Abraham Sapien - Tumblr Posts

The wonderful Hatchling AU by @fishyelvenantics has me a little bit crying incessantly, so I thought why not add Adult (comic) Abraham to the stirring pot, for drama and wholesomeness?
Anyway please go read that fic it's adorable.

Confusing feelings p.2
Pairing: Abe Sapien x OC
Summary: The Kelpie is brought to BPRD, but doesn't want to talk. Abe is called to get information through skin to skin contact, but he has other plans.
Warnings: talk about pollution (idk if that counts), injury, claustrophobia
A/N: So, I decided to make a second part to this, because it feels like I've read all Abe fanfics on this platform and this beautiful man deserves more love. This is very probably the last part, mainly because I haven't decided if I just want to put my OC in the plot of the Hellboy movies or if this is an AU. And when I decide, I'm going to write it on Wattpad, because I have this blog for oneshots only, I feel like making series here would just be messy. Ok, thanx for reading the rant no one asked for ^^

Gifs are in no way mine
* * * * *
The cell was cold and dry. It didn't have any windows to look out from, so it must have been underground. There was a door, but it was locked, she already tried.
The Kelpie was confused. She didn't know where she was and neither did she know what everything around her was. The air felt different, so she couldn't be home. She wasn't covered in the black goo anymore, but her back was aching dully as she sat on the cold, hard floor. However, it was better then when she was moving. When she wasn't still as a statue, pain shot from her back into the rest of her body.
She tried to take in her surroundings. That didn't take a lot of time though. There were gray walls, gray ceiling, gray floor and the door.
Next she focused on herself. She remembered a great pain as she carried the girl into the lake. Unfortunately she wasn't able to see her back. She looked down. Around her chest was a white cloth and another piece of fabric was covering her intimate parts.
Panic shot through her like a bullet. She closed her eyes and took in a shaky breath. She couldn't concentrate on anything but how tight the fabric suddenly felt on her body. It brought up flashbacks, shards of memories burried deep in her mind. She felt tied up, the fabric becoming tighter and tighter every second and she couldn't breathe.
Although her eyesight was blurry with tears, she noticed the door opening and people rushing in her cell, coming closer and closer, trying to talk to her and touching her. But she couldn't make out anything but gibberish.
Abe was acting out of character ever since they came back from the mission in Scotland and agents were starting to notice. The first to notice his strange behaviour were his closest friends, Hellboy and Liz.
He couldn't concentrate for more than thirty seconds, his thoughts trailling off somewhere where no one could follow. Something was on his mind and nobody was able to find the thing, which seemed to trouble him so much.
But Hellboy was getting fed up. He wasn't angry at Abe, the only thing he felt for his friend right now was worry, but he has been worrying so much for so long he became angry at whatever it was that plagued Abe's mind so much.
But he had enough. Red decided he was going to keep an eye on Abe today, telling him It's a 'guys only' day today as an excuse. Well, it was practically the truth, he did want to spend time with Abe, Liz has been busy anyway. Manning called for her, saying he needs her, for what Red didn't know, nobody bothered to tell him. So yes, he really wanted to spend time with Blue, but he also wanted to try and get him to talk. He just didn't tell him that.
It has been pretty boring so far. They have been cooped up in the library all day and most of the time Abe was quiet. Red tried to keep the conversation with him going, but after a while of talking he realized Abe had spaced out. He was just about to snap at him, but was interrupted by his own girlfriend walking through the door.
"You wouldn't believe what happened!" she exclaimed as the door slammed shut behind her. Both men in the room looked at her in expectation. "So, Manning called for me, saying he needs help." she started explaining. "Help with what?" asked Red. "The Kelpie woke up." she explained. At the mention of the beasts name, Abe's head shot up. She had his undivided attention. "Really? You saw her? Where are they keeping her?" question upon question, he fired them at his friend without hesitation. "Why do you want to know?" asked Hellboy.
Truth was, nobody saw her after that mission. The agents that were asigned over her kept her somewhere, and nobody bothered to tell the trio where. Again.
"Manning said he needs her for experimantation." Abe said, his voice sounding wary and uncertain "I didn't like how he said it. I just want to make sure she's not being harmed."
