking kid”, he laughs darkly. Din’s hand drifts to his hip to hover over his pistol and the man’s eyes flick over to watch the movement while he continues. “I’ve never seen that before. Better bounty hunter than a teacher, I think – you better keep practicing, kid.”

“Shut up or I’ll gag you.” Din’s command is cold, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the crackling of the fire and after a long look at the bounty, he nods to the kid to continue. His hand still rests on his gun, the dollar amount of the wanted poster currently folded in the breast pocket of his jacket eventually deterring him from drawing it. It’s too much to risk he decides; he needs this reward.  

Keep reading

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