Alex Turner Fluff - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Y’all wanna send angst / fluff Alex turner request? A bitch is desperate.

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2 years ago

☾ ⋆⁺ MASTER LIST ⋆⁺ ☾

♡ ♡ ♡


♡ ♡ ♡


-♡ fluff

-☆ smut

- ☾ angst

- You wreck me ☆ ☾

- Your name ♡

- Stop crying ☾

- Home ☾ ♡

- Exhausted ♡

- Worship you ☆

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2 years ago

☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ YOUR NAME ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾


(Alex can’t get your name out of his mouth)

(Warnings: fluff, lots, horrible amounts, drinking)

(A/n: Yes I know this should have been more than a oneshot unfortunately i’m a little bitch who refuses)

(Words: 1858)

“Please I swear it will be fun!” He said pulling me into his room.

“Alex, you said that the last party. And we know how that turned out.” I said giving him a telling look.

In the past 4 months he’s had a track record of bad party experiences. He for some reason couldn’t leave a party with out making a girl mad. Each girl seemingly not only furious with him but me as well after. I just have learned to assume it’s because I’m his best mate but, it still always felt a bit odd.

We would go to a party, he would get shit faced, and 2 hours later I would have a girl storming up to me, saying I should deal with him. And I was not looking forward to spending my Friday like that this time.

“Please I’ll do anything. I just need you there.” He said giving me a pouty look. His dark, shoulder length hair falling in-front of his face. Sometimes he’s just so exhausting.

“Oh fine. But this is the last party, I swear.”

“Thank you! Well, we better get going, we’re already late.” He smiles wide and drags me to the car.

“So you sleeping over at mine?” I make sure to ask ahead of time. Knowing I’ll be driving home.

“Yeah, sounds good.” He nods pulling his jacket back in place after the buckle tossed it around. He starts the engine and rolls away driving down a few streets to the house party.

We pull up and immediately I can see it’s already packed. We walk in, the music pounding are ears. It’s some trashy pop song that came out last year. We both looked at each other and laughed a bit at the sound.

“I’ll go get us some drinks, okay?” He yells over the noise.

“Okay sounds good.” I say and he walks away to the kitchen.

I wander around for a while looking to see if I could finds anyone I know. Old friends from when we where in school always tend to show up at these things.

I search around till at the stairs I see Emma, one of my said school friends. She meets my eyes and runs down the stairs her long blonde hair swaying behind her. She was still as gorgeous as ever. She was the type of person in school who everyone was drawn to. She was insanely popular, but kind as well. It’s almost annoying.

“Hi, how have you been.” She smiles.

“Pretty good actually, I’ve been traveling around with the boys for a while. Where back in town for a break though.” I explain and she nods smirking to herself.

“You still hopelessly in love with turner?” She laughs and I fight the urge to smack my hands over her mouth.

“Shhhh, he’s somewhere around here, also we don’t talk about that. It was years ago.” I say looking around panicked. Hoping he didn’t overhear.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry, it was a sweet crush though, you where head over heels.” She giggles, just then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“For who?” Alex asks innocently, obviously already multiple drinks in.

“No one, just an old school crush.” I say covering for myself. He looks at me with suspicious eyes. He probably noticed he was staring to long so he shakes his head looking down. The drinks obviously getting to him.

“Hey come on, let’s do shots.” He says getting out of his momentary funk grabbing my shoulders.

“Alex, I’m staying sober tonight, you know this. I have to drive you home.” I say and he sighs loudly.

“Your no fun.” He runs his hands through his hair letting go of me and walking to the counter. He takes 3 more shots and scoffs. I feel bad so I walk over to him leaning against the counter next to him. He puts his hand out for me and I grab it. He fiddles with my fingers. Picking at my nail polish which I’ll just have to re apply later.

“I’m sorry for dragging you along, I know you don’t like this stuff.” He says turning to look at me.

“It’s okay, I’m pretty sure I go anywhere you go anyways.” I say jokingly and he smiles to himself getting pink in the face. Probably the alcohol heating him up. He looks back up to my eyes.

“You…. You have really pretty eyes.” He says looking dazed. He makes it so hard to forget about my feelings. He loves to say horribly sweet things when he’s out of it. It’s another reason I didn’t want to come to the party. It hurts hearing him say things I wish he actually felt, only for him to go try and make out with random girls a few minutes later.

“Yeah yeah okay, I’m gonna go get you some water.” I say and go to the back yard looking for a cooler.

