Adrian Balboa - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Rocky invites you to his place after a short date but thing is you didn’t expect the outcome.

Contains of — Rocky’s turtles, his decent couch, endless amount of snacks in his fridge and a kiss at the end🤭

Visualization — Rocky and Adrian date scene<3

Babette’s note — you know the scene where rocky takes Adrian for their first date and invites her to his place and they kiss at the end, it’s basically this but with you as Adrian and a semi switch of script, it’s set in the first rocky film! Not proofread <3

 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.

- you and rocky are walking back to a set of some apartments while talking well mainly him but it’s still conversation.

- after he calls someone a bum he speaks up saying “ I think we make a real sharp couple of coconuts “

- you chuckle and respond with a “ yeah? You think so? “

- “ yeah, I’m dumb your shy what do you think huh “

- he smiles then slightly pats your shoulder and drops his hand down after doing so

- you were rewinding your guys conversation together and went back to the topic of him being a fighter so

- you spoke up about it. “ hm, I don’t..understand why anyone would want to be a fighter “

- “ hey you’ve gotta be a moron, you got to be a moron to want to be a fighter “ he states, while taking the cigarette out of his mouth

- you looked at him confused at first thinking he got into the fighting industry because he enjoyed it, I guess not

- with rocky still ranting he continues expressing the stupidity-ness with his hands, while looking back at you “ you know what I mean? “

- he ends his sentence with a strong “ it’s a racket that you’re almost guaranteed to end up a bum “

- you slighty frown at the comment so I guess you reassure him that You don’t view him as one “ I don’t think you’re a bum “

- “ well I’m atleast half a bum, you know “

- you guys reach to the front of the stairs which you assume is his apartment which leaves you kinda nervous

- but you forget about your anxiety when he speaks up again “ I’ll tell you one thing, worst thing about fighting is the morning after“

- rocky then leans on the brick wall with the cigarette in his mouth still expressing the “ pain “ he has in the morning afterwards with his hands

- “ I’ll tell you, yeah the morning after fighting your nothing but a large wound you know what I mean“

- you look down and chuckle while shaking your head not knowing how to respond but luckily he continues talking

- “ sometimes I got pains all over me I feel like calling a taxi to take me from the bed to the bathroom “

- you were impressed by how much he was talking, as someone who never spoke up it seemed like a whole lot but what can you say it’s rocky we are talking about

- “ you know what I mean, your hair hurts, your eyes hurt, your face looks all busted up your hands are swollen you know “

- he starts to walk up closer until he turns to his side to show you his side profile mainly pointing towards his nose

- “ look at this face, sixty-four (64) fights, look at that nose, see that nose? “

- he looks back at you kind of expecting an answer from you which luckily you caught on on

- you nod and respond with a “ yeah what about it “

- “ about it? That nose ain’t never been broken before sixty-four (64) fights I had guys busting on it, I had guys chewing on twisting punching it “

- towards the end of that sentence he makes slightly light uppercut punches towards you as an example of what happened to his nose in previous fights

- “ I mean, whack, tsh, pfft, boom. These guys hitting my nose all the time never broke it, “

- he puts his finger under the tip of his nose pushing it up showing how it’s never been broken. “ I’m very proud of that it’s rare, that’s rare “

- you hate to be the Debbie-downer of things but you still showed your concern for rocky. “ why do you do it if it hurts “

- when rocky turns up to go walk on the stairs he says “ why do you think? “

- you grab the stair handle and make some sorta swing on it and responding back with “ causeeee, you can’t sing or dance?

- “ yeah something like that “ he opens the front protective door and leans on it pointing his finger towards the door saying “ hey wanna come inside “

- this was the part you got anxious, there was an awkward silence for awhile, because you kept looking down but you’d figured it’d be easier if you told him it was late instead of staying quiet

- “ erm no I gotta go it’s kinda late “ before you even spat out your sentence you can already feel his disappointment in your response, trying to pursue you to come inside again

- “ hey come on, hey I got some animals I got these rare very rare animals inside, come on “ he was gonna say come on again until you cut him off with a “ no no I gotta go “

- he can feel your uncomfortableness so he tries to crack a joke to let the intensity down “ I gotta go too, I gotta go to the bathroom come on! “

- you really wanted to come inside but your nervousness got the best of you and told you no you gotta go which made you tell rocky that as well, “ no I really gotta go “

- “ hey I got, hey look at this face is that a face you can trust? You can trust or what? Huh? Is it?Gotta stick this face on a stamp what do you think? *chuckle* huh, come on “ he walks into the building with a come on

- after being pursued you still decided to stay outside to see what he would ( totally not because you were hesitant ) he gets his head out of the door frame making a hand motion to invite you in “ yo! Come on “

- you still waited outside.

- from the building rocky just slightly opens the door more open, from your view it just looks like it’s only his hand pushing it open

- it took you awhile but you eventually just took a deep breathe in and out and took your first few steps on the stairs, you stopped again

- and looked at the building number “ 1818 “ and walked the rest of the steps closing the door behind you. As you walk behind rocky to his apartment he opens the door turning on the light switch

- with an sound effect “ click “ he slightly stands behind the door making a motion to let you inside closing the door afterwards.