And it was true. No creature, however evil it may be, deserves to be tortured. If it needs to be killed, its death should be as quick as possible. It wasn't the only reason he wanted to find her. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't get her out of his head. He couldn't get the image of her burned body, covered in the goo from the water, laying helplessly in the reeds, out of his head. When he slept, he could hear her small noises of pain and he wondered what her regular voice would sound like. He needed to talk to her. It was exciting to meet another water creature, even for a little while. He could ask her so many questions and maybe, just maybe the higher ups could let her live.
"Well and he told me she's freaking out. And because I'm a woman who is not regular like others, I might be able to calm her down. So I went there, but nothing worked. She's just shaking and crying and it's like she's lost in her own world." Liz ended her story.
Abe's heart squeezed in his chest "Do you think they harmed her?" he asked. "Why do you care? I don't get what's all the fuss for. It harmed Liz, It's dangerous, I'd just kill it before it attacks someone else." Red shrugged.
If Abe could frown, he definitely would "It's valuable to us right now. We don't know much about her species. We need her to calm down, so we can get information and then..." he realized he can't finish the sentence. He felt oddly sad at the thought of her, the only other water creature, being gone. Strange how one can get so attached to someone without even meeting them properly. Abe was confused.
As Abe was lost in his thoughts again, Liz and Red were chatting, until an agent came into the library. "Abe Sapien?" he called. When the said man didn't react immediately, Red nudged him and then he perked up. "Yes? Can I help you?" he asked. The agent nodded "Manning needs you. Follow me, please." he said and was already on his way out of the room.
Abe scrambled out to follow him and caught up with him. He achieved this at the elevator. The agent was faster than he seemed.
No one said a word throughout the whole ride. Abe watched as they went lower and lower, deeper and deeper underground.
The elevator stopped when they hit the lowest floor in the entire building. Abe has never been here, but there wasn't much to look at. They walked through a long, gray hallway, the only things around them being the lights above their heads. At the end of the hallway was a door. In front of it stood distressed looking Manning with a few other agents. They looked at the newcomers as soon as they heard them.
"Abe! Glad you're finally here." Manning sighed. Abe and the fast agent stopped at the door. "The thing inside is stressed and we can't find the reason why. I assume agent Liz already told you how her investigation went." Abe nodded his head. "Great. Your job is to go in there and get some information out of her by...you know, holding her hand or something." Pretty invasive, but alright. Abe thought. "Don't worry, there are hidden cameras, we'll be monitoring your encounter the whole time, so don't worry about anything happening to you." all of them then stepped aside and cleared out a way to the door.
The room was dim. Abe wondered if there were any lights he could turn on, but when he heard the quickened breathing, sniffles and strangled cries, he decided it wouldn't be a wise idea.
The Kelpie sat crouched down in the center of the cell, shaking in place. He aproached her slowly, but it seemed like she didn't even notice him coming in the room. Touching someone to feel their emotions was a pretty invasive method for Abe, so he tried to talk to her first.
But it was no use. She didn't even look at him. She probably didn't even know about him. Does she even remember me? Abe thought. There was no other way. He took one of her hands that was holding her knees to her chest and closed his eyes.
Nets. Panic. People everywhere. Chaos. She wanted to live. They were trying to catch her. She didn't do anything and yet here they were. They poisoned the water. Killed all the fish. She has been starving. They did it. It couldn't be anyone else. And now they were trying to kill her too. She thrashed, bit, screamed, anything to get her out of the tight ropes and nets. Anything to keep her alive.
He let go of her hand. "She's feeling claustrophobic. I need bigger clothes. Hellboy's Tshirt perhaps. And a medic please." he said to the dim room, he knew they were listening.
Watching her shake and quietly cry was painful for him, so he was glad when the medic came, Tshirt in hand.
They switched the lights on. Now he could see her. Her skin was pale, nearly white, her eyes and hair a deep dark blue that one could drown in.
Together they changed the Kelpie's clothes and put on the big Tshirt. They also took off her bandages and covered the wound in a way which allowed them not use bandadge that would wrap around her whole torso. It was harder than Abe thought, but they managed.
The medic then excused himself and left Abe alone with the Kelpie. Not like he minded much. After maybe a minute, her mind registered the change and she felt she could finally breathe properly again.
She lifted her head from her knees and looked around warily. She saw someone familiar. Why yes, he was there at the lake, the one who found me after I crawled into the reeds. She was scared of him and what would he do, but she was also injured and knew she can't run away from him here. She didn't even try.