Much to my dismay the cooler happened to be In the front yards for some reason. So after 10 minutes of traveling between people and searching for it, I found it and grabbed a few waters. I’m about to walk back in the kitchen when Emma walks up to me.

“Your not gonna believe this. Alex just tried to make out with me. I mean he didn’t hide how insanely drunk he was so his oddness makes sense.” She says looking uncomfortable.

“Oh god I’m so sorry.” I apologize for my best friends behavior.

“You know, he said something weird.” She enquirers.


“He asked if He could call me your name.” She says funnily.

“Are you kidding?” I say shocked.

“No I swear. I mean he seemed so upset when I walked in the kitchen. He was downing a drink and I asked if he was okay. He kept asking where you had gone.”

“He so dramatic, I told him I was getting water.”

“He was probably to out of it. But I swear he sounded like you used to in school. Him getting all gushy about you.” She laughs. “I swear he’s just as infatuated with you as you where with him. Asking to call me your name and such.” She explains and my eyes go wide. I mean that’s insane right? We’ve been best friends since children.

“Why wouldn’t he just say something to me about it then?” I ask tuning my hand across my face, stressed. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I still felt the same. Watching him over these past few years. Performing the way he does. Getting to sit on the side and watch him. The way his hair fell as he played the guitar. Or the smooth sound of his voice ringing through my ears. He’s entrancing really.

But he always seemed so out of reach when it came to my feelings. He was a star. Who had all the options he wanted. Groupies and such. Why would he want me? So I never acted.

“Well, why didn’t you?” She says giving me a knowing look. “I think you should go speak to him.” She pats my shoulder and sends me into the kitchen. I walk in and I see him hunched over the counter fiddling with an empty shot glass. I walk over taking the shot glass out of his hands, setting it down. I grab his hand and lead the pouting man through the crowd, back out to the car.

“Why are we leaving so soon?” He asks slurred.

“Sweetheart, your drunk of your ass.”

“That’s beside the point.” He rolls his eyes, a big yawn taking over a few seconds later.

He leans his head on my shoulder and without answering his question I drive back to my place. Somehow I get him upstairs into bed without him passing out.

“Darling…” he says his hair falling over his eyes as he lays down.

“Yeah.” I say in the doorway about to head to the couch.

“I wrote a song about you.” He softly grins.

“Oh yeah? Can I hear it?”

“Maybe one day.” He giggles to himself and I can tell he’s to far gone.

“Goodnight Alex.” I say closing the door and going out to the couch.

When I woke the next morning I saw Alex sitting in the chair by the couch. He was drinking something hot as I could see the steam from the cup. I sat up and rubbed my eyes yawning.

“Morning.” He says softly as I get up and walk to the counter boiling some water, and grabbing a tea bag.

“Morning.” I respond in the same soft manner.

“Could we talk about last night.” He asks as I sit back down.

“Yeah I actually wanted to speak about that.” I say and he seams nervous.

“Alex… why did Emma from school tell me you asked to call her my name, before kissing her?” I said being quite blunt with it. If I didn’t get it out now, I never would.

“I- oh god, I’m a mess when I’m drunk aren’t I?” He says trying to laugh it off.

“Alex, be honest with me here, cause I don’t understand how you can say all theses complements and being dare I say flirtatious one minute, and then going and asking to call girls my name if you don’t feel some way…. About me.” I say cautiously. If this goes wrong I’m losing my best friend.

“You’re not wrong.” He says awkwardly.

“I’m not?” I say a bit flabbergasted. But mostly relieved.

“You just… hypnotize me. I can’t explain it. I don’t even know why it took me so long to realize it to be honest.” He says tucking his hair behind his ears. His dark eyes where big, almost surprised at the fact he was saying what he was saying out loud.

“But these past few months, I keep trying to tell you, but I would say something and you’d shoot me down. I would go find some girl to take my mind off you. But it never works. Cause….. cause there not you.”



“I’ve loved you since I was thirteen.” I say and I don’t think I’ve ever seen his face flash into a smile so big.

“Well that’s bloody good to hear.” He says.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, it’s just, you could chose anyone you wanted. Girls fawn over you. I just didn’t think it’d be me.” I say honestly and he gets up walking over to me.

“You daft woman.” He says scanning my face. I was confused for a second till he placed a hand to my cheek. His fingers ruff from the years of guitar. His eyes bore into mine making my knees week as he pulled me up. He placed a innocent kiss to my lips. It was almost like an apology for lost time we could of had if we where smarter. It was slow and sensual. His finger tips ended up in my hair as we pulled away.

