Agent Jack Whiskey Daniels X Reader - Tumblr Posts
the masterlist | mudhornchronicles

that cantina
uh oh
check ups
reds: maroon | sanguine | brick

suits | buckles

dreamboat: part one | part two | part three | part four |


teamwork | jack “whiskey” daniels

pairing: jack “whiskey” daniels x reader
warnings: age gap, shootin + some gunsss, eggsy’s wink-a-roo
a/n: thank you so much @meshlamando for your help! i wanted to make sure whiskey gets a good debut, and you made it happen! a real yeehaw bitch there.
request by: @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange

“T-this isn’t - fuck - a very good time, Champ!” You grit into your earpiece. You bring your elbow back and jab it into a man’s stomach behind you and kick the other in the shin, bringing them both down. “Whiskey! Will you stop clowning around and come help me?” you yell.
Your partner, Jack or also known as Whiskey, decided it was a good idea to get the ladies in the pool area to safety and leave you to your own devices taking down 7 grown men. You find it quite hard to fight off these weaponed guys with your boss screaming in your ear.
“No can do, Brandy!” You roll your eyes as you throw a chair in the fifth man’s direction and shoot the man behind him. “I got three boys tryin’ to get in a tussle down here!”
“Champ wants us back in the office, Whisk! What happened to teamwork?”
You hear him grunt and a ‘bang’ in the distance. “What does he want us for?” You hear him let out a hah! and then another grunt. “This is teamwork! I’m the distraction! Hey partner I ain’t finished with you yet!”
You laugh at hearing him on the other end. Your partner tends to like teaching bad guys lessons and you’re sure this is probably one of them.
You struggle holding in your stomach’s contents as you see Jack continuously flirt with the three young ladies who are easily twenty years younger than him. You see him leaning on the desk, twirling a redhead’s hair in his fingers while the other two giggle like school girls. You roll your eyes and let out a sigh.
You were also younger than Jack, but that didn’t stop you from harboring a crush for your cowboys partner. From the moment you were an official Stateman, he was the first to treat you as an equal and offered to be your partner and show you the ropes.
That was almost two years ago.
Champ’s assistant calls you in and you give her a warm smile that soon goes away when Whiskey tips his hat at her and looks back as he passes her. You give him a back handed smack on the chest and a glare. He motions a confused hand movement and mouths ‘what?’ You smirk and look back at the office girls, the girls who went back to their daily jobs.
“You do realize that those girls are just old enough to rent a car right?”
Whiskey shrugs and adjusts his tie. “Yeah, but that don’t I can’t have a little fun, do it?”
You widen your eyes and chuckle. “So you just flirt with anything that walks… for fun?”
“Mhm. Don’t you?”
You simply shake your head side to side, earning a dry chuckle from him.
“So ya flirt with the people ya actually like? People who ya wanna date?”
“Yes, Jack.”
He laughs a single laugh. “I wouldn’t put that on a cat’s ass.”
You shake your head with a laugh as you finally walk in the office, but soon come to a stop when your eyes meet a young man’s own. He stands and gives you a smile. Whiskey tenses behind you as he follows your eyes to this new man on the other side of the table.
“There’s my two favorite liquors!” You laugh at Champ’s old, but timeless joke. “I want you to meet someone!” He turns to the young man and motions to him. “This here is Eggsy. He’s a kingsman across the pond. Kid, this young charm is Agent Brandy. The newest but one of the best.”
Eggsy extends a hand to you, and as you shake his hand, he gives you a wink. A wink that makes you blush and makes your partner clear his throat loudly. You look back and see Jack stand behind his usual chair offering a two-finger salute to the kingsman. “That there,” Champ says, “is Agent Whiskey. These two make up the best team ya ever laid your thick-rimmed eyes on.”
Throughout the meeting, you and Eggsy exchange a series of quick glances and small smiles. As you go to steal yet another look at the Brit, Jack kicks the back part of your chair, causing you to quickly look back at him. He pretends he doesn’t notice and looks at you with a nod.
And that’s what he does… he pretends.
He pretends he didn’t kick you. He pretends he didn’t see you and this new guy look at each other with goo-goo ga-ga eyes. He pretends he didn’t see you give the brit the smile he knows to be your flirting smile. He pretends that throughout the past two years, he hasn’t been looking at you differently than ever. He pretends he never thought about the idea of having you by his side when he wakes up. He pretends he never caught feelings for his partner in crime.
“So that’s where Brandy comes in. Everyone got it?”
Yourself, Whiskey and Eggsy all turn your attention to Champ, the person your attention was supposed to be on in the first place. You had no idea what the plan even was, but on the hologram, you saw your name and Eggsy’s on the same game plan. Naturally, you agreed to the plan sharing a smile with the newcomer, but the celebration was interrupted by Whiskey standing up and disagreeing.
“Brandy ain’t going alone, Champ. They’ve been my partner for two years so for that reason, I’m comin’ with.”
“Daniels, I don’t need two of my agents out there. Brandy can take care of themselves.”
“Sir, with all due respect, but-“
“Whiskey. Brandy is going and they’re going alone. Do I make myself clear?”
You look at your partner’s defeated look and stand up. “Champ-“