So she just looked at him and said "Thank you." It must have been him who helped her breathe again. She looked down on herself. There was fabric covering her, it covered more skin than before, but she barely felt it. It felt rather nice, she realized.
"You are welcome." he replied with a smile "My name is Abe Sapien. You are in BPRD." She looked at him confused. "Bureau for paranormal research and defense." She didn't look much wiser. "Why is everything gray here?" she asked quietly. "I don't know. They were probably too lazy to paint this...room." he didn't want to say cell, even though he kind of knew that she knew. "They?" she asked. "The other agents." "Are they like you?" "No, they are humans." Her eyes widened. "Do not fret! I know how humans harmed you, but nobody will lay a finger on you here. I'll make sure of that." he tried to reassure her. It seemed to work, because she visibly relaxed her posture.
"Can I have some water please?" she asked very politely. He nodded his head and dissapeared through the door.
He came back with a glass of water. He sat down in front of her "I have a deal for you. I give you this water and then I can ask some questions. Alright?" "Can I ask some too?" she asked. "If you reply to my questions, I don't have a problem with it." and he gave her the glass.
Instead of drinking from it, she dipped her finger in it and splashed the droplets on her gills and hair, which dampened immediately.
"Alright. How were you born? Who are your parents?" She seemed surprised to hear this question. She thought for a while. "I think I was a human. But that was long ago, I don't remember my family." she looked at the ground. She was afraid she didn't answer correctly and now she won't be allowed to ask a question of her own.
But he didn't seem angry at all. "And how did you become a Kelpie?" She thought, again. He noticed when she did that, her eyes became distant, so hard was she trying to answer correctly and truly. It was sweet.
"I died. In the lake. And then...I woke up...like this." she looked at her hands "I don't really understand it."
"Can I ask now?" He nodded "Go ahead." She took a deep breath "What is going to happen to me?"
That was a tricky question. He didn't know. "We don't know for now." She just nodded her head obediently.
"Alright, next question. Did you attack the men because of revenge?" Her eyes teared up at the question. "I didn't want to hurt anyone, really." she sniffled "But they poisoned the water with the black poison and killed all the fish. I was hungry, starving, angry, desperate. I-I..." she couldn't finish.
"I'm sorry I am causing you so much discomfort, but only two more questions." she nodded her head again. "Why didn't you eat the hearts and livers?" For the first time she didn't hesitate to reply "It's in their honour, I think. The heart contains the soul and I didn't want to trap it inside of me. I just wanted to eat. The liver cleans the heart, so it keeps the soul clean. I think all Kelpies feel like this." she shrugged. "How do you know all this?" She shrugged again "I don't. I just feel it." He nodded his head "Alright, one more. Why did you attack our friend?" "The girl?" she shyly asked, he nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just...I panicked. You seemed to recognize what I am and I got scared. But she was already on me and she couldn't get off. I acted on instinct. I'm truly sorry."
He wanted to comfort her, he truly did. But he wasn't sure if he should. She killed two people, but her voice was like music to his ears, she was so polite and...He was so, so utterly confused.
"Do you want a name?" he asked her. It seemed like an appropriate thing to do. Her eyes brightened at that. "Yes please. Very much." she shyly admitted. He smiled at her. "How about Lynn? It's a name from The Brittish islands, where you came from."
Pale blue dusted her cheeks, it seemed like she blushed "It's beautiful." He smiled again "Alright Lynn. I'll see what I can do for you."
As he was walking out of her cell he made a decision. One that cleared all the confusion.
It didn't matter what his friends thought. What the higher ups would order. He was going to protect her.
Someone like me
Pairing: Abe Sapien x f!mermaid!reader
Summary: Bored of her normal human life, (Y/N) tried to think of a way to contact the BPRD. However, before she could figure out how to achieve catching the attention of an institution that supposedly didn't even exist, it instead found her.
Warnings: female reader, use of she/her pronouns, maybe ooc characters?, long fic
A/N: A piece for @riyaselfships <3 I am glad to get back to writing for this adorable man though, so thank you so much for requesting! I am so, so sorry it took so long and for all the complications, but it was a fun challenge! It's nice to be back. I sincerely hope you like this!