“I’m infatuated with you.” He grins and I smile wide.

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2 years ago

☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ Home ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾


(Alex finally finds home on the road)

(Warnings: angst? Maybe fluff idk, making out)

(Words: 2077)

。 * ・゚★ 。* ・゚☆ 。* ・゚★ 。* ・゚☆

“I’m so excited!” My friend squealed from my side as she handed our tickets to the booth lady.

“I never thought they would come here.” She grins as we find our seats.

“Who are we seeing again? I mean we’re front row I feel like I should at least know.” I question, giggling to myself.

“Arctic monkeys.” She smiles, shaking her head at my forgetfulness. “I’m gonna grab us some drinks I’ll be back.” She says, heading to the extremely over priced bar.

I pull out my phone to look up some of their music, just so if I like it I’ll know which song is which after the performance. Once she heads back, the lights start to dim and the band walks out. People start screaming wildly as a song starts to be strummed on the electric guitar of the lead singer.

He definitely knows how to bring in a crowd. And control it for that matter. He spoke with a deep accent and his voice was smooth. 10 minutes into the show and his skin was already glistening with sweat and his hair shagged over his forehead. Every time he played a riff on his guitar all I wanted to do was stare at his fingers. The way they moved. I wanted his fingers on me.

He had just finished a song when he takes a break to address the audience.

“How are you all doing tonight, you all okay?” He says looking over me a bit.

“I think I need a drink.” I say to my friend shaking my empty cup.

“You need something to drink?” I hear and look up to see the lead singer looking straight at me. Not knowing how to respond to the attractive man in front of me. I just kinda let out a-

“Yes, I could do with something to drink.” I say, the heat rising to my cheeks. He turns around and grabs a water bottle from the back of the stage. He hands it to me, our fingers grazing a little bit, sending my body into orbit.

“I love that answer, it wasn’t just yes she was like, yeah I could do with a drink.” He says to the crowd making me want to hide within myself. He looks back down at me seeing my embarrassment.

“Oh I’m sorry, don’t be embarrassed. It was cute.” He grins. I just kinda look up in awe. My friend freaking out by my side. He continues the show, red dusted across his cheeks, as he plays a few more songs I know will be on my playlist by the end of the night.

The show finishes up and we start walking out to my car, my friend gushing about the obvious flirting coming from, who I now know is, Alex turner.

We are about to walk past the stage door, since the car is parked a little farther down that street, when the small crowd around it starts to yell. The band walks out. They sign a few things and are getting onto the bus, when he gets to the top step and our eyes meet. The security guards are about to direct us around the bus.

“Hey, hey, let them over.” Alex says and the guard brings us to him.

“Hi, sorry for calling you out like that earlier. Pretty people make make me all nervous. And I just start talking… like right now.” He says shaking his head to himself. The blush from earlier making place on his cheeks once again.

“It’s alright.” I smile. He just returns the favor, maybe staring a bit to long thought cause my friend clears her throat.

“Oh, uh, before you go I was wondering. We’re having a little after party. I know it’s late but…. Do you wanna come?” He asks. I look over to my friend. Catching his eye he adds- “both of you.”

She smiles wide nodding her head.

“Yeah that would be great.”

“Perfect, could I get your number.” He says and I look taken back.

“To give you the address.” He says playing it off smooth. So I give him my number and we bid each other good bye. As I’m walking away we hear a “let’s go Alex!” From the bus.

We get in the car and start driving to the destination.

“Do you realize that in one night you have made Alex turner blush twice?”

“I’m totally freaking out! You didn’t tell me the singer was gonna be hot!” I exclaim causing a loud laugh to escape her lips.

“Well I didn’t know I would be watching a live romcom happen before my eyes, but here we are!”

We drive up to the place and get out. It’s a large fancy hotel in a part of town I’m not rich enough to know well. We walk into the hotel and I look at my phone fore the room number. “Room 505.” I say and my friend drags me to the elevator. We end up on the suite level and we get to the door. Loud music pounds through the door as we knock, hoping it’s heard.

The door swings open and Alex turner stands behind it.

“I was getting nervous you wouldn’t show up.” He says stepping aside and letting me in.

He lead me towards the dance floor (a large group in the middle of the room) and my friend found her own stuff to do.

“You know, I never asked you your name.” He says, leaning in close to my ear so I could hear.

“Now I’m all for mystery, but I want to get to know you.” He continues. My eyes widen as I feel his hot breath on my neck.

