A: Mikrokcsmos - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

pairing; jungkook x f!reader

genre; fluff

rating; PG-13

warnings; cursing, bad weather, bad friends, and just a kind koo

w/c; 1,684

a/n; just a cute lil something for my bias (if you haven’t guessed it already). like + reblog if you enjoyed. feedback is always appreciated and helps motivate this writer. feel free to send in your own requests. this is a repost from my old account.

this is part one, read part two here.

Sweater Weather

You should’ve learned by now to never trust what the weather man tells you.

“Today is going to be at a high of 88, nothing but sunny weather today, folks! Wear sunscreen!”

Yeah, bullshit.

You inwardly cursed at yourself for being so naive. Especially now that you were walking alone, at night, in the rain, wearing nothing but a cute white dress you found the other day, thinking that today would be a perfect day to debut it for the first time.

With pursed lips, and hair matted to your face, you tightened your arms around your chest as you tried your best to cover up the see through material. Looks like you were SOL when it came to people viewing your underwear, but there’s not much you can do about it now. You only hoped there wasn’t some pervert you would run across tonight. Scowl on your face, the only thing you were thankful for was wearing your chunky, white boots that are able to withstand the rain and various deep puddles you had to walk through to get to your end destination — the bus stop.


Stuffing his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, Jungkook’s eyes narrowed into slits as he stared at the rain that was pouring down around him as he stood underneath the bus stop shelter.

He realized the hard way to never trust a drunk friend to secure you a ride home.

So there he was, at almost 11 o’clock at night, shivering his ass off. His breath came out in puffs of smoke, before disappearing into nothing. His glasses kept fogging up from the humidity of the day despite there being rain. And he waited, for the one friend he could trust to pick him up so late at night, his roommate.

Out of his peripheral, he could see something white appear from the harsh cover of the rain. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t only semi panicking, imagining that he was seeing the ghost of a ‘white lady’. He swallowed thickly, Adam’s apple bobbing due to the action, shrinking in on himself in hopes of not being seen by the white specter.

Just as he did so, did the figure suddenly pick up it’s pace towards the bus shelter and him.

Oh shit.


Squinting through the rain, as the rain drops lashed at your skin in piercing waves, you finally saw the end in sight. Not noticing the figure in all black, you practically sprinted the rest of the way to the bus shelter and only hoped you hadn’t missed the last bus ride home. That would’ve been the perfect end to your already perfect day, you thought sarcastically.

Upon making it underneath the awning, you finally closed your eyes and let out a sigh of relief. As much as you loved your boots, they were not meant to be worn for such long distances, and your feet were killing you. Unable to stop shivering, you bit on your bottom lip to prevent the chattering of your teeth that you wanted so badly to do.

Jungkook let out his own quiet sigh of relief into the confines of his hoodie when he realized that the white figure was actually just another victim of the unsuspecting weather. And definitely not a ghost, as far as he knew. His nose scrunched at the aforementioned thought, lip ring rising with his lips, and brows raising into his hairline, as a shiver of his own went down his spine. Nothing like how your poor body was shivering, however, which made Jungkook glance at you out of worry.

Further inspecting your shaking figure, he noticed your white dress was soaked through, as his ears turned red and cheeks became tinted a light pink. He’s a guy, and you’re attractive, what do you expect?

Suddenly feeling guilty about being warm in his hoodie, he came up with a solution.

He would give you his.

He just hoped that you didn’t find it creepy.


You tried your best not to stare at the lone, all black, figure next to you, who you envied for being smart enough to wear or bring an article of clothing to help rid of the rain and still stay warm.

Not one for small talk, or speaking to strangers in general, you didn’t offer anything other than silence. Better to be cautious, than taken advantage of, you like to say.

It was a light tap on your shoulder that shook you out of your depressive reverie, making you turn your head at break neck speed towards the silhouette next to you, fists raised even though you knew for a fact you had no idea how to fight. His hands rose in defense, as he stuttered out his reasoning for breaking your personal bubble in a haste.