“Brandy, I ain’t tryin’ to hear it. You and Eggsy leave tomorrow. Whiskey stays here. If it makes ya feel better, Whisk, you can have an earpiece linked to Brandy’s. Better?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Thank you, sir.”
You hear a knock on your door as you’re ready to load up the jet. You knew the knock anywhere. The six-beat knock you’ve heard for two years.
“Come in, Jack.”
“Sweetheart, you ain’t goin’ alone.”
“Jack, you can trust me.”
“I know that, but it’s that Eggsy guy I don’t trust.”
You place your hands on your hips and cock your eyebrow. “And why not? He’s been nothing, but sweet.”
“That’s just the English talkin’! Why does a Kingsman need help from a Statesman?”
“Because we’re their American counterpart? We help eachother, Whisk!”
“Brandy, just 'cause trouble comes visiting... doesn't mean you have to offer it a place to sit down.” With that Jack gives you a tip of his hat and walks out. You’re left confused, but worried about your partner.
“What trouble are you talking about, Jack?” You say to yourself.
“I don’t think your partner likes me very much, Agent Brandy.”
You take a sip from your glass, letting it go down before answering.
“Are you talking about Whiskey? He seems to be like that with anyone I’m asked to work with.”
Eggsy nods understandingly. “Seems to me like he’s jealous.”
“Everyone you’re asked to work with.” He laughs.
You smile and shrug. “He likes to be the only one who gets to bug me on missions. He can be annoying, but he has never let me down once.”
“Sounds like a great agent.”
“He is.” You say. You place your glass on the holder and stand. You wink at Eggsy and place a finger on your lips. “He’s a great agent and friend. He always likes to make sure I’m okay even if that means hiding in the bathroom.” You say as you quickly slide open the bathroom’s door.
Jack has his gun aimed, but quickly lowers it as he sees it’s you.
“I knew we had a stowaway.” You laugh out.
“I couldn’t just let my partner go to Germany alone. What kind of gentleman would I be?”
You grab Jack by his jacket and pull him out of the small bathroom and push him to sit down on an empty chair. You sit back on your own as you and Eggsy cross your arms over your chests.
“Do you really not trust me, Agent Whiskey? I’d never let a beautiful soul like Brandy get hurt,” Eggsy says.
“That beautiful soul is my partner. If I’m ever a goner, Brandy promised to be the one to deliver my last words.”
“Exactly. If you’re a goner. Not me.” You huff.
“I’m your partner, darlin’! I gotta return the favor, right?”
“Jack, will you stop? I think my outfit is fine!”
“You’re showin’ too much!”
“I’m not showing anything! That’s the only problem here”
Jack continuously tries to fix and adjust your outfit, making sure everything is covered - unfortunately.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I just wanna make sure you're comfortable. Is that crime?”
You grab Whiskey’s hands, tearing them away from your outfit, and forcing him to look at you.
“Jack, it’ll be fine. I’m just going to get Eggsy into this party and my job’s done.”
Jack lets out a groan and throws his head back. “No, your job’s not done. You said you still have to stay in there and go into a room with this crime ring guy so you don’t raise any suspicion!”
“I've done it before, Jack! Why is it such a problem now?”
“There ain’t no problem” he sternly says.
“Yes, there is,” you groan out. “You’re so worked up about nothing. You were a tense mess in that office. What is it that you’re not telling me?”
Jack begins to pace around the room shaking his head. He removes his hat and chucks it on the table. You know there’s something is very bad when Jack carelessly throws his hat
“Jack! If you don’t tell me, I’ll call Champ right now and-“
His hands are suddenly cupping your cheeks. You look as Jack leans into you and droopily closes his eyes. His lips are on yours and his mustache tickles your nose. You’re in shock.
Your partner’s kissing you. The man you’ve had a crush on for what feels like decades is kissing you and you’re on such a high that you don’t kiss back. You’re scared that this may just be a daydream. You don’t want this moment to be a trick in your mind.
As he pulls away, you look at the sadness in his eyes. You’re a deer in the headlights as he shakes his head, apologizing for his actions.
“I’m so sorry. I- I just… Brandy, I just couldn’t take seeing someone actually woo you. I- I can’t lose my girl.” He rambles on and on, but is cut off by you.
You grab his face, as he did yours, and you kiss him. You kiss him and hold him tight, wishing this moment never were to end. He wraps his arms around you and deepens the kiss, mumbling please as he does so. You pull away with a final smack of the lips and smile.
“It’s about time you made a move, cowboy. Guess I really had to scare you to make you say somethin’ huh?”
“What are you on about now?”
“You really don’t know me, Jack!” You laugh out. “I don’t have to stay in a room with this guy! What am I? Crazy? I just have to help Eggsy get into this party through my contact! Then I get to have drinks on my own while Eggsy does the rest and only get involved if he messes up, which he might.”
“You’re bustin’ my balls, ain’t ya.”
“Nope. Since you’re here, we can have drinks all night until Eggsy’s done. If he messes up, that’s where our teamwork comes in.”
“So… you ain’t got your eye on this kid?”
“Well he’s attractive, yes. But I would’ve rather paired up with techie genius Ginger than work with a cowboy who can’t seem to focus on a mission when there’s people to flirt with around, if I didn’t like you.”
“I do not flirt with everyone.”
You scoff and smirk at the cowboy. “Would you like me to read out our ever-so-growing list of incidents?”
He places a chaste kiss on your forehead and you smile.