“Y/n.” I say.

“Y/n….. that’s pretty.” He smiles to himself pulling away.

“Sorry that sounded very cliche.” He grins looking away.

“No no, it’s okay. I like my name coming from your mouth.” I say, a little to genuinely causing him to laugh.

“Well good, cause I’ll be saying it often.”

The whole night we where glued to each others sides. And we just… talked. We spoke of our lives and how we got to this point. We talked about our favorite music and movies. He talked about how it’s been on the road. How he misses the stability of being home. Having a home in general. But he’s living his dreams, so he couldn’t complain much.

It was about 4 am when he drags us to a quiet room, my friend passed out on a couch somewhere. We both sit on the bed, confessing drunken attraction.

“You’re so entrancing.” He whispers looking to my lips. Entangling his fingers in the hair at the base of my neck.

“I want to kiss you… can I kiss you?” I ask and without a response, he leans in placing a gentle kiss to my lips. My body is on fire as his fingers, which I couldn’t keep my eyes off of earlier, graze my body. Finding a permanent place on my waist as I pull in closer and heat up the kiss. He lays me down softly on my back as he leans over me. His had removing itself from my hair to caress my cheek. Delicately he pulls away placing his forehead to mine.

“You taste like home.”

I woke up the next morning to see him in a chair next to the bed with some headphones on jotting down some words to a notebook. I was lying on my side with my hand gripping my thigh. Obviously trying to find some warmth since the only blanket in the room was sprawled out on the floor. Out of reach. I sit up but I could tell he had been staring, cause the second I opened my eyes he quickly looked away.

“Good morning.” I say, and he lifts the headphones from his ears.

“Morning.” He responds a smile playing on his lips as he closes the book. Setting it down to the nightstand.

“Sorry for crashing here, it was rude of me.”

“I enjoyed the company, don’t worry. Plus’s your friend is quite buddy buddy with the lads after last night, so I don’t think they minded either.

And that’s how it started.

For the next 4 weeks, while they where in town, we hung out almost everyday. It was probably the best 4 weeks of my life. Filled with laughter and stollen kisses. Late nights with deep conversation. Just a sense of calmness neither of us had felt in a while. A sense of what Alex liked to call home.

But after the fourth week they had to leave. They had other tour stops that where to far to be hanging out here for.

“Come with us. Please. You don’t understand how happy you have made me these past few weeks. We just connect.” He pleads to me as we sit in room 505. The guys in the living room probably eaves dropping on our conversation.

“I want to, I want to be with you. But my life is here. My family, my job. Alex I want to but I can’t.”

“Please, I need you. I can’t do the rest of this tour without you with me. Everyday I’m with you I long to feel your hands entangled in my own, or your lips on mine. I can’t make it through the day without thinking of you. You- you feel like home.” He says making me think back to the night we met. His eyes looked glossy and his hair messy. And I could tell it was my fault. But what was I to do? I couldn’t drop my entire life to go on a tour. It was unrealistic.

“Alex I’m sorry.”

“No.” He cried.

“Alex I’m sorry I can’t.”

“No. No no no please.” He says placing his hands on each side of my face, leaning in leaving a longing kiss to my lips. He left them rough and my cheeks wet. I couldn’t tell you if the tears where his or mine. I pulled away and walked to the door.

“Alex I’m sorry, I can’t.” I say and exit the door. He follows me out to the living room, us now in-front of the others.

“Y/n please. I can’t leave you.” He begs as I walk to the hotel room door.

“I’m just another girl Alex. There will be other girls. Don’t mess up your life for me. It’s not worth it.”

“I love you.”

“You don’t know me.”

“I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

“Alex.” I sigh wiping my tears away.

“Don’t leave me.” He cries.

“I have to go… I love you, I swear I do, but I have to go. It’s for the best.” I say and quickly exit the hotel room. Sobs wrack over my body as I walk to my car and they continue into the night.

I woke up the next morning and they where gone. They had left an hour earlier. There next show being in a day they had to be quick. I couldn’t help but feel upset. But I had to remind myself it was for the best. It wouldn’t have worked out.


*2 months later*

As I was driving down the street to work, my friend called my phone up.


“Hey, guess what.”


“Arctic monkeys released a new album. And uh, I think you should look at it.”

“Okay hold on, I’ll turn it on at the red light.” I say just as I’m about to pull up. I quickly pull out my phone and search for the album. I’m about to just press play when I see it.


I press the song and as the light turns green and I begin to drive, I listen to the song.

