Across The Spider Verse Tickle - Tumblr Posts
OMG (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
plz more ler miguel,,,

as you wish
bet yall thought i was gone huh? well think again!!
im coming back with a fic trade with the amazing @lokust (go follow them NOW!)
i may be a bit rusty, but here goes nothin!
Miguel's Weakness (ATSV)
It was a peaceful evening in New York- Peter B. Parker's New York to be exact. All the spider-kids decided to come visit, just hanging out for the night. Miles, Gwen, Pav, and Hobie were all sitting at the kitchen table, while Peter was cooking, and Miguel was laying on the couch watching the news.
"Come on bro, everyone's got a weakness, something that makes them totally vulnerable, there's no way you don't have one!" Miles said to Hobie, as everyone was discussing their biggest weakness. "Nah bruv, ain' got no weaknesses, solo guy like me got nothin to be all weak about." Hobie replied. Miles was determining to get something from him, so he kept on. "Hobie come on, everyone has one, it's nothing to be embarrassed of! Pav has his auntie, Peter's got his baby, Gwen's got her dad, Captain Stacy, and I've got my parents, we all have something close that gets us, you've gotta have something!"
Hobie finally gave in. "Alright alright..mayyybe my band has a personal touch to me." Miles smiled. "See, there you go, your band!" He looked over to Miguel. "How about you, Miguel, what's your biggest weakness?" Miguel didn't look up from his phone. "No way bro, you aren't getting anything from me."
At this point, Peter started listening in, smirking. "Oh Miguel? He's super ticklish haha!" Miguel's eyes shot wide open, his face turning red. "I am not!!" he protested.
Gwen smirked. "Oh reaaally~? So the big bad Miguel O'Hara is ticklish~?" Miguel froze as all four stood up, smiling at him. "Big tough guy melts at a lil tickle, eh~?" Hobie added. They instantly surrounded him on the couch, and before he knew it, he was being held down by the four. Gwen and Hobie had his ankles, Pav and Miles holding his arms up. "He looks super nervous!! I bet his belly's super ticklish!" Pav said.
Before he could utter a protest, he was being attacked all over. Hobie and Gwen scribbling his feet, Gwen's freshly manicured nails doing the most damage, while Pav was poking and squeezing at his belly, and miles was digging into his underarms.
Miguel was practically screaming with laughter as he tried to pull his arms away, only for their grips to tighten. "Awww, wha's wrong, tough guy? Feelin' a bit ticklish~?" Hobie teased. "All that big, tough brooding, and he's brought to pieces by a little tickling!" Miles added. Pav circled his bellybutton, giggling at Miguel's squeals every time he got close. Gwen dug under his toes, sending him through the roof into silent laughter. "Uh ohhh, looks like i found the death spot!" she teased. Miguel turned as red as the blades on his arms.
The four swapped spots, as Gwen straddled Miguel's waist, blowing raspberries on his bellybutton, while simultaneously digging her nails into his underarms. Hobie began poking and prodding his sides, while Pav and miles scrubbed his feet with brushes. Miguel was screaming with laughter, tears pouring down his face, as he tried to break free, only to realize that Miles webbed his arms up while he wasn't paying attention.
Miguel was going crazy, until Peter finally finished dinner and saved him from his attack. "Okay okay guys, let him breathe heh, dinner's ready." They unwebbed Miguel, helping him to the table as they all sat down and began eating. "You..yohou guys know im gonna get you back, right?" Miguel said with a struggle. "Yeah, but we finally know your weakness, so its worth it!" said Miles.
Tell me what you all think!