Adventneon - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Dead account hellooo

School's been pretty hard recently and I'm going on a huge burnout again woohoo,,,,,, yeeyyy,,,,

Although, I had enough time to go hyper simping mode for new cool characters thanks to some nice folks on Discord (Β΄ . .Μ« . `)πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

Like Neon from AdventNEON for example πŸ₯Ί

Gif made by my friend @sapphiretheharpy on Discord πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ thamk you buddy imma spam this gif everywhere ajjdkakd

Dead Account Hellooo

Th,, them,,, baby,,,

I've been mostly doodling so I have only one fully digital drawing- qwq

Have this green little bean,,, I,, I just love them,,,

Dead Account Hellooo

Tumblr ruining my quality Jesus Christ-

Big huge thanks to CryoGX on Twitter for creating this wholesome character *proceeds to go cry in a corner*

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3 years ago

Yes, I WILL revive this account with my addiction to a green Sonic-like Synthezoid

I,, have some doodles I needed to share here too because I'm in love with this baby bean I can't-

Yes, I WILL Revive This Account With My Addiction To A Green Sonic-like Synthezoid
Yes, I WILL Revive This Account With My Addiction To A Green Sonic-like Synthezoid
Yes, I WILL Revive This Account With My Addiction To A Green Sonic-like Synthezoid
Yes, I WILL Revive This Account With My Addiction To A Green Sonic-like Synthezoid
Yes, I WILL Revive This Account With My Addiction To A Green Sonic-like Synthezoid

Cat headphones Neon was suggested by @sapphiretheharpy and a few bunch of other friends on Discord

Yes, we all have Neon brainrot

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3 years ago

Guess,,, guess who finished the ref sheet,

That's right fellas! I finished the ref sheet for a new AdventNEON OC ajdnsnd

Meet Seven! They're Golfball's twin! Obv because I'm getting completely unoriginal with OCs lmao

Guess,,, Guess Who Finished The Ref Sheet,

[Pls click for better quality Tumblr mobile just hates me]

✨Have some lore time sjfjdj✨

This will be long I warn you

This is another version of Golfball's AU. Yes ya heard me, Seven is not actually canon but I had this 3am idea and just,,, had to pls sjndjs

Anyways, in this AU, before Golfball was thrown out in the pit, he was put into this,, sort of "waiting room" to check if he was worth being kept alive. In this waiting room there was another prototype, very similar to Golfball, just a slightly different model. Golfball tries to approach them but they get scared and cover their head with their arms. Golfball notices their fabric number: LM-7-7-77. Golfball so decides to give them a name, "Seven".

Seven has the same "problem" as Golfball, they're developing free will and human-like behaviors. Although they seem a bit more mature than Golfball and understands that, if they let emotions show and/or refuse to follow orders, they will die on the spot.

Golfball and Seven get really attached to each other, they see themselves as twins, with Golfball being the oldest based on the fabric number. Moreover, is Seven that gives Golfball his name, not Neon. The people from the facility come in the room from time to time for checkups, and one day, Seven hears the two people talking about the first huge Loudmouth project, that apparently wasn't going good. Suddenly, one of the two insults the Loudmouth, calling it "Golfball". Seven doesn't understand what that means, although they like it and wanted to return the favor to Golfball for gifting them a name.

Although things start getting worse. Golfball doesn't seem to "get better", he doesn't follow orders and he completely acts like a little child. Despite Seven trying to help him by suggesting him to mimic them, the thing just doesn't work.

One day, the people from the facility come back in the room to take Golfball away. Golfball runs behind Seven and hugs them tight, he doesn't want to left his twin behind and be alone again. However, the facility people use Seven's fear of dying as their advantage. They tell both Seven and Golfball that, if they don't want to die, they have to follow orders. Seven nods, while Golfball is too scared to respond. So the facility people give Seven their first "special" order: "Take down LM-7-2-12". Seven doesn't want to, although they don't want to die. They try beg the facility people, saying that if Golfball would stay with them, they could "fix" him themselves. Although the facility people insist that Golfball cannot be fixed anymore, and force Seven to follow the order.

Seven obeys, they grab Golfball by his arm, taking a moment to look at him and say "I'm.. so sorry.." before electroshocking him.

Golfball gets thrown out and took by Neon, Seven, instead, stays at the facility. Thanks to their human-like behavior, they learn to be a perfect strategist and also how to repair themselves and the other robots from minor damages.

When Golfball returns to the facility because of the hacking problem, instead of immediately destroying him, as Golfball expected, the facility people decide to train him because they noticed the wonderful results with Seven. During the training Golfball discovers powers and abilities he didn't even think of having, the facility people are proud of the results, so they raise the level of difficulty, making Golfball battle against another prototype. Surprise, it's Seven.

Seven doesn't recognize him at first, while Golfball does. Seven beats Golfball up, making him literally snap and have their ass kicked real bad. Golfball then feels horrible for that so he runs to hug Seven and apologize. Seven recognizes him and apologizes in return.

Finally reunited, Golfball explains Seven what happened to him, how he fucked everything up by running away and how he desperately needs to get back to Neon and Oganesson immediately to get fixed. Seven is 100% willing on helping their twin in any way they can, in fact, they already have a plan, but it's dangerous. Seven knows the facility like the back of their hand, all the shortcuts, door codes, defense systems and shit. They can easily get both of them out, but it won't be easy to not get noticed. Golfball trusts his twin blindly and is ready to follow them and get out of the place.