Footsteps approached the quiet premises of the library. You quickly closed your email on your work computer and directed your attention to the person who just came in. They greeted you in a soft voice as they walked past you and disappeared in the sea of bookshelves.
Once they were out of sight, you quickly turned back to the computer screen and reopened the email you've been reading. Your heart sounded like a giant drum in your chest, the rhythm picking up the pace with each line your eyes scanned over.
You couldn't believe it. After months of sleepless nights and gallons of consumed coffee you finally found the book you were oh so desperately looking for. This one wasn't like the rest of the occult books that were in your collection. While you couldn't deny that they were very interesting, this one wasn't just a copy you happened to find in an antique bookshop. No, this was the original. well, sort of.
The contains of the book were basically rituals, instructions on how to summon great evils into this world. Nobody really knows who wrote it anymore, but it's assumed that the first appearance of this piece was in the form of notes, scribbled onto individual pieces of paper. Until one scribe, who supposedly belonged to a cult of sorts, decided to rewrite the notes into a book. The original cult had been long dissolved and the book kept well hidden.
And now it won't take long and it'd belong to you. You've always been interested in the occult, ever since you found out you weren't human, which was at a very young age. From then on you've been determined to find out just how many secrets this world holds.
But, that hasn't been always easy. Of course not. You started on the internet. Over the years you've joined many fan forums that "spread the truth". Most of it were conspiracies unfortunately. Save for the BPRD. Bureau of paranormal research and defense. An organisation that supposedly didn't exist. And yet, whenever somebody took a mysterious photo that looked a bit too real, you could always see the same man on TV explaining how it was only a hoax. Tom Manning.
Fortunately, you were able to find people who had the same intentions as you. You never told them the complete truth about yourself, always fearing you would take it too far, but it still felt good to be understood on such a level. From these simple connections, you slowly moved on from the digital realm back to the physical one, getting more and more contacts to collectors, who had the good stuff, or so you thought.
Very early on you found out that what you've been able to collect were copies, although old and rare, they still had little real significance. But, you persevered and many years later, you were finally surrounded by people, friends dare you say, although you've never really met any of them, who were able to get you the real good stuff.
Like the book you were just heading out to get from the post office. The original owner of the book did not want to send it right to your address, labeling it as a registered package, so there would be a lesser chance of someone stealing it, he reasoned in the email you read at work.
Once the book was in your hands, you couldn't help but admire the packaging. It was a simple brown cardboard box, nothing that could ever raise suspicion or curiosity. You imagined the book would be bigger though. But the more you thought about it, the more you had to admit it was probably for the best. The whole way to your home you couldn't help but to imagine how you would spend the entire night rearranging your entire collection. So far, you stashed your books on a bookshelve, but now that you had this very important piece and expected many more to come, you would need to secure them more.
There was a box sitting in your bedroom containing some very expensive glass case that you could lock. It would put your collection on display while also keeping it safe. It wasn't much, but it was something.
Lost in your daydreams about a calm and quiet future, you didn't notice your front door was unlocked. Stepping inside your home and taking off your overgarments, you froze. You could hear quiet footsteps and hushed conversation coming from somewhere inside your home. You clutched the book tighter in your hands. It was clear that somebody broke in while you were away and you had to do something about it and fast.
Hoping the intruders haven't noticed you yet, you quietly took off your shoes and grabbed your metal shoehorn in case you needed to defend yourself and slowly made your way to the kitchen, where you could hopefully get a better weapon and call the police.
It would be a blatant lie to say you weren't absolutely terrified. You didn't have anything worthy of being stolen, except for the package in your hand, so who would try to get into your home? But people are capable of all sorts of things when they are desperate. Hopefully you could reason with them without the situation escalating.
Just when you were almost exactly where you wanted to be, you heard a smooth voice say "They're here." You felt fear spike through you, a small gasp leaving your mouth. You quickly slapped your hand over it and prayed to whatever deity there was that you haven't just blown your cover. Did you make a noise? How did they know you were here? This whole situation felt wrong. The sound of a gun being cocked made your knees feel weak, the deep, gruff voice following it, saying "Let's go find that son of a bitch then." did not help either. But just as you lost all hope and prepared to die, your body lurched forward, driven by the need to survive. You sprinted into the kitchen, hearing sets of footsteps seemingly from all sides at once, you threw yourself to the drawers and drew out the biggest knife you could find in your haste.
