Ah Well Yolo - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Oh golly here we go again with my cringe writing skills

Nitty-gritty W/ an insomniac!reader

Note: I'll be talking about the CANON version of Nitty-gritty. If you are confused, visit sock.clip's instagram page for more information. But for now, this is all you need to know about canon!Nitty-gritty:

-he's 22 years old, 6'0 ft.

-he is the older brother of Julian.

(Again, if you are confused, visit sock.clip's instagram page, it will all make sense.)

(If you don't want to see my cringe writing skills, then Don't bother, but if you got the guts, I'm impressed, so enjoy.)


You HAD to get this thing done. No matter how many cups of caffeine or energy drinks, you had to get it done. It's 3 a.m, you were laser focused on your project or whatever you were working on. Before you could start on the next paragraph, you were halted by something tightly grasping your shoulder; you heard a raspy masculine voice coming from right behind you.

"Pullin' anotha all-nighter, are we?"

You turn your head slowly in fear, it was Nitty-gritty. He's gotten used to you doing these things at this point, but thinks that the all-nighters you keep pulling on are getting dangerous, and they are for your health.

"Listen, I know ya wanna keep goin' on dis project, but ya gotta sleep. Dis is gettin' dangerous. Not just for you, but for ya own health."

You tell him that you're fine, that you don't need sleep. He gives you a stern look and closes your laptop. Thankfully, your progress was automatically saved.

"C'mon. Yeah ya do. Ya don't get enough sleep, probably gonna end up in th' hospital or somethin' worse."

Despite how much you wanted to continue, he was right. Sleep is important after all. You reach your hands out and ask for your laptop back, nitty holds it a bit higher above your head.

"Nnnnnope. 'S already on 20% battery. You can get it back in th' mornin', but for now, ya need sleep, and lots of it, too."

You cross your arms and pout. But you know very well it's not going to work on him.

"Ah, c'mon. Don't give me Dat look. Y'know I'm right. Ya need sleep."

You turn your head to the side, he knows if he can't convince you, he'll have to do it with FORCE, he does hate doing that with you, but it seems he doesn't have a choice.

*sigh* " 'Kay. Y'asked for it. C'mere."

You quickly turn your head back to see that he grasped your arm, he pulls you closer, wrapping his arm around your torso, lifting you up to his waist, your laptop is in his other hand, he escorts you to his bedroom. You start struggling against his hold, despite how tight he was gripping onto you. You tried to push yourself free, begging him to let go.

"Nope. Dis is what happens when ya force me t' use force. Ya gonna sleep, wether ya like it or not."

He opens the bedroom door, plugging in your laptop to the charger on the desk. He then gets a soft, puffy blanket out of his wardrobe a lays it on the bed. He finally released you only to place you in the middle of the blanket, he swaddles you into a blanket cocoon, too tight for you to struggle out of. He turns off the light and climbs into bed, pulling you into his arms while doing so. Tucking you in, snuggling you. He whispered into your ear, giving you a chill down your spine.

"You'll thank me later."

It was creepy to say the least, usually you would bunk with his younger brother, Julian. Julie loved to cuddle with you. It would knock him out very easily, too. But now? You're stuck with his intimidating older brother that he cares for. It felt nice, sure. Considering how warm he was, but you had to escape and continue your work. You start struggling as hard as you can. Nitty subconsciously grips you tighter and begins caressing circles onto your back, stopping you. You felt your eyelids getting heavier, you think about what Nitty had said earlier, pulling too many all-nighters is dangerous for you and your body. For once, you understand what he told you and dose off. Snuggling deeper into his hold. Nitty squints his eye open to see you sound asleep. He lets out a small smile and plants a small kiss onto your forehead and falls asleep again.


Moral of the story: do not pull all nighters and get some sleep.

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