Adrian Tepes X Fem! Reader - Tumblr Posts
He who was found in chains set free. | VIII.
Hello to everyone reading! I hope you're still enjoying this fic, it's been a lot of fun to write so far! Just wanted to give full disclosure, there is sexual assault attempted in his chapter, so just me mindful while reading. Should be smoother sailing after this, and much more canon compliant! The latin in this roughly translates to "come forth earth mother, lend me your strength."
Can be found on AO3, here!

The town makes quick way of packing itself up and leaving the same night as the night creature attack. Saint Germain, Greta, and Alucard himself at the head of the group. Greta, somber as can be, gives the village one last look before moving onwards, towards sanctuary. They make their way through an eerie patch of woods, before Greta speaks up.
“Surely it would have been safer to do this during daylight.”
“We would have been expected to do this during daylight.” A retort from Alucard. “We may call them night creatures, but they operate perfectly when in sunshine.”
And then Saint Germain, “but surely the vampires who command them are disadvantaged by daylight.”
Alucard sighs. “Their night creatures are clearly being instructed. The attacks are too targeted.”
“So we’re moving before they can be given fresh orders.”
They continue on throughout the night, hoping that they can live through the night before the night creatures are given direct orders. Saint Germain, ever the optimist, has stated it’s “slim chances” to make it. No matter, the group moved forward.
Greta sighed. “All this and a magical tramp.”
Alucard raises a brow “magical?”
“I’ve lived out here my whole life. We live next to the spirits of wood and stream, the things that come with the storm and the smell of magic. You smell of it, he reeks of it.”
“Hm. What does it smell like to you?”
“On you, it’s sweet like spices. On him, it’s rotten.”
“Yes, it’s r-rendered me quite deaf!” You were meant to hear that, Germain.
More bickering before Greta informs them she’ll be circling around, making sure there weren’t any stragglers. It didn’t last long before sounds were made in the distance, “keep walking.” Instructed Alucard before taking off into the trees. He waited, and listened, and looked around until he found the night creature he was looking for. And he took off, swinging his sword at the beast and slashing at its throat, rendering its vocal cords useless. They continued their fighting in the skies, until more of them started pouring in. And the fight continued
“And then I put them outside on stakes like I was my father.” Alucard sheathes his sword.
“I’m just saying, I’m not at my best.”
Greta hums. “I can see that. I mean, I had a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time once, but they never tried to kill me. Actually, no. I tell a lie. His wife went for me with a pitchfork.”
Alucard couldn’t help but laugh.
Greta continued. “I knew you’d be strange, but I didn’t think it would be something like this that brought you back to life.”
“It’s always something like this. It always looks like a war. But really, it’s a rescue. Alone. Then the fight. The rescue. Then alone.” And then he thought of you. How you always looked at him like he rescued you. But in reality, you had rescued him from a life of cruelty and loneliness. And then he left you alone.
“It’s always something like this. I should probably grow all the way up and accept it now.”
“There are worse things. You could be outside someone else’s castle with a stake up your bum.”
After a few more arduous battles through the woods, and the rest of the hours of night, the group had made it to the outside of the castle. And he was so relieved.
Saint Germain couldn’t help but revel in the glory of the sight. “Dracula’s castle...astonishing. It’s really quite--”
“Ugly as sin.” Joined Greta.
“It’s not ugly.” “It’s ugly. And it’s sad. And it’s cold. Bad things happened here.”
Alucard scowled. “That’s my childhood home you’re talking about.”
Greta looked away. “Well, that explains a lot. Sorry. Some places just have a chill on them. Maybe my people and I can warm it up.”
Alucard bowed slightly, raising an arm to the castle, “welcome to my home.” Greta smiled at him as she passed, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
You heard commotion in the foyer of the castle, heart almost bursting through your chest. You rush down towards the sound, but as you got closer you realized you didn’t recognize a single voice. It wasn’t Trevor, or Spyha, or Adrian. They were strangers, coming into Adrian’s home--your home--and your skin began to crawl.
Don’t panic, this is why you’ve been studying, you can do this. You thought to yourself as you closed your eyes, bringing your pointer and middle finger up to your lips. “Egredere, terra mater, commoda mihi vires tuas.” Your other hand, palm open, motioned upwards towards the ceiling. And then you pointed forward with your fingers.
Vines started to creep through the cracks of the floors beneath the village people, and by the time anyone had noticed what was happening half of them were trapped within the clutches of the branches. Some of them yelled, arms being locked behind their backs, legs stopped in their tracks.