Quickly turning around, your weapon raised protectively in front of you, you saw a creature standing in the doorway to your kitchen, staring at you with a confused expression and bright yellow eyes. He was HUGE. So huge you wondered how the hell did he even fit through your doorway. His sking was bright red, with longish dark brown hair on his head. The top of his head was bald though, only two stumps adorning the space there. It seemed like at some point, this creature had horns, but got them cut off. His face was framed with sideburns and a short goatee with the same colour as his hair. His eyes, the first thing you noticed about him, were piercing yellow, like a cat's. He was wearing an open trenchcoat, a necklace with a cross dangling from around his neck. His sleeves were rolled up, showing of his powerful arms, one much thicker than the other and seemingly made out of rock rather than flesh.
In his more human looking hand he was holding a strange gun. It seemed to be specifically created for killing non-human creatures. Strapped to the belt of his pants were many other weapons, some of which you weren't familiar with at all.
Before the creature could utter a word, a woman appeared from behind him "Hellboy! Did you find...them...?" her words died on her tongue when she took in your terrified expression. She was a human. Or so it seemed. She had short black hair, with a swept fringe to one side. Around her neck was a black choker with a mathing cross. She was wearing a leather jacket and, like her partner, had weapons strapped to the belt holding up her black pants, although these ones looked relatively normal to what you've seen.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" the woman asked you with suspicion. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, only to find out your mouth has gone dry. "I could ask you the same..." you rasped out quietly, the hand with the knife trembling. "Don't tell me we're in the wrong place..." Hellboy muttered.
"Don't worry Red, we're not." the same smooth voice you heard in the beggining called out from behind the duo, successfully turning all three of yours attention to him. When his two partners stepped aside so he could walk in, your breath caught in your throat.
His skin was a light shade of blue with loads of different markings in different shades of the colour. He had a black bodysuit concealing most of his body. Around his shoulders and up his neck was a strange contraption which consisted of what looked like tubes and small water tanks. Topped off with big goggles over his eyes and his webbed hands, you realized he must be a merperson.
"We are terribly sorry for scaring you ma'am." he spoke to you with a tilted head and suddenly, as your eyes locked, you realized just how beautiful they were. He radiated serenity and you found yourself calming down, your heartbeat slowing, and lowering your weapon. "We've been sent to this location to retrieve a very special artifact." then he pointed at your package "The book you are holding."
Your grip on the book tightened as a frown stretched on your face "I bought that book, you can't just take it away!" Hellboy scoffed "Do you even know what you're holding lady?" "Yes. In fact, I do. And I've been searching for many years to find something like it." you stated protectively, although your confidence wasn't strong enough for you to say it to his face directly.
"And just what were you planning on doing with that book?" the lady suddenly spoke up. "Nothing...I'm a collector." you mombled, feeling offended by the accusation. "Oh really? Because to me it seems you're just a filthy little liar-" she continued, her tone turning more and more menacing, until her blue partner stopped her "That's enough Liz. She's telling the truth." turning his gaze back to you, he gently told you "If you hand over the book, there will be no repercussions, I can assure you."
You thought about it for a moment. Taking a deep breath, you dared to look in his enchanting eyes and spoke "Where the book goes, I follow." you decided. While it seemed to not make much impact on him, Hellboy and Liz seemed flabbergasted. "Listen lady, you can't just make demands here-" "I think I can. I am still the owner of this book." you said, although your gaze never left the blue merperson in front of you.
"You were sent here by the BPRD right?" you asked, looking at Liz. Hellboy frowned "How did you..." to not raise any more suspicion, which you already felt you were failing horribly at, you explained, finally mustering up enough courage to look the red demon in the eyes "You're Hellboy, right? Everybody has at least heard about you by now. You are the one everyone thinks of when BPRD is mentioned, and vice versa." "We can't just bring a human to the base!" Liz exclaimed.
"But she's not human. Isn't that right?"
It felt as if every time the blue man spoke, everyone in the room calmed down. Despite not looking much, he had a powerful aura around him, almost mystique. Whatever he lacked physically, he must've made up with something else, something you greatly desired to find out.
Interrupting your train of thought, you remembered you still had to answer the three agents. You slowly nodded. "Well then, show us what you can do!" Hellboy smirked. You felt your cheeks grow warm. The only people who ever saw your true form were your parents and you weren't really sure if you wanted to show yourself like that to complete strangers. "Well uhm, I'm a mermaid, so..."