Your eyes softened when you saw he was holding out his hoodie towards you with an extended hand that you could see was adorned with various tattoos, no longer wearing the warm hoodie himself.

“Sorry,” he smiled at you sheepishly, cheeks tinted a light shade of red. “I should’ve said something, instead of just tapping you. My bad. But uh, here–,” not wanting to invade your personal space even more, he just opted to slightly, and awkwardly, bend his body towards you as a way of extending his arm out further, the hoodie now dangling in front of your chest. “You need this more than I do.”

“Are you–,” your voice cracked, from not being used in awhile, which made your own cheeks become tinted and mirror his. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah! Do you mind if I–,” still in his awkwardly, bent position, he opened the hoodie up enough for you to easily slink your head and arms inside. A situation you happily took advantage of.

You couldn’t help the way you sighed loudly in content, your body now encased and drowning in the kind strangers large and long hoodie. The end of the sweater reaching far pass your knees, making it look as if you’re wearing nothing but the hoodie. Immediately, you inhaled the musky, yet comforting aroma with closed eyes and smiled for the first time since it started to rain.

Opening your eyes, you turned your body to the big hearted, or just morally correct, male in front of you. Underneath the hoodie they wore just a plain, white, long sleeved shirt. A tiny logo rested above the heart that you couldn’t quite make out, but you had no doubt in the tight, black, skinny jeans he wore, that he was now just as cold as you were, if not worse.

And now it was you who felt bad.

Seeing the conflict in your eyes, Jungkook lifted his phone up in front of your face to show you a notification he just received. It was his roommate letting him know that he was five minutes out and would see him soon.

“My friend is going to be here any second, so I won’t need it. Don’t worry about me, okay?” His warm smile melted you, and made your whole body heat up with his gentle tone. It was funny that he was trying to console you, and not the other way around.

It was nice to feel cared for, even if it was by someone you didn’t even know.

Sure enough, right on schedule, headlights blared through the rain to stop in front of the bus stop. It was the mystery male’s ride home. You don’t know why, but your heart sank into your stomach upon the fact that soon you’d be left alone underneath this bus stop, and would no longer be in the company of the stranger.

Looks like the male shared the same sentiment, as a small smile appeared on his face. Sucking his lip between his teeth, he went to offer you a ride home, yet stopped himself when the tall tale sign of a bus honking caught his attention.

Your eyes widened at the sudden sound as well, and you two stared at each other with bated breath. His friend rolled down the passenger window from the drivers side and leaned over to yell at the male in front of you, voice laced with impatience.

“Yo! Jungkook! Hurry, man! It’s raining cats and dogs, plus the bus is going to need to park here. Let’s go.”

Jungkook made the split second decision to step closer to your no longer shaking form, which for that, he’s grateful to have helped. Pulling a pen out from his back pocket, one he kept on him along with a small notebook incase inspiration struck him for lyrics to a new song, he gently held your wrist to pull the sleeve of his hoodie up enough to write on your arm.

Giving you the ‘call me’ sign with his hand, a sideways spin off of the surfer’s sign, accompanied by a cheeky wink, he hunched over with one arm over his head to attempt to shield the rain that still kept pouring down without remorse, yanking the car door open to clamber inside and sit in the passenger seat, swiftly slamming said door once he was fully in. The action making his driver friend scold him, but he didn’t pay any mind.

Waving at you with a bunny toothed grin, as he adjusted his glasses back onto his nose, the car sped off as the window slowly began rolling back up, and you watched until you could no longer see the reflection of the taillights that bounced off the street lights in a rhythmic pattern.

As the bus came to a full stop in front of you, the doors swinging open with an airy ‘swoosh’, you looked down at your still uncovered forearm with a coy smile and read the hastily scrawled note he wrote, and miraculously fit.

Jeon Jungkook

(xxx) xxx-xxxx

Call me so I can get my hoodie back and a date with you

Pls and thank you ;)

PS - Unless ur a ghost, then u can keep it

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