“What the hell is this?” Greta exclaimed, looking at Alucard who was just as confused as to what was happening. He readied himself to jump into another battle with an unknown being until,
“Please, I suggest you all leave. The owner of this house wouldn’t be happy if you came here to rob them.”
Your voice echoed through the halls, and Adrian’s never been more relieved.
You’re still here.
He called out to you, and heard a smallest gasp coming from above the grand staircase. You stood there, almost stupefied that you were looking at him again. After nearly three months of solitude, Adrian was home again. The two of you simply looked at each other, and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You looked radiant, no longer a shell of a person but fleshed out. Ethereal. Your skin looks like it’s glowing, healthy. Hair tidy, pulled back in a high ponytail with a ribbon. He could stare at you for hours, days, really--
You startled, after the main in red cleared his throat, and you released the magic you had used, letting go of the people in the foyer. You still didn’t come down, still tense and waiting for someone to attack, which obviously never came. Adrian smiled, making quick way to you at the top of the steps, stopping right in front of you. He whispered your name. “You’re still here...” Almost like a dream, like he didn’t think you’d still wait here alone.
You wanted to reach out to him, and cry, and thank all the Gods in the sky for bringing him back home. But you wouldn’t, couldn’t do that in front of all these people that you didn’t know. Anxiety was already spiking underneath your flesh and bones, instead you looked down at your shoes to ground yourself. “I am, still here...and you’re home.” You choked out the last word, home.
But nothing good can ever last, can it?
“And someone else who reeks of magic.” A woman, who sounded vicious. You looked up, and bile rose in your mouth. Oh god, it’s going to happen, someone’s going to figure you out and burn you at the stake. You’re going to be killed for being born a witch, you’re going to be slaughtered, you’re going to--
“Greta, this is my friend.” He spoke your name. Friend. You felt bitter, but didn’t know why. “And I’m pretty sure you have no standing to be upset with her magic when you reached out to a Dhampir?” He questioned, and the woman--Greta-- simply rolled her eyes. “So long as she doesn’t attack my people again, then we won’t have a problem.” You didn’t like the way she looked at you when she said it. It was self defense!
“It’s okay, I know it was.” You reeled back, had you said that out loud? Shameful. “I’m sorry, Adrian, I didn’t know--” A hand touched your cheek, and you bit your lip. But you didn’t move. Slowly, you looked back up to him, and saw him smiling. Smiling at you.
“I knew you’d become an impressive witch.” He whispered, thumb caressing the skin underneath your eye.
In the heat of the moment you were so happy that Adrian was finally home. But as the hours progressed, and seeing all these people in your space, no longer making you feel comfortable in the castle, you wanted to run and hide. And you did, for most of the day. Any time you had bumped into someone new your anxiety heightened and you couldn’t breathe, making any excuse you could to leave. It was starting to eat you alive. Like you couldn’t live here anymore. Like this was no longer a safe space for you. You locked yourself away in your bedroom, the room you hadn’t slept in for months, and paced, trying to calm yourself down.
A knock on the door. A call of your name. “Are you there?” Adrian.
You wanted to run and unlock the door, be able to talk to him. But you were starting to feel resentful. Why would he bring so many people here? Trevor and Sypha were enough. But this? It’s like he wanted you to leave. You said nothing, and just stared at the door hoping he’d go away. He spoke again. “I can hear you, you know. Please, unlock the door.” He practically begged. Your anxiety quelled just enough for you to move your feet, and unlock the door. You stepped away. He came in, and closed it behind him.”You did a beautiful job with farming while I was gone, did you grow new vegetables?” He turned around, smile dropping from his face. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?”
You scowled, almost angry. “There are too many people here, Adrian. I can’t breathe here. I don’t want to go out there.” This is why I never went out to the village in the first place. You were wringing your hands together, still fidgety. He sighed.
“I’m sorry, I know this isn’t ideal. Trust me, I’m not the biggest fan. But I couldn’t leave them out there.”
“You left me.” It felt like you had just slapped him. “You left me here, for months. Did you know that? I was alone. You couldn’t leave them, like you left me?” You had never sounded so angry with him. He tasted bile on his tongue.
“It wasn’t my intention to leave for so long, I couldn’t--” He didn’t know what to say. His eyes searched for any sign of forgiveness. You had so much you wanted to yell at him, but instead you sighed, and excuse yourself from his presence.
“I’m going out to the garden, I’d like to be alone.” And you were gone.
And he was left alone.
You were so frustrated. You wanted to be so happy that Adrian was back home. But instead you were bombarded with so many strangers and an angry headwoman of the people, ready to instigate a fight you were sure to lose. Greta. You felt sick to your stomach thinking of the way he spoke her name, the way he looked at her. Maybe it would have been better if he didn’t come back. Maybe, just maybe you wouldn’t have to see him slowly fall in love in front of your very eyes. You couldn’t handle that.