You sighed and decided that stalling would get you nowhere. Rolling a sleeve up to your shoulder, a fin growing from your arm was revealed to the others. "A mermaid huh?" Liz mumbled. Hellboy shrugged "Ah alright, if it'll make you stop complicating things, you can come." With those words he turned on his heel and began walking out of your home. Liz soon followed, but you heard her utter "Manning is not gonna like this..."
You had to fight the enormous smile that would otherwise bloom on your face. It was like a dream come true! After you quickly got dressed and locked your door again, Liz insisted you walked between them, just in case you tried anything. You didn't protest and so you found yourself in between Hellboy and the blue merperson, whose name you still didn't know. You exited through the back and quickly boarded what looked like a garbage truck.
As you rode, you started becoming more and more uneasy. There weren't any windows, which made sense, but it made you feel kind of trapped. The fact that at first, nobody said a word, wasn't helping. And you had no idea how long the journey was going to take.
"I believe I don't know your name yet." the blue man spoke to you, making a small smile appear on your face "I'm (Y/N)." he extended his webbed hand to you, saying "Abe. Nice to meet you." As your hands made contact in a handshake, you felt a shiver run down your spine and a subtle pressure inside your head, as if someone had climbed into it. The feeling, however, disappeared immediately when you let go of Abe's hand.
He seemed...almost embarassed as he apologized "I am so sorry. I promise I did not mean to do that!" he said. You blinked at him before asking timidly "Were you...in my head?" Abe looked away from you "Yes...But I promise I didn't see anything! Or, well, I tried to not look..." he added sheepishly. "So you're a..." you asked. "Telepath, yes."
"That's...actually really awesome!" you beamed at him. "You think so?" Abe asked, head tilted to the side in the cutest way. You giggled "Of course. Ever since I was young I wanted to learn everything this world hid from the average person. And when I learned about who I truly am, that feeling only grew. That's why I started collecting those books in the first place, to learn." you smiled softly, looking down at the book in your lap, caressing the packaging gently.
And so your life changed. When you arrived to the BPRD, you were immediately brought to Manning himself, who first yelled at Hellboy and the others for five minutes before realizing nobody cared and so he sent them away, confiscated your book and had a talk with you, not different from a regular job interview.
He was reluctant to let you stay, but when you proved you weren't human, it seemed almost mandatory that you stay. Of course, before you could even start learning about your new...job, you had to go through multiple examinations. Luckilly, the scientists and doctors were very accomodating and tried their best to keep you as comfortable as they could.
You were given a room with an en suit bathroom, with a very spacious bathtub, which was heavenly, you had to thank somebody for that, and started your training. It was actually fun most of the time. You were pretty intimidated when you were told the one who'd teach you to fight would be the raven haired woman you hadn't had the best interactions so far.
And while the begginings were nothing short of rocky, over time Liz opened up to you as you did with her. You learned she was not only a skilled agent, but quite a gentle soul and a great confidant. And with Liz's trust earned, it didn't take much more time for Hellboy to warm up to you as well. He, too, had much more to him than the rough exterior he showed to his opponents. He was a funny guy, who was always up for trouble. He loved cats and you know what they say: someone who loves animals can't be a bad person...or, demon in this case.
What you cherished the most though, was spending time in the compound's library. The books in your little beginner collection couldn't compare to the massive variety of spell books, mythological books, scripts and many many others.
Besides, Abe's tank was there. The first time you saw him without all the gear to help him survive without water for longer periods of time, you felt as if somebody poured a bucket of hot water over you. His eyes held kindness as he looked at you with that small smile of his. You could see clearly all the shades of blues that coloured his beautiful skin, all of his toned swimmer muscles that made him look like a sculpture, a work of art.
But you didn't allow yourself to stare at him any longer. He was the first person to be nice to you, the last thing you'd want is to offend him by ogling him like an animal in the zoo. But if he saw your staring, he didn't mention it. And soon, every day in the evening, or anytime you'd wish to just relax, You'd head to the library, meet up with your favourite friend and spend hours upon hours just reading and discussing, until you barely could keep your eyes open.