- you look around making a quick observation before he can catch you intensely staring at the whole place thankfully he spoke up “ Yo! Y/n you hungry? “

- at first you just look down and shake your head in a response of no but he continued to insist on you eating something

- “ I got some things in there I got uh if you like soda some donuts or something “

- you just lightly smile and respectfully decline again “ no thank you “

- “ you sure? A couple of cupcakes huh? No ? I think I got uh some chocolate in there, no? “

- you shake your head again and just awkwardly stand there watching him remove his leather jacket and hat

- you were looking around the place until your eyes made back to him and saw him taking off both his vest and turtleneck

- leaving him in his white ripped tank top, you visibly got flustered and red, more then you should’ve to be honest

- but you were also confused it was freezing in the apartment. After he throws his vest and turtle neck on the counter he says “ it’s hot in here you know “

- you definitely do not know, it was extremely chilly and his apartment window was half opened so you figured he just took of his shirts on purpose

- snapping you out of your thinking he turns to this wall with a record player, turning it on “ I can go for some music “

- he walks forward to this small table with two bowls grabbing the “ rare “ animals he was talking about

- “ yo! Y/n these are the exotic animals I was telling you about“ he makes 2 or 3 steps with the turtles on his hands lifting them “ these are my buddies cuff and link “ he smiles.

- you have to admit when he smiles it’s definitely quite cute but you didn’t show that’s what you thought and replied deadpan like. “ I sold them to you “

- as hes placing cuff and link down he looks at you saying “ sure I know you sold them to me, remember you were working at that pet shop huh? “

- “ first day yous was there and I came in and bought both these animals huh, yeah I remember that, I came in and bought this bowl, and I bought the the animals themselves, the food the marbles that go on the bottom there, and that mountain “

- he demonstrates the mountain size he bought with his hands continuing on “ remember that mountain I had to get rid of that mountain though because they kept falling over and flipping you know what I mean “ he wipes his hands on his pants

- and he removes the newspaper’s off the couch letting himself sit on it. “ yo, why don’t you come on over and sit down…hm…it’s a nice couch I don’t know…there’s uh..big bugs over there you know it’s safer over here…you wanna sit down? “

- after staring at the floor for what seemed like forever you finally make eye contact with him slowly walking up towards the couch

- you look around trying to find an excuse to stall sitting next to him, ah ha, you find some pictures taped on the mirror and wall which you quickly walk up too

- you point at the black and white photo of this couple asking “ uh these your parents? “

- looking at the view of your back from the couch he says “ yeah that’s both of them there “

- you nod and look at other photos until you see one that made you giggle, a baby picture of him you say as you point towards the picture “ is this you? “

- still looking at the view of your back, he looks at you up and down making an upside down smile ( like a frown smile )

- and chuckles nodding with “ yeah that’s me when I was eight years old that’s the Italian stallion when he was a baby “

- you place the photo back where it was and walk towards to what seems like to be a beaten up mattress but look at ground instantly again when he says

- “ why don’t you come on on and make yourself comfortable, relax “ you look back at him and respond with a concerning tone “ do you have a phone? “

- he seems hesitant to respond quickly but he ends up saying “ nah I got no phone I had it pulled you know cause people calling all the time and uh..who needs the aggravation right..interruptions…”

- (INTERRUPTIONS??? Rocky boy what do you mean 😩)

- after what it seems like forever he finally says or asks the important question “ uhh who’d you want to call? “

- you were shockingly nervous to respond back to his question but you were getting really anxious that it slipped out sorta instantly “ I wanna let my brother know where I am”

- “ why? “ at that point he was really worried if he scared you or made you uncomfortable with anything he said

- you bum your gums and look up saying “ I think he might be worried “ he says while getting up from the couch “ well I’ll call your brother if that’s the problem “

- he fully opens the window until the little click sound is heard, he sticks his head out and yells so loudly “ YO PAULIE!YOUR SISTERS WITH ME!ILL CALL YOU BACK LATER!…SEE YA! “

- after that obnoxious yell for your brother he closes the window and wipes his hands on his pants waiting for that satisfaction to appear on your face

- but it never came, he figured it was the way he lived, how he has everything and how messy everything was, he didn’t entirely blame you it was dirty and not pleasant

- but he hoped and didn’t expect you to be that type of gal, he didn’t know you cared about those things so he was just blunt and straight forward

- “ whats the matter, you don’t like the room do you.. “ he looked upset and him staring you up and down didn’t make it any better

- you weren’t that type of person, you didn’t care how someone lived or where they lived, whatever works you know, whatever is affordable so when he said that

- you were being completely honest and truthful when you responded with “ it’s fine, it doesn’t bother me at all “ you hoped he knew you were being sincere