And then you started to feel guilty. Because you hadn’t greeted him with open arms, in his own home. And that you spoke to him like that, as if he hadn’t taken you in like a stray a few months back. You felt guilty because he should be able to fall in love, after the life he lived he deserved happiness. You wanted him more than anything to be happy.
I deserve happiness too!
You pushed all those invasive thoughts to the back of your mind and continued through the homestead, that thankfully had no one in the area. You tended to the vegetables, and the herbs, getting lost in your own space. You sprinkled a bit of magic here and there, just the healthy kind that helped the plants grow strong. You smiled at the roots, getting ready to pick whatever was in season.
“So this is where you’ve been.” Your heart stopped. You knew that voice.
“You ran away like a little bitch, and found a little fucking boyfriend is that it?” Tears pooled at your eyes. You couldn’t breathe, you didn’t dare turn around. You were starting to shake incessantly. And then your head was ripped back by the roots of your hair and you cried out.
“Look at me when I’m fucking talking to you!”
There he was. The demon of the man that you still saw in your nightmares. The man that made your life a living hell. You could never escape him, no matter how hard you tried. He’d always be there. Hyperventilating, you grabbed at his hand entangled in your hair in hopes to loosen it. Instead you were thrown to the ground and instantly he was on you, hand covering your mouth.
“Don’t forget that I still own you. Learning a little magic doesn’t make you any better, you disgusting whore”
All the trauma you’d been trying to heal from came back to haunt you, trying your hardest to scream but you couldn’t.
Get off me! Please, please I was finally happy! Leave me alone!
Your vision blurred, and you attempted desperately to blink away the tears. You tried to push him off you, kick away, anything you could do to free yourself. He couldn’t help but laugh.
“You were never this lively back in Gresit.” He cooed. “I like it, makes it all the more fun to break you.” A hand was at his belt, undoing his pants and releasing himself from its confines, pushing your skirt up. You screamed behind his hand, flailing like a wild animal caught in a hunter’s trap.
Please, not again, I’m begging. Someone help me, someone help--!
In an instant you were freed from below him, breath coming into your lungs freely. And you heard a crash against a tree. Your eyes scanned the area, panicked and saw him--Saw Adrian with his clawed hand wrapped around your master’s neck. Droplets of blood trickled down, and Adrian growled, eyes red with fury.
“If you ever dare to look upon her again, I swear I will rip your fucking throat out.” He snarled, fangs gleaming in the sunlight. Your master cried out, trying to push himself away to no avail. “I should fucking kill you. I should fucking slaughter you for what you’ve done to her.” Adrian couldn’t contain his rage, knowing that this is the man that had done everything to you. Every vile and vicious deed that you had described, and the ones you couldn’t bear to speak. He had taken everything from you, and Adrian was ready to see his blood spilled.
But he wouldn’t be any better than his father.
“But I’m going to let you live. You’re going to leave my castle and my land. And if I ever see you here again--or even catch wind of you staying in the area, the water will run red with your blood. Do you understand me?” He growled, digging into your master’s neck a bit more. He only struggled to get away, crying. “I said do you fucking understand me?”
“Y-Yes! I’ll leave! I’ll leave right away! Please don’t kill me!” He cried, and was thrown off to the side. The man in question coughed, trying to catch his bearings before running off into the woods. Alucard didn’t know where he was going and he didn’t care. He hoped the night creatures would do the job he didn’t.
And then he heard you cry.
He was next to you in an instant, hands coming up open palmed, showing that he meant no harm. You threw yourself onto Adrian, face into his chest and cried, cried harder than you think you ever had before. He wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer to him. There were no words he could say to make this better. He brought the devil himself directly to you. Your biggest fear....and he made it come true. He pressed a hand to the back of your head, lightly scratching at your hair. The other wrapped around your waist. He rocked you back and forth, whispering I’m sorry, you won’t ever see him again, I’ll protect you. Your hands clawed at his back, trying to get infinitely closer while you sobbed. No one else mattered but you. Not him, not the townspeople. No one. And Adrian would keep you safe with his life.