Any time you'd think of Abe as your favourite person in the compound, you could feel your cheeks grow warm and it took everything in you not to giggle out loud. You were slowly starting to realize you were crushing on the guy. Hard.
What helped you come to terms with your feelings was when one time, you were having so much fun with your research about selkies and the fae world, that despite Abe asking you if you wanted to retire for the night, which you could barely respond to anymore, at one point, you didn't hear his words anymore and darkness overtook you.
When you became aware again, you quickly found out you weren't in the same spot you fell asleep in, the fact that you actually fell asleep in front of Abe of all people made you a bit embarassed. None the less, you were now in one of the bigger armchairs in the library, basically in front of Abe's tank, snuggled up into a cozy blanket. It wasn't just draped over you, you realized, he must've taken the time to properly tuck you in.
And for some reason suddenly everything felt...different. While you knew that what he'd done could just be a platonic gesture, you...wished it wasn't. But it's not like you were going to do anything about it. Soon after you woke up, Abe saw you from his tank and waved to you. Standing up and stretching your slightly sore muscles, you walked over to him to greet him and properly thank him.
"Red was looking for you. I told him you're sleeping and that I'd send you to him after you woke up." the beautiful man informed you after exchanging a "good morning". You rubbed the back of your neck with one hand, your gaze cast to the side "Thank you. For the information and for...what you did for me yesterday. I'm sorry I fell asleep like that. I hope you didn't feel obligated to do that-" you chuckled nervously, but Abe interrupted you "No, no! Of course not! I figured it would seem weird if I carried you back to your room, but maybe I should've. This is really the least I could've done for you." he assured you and place one of his hands on the glass of his tank.
You reciprocated, placing your own hand to the exact spot from the other side. The feeling of him being in your head was always strange, but now it felt more...intimate. Luckilly, as he could feel what you were feeling, you could feel what he was feeling. And it assured you that what he was saying was true.
After that day, Abe started seeking you out more. It was strange at first, but you couldn't say the attention was unwanted. You started training together, because Abe, while usually not the one in action, should keep in shape, just in case, as he explained, ate lunch in the library instead of the caffeteria and just spent more one on one time together. Until one day, he asked you a very serious question.
"Would you go for a swim with me?" he asked you one day at lunch. It was just you two in the library, but you still stiffened, and the air suddenly became hot and unbreatheable. Abe, ever so perceptive, noticed this and quickly added "We don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable! I don't mean to push my boundaries or anything, I just figured...well...it could be another form of training, no?"
Taking a few discreet deep breaths, you internally calmed yourself down. It's fine, just training, excercise, yes, just that, nothing else. It's not like you were scared of him hurting you, gods no. But you feared if you would be so close to him in such a vulnerable environment, you might lose your mind. So many things could go wrong. You could stare at him in a weird way or you could say something you wouldn't mean to say or-
Despite the raging storm inside your mind, you nodded with a small smile "Alright!" you chirped. Abe, too, smiled "Great! Meet you here in an hour?" You nodded, hoping your smile didn't seem too unnatural and waved your friend goodbye as you walked out of the library and towards your room.
Although you had half a mind to just fake a sudden food poisoning, you still found yourself at the library door exactly on time. Abe walked out, only holding a neatly folded towel. You let him lead the way to the pool, which you didn't even know was there to this point. And although there wasn't anything inherently wrong with the situation you were in, both of you kept quiet the whole way and the air was tense.
The pool room was plain. White tiled walls and floors, with the pool taking up most of the space in the room itself. There were a few chairs lined up at one of the walls for people to put their belonggings on. The most advanced thing were lights, as you found out. Next to the door were a few knobs that changed the intensity of the lights and the colour, for some reason.
It was then that Abe turned to you "The pool has a minimal amount of chlorine and other chemicals in it, so it shouldn't damage the skin on your tail and fins. But if anything happens, let me know." you nodded with a smile, being reminded how sweet he actually is. Abe wasted no time getting in the water and as you watched him, you could see how he visibly changed. Not in appearance, but it was certain water was his home. He seemed relaxed and confident. Well, more confident than usually.
You realized it was about time you get in the pool. You looked at the water nervously. This would be the first time after years that somebody would see you. Really see you. Deciding to just get it over with, you backed away from the edge, before jumping into the water.