“I’m going back to 505. If it’s a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive, in my imagination your waiting, lying on your side. With your hands between your thighs and a smile.”

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. I missed him. For months I’ve felt awful about not going with him. I should have gone with him. I love him and I didn’t take the chance when I had it. It’s been eating me up.

I pull over and scroll through my contacts. The phone rings for a few seconds tell I hear his voice on the speaker.

“Hello love.”

“Hey Alex, I- I want to see you. I need to see you.”

“God, I missed you.”

Tags :
2 years ago

Fluff request: Alex gets tired from work and when he comes back home he is all cuddly and soft

☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ Exhausted ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾

Fluff Request: Alex Gets Tired From Work And When He Comes Back Home He Is All Cuddly And Soft


(Warnings: tooth rotting fluff)

(Words: 521)

。* ・゚★ 。* ・゚☆ 。* ・゚★ 。* ・゚☆

It’s about 4 in the morning and Alex still wasn’t home yet. He was flying home from Vegas after a late show and asked me to stay up for him.

He landed like 30 minutes ago. So I check his location and see he’s almost here.

I head to the kitchen and put a kettle on. Getting out two cups and placing them on the counter. My large pajama pants dragging on the floor as I walk around the kitchen getting the sugar and cream. The kettle starts to scream so I get it and pour the water over the tea bags. Just as I’m about to put in the sugar I hear the door open and a large bag thud to the floor.

“Love?” He questions out loud. His voice is horse and quiet.

“I’m in the kitchen.” I say and I hear footsteps heading towards me. His boots squeaking a bit as he steps on the tile.

He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Resting his head in the crook of my neck, breathing In heavily.

“Thank you.” He whispers.

“For what.” I softly respond.

“For staying up, I just really wanted to see you. I missed you.” He says placing a small kiss to my neck.

“I missed you too.” I turn around in his grip and peck his forehead. Instead of responding he just leaded in and hugged me tighter.

He yawns softly and I could feel him looking at something.

“You made tea?”

“Oh, yeah but it seams like your to tired for some tea.” I say and he releases the hug.

“No no, I’m okay. I want to talk to you.” He reassured me as we grab are cups and sit on the couch.

“So how was the show?”

“It was really good. You would have loved it. We played a lot of your favorites.”

“Damn, I wish I could have gone.” I say as he grasps my hand.

“Yeah me too.” He responds looking down at his lap. He looks as if he’s about to cry.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to come to your more recent shows. This job sucks. I only got it cause they said I wouldn’t have to be In the office. Turns out they’re liars.” I say and he looks up to my eyes. “Maybe I’ll start looking for a new job.” I smile at him.

“You’re so sweet.” He says dramatically, a tear rolling down his cheek.

“Baby what’s wrong?” I question holding in my laughter.

“You’re just my favorite person. You’re to good for me.” He says rubbing his eyes.

“You’re exhausted, come on let’s head to bed.” I say and lead him to the room. He gets in his pajamas as I sit down in bed.

He joins me resting his head to my chest. His arms tight around my waist. I run my fingers through his hair as he listens to my heart beat.

“Im serious.” He whispers. “You’re amazing.”

“I love you Alex.” I smile to myself at his words. He’s always so sappy when he’s tired.

“I love you too.” He says as sleep quickly takes over.

Tags :
2 years ago

Worship you

Worship You

Alex turner x fem!reader

(Synopsis: Alex and her are both on the same tour together and they need some space from the tour bus for a night. That’s when they find an old church which happens to have the door unlocked.)

(Warnings: SMUT, little plot, they fuck in a church so…., weed)

(Words: 1474)

* ・゚☆ 。・ * ・゚★ 。・ * ・゚☆ * ・゚☆

After the show they just did, both her and Alex where looking for a few minutes to escape from all the chaos. Just a moment alone. They got high as they walked the streets of whatever town they where touring in that day.

They where stumbling around when they noticed an old buildings door was cracked open, his doped up mind couldn’t help but walk in. Her following close behind. They stumble into the large church and are immediately taken back by the beauty of the room. Large stained glass windows were illuminated by the moon. Giant sculpture like carvings engraved into the walls, and a glimmering large cross was hanging right above the altar. He ran his fingers across the pews as they passed each one till they got to the stairs.

She walks a little ahead of him, giving him a nice view of her little black skirt swaying in the cold air. Her knee high boots making her a few inches taller than normal, which drove him crazy. She looked like a goddess as she turned around at the top of the stairs to look at him.