Now. Y'know how much I love angst, right? So, this thing can have a Good ending and a Bad ending.

Good ending

In the Good ending, they both manage to get out of the facility and get back to Oganesson. Both Seven and Golfball get fixed so that the facility can't be in contact with neither of them again. New sibling joins the gang

Bad ending

As soon as they reach the exit, as the door can only be locked from the inside, Seven sacrifices themselves locking themselves in, so that Golfball can escape. Golfball gets back to Oganesson to get fixed. Seven gets destroyed because of their breaking of who knows how many rules, making Golfball lose his only change to get his twin back

Bad ending #2 (suggested by my friend Cinna on Discord)

Golfball gets caught while trying to escape and left behind with Seven barely managing to get out. Golfball gets destroyed while Seven finds shelter somewhere until they meet Neon, who is searching for Golfball, along the way

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3 years ago

It is cat time

Ayo people, Cryo opened a Kickstarter campaign that will unlock a bonus art gallery in the game if 100 artists join the campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #AdventNeonFanart so I thought it was a good idea to join in and draw the c a t

It Is Cat Time

[click for better quality cuz Tumblr mobile hates me as always]

So yeah, go support Advent NEON on Kickstarter if you can cuz the game is so pog and it deserves all the lov or else Nyari is going to cutely steal your nico nico kneecaps /hj

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3 years ago

Hello new AU dropped

Last night I couldn't sleep, my brain went high because I was tired and I just created an AU where Golfball is just- even smaller, baby size, he's just a small teeny tiny baby boy



Hello New AU Dropped

[click for better quality thank you djjdsjd]

I'm just gonna copy and paste some info I wrote last night before passing out so sorry if it's messy-


So- y'know how people kinda divide robots into two groups when talking about babies- like- some robots just get born by being created manually and then can "grow up" with modifying their body like they want. While some other robots just- grow up by themselves just like humans

I was thinking about the Facility messing up stuff again- (we just headcanon the Facility to be stupid) and trying out robots that can actually grow up by themselves. This was kinda a win win in their point of view because they didn't have to upgrade the robots every time and, they could shape their minds as their will, wich is more difficult to do with robots that "get born" already adults or something. So less chances of rebellion cuz- the baby robots would grow up in the Facility and be educated to follow only its orders.

So- basically Golfball was defective, he wasn't growing at all, so the Facility tried using a core to maybe- activate his function of growing. But that didn't work obv- so he was rejected. Baby has been yeeted down the pit and found by Neon- cuz- please how could you not rescue a baby just- thrown out in a pile of dead robots come on-

The core kept Golfball alive as in canon so ye he's ok, just need to charge the batteries or som djnd

Seven on the other hand was not defective and actually grew up, so in this AU basically only Golfball is baby sized jfjd

As in the Android AU, Seven escapes from the facility at some point to go search for their brother, as they felt extremely guilty for abandoning him. As Golfball was anywhere to be found in the pit of rejected prototypes, Seven goes to search for him outside of the Facility.

I was thinking that eventually Oganesson finds a way to fix Golfball or something, cuz- it would've been kinda cruel to keep him baby forever- so ye sorry for wasting your time with my brain being completely high aksksmd

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3 years ago

Sorry for being dead school is stressing me out pretty much and I'm still working on my Toyhouse

Have this

Sorry For Being Dead School Is Stressing Me Out Pretty Much And I'm Still Working On My Toyhouse

If you want to pat the boy elsewhere (idk maybe use it as an emote on a Discord server or som), remember to ask permission and do it with credit!

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3 years ago

Updates + rewriting characters and giving Golfball a bf apparently

Ok so yeah, as I said before, schools is painful and I'm kinda being on hiatus apparently but hear me out

I am actually working on decently writing my characters, one step at a time, starting with Golfball and kinda fixed this whole age thing for him cuz it was- just weird- snjddn

Basically at first I thought, yeah mentally a child, chronologically an adult cuz- y'know yeah he was thrown out so I thought it would've make sense to have his chronological age and mental/actual age separately but then it was just- fucking weird-

Now he's just- yeah normally 19 as Seven, with the difference that being on standby for that long when he was thrown out affected a bit the way he acts cuz- he basically didn't felt the time passing. He randomly woke up as an adult when he was a teen when he was thrown, so ye

Also I wanted to prevent to infantilize him too much, so yeah I'm working more on his character

So, onto the next part, one of my friends drew a Protogen version of Golfball/Seven and I was like "OK HELL YEAH I NEED ONE" So yesterday I sat in front of my computer and spent my afternoon researching everything about Protogens and fucking studied the lore and characteristics instead of studying Math- So now I have a design for this Protoboy and just give Golfball a boyfriend ya ain't gonna stop me ajdjsjf

Putting a little doodles under the read more cuz- why not sjdjdjd enjoy this spoiler until I finish Xeno's (yeah that's his name lma) ref sheet


Look at them I'm brainrotting

Updates + Rewriting Characters And Giving Golfball A Bf Apparently

The other OC in the background with Neon is my other friend's OC Envy djjdjd

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11 months ago

Art of neon hugging my PFP character when?πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€


Art Of Neon Hugging My PFP Character When?

Sorry for the late the Kinito brainrot locked me up in the silliness jail 😭

I'm so happy to have had the chance to draw Neon again they're such a silly billy‼️‼️

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10 months ago


Silly collab tiem‼️‼️‼️‼️

Neon art collab with @rodneytheog14 ‼️


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