Hi! Can you write something with Alucard where the reader is really soft and sweet with him always kissing his cheeks and giving him gentle touches and one day he hears her playing with herself and decides to help her out 👀 (it’s okay if you’re not comfortable writing this thanks for reading my request🫶🏽)
a/n: thanks for the request i'm not good at writing nsfw so i hope this was okay!! warnings: fem reader/grammar mistakes
Alucard was absolutely in love with you, he was in denial of his feelings though. You were so damn good to him. He couldn’t understand why you chose him of all people to give your kindness to. He was a monster, and someone who killed. Someone as sweet as you didn’t have to put up with someone like him. But, you did. Alucard had been so alone for so long, for most of his life, that is, until you showed up on his doorstep. As time went on he fell deeper and deeper into his feelings for you.
You were beautiful, sweet, kind, and bold. Kissing him, holding his hands when he was upset, playing with his hair and he didn’t let anyone, ever touch him but, you…you were just so different.
Alucard and you sat at the dinner table, he had went out to gather something to eat for the both of you earlier in the day. He would always feed you large meals on a pretty plate.
“How are you feeling lately, Adrian?” That name, his real name. Hearing it come from your sweet lips was what always got him, you commanded him whether you knew it or not.
“It was fine, the days are much better when I’m spending them with you,” he said to you, hoping that it would draw a smile from you.
“I can say the same about you, my lovely dhampir. Being here is such a blessing for me and I’m so happy you let me in. All of the things I get to learn, and I get to get closer to you, most importantly,” you said to him. Yawning, you stood up and announced that you were headed to bed. Making a comment about how wine always made you a little drowsy. He watched your lovely figure leave the kitchen and he sunk into his seat sighing.
“Why am I like this?” He said underneath his breath.
After leaving the kitchen you quickly headed to bedroom. Peeling off your clothes and slipping into your nightgown. Your cheeks felt hot and you squeezed your legs together to relieve some friction. Living with the amazing Alucard, the long-haired blonde man, and really, the man of your dreams was too much to handle at times. It was becoming all to much being around him and you were confused. Were you too forward with him? Did he feel the same feelings as you? You went to lay on the bed, the cool sheets hitting your hot skin and making you shiver. It was going to be one of those nights again. You were a little embarrassed about your little secret.
Slipping your hands down your body, you gently rubbed circles on your pearl, letting out quiet little moans. The thought of Adrian on your mind. What would it be like if he were here in bed with you? Would he be gentle? Would he kiss down your body, sucking at your breasts? Your thighs squeezed together and you reached another hand to your breasts.
“Mnghh … Adrian,” you moaned quietly
“Yes, darling?” The familiar voice coming from the door. Did you seriously forget to close it all the way? You scrambled, jolting up and pulling your nightgown down.
“Yes? I– do you need something Adrian/” You tried to deflect, hoping he didn’t see too much.
“No need to be shy I could hear you moaning from the hallway,” Adrian could smell you from the hallway, he felt as though he should give you your privacy. But when the sweet-musky scent of your arousal filled the air and your breathy moans of his name filled his ears he knew he couldn’t.
Adrian walked toward the bed, he gently pushed you back on the bed. “I’ve been wanting to do this for some time, may I? You only looked up at him with stars in your eyes before nodding quickly. That was all he needed.
His warm tongue licked the sensitive spot of your neck, you tugged at his nightshirt, lifting it up and reaching down to run your hands down his back as he kissed you. You moaned into his ear and he looked at you before pressing his sweet lips to yours. “Let’s finish what you started, let me help you.” He pulled his nightshirt above his head stripping it off himself. His strong body illuminated by the moon shining through your window. You bit your lip at the sight of him, a large scar running across his abdomen, his slim waist and adonis belt.
Adrian kissed down your body, and between your thighs. Your back already arching off of the bed, excited for his touch.
“My lovely girl, always so sweet to me. I should reward you, shouldn’t I? You weren’t sure if you should answer but, before you could he spread your legs wide and ran his tongue up your slit. Giving your sensitive pearl a gentle suck. You moaned out gently, you couldn’t believe this was happening, yet you loved it so much. Adrian’s tongue latched onto your clit, sucking and drawing circles over your sex. You dug your hands into his golden locks, his beautiful eyes looked up at you and you shied away. Adrian responded with another delicious suck to your nub.
“I want to taste you finish on my tongue, love, can you do that for me?” You gave him a quick nod. “Use your words I want to hear you,”
“Yes, please.” You said shyly, you couldn’t believe the words coming from your mouth. He went back to your dripping pussy, his tongue prodding inside your hole before slowly sliding up to your clit. Your legs began to shake and instinctively, you squeezed your thighs together as your back arched off the bed. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the waves of your orgasm hit you, Adrian’s strong arms kept you firm in place as you rode out your high. He let go of your clit with a wet pop.
“Did you get what you wanted dear?” He asked you with a smirk. You looked up at him with love and said “Yes, I loved it.”