The transition never hurt, but the feeling of your legs morphing into a tail was still strange, given that you didn't have many oppoturnities to fully transform. But you now truly understood why Abe felt so at home in water. Because you felt the same. It was so freeing, feeling the water on your skin in such a different way. With one powerful movement of your tail, you felt as if you shot out of the water when you resurfaced. Giggles erupted from your throat and then soon escalated into full on laughter. Relieved laughter.
You felt Abe watching you and when your eyes met, you sensed the familiar hot feeling bloom all over your face. "Uh, sorry about that. It's just...It's been a while." you smiled bashfully at your reflection in the water as you swooshed your arms around. Abe shook his head "It's fine. I like seeing you like this." You looked at him, slightly confused "Like what?" "Like this." he gestured to you as he swam closer "Happy...Relaxed...Free." he explained, his eyes never leaving yours. The moment felt so special, you were worried that if you even breathed in the wrong way, you would ruin the mood.
But you needed to answer him and you needed to do it right now. "Thank- thank you. It...really means a lot coming from you." you struggled to get out through the haze in your mind.
The conversation then faded again into the uncomfortable silence, until Abe suddenly seemed to remember why you were here in the first place and challenged you to a game of tag to warm up. Knowing that if you declined, you could just leave the pool alltogether, so you did the opposite. Besides, it sounded like fun.
And fun it was. Abe went easy on you at first, seeing as he was very agile and fast in water, being so used to it, while you needed some time to properly get ahold of your tail. But once you got used to it, which, to be fair, didn't take long at all, your abilities were nearly on the same level. Abe couldn't help but admire the way your fins glistened in the light and when you chased after him or swam away from him, trying not to get tagged, he thought you looked like a dream. You were right there in front of him and in the blink of an eye, you were gone. It tested your strength and stamina, while his ability to focus was being tested. He knew in that moment that you'd make a great agent.
You didn't know how long you were chasing each other in the water, but you could feel yourself getting tired. You swam to the corner of the pool and supported yourself with your arms on the edges as you rested. Abe was quick to catch up to you. He stopped in front of you and just took in your resting form. If you didn't look beautiful to him then, you were absolutely ethereal now. And sure, nobody looks their best when they just immerged from under water, your hair was sticking to your head, your eyelashes were stuck together in clumps as well and you were slightly out of breath, but the way water droplets glistened onbeautiful skin, the way your chest rose delicately with each breath, everything about you combined took Abe's breath away.
Longing to touch you, to be in contact with you, he jokingly put his hand on your shoulder "You're it." he said.
In that moment, your eyes shot open, the usually non invasive way your minds connected when one touched the other, was now replaced by an overwhelming emotion taking over your brain. Warmth, longing, happiness and a strangely pleasant kind of emotional pain spread through your entire body in seconds.
Abe jerked away, only now realizing that maybe he'd made a mistake. You two stared at each other owlishly for a few moments, before both of you spoke at the same time. "I'm-" "Hey-" Both of you stopped and chuckled. "I'm very sorry. I didn't- I didn't realize that you could...agh, I screwed up didn't I?" he said with his head down, only briefly glancing at you, guilt swimming in his beautiful eyes. You were...shocked. Your mind was tripping over itself to correct him, to just let him know, to find the right words to describe that no, he didn't do anything wrong, he did not screw and his feelings were indeed reciprocated, and very happily so.
But before you could make up your mind and decide what to say, your body instead made the decision. Quickly grabbing his hand, you gazed into his eyes and hoped, prayed, he could feel it. That he understood.
And he did.
As your hand fell from his, Abe stepped closer to you, chasing after the contact. He was now right in front of you and it allowed you to wrap your arms around his neck. You didn't allow yourself to think too much about it and just let yourself do what felt right. For a while, you stayed like this, just feeling both of yours emotions at once, but at some point, it wasn't enough and that's when your lips met in a desperate, but gentle kiss. It was sweet, your heart swelled in your chest as you angled your head a little to accomodate to him and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on yours.
When you pulled away, you were still looking into each other's eyes. The phantom bliss was still there and you couldn't wait to do it again. Somehow now, that your feelings were exposed, you wanted nothing more than to be close to Abe all the time, to never leave his side. To love and cherish him. An as if he could read your thoughts, Abe said gently "I would very much like to do that again soon...If it's alright with you." You knew you were smiling like an idiot, but it didn't matter right now. You nodded to his suggestion.