Ai Use Cases - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I really feel this reaction, and I think that, even if I don't think it's reasonable, it's very understandable.

That said, I wanted to add my take on this because, wether we like it or not, AIs are here to stay, so we should try and unerstand what their place should be.

My personal take is that yes, purely AI generated shit is kinda morally repugnant and just pre-processed sludge, that said, it's PREMIUM pre-processed sludge: most of the time it's something that I would not have thought of, and that should be the right use for this kind of algorithms.

Inspiration-makers, kinda like putting random words in a hat and drawing a few, but a thousand times more effective and focused, it can get you out of a writing block or give you a great idea to bypass a bad point.

Or, it can be a powerful grammar checker, (like, idk, grammarly) that can give feedback on how good your work is and how to improve it.

Yeah, thats it.

Just feels like AI CAN be used, and used well, just... not like people seem to want to use it nowadays.

This morning I was reading a fanfic (ao3) and everything was fine until in the comment section the author answered a question about the writing AI she was using. I felt such visceral disgust at that. I dropped the story like it was acid.

To those that use AI. How dare you? How dare you to have the audacity of using a program that steals people's creativity? How dare you feed it, taking that which was granted with love and passion and then transform it into a soulless program? How dare you bend yourself to these corporations that only seek to exploits us further?

I would 100% prefer to read a fic that has mistakes but that has care into every word and a person behind it with immense love for the fandom, than to read Shakespeare vomited by a code that it was written by a thousand cunts that wank themselves at a picture of Mark Zuckerberg.

If you're doing mental gymnastics to justify art theft and exploitation, then there's no mistake. You are wrong. Nothing will change that.

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