- “ well it’s only temporary you know its not bad “ you nodded and added “ yeah it isn’t “ rocky looks down than back up signing deeply while walking towards you

- making you a little intimated especially the size difference you two have. He stands tall in-front of you, putting his hands on top of this pipe above him looking down at you

- your body language automatically changed so quickly he caught on to it, at first you were standing still with your arms crossed but

- when he leaned down your arms went behind your back taking a step back with a tint of red flashing your facial cheeks

“ what’s the problem, you don’t like me? Don’t like the turtles what’s the problem? “ he says with a bit of satire to it,

it seemed like you were at a lost of words you didn’t know entirely what to say, you didn’t have a problem really you were just nervous

- thinking of an excuse you just blurted out “ I don’t belong here “ he drops his hands from the pipe and says “ it’s okay “

- you turn away from him towards the door but turn back at him repeating “ I don’t belong here “ a little bit louder

- before he can speak up you added “ I don’t belong here and I shouldn’t be here “

- since you backed up before he moves closer to you saying fast “ well you know it’s okay because your my guest “ you move away from him slowly while stating

- “ I’m sorry but erm..I don’t..know you..well enough, I’ve never been in a man’s apartment alone “

- again he steps closer to you saying hopes in response to make you stay “ well uh I..uh they are all the know.. “

- and again you back away from him letting him know “ I’m not sure that I know you good enough, I’m not really comfortable “

- “well yo y/n I’m ain’t so comfortable either “ he tilts his head as he states that sentence, you look back at him once more before saying “ I should really go “

- you walk quickly towards the door hoping to unlock the door fast enough but obviously rocky caught up and quickly says “ no, don’t go please, don’t go, don’t go “ as he corners you into the door with both of his hands next to you.

- you make a deep sigh and have a visibly upset defeated face and look at both of his arms trapping you between the door. You finally look up at rocky just to see he is already deep staring your every move.

- this was one of the first time you fully had eye contact with him, especially for a long period of time for a second it seemed like you guys were trapped into each others eyes just seeing the stars in them

- you both gulp at the same time which makes you furrow your eyebrows, he says “ do me a favor? “ you surprise yourself with how quickly you say “ what is it? “

- he grabs your glasses and slowly takes them off saying “ take off these glasses “ you really wanted to grab them back and claim them but your hands weren’t moving

- you genuinely couldn’t do it or maybe you didn’t want to, you just stared at your glasses being taken off not making a sound, he places them on the self next to you and says

“ you got nice eyes “ after that comment you look down in embarrassment not knowing what to say but suddenly he lightly uses his finger to lift up your chin to say “ you know that babe? “

- he starts to grab your beret ( hat ) and slowly bring it down “ take off that hat “ having all your hair go down to your face, enhancing your beauty even more he gets a close look at your features and deeply admires them he couldn’t help but say “ always knew you was pretty “

- becoming a little bit bold you say “ don’t tease me “ with a seductive but oddly innocent tone with the doe eyes your giving him, he tilts his head and bluntly tells you “ I’m not teasing you….I’m not teasing. “

- he kinda hesitates but he leans closer and moves his face closer to yours, if you weren’t already taken back he says something that makes you more shocked then ever

“ I just…I wanna kiss you.. you don’t have to kiss me back if you don’t wanna..but I wanna kiss you. “ by the look on your face he can tell you were nervous so he started off by baby steps, he leaned in on your left cheek leaving a light peck

- he pulls away from you waiting for a negative reaction, but you just give him the stare that says “ kiss me more “ he leans in much closer and kisses the end of your lips, which was in line with his bottom lip so well you just peck his bottom lip but look down automatically

- while your guys foreheads are still connected with each others, your guys noses connect this time it was like the perfect timing you both leaned in and kissed each other

 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.
 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.

- leaving his hands from the wall he drags his hands to you waist to your shoulder kind of gripping on them, while your kiss gets intense and intimate the more your guys lips engage with each others

- having the kiss get so intense you guys just slowing slide down the wall in each others embrace , traveling your hands towards his neck bringing his face closer to yours while he sorta holds you like he would if he’d pick you up, a hand on the waist and one on the shoulders

- you guys keep switching the way you guys kiss, left to right it became kinda sloppy at this point since his nose kept going over your face and your lips kept going over his face

- as soon as you guys officially hit the ground and lean on the fridge side he moves the hair out of your neck and starts kissing to your jawline down to your collar bone, which made you accidentally let out a soft gasp and grabbing on his neck tighter

- he definitely noticed this change in body language so he quickly picked you up and laid you on his bed while having his lips inlock with yours so you didn’t make another gasp in surprise, he lays you down and stands between your legs

- he puts his hands on your hips leading up to your chest “do you wanna…you know, take off your coat? “

 Summary Rocky Invites You To His Place After A Short Date But Thing Is You Didnt Expect The Outcome.

Hi!! Thank you so much for reading and liking this post!! Just remember The night is a wonderful opportunity to rest to forgive to dream to smile & to get ready for a beautiful tomorrow ⭐️

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