She put her hand out calling him to her. He stands at the bottom step and takes her hand. Placing a kiss to the back.

“Isn’t this gorgeous.” She says looking around the place. A lazy smile playing on her lips. She didn’t even notice him staring at her with a soft look on his face. She was to mesmerized by the light. But he was mesmerized by her.

“Yes you are.” He says lightly bringing her attention back to him.

“Huh?” She grins.

“You belong in a place like this.” He says running his fingers down her arms.

“What do you mean?” She questions, a subtly confused look resting on her features.

“I’d worship you.” He says, his voice a little horse from the amount of singing he had done earlier in the night. He starts walking up the last few steps and places his lips to hers.

His hand runs across her waist under her oversized leather jacket. His other resting softly on her cheek as he deepens the kiss. The feeling of his lips on hers driving her crazy. He pushes his hand delicately under the lining of her shirt and she assists in his efforts dropping the jacket from her arms, giving him access to remove her shirt. She pushed him forward softly as he takes a few steps backwards down the stairs. He slowly dips to his knees in-front of her and looks up. The lace of her bra against her skin, and the draft from the old building in the cold wind, making her look like a piece of art. He delicately puts his hands on her hips gripping the fabric draped on them and pulls her skirt down. Slowly. The black lace covering her up underneath causing him to sigh.

She was a rockstar. No matter how ethereal she looked. A small part of her would always remind him who she was. She was rough under the beauty, and she knew how to be in control. Weather it’s with a crowd or him. The thought of her voice made him week.

She sat down on the top step. Her legs on either side of him as his knees became red from the stairs. He threw his head back in frustration. He was hard. Practically on fire. The sight of her sending his body into overdrive. He leans in placing his lips to hers as his arms reach around to her back unclasping her bra. He slides the straps down her arms removing it. The cold air making her nips hard as she lets out a barley audible gasp. He moves his mouth to her neck. At first leaving soft wet kisses but the feeling of her chest against him making him give up restraint. He starts to suck on her neck, nipping slightly. Light moans escaping her mouth. He moves down to her collar bone peppering kisses to her cleavage. He stops for a second to remove his t-shirt which, at the moment, feels extremely restricting. He then lays her down on her back. Her chest bouncing at the movement. He looks at her and moves a strand oh hair out of her face. He puts a hand on her shoulder almost preparing her for the sensation of his tongue running over her chest.

She moves a little causing him to place some pressure on her shoulder. His other hand messing with the little metal bar pierced through her nipple. She lets out a more audible moan than before as he sucks. She feels herself clench at the sensation. She’s antsy, not used to not being the one in charge. But he’s just so sweet. How could she say no?

She brings her hands to his hair massaging his scalp, running her fingers through his black hair as she clenches again. She can’t wait anymore. She can’t help but let out another noise.

“Alex please.” She whimpers.

He removes his mouth from her chest and brings sloppy kisses down her stomach in response. Positioning himself between her knees he removes the black lacy underwear from her body leaving her damp cunt to feel the cold air against it. The draft was almost painful to her bare skin as she lays on the floor of the church. But he would be able to tell after feeling her warm core on his skin.

He places his lips to her others and glides his tongue from bottom to top, ending at her clit where he places a kiss. Making a sweet sound escape her.

He moves his lips to suck on her making a loud moan leave her mouth. A tight feeling in his stomach occurring as he listened to her panting. He stops for a second bringing his fingers to her face. He looks at her and she complies as he puts them in her mouth, using his other hand to rub his knuckles against her wetness to keep her satisfied.

Removes his fingers from her mouth and he placed a soft kiss to her cheek.

“You’re perfect.” He whispers before placing his lips to hers. Simultaneously pushing two fingers into her cunt. Making her gasp into his mouth. He pumps back and fourth and she wines.

He leans his head down to continue sucking on her chest. The taste of the metal bar in his mouth making him grin.

Her voice was always beautiful, but the way she sounded now would always be his favorite. Cause it was all his fault. He uses his thumb to simultaneously rub her clit as she rides his fingers. Bucking her hips in rhythm. Which was a little painful on the hard floor of the chapel. But she didn’t mind.

His fingers are skilled from the years of guitar. So the sensation of him rubbing against her walls, pushing all her buttons made her pulsate. He kept going till he hit her spot. Her moans sounded like screams at this point as he kept hitting it. Her legs started to shake as he pumped one more time and she was done.

She released all over his fingers causing him to pull them out and lick them dry. Only to use his tongue to clean her up, inside and out, letting her come down from her high.

