Agent Bishop - Tumblr Posts

@tmntober-2023 day 10: under appreciated non-turtles!
Have John Bishop! Or as he’s named in my AU, John Bishop Toast.
Yeah. Bishop is Toast and Gavin’s “father.” Sort of father anyway… one could technically also call him their older brother.
He is similar to the 2003 version of him, and has a lovely cloning hobby on the side. That’s where Toast and Gavin come from. Their both Bishop’s clones who he raised as his sons due to seeing potential in the two super soldiers.
There is also a lot more to him that I won’t get in to now, but I felt like sharing that fact about him and the Toast twins’ connection.

I just wanted to draw Bishop. I hate him (affectionate).
He deserves to dissect something after what 2012 did to his character.

Here’s a height chart of my oc(s) and my version of recurring tmnt characters
*Left to right*
Olivier Arcane, Leatherhead, Mona Lisa (Rodriguez), Hamato Frida (Rebel) Hamato Miwa, Tang Shen, and Agent Johnathan Bishop.