Actually If The Porn Bots Can Vote Please Do So - Tumblr Posts
I try to keep this blog just for the things I made that I want to show you, but this is too important and I need to speak.
We all need to vote tomorrow.
I could wax eloquent about Hillary, but I don’t think I need to. I know the people who watch me are mostly young, with a heavy skew towards LGBTetc. Just by demographics, I know that most of us side with Hillary and the Democrats on most issues.
We just need to have our voices heard. We need to vote.
I agree that Hillary’s not my ideal perfect dream candidate. If you see this election as an unhappy choice between two evils, I understand that sentiment. (I personally don’t agree that Hillary is at all bad, but I understand why people see this.) But remember: choosing the lesser of two evils is still the right choice.
If you’re gunning for a third party candidate, I sympathize, but until we have a ranked voting system, we’re stuck with two choices.
If you’ve got doubts about Hillary, please do drop me a note. I’d love to chat with you in the morning.
But please. Everyone. All 1000-ish-minus-the-porn-bots of you. Get out to the polls. Bring your friends. Be heard. Vote.