A Rather Long Response To A Reblog - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I support OC / self-inserts x canon ships as well. To me, they show that the author really likes or even loves a certain character, and wants to show it off to the fandom in a more creative way than just a simple "I love (insert name of character here)!". And, there's nothing wrong with that.




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1 year ago

Oof... tough call. I'm one of those people who focus more on the good than the bad for any particular year. But, if I had to choose... 2020, but only because of the pandemic derailing a lot of my plans to go outside and do something.

sorry to make you acknowledge that 2013 was 11 years ago

best year poll here

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1 year ago

The first game I remember watching: Final Fantasy IX. My mother was playing it on the PS1.

The first game I remember playing myself: I don't remember exactly what the game was called, but I remember it was a Hello Kitty puzzle game that was also on the PS1.

The first game I remember playing and remember the title of: Creatures 3 (and its Docking Station expansion), which was for the PC.

whats everyones first video game (criteria can be whatever you want but im going for the first game i remember playing as a kid) mine's harvest moon friends of mineral town

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1 year ago

Multiple traits for me:

Difficulty-level snob (basically playing on normal difficulty on all runs)

Cannot leave an area until all loot has been acquired (except during speedruns and grindings more focused on leveling up than anything else; speaking of which...)

Walking past all loot during speedruns

Completionist to a fault

Staring at a certain character for long enough that you're spending more time staring at the character than playing the game itself. (This is why I have pictures of my video game crush, Tianyou Zhao, on my computer and tablet.) Especially if it's a form of an extreme close-up of said character.

Getting too distracted with other non-video game related things while the game is on

I used to ragequit in a spectacular fashion a few times, but I've gotten over that now.

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1 year ago

Exactly! When Infinite Wealth's story and gameplay trailers dropped, I was actually hoping that each party member can be switched to their respective Ishin! counterparts, but as alternate outfits for any job.

Adachi, Han, Zhao, and Kiryu would be Kondo, Yamazaki, Todo, and Ryoma respectively; while Ichiban, Saeko, and Seonhee would be dressed as how they show up on their respective trooper cards. Although they may had to come up with something for Nanba, Eric, and Chitose.

You know what would've been cool? If they gave the guys who were in Ishin their Ishin clothes as selectable outfits if you switch to the samurai job.

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1 year ago

This meme reminds me of the costs for printing in the college I went to. Basically, each student had a $25 limit for printing per semester unless if the student decided to manually add more money to their card. I don't remember how much printing cost us there, but I do remember a color print costed slightly more than a black-and-white print.

Myself, I never had to add more money to my card for printing. The closest I ever got to zero was during my fourth semester, when I was working on a musical piece for my music theory class that took multiple drafts and multiple individual parts for individual instruments (since said piece was meant for a wind orchestra). That alone ended up costing me somewhere between $10 to $15. Plus, adding the projects from my other classes, I ended up with about $3 left in my account (when I would usually have between $12 and $15 left at the end of the semester).

thunder-rabbid514 - For the lack of a better title

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1 year ago

I've had a similar experience while I was working at our local grocery store chain one day. I ended up seeing this guy who also had earrings, rounded glasses, a stubble, and black hair while I was operating the cardboard crushing machine in the store's loading area. I think he was a vendor. Anyway; I spotted him, and I was thinking: "O_O...!" We did briefly talk, but it was kind of difficult paying attention to him if he looks a lot like Tianyou Zhao.

Sadly, that was the only time I saw that man... I wound up quitting my job a month later due to me being consistently fatigued and/or anxious to the point I can't even left a moderately heavy box (when I normally can).

The way my mind lowkey goes !!! whenever I see that particular guy with the earrings and the glasses behind the counter in the grocery store T^T

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1 year ago

I actually had a dream about this one time, where I took Tianyou Zhao rollerskating. Based off of my own personal experiences with roller rinks, the dream version of myself started out slow and falling a few times but eventually picking up the pace and having less falls. Zhao, on the other hand; also started out slow and picked up the pace after a few minutes. But, an hour or two later he was sitting at a table, watching me and the other people on the floor still skating while he was cheering on for me and eating popcorn from the snack bar.

That dream had motivated me to go back to my real life roller rink (which is still in operation as of this writing) later on that week, even if I was just going alone. Meanwhile, I still have yet to draw a picture for this dream scene.

˚✧₊⁎ imagine you and your f/o going to a good old fashioned roller disco!! which one of you is the more confident skater, while the other hangs onto the side of the rink for dear life? perhaps you're both a little nervous, holding one another's hand to keep stable! or maybe the two of you are naturals, turning heads as you spin together in the middle of the floor!

 Imagine You And Your F/o Going To A Good Old Fashioned Roller Disco!! Which One Of You Is The More Confident
 Imagine You And Your F/o Going To A Good Old Fashioned Roller Disco!! Which One Of You Is The More Confident
 Imagine You And Your F/o Going To A Good Old Fashioned Roller Disco!! Which One Of You Is The More Confident

pro.ship dni

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10 months ago

We had to take gym class every year throughout my entire time in school. And we were not allowed to opt out of it at all. Kindergarten through twelfth grade, it was mandatory.

High school especially had gym class at unusual times for me. Freshman year, gym was ninth period (aka the final 45 minute period of the day in my school district). Sophomore year; it was right before lunch, which sometimes caused an inconvenience if I'm hungry. In junior year; since I was taking a special digital multimedia program that lasts the second half of the school day, I had to take gym class before the official first period of the day. In addition to after school, our school district had before school classes / extracurricular activities. Thankfully, gym class during my senior year had better timing for me as it happened after lunch; plus that digital multimedia program continued into senior year, which fell during the first half of the school day that time.

Reblog with where you're from (USAmericans if you're willing to specify state too that would be great)

I need to know if my suffering is just because my school district hates students or if it's a common thing

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9 months ago

For those who want to see the labels a little better (other than double-clicking on the picture to view it in full size); the order of the crayons from left to right are Wild Strawberry, Cerise, Cotton Candy, Salmon, Melon, Banana Mania, Yellow, Yellow Green, Fern, Granny Smith Apple, Caribbean Green, Cornflower, Lavender, Antique Brass, Tumbleweed, Tan, and White.

thunder-rabbid514 - For the lack of a better title

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