She let her body relax down onto the floor, looking up at the sparkling window above her. The feeling of his lips leaving kisses on her things making her let out a deep sigh. He got up to her face and looked down at her, him resting on his arms at either side of her face. He smiled down her obviously tired from the work he just did. But he tried not to show it. He enjoyed it just as much as her and he wanted her to know.

She couldn’t help but look up at him with the biggest smile. He’s beautiful. His sleepy eyes and dumb grin making her flush. Still weak in the knees she sits up from under him and he moves to sit next to her. He starts helping her get dressed. Clasping her bra in the back and sliding her shirt back over her head, placing a kiss to her forehead. She slides on her underwear and skirt. Standing up to throw on her jacket.

They exit the church. Holding hands in her pocket, they set off for the tour bus. They find it parked outside the venue and they climb in, seeing everyone is already there. Alex let’s the driver know they are ready to go and he sets off. They head back into the bunks and get ready for bed. Throwing on pajamas and brushing their teeth.

They lay in their bunks across from each other and talk into the night. Lulling each other to sleep with the sounds of their voices.

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2 years ago

Just posted a oneshot on here for the first time in a while. Y’all bitches better be happy.

Just Posted A Oneshot On Here For The First Time In A While. Yall Bitches Better Be Happy.

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3 years ago

My Professor

Two share a mutual feeling. Tingles pass through them in each others presence, what could that mean?

Or Student Y/n's first day with Mr Turner.

word count: 1,196 words

My Professor



Those numbers were the current mantra Y/n was repeating in her head. Trying to calm herself down for the inevitable first day of university. She would have been fine if it wasn't a new environment . She would have to meet people all over again. Put herself in an uncomfortable situation she shouldn't even be in. If only she could have stayed, but this was a good opportunity for Y/n. She had gotten a scholarship for university. If she passed up that chance she would not hear the end of it from her father. She always focused in school, not really having much of a social life anyways left a lot of time for her. She was happy she finally got recognition for the hard work.

She needed the scholarship as well. It just being her and her dad, money was tight. When she was little her mother was actually with them. They always were at each other's throats. Yelling, screaming, and fighting. Nearly every single day. Y/n doesn't really remember when her parents were happy together. Which was weird because her father said they were soulmates.

Everyone apparently had a soulmate. Y/n was a little scared of them. She only had the knowledge of soulmates through her parents. So the example they set for her did not let her have a good opinion on them.

She had goosebumps all over her arms and a sinking feeling in her stomach. Was she really that nervous?

Alexander was freaking out all morning. He was currently trying to rearrange his classroom to his liking. He had forgotten too the day earlier. He wanted it to be perfect. He was a new professor and he needed to impress his new students. Not like he needed to I mean look at the man. He was clearly attractive ,but he never believed so. He had been shaking all morning. At first he thought he just didn't eat enough, that he maybe had low blood sugar. So he ate, but he was still clearly shaking afterwards. He just chalked it down to him having nerves about his first day.

He was very young to be a teacher. He was around twenty-eight years old and he had yet to find his soulmate. He honestly thought he didn't deserve one or that he was just destined to be alone. He had come to that conclusion a long time ago. It made him feel a little bit better.

Alexander had finished setting up the classroom and let out a big sigh. Tired from so much work so early in the day. He sat down waiting for the class to file in at around an hour.

Y/n saw the kids walking through the doors. She was a bit behind. Waiting to the catch the door and get there in time. She was the last to enter. Everyone had already found a seat. She glanced around the room looking for a seat. "There's one f'yeah love. In the front" She turned to where the voice was. She let out a gasp. Dropping her water bottle she had brought in the process. Her skin erupted into goosebumps, feeling like there was this itch in her she needed to scratch badly.

Alex had a problem of his own. He was frozen. He couldn't move. Nor did he want to be away from the beautiful girl in front of him. Their eyes didn't move from each others. He could sense the stares from the other students in the room. He couldn't care less about what they were doing. His stomach filled with butterflies and his cheeks flushed a bright pink. Was it her?

Y/n broke the eye contact while picking up her bottle and scurried to her seat. Her body didn't want to be away from him ,but to avoid any other conflict she would have to walk away. Alex sat in his desk and cleared his throat. "Um, Alright I'm Mr. Turner I'll be your musical theory teacher. I'm just going teh start wif the attendance. Christian?"



"Here Sir."



"Y/n?" She raises her arm.

"Uh here, Mr Turner." He looks up and blushes like crazy. Jesus he is not going to survive this year.

