Ace Fluff - Tumblr Posts
Wholesome dummies
Pie Throwing with Ace and Deuce
Character Pairings: Implied but not stated Deuce x reader, Ace x Reader
Warning: None

"Y/N! DEUCE PLEASE DON'T I'LL DO YOUR CHORES FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK IF YOU DON'T THROW IT PLEASE!" Ah yes, Ace's last desperate pleas for some mercy... How did the ginger get here again? The only way he's ever known. Trouble.
You weren't there when it took place but Deuce filled you in on the details. It occurred last night, Ace had stayed up late in hopes of sobbingly putting together his project last minute due to his neglect of it for the time he'd been assigned to do it. He understood now why Trein gave them weeks to complete this as it was nearly impossible to find anything important regarding the topic and he needed to get into the utmost details to be able to even extract anything for his paper.
This resulted in him only having 2 hours of sleep. He would've pulled an all-nighter if his house warden hadn't caught him late at night getting a snack when he should've been asleep. Ace craved something to fill his stomach until the sunrise... It seemed the ginger never learned from his mistakes as he took a jam tart out of the fridge. Deuce didn't cover the rest; you could only imagine what happened to Ace afterward. However, this time around, Riddle was different in his punishment.
He decided instead of collaring Ace that he would be the target for the pieing station for the dorm's fundraiser.
So, here you all are at the present time. Ace facing his punishment and the two of you serving it to him by hand. You and Deuce laughed at Ace’s predicament as Deuce handed you a whipped cream pie.
"Sorry Ace, but there's no way I'm passing up something like this!" You snickered and threw the pie straight at Ace's face.
"Perfect aim prefect!" Deuce complimented. Now as the two of you expect Ace wasn't too happy about this, having a pouty look while glaring at the two of you. At least, you thought he was, it was a little difficult to tell with all the whipped cream on his face, dripping onto the ground.
Deuce and you began to move away; your heel clicked happily satisfied with the beautiful creation you put together.
Ace however wasn't going to allow this injustice to continue on. The two of you went on your merry way until...
You and Deuce's heads were covered in whipped cream. Swiftly you looked for who was the culprit. Ace had a shit-eating grin proud of his work. "ACE YOU DUMBASS YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO IT TO US BACK!" Deuce splurted.
"So? You do it to me I do to you." He shrugged, "That isn't how this works???" You question. "That's a bold assumption I know what I'm doing," the three of you went dead silent.
Till you all bursted out laughing, "You don't know what you're doing?" "I DON'T KNOW RIDDLE JUST PLACED ME HERE AND GAVE ME A LECTURE AND TOLD ME TO STAND THERE I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" The three of you were laughing at Ace's stupidest. Even if you all didn't know what Ace was supposed to be doing there. Even though Ace didn't know anything, there was one thing you knew for sure. Even if you wouldn't be able to find your way home you'd be in the company of those who made it.

Commissions Are Open!

Wanted to draw something wholesome and shippy for one of my canon couples
Can I borrow your phone?
Type: fluff and soft. || GN!reader
Summery: you borrowed ace phone and saw he saved you with his last name.

"Can i borrow your phone for a second? Mine's died" You asked looking at ace. Ace looks away as if not wanting to give you his phone, while also a red hue was forming on his cheeks. Was he embarrassed? You thought
"It will be quick, I promise." You give him a big toothy smile as ace hesitantly give you his phone.
You went straight to your contact number and well you were shocked to see that he saved you as y/n trappola.
You looked up at him with a slight blush. well you surely didn't expect him to like you, though you are glad he feels the same way.
A smirk approach your face as you saw Ace look everywhere but you. Ace who were usually always teasing you ware now blushing like a high school girl in love? -well everything beside the girl part is true- time to take revenge for those times.
"So ace, why is my name saved with your last name?" You innocently asked as you show the phone to him.
"I-I can explain.." he gulped as he blushed more and took a step back. "No you can't" you whispered seductively but then laughed as you saw Ace's face.
You handed, his phone back and winked "tomorrow 6:30 pm at front of the school. Be there, kay?" You said and wallked away not before hearing him mumbling to himself "Wait WAIT is that a DATE?" You giggled at his dorkness
🍬sweet precious moments🍬

Ever thought of putting Ace and skincare together? I personally think it's a recipe for a cute fluffy scenario. So, here 'ya go—
Portgas D. Ace x GN!Reader

CW: Suggestive Content (sitting on the lap and abuse of the word kiss) and he gets a bit overwhelmed but it ends in fluff i swear.
Word Count: 500+
Usually just stares at you when you do your skinccare routine in your shared quarters every night. He'd tinker with his dagger while casting you occasional glances.
It fascinated him in a sense. You going out of your way every night without fail to dedicate to your skincare. Your hands rubbing products on your face with a touch of gentleness.
He liked it when you'd ask him if he wanted a kiss before you did your skincare because you wouldn't do it afterwards. Oh, he'd make sure to make the most out of it. That's for sure.
Finally, on a whim, he approaches you. Leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. A curious look on his face as he asks if you could do his skincare for him.
He did not regret that decision when he saw the look in your eyes. Gods, he knew he'd never get tired of you looking so happy. Smiling so sweetly at him as your eyes shone brightly.
You get everything ready. Seeing if he has the same skin type as you, gathering up the supplies, and making sure you were gentle. He'd watch you move around with a smile on his lips— just appreciating your excitement in his interest.
Has he ever mentioned how much he loved it when you were gentle with him? How you'd soothe circles on his cheeks and face when washing it with a cleanser. He was already melting at your touch. But when you kissed him on the lips— he was putty in your hands.
Ofc, he makes you do the rest while you sit on his lap. His arms loosely wrapped around you waist while you busy yourself with rubbing products in his face.
You're explaining something to him. He knows he should listen. But he's too busy staring at you as if you hung the stars themselves. Asking himself what did he ever do to even deserve you. He'd make sure to do anything in his power to keep you in his life.
If he's feeling a little emotional, tears would sting his eyes. He'd hold you a bit closer to him. As if scared, you'd suddenly disappear if he loosened his hold.
It'd catch you off-guard. But you cradle his face in your hands so tenderly, and he'd lean into them immediately. Your lips brushed away the stray tears.
You're mumbling sweet nothings against his skin. It makes his heart swell with so much love and affection for you. He'll capture your lips with his in a languid kiss.
Both of you are now slowly becoming competitive. Showering each other with kisses and bantering who loves who more. It's tooth-rottingly sweet.
It doesn't take long before both of you are laughing and giggling again. You place one last kiss on his lips before you continue with your routine on him.
He'd just enjoy the feel of you in his arms. Hands on your hips with thumbs circling soothingly. Was the previous kiss the last one? No. He'd keep kissing you to show you how much he appreciates you every now and then.
Just wanted to mention @captainportgasdace
since you seemed to rlly look forward to this (if you dont mind). Hope you like it!
Also, if you liked this and wanna read more, here's my masterlist!