Aizawa X Oc - Tumblr Posts

commission i did recently :D it was a lot of fun and i loved coloring it <3
Valentine's Day with Shouta Aizawa by Vi ✨
Hi everyone, it's Vi! ✨ So as you already now it's valentines day in many countries so I decided to do something fluffy for you ❤️ Hope you enjoy! (Again, sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻)
Pd: Happy valentine's day to those who have a special someone! And to those who hasn't, treat yourself with some chocolates and flowers because loving yourself is also a reason to celebrate! 💕
Warnings: none, just fluff
All characters reservations to Horikoshi

The heroes have won and restored peace. It took some time to rebuild the cities near the fight but in a few months, Japan was functioning like usual. The classes at UA started again and everyone was excited to be back at school (even those who have lost friends, family or teachers) but not Aizawa. He felt terrible about how things turned out and just couldn't move on like nothing ever happened. Not when he has scars that hasn't healed yet. He lost many friends and now he was incapable of using his quirk to save others. Because of it, he felt useless and miserable as he was no longer a hero and all he had left was teaching.
Mic was getting worried about his friend's behaviour; he didn't eat or sleep and started shutting down to everyone around him. It was when Eri knocked the door one night saying she was scared cause Aizawa had locked the door to his bathroom and won't come out, that the hero decided to put an end to this situation. Firstly, he obligated his friend to go the psychologist and then, every week they would go out in order to make him feel comfortable interacting with other people again; this included setting him up on dates against his will. Having a relationship was not something he needed right now and he definitely didn't want to become a burden to anybody. That was until a certain someone came along...
Y/n was a foreigner doctor that arrived to Musutafu a few months ago when she found out what was happening and wanted to help. She had a "sanation quirk" which meant she could cure and regenerate body parts. She's specialised in working with people who had been badly injured and needed to train their body functions from the beginning.
After helping to attend civilians and heroes during the final war, Nezu offered her a job at the UA as "Recovery girl" was finally retiring and she gladly accepted. She was introduced to the other stuff a few weeks earlier but Shouta was nowhere to be seen and definitely didn't pay Yamada any attention when he talked about a "new sexy doctor" or something like that cause, if he had listened to him, he would've been prepared for such a sight. His friend suggested to visit the new college as maybe she could help him to recover fiscally (and also because he knew that the moment Aizawa saw her, he would be hooked) So there he sat rigid without making eye contact while she inspected his injuries. She was so close that he couldn't help but smell her sweet perfume. Y/n (as she has told him) was the prettiest woman he has ever seen or been near, by far; her e/c eyes brought calm when he looked into them and her reassuring smile told him everything was going to be ok and suddenly, he realised how rough this months have been that a simple gesture fold with positivity, made him feel so overwhelmed he needed to get out of the room for a few moments.
Once he came back, the doctor was smiling at him and made him sit next to by grabbing his rough hand into her delicate one He was not expecting such an action as well as not expecting her look at him right on the eye and said "Have some good news for you! First of all, we are gonna replace this pirate bandage you have for an implant and, with my quirk's help, it could regenerate your hability to see and use your power. However, it'll take time. We will work together in rehab and maybe and year from now, you would be able to use your quirk like you did before! (I'm not a doctor, I actually study law, so please understand all of this is fantasy)" Aizawa couldn't believe what he was hearing, he even thought Mic had told her say that so he wouldn't feel so terrible but the look in her eyes was one of genuine happiness and sincerity so he choose to believe and chase, after so many years, the hope of having a good ending where he could finally be in peace with himself.
Six months later, Shouta was quite pleased with how much he achieved. He started eating, sleeping and teaching like he did before it all went down the hill. He really had missed training his students and doing hero work. So he was glad he visited y/n that time, speaking of which became one of his best friends. She was always by his side; on his worst days where everything hurt and he didn't want to keep going, she was there to extend him a hand. Also, on those days were training seemed easy and he would do everything right, she was there to cheer for him. It was just a "mere coincidence" that his favourite days were the ones he spent next to her. Actually, they had their own routine together; they would eat every day the bento boxes she prepared to lunch at the rooftop, also, before going to the teachers dorms, they would have a cup of coffee and tea (a vanilla tea with honey for her. Yes, he memorized her favourite drink because he is a really good friend, right? Right?) and twice a month they would go out to eat alone or sometimes Hizashi joined them.
Some days, she would appeared unexpectedly to play with Eri and they would ended up having dinner together, like a family. Oh, that made Aizawa stay awake at night. The mere thought of having y/n on his life as more than a friend, made his head spin. He would take to his own grave that sometimes, when they were out with Eri, he actually pretended they were a real family and when old ladies comment on how cute their child was, he did not denied and respond "yes, I know just like his mother" just to see the cute blush on her face and for her to hit his arm because of embarrassment.
Her arrival had been a blessing and there was no denying she'd saved him but somewhere along the way, feelings got confusing and their friendship was something more to him. When he was around her, he no longer felt lonely and sad. She made him feel loved when she traced the scars from fights he wanted to forget or when she would put his head on her lap and caressed his hair till he was asleep. Every little thing made him fell in love with her allover again, that's why he had prepared a big surprise in order to confess. He has been leaving romantic letters on her desk with flowers or chocolates, other times he left some vanilla tea with her favourite cake or small gifts such as plushies, earrings and necklaces all from her secret admirer. The girls from class 2A had given him the idea and help him choose a few of them.
When Valentine's Day arrived, Shouta was so nervous he thought he would explode. Today was the day he'll finally confessed. He had made a reservation at the highest building in the city just to have the best view for the fireworks show and the lake. He made sure they served her favourite dish and that were roses on the table. He left a letter on her desk that said "Today I'm going to have enough courage to tell you how I feel. Please meet me at 8PM at xxxx, I'll be waiting. Pd: This is my final gift before reviling identity, please feel free to wear it tonight. Kisses, your secret admirer" and next to it was a box with a beautiful red dress inside. Something modest and elegant but just as stunning as you were. He did a design for Momo to make and he couldn't be happier about how it looked on her, She looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale. She still hadn't seen him and Shouta panic for a moment, his head filled with bad thoughts like "what if she rejected him? What if she didn't like him?, etc" but once he looked eye with her, he knew everything was going to be alright even if she rejected him. Her eyes were full of curiosity and she was trying to hide the blush on her face by looking around the restaurant so he took this moments to admire her. If he could his the ground she was walking, he definitely would. What a sight she was. Not only with this beautiful dress but also when she wore that cute pijama bunny with her hair on a messy bun. He would choose that sight every day for the rest of his life. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew there was no coming back and he gladly accepted that from the start. He was hers to take if she wanted to and he would make sure to give her the best of him, mind, spirit and soul.
He hadn't realised he's been holding his breath for a few seconds until she was in front of him with a timid smile and said "I was hoping it was you all along" and took him by surprise by kissing him and that was how it started. He didn't know what he did to deserve someone as wonderful as her but he'd make sure she won't regret ever choosing him.