He soon then finished attendance. He was only missing around two students. If they are absent it is on their accord not his so he doesn't care. He is in the middle of explaining how this class runs and what to expect.

"Music theory is much like learning a second language. It takes time and over this course yeh will begin teh understand it. I can assure yeh all will be pros by the end of this semester and starting second we can get into the more advanced 'fings. Which I'm very.." He starts to trail off catching sight of Y/n. He pauses seeing her small smile she had given him. He gives one back right away and returns his thoughts back to the lesson. "I'm very excited to get into that. Now I honestly have nothing left for yeh lot. So class dismissed. Oh also read the first chapter in the books I hope all yeh bought." Within a blink of an eye all of the students have stood out of their chairs and booked it towards the door. For some reason Y/n stays behind.

"What can I d'yeh for love?" He asks. The pet names sink into Y/n.'I'd love to hear that more often' She shakes the disrespectful thought from her head. "I was wondering if we'd need any more extra materials for this class?" He's glad she stayed behind. He needs to be next to her or around her. His body won't let him otherwise. "Uh yes shit I have some paper here somewhere on me desk." He says tossing things around to find the list she needs. "Ah! Here it is. I honestly was going teh pass it out next class ,but I'll let yeh have it early." He hands over the blue slip to her. While taking the paper she brushed his hands in the process.

They both take big steps away from each other. Y/n has this hazy feeling over her. While Alex's hand is burning from the touch. It's not a bad type of burn. It feels really nice. Even though that put Y/n in a weird mindset she decides to break the silence. "What was that?" Alex looked up from his hand that was now tingling. He looks very panicked and it freaks her out a little bit. "What are you feeling right now?" he asks. "Dizzy sort of. Like Immediately felt like that after I touched your hand." She explains. His eyes go wide and a big smile forms on his lips. " I didn't think I'd find yeh. Never in a million years would I have thought you would be real." He sounds very airy and relieved. "What are you talking about?" She fumbles. He reaches for her hand bringing back the tingles. "Love you're my soulmate." Excuse me?

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3 years ago

My Professor Pt. 2

Two share a mutual feeling. Tingles pass through them in each others presence, what could that mean?

Or Y/n and Alex are soulmates!

Warnings: AGE GAP! Both are consenting adults

word count: 1,103

My Professor Pt. 2

"What are you feeling right now?" he asks. "Dizzy sort of. Like Immediately felt like that after I touched your hand." She explains. His eyes go wide and a big smile forms on his lips. " I didn't think I'd find yeh. Never in a million years would I have thought you would be real." He sounds very airy and relieved. "What are you talking about?" She fumbles. He reaches for her hand bringing back the tingles. "Love you're my soulmate." Excuse Me?

Y/n immediately pulled her hand out of his. Causing Alex to look at her with a frown. Deep down in her tummy she could feel the disappointment of being away from his touch. "Yeah no, that's impossible." Alex stepped forward once again taking her hand and held it to his heart. He sighed once he could feel her on him. "Your hearts beating like a hummingbird." Her hand feels warm. It leaves him feeling tranquil. "That's because of you. You're my soulmate." Y/n lets a shaky breath at those words. She wished he'd stop saying them. "There has to be something wrong. I'm too young to have a soulmate." She says panicking. She starts to feel overwhelmed and scared. She stumbles back a little while Alex rushes to her aid. He sets her down on one of the desks chairs and he seats himself in one next to her. "There's no age limit to find your other half darlin'. It happens naturally." He coos brushing her hair over her shoulder to make her feel more comfortable.

"So we really are soulmates?" She asks, still a little shaken up. He gives her a big smile and a nod of his head. "Um how old are you?" She turned 18 last year so she'll be turning 19 soon. "I'm twenty-eight love." He had to live twenty-eight years without his soulmate. Longing for her the entire time. "I'm sorry you had to wait so long to find me." Alex honestly didn't care how long he waited. He finally got what he wanted and he couldn't be more happy about finding the beautiful girl in front of him. "I just really didn't think I'd ever find you, but it's all worth it now." There was still that awkwardness between the both of them. Mainly coming from Y/n. She had no idea how to handle this information. What was her dad going to think? Would he be upset? Also she'd have to move out since she can't be away from Alex for a long period of time. "I can see the gears turning in your head. Everything is going to be fine I swear." Alex reassures her. She turns her head towards his and smiles. "I just want to know how this is going to work. I also know nothing about soulmates." Alex is willing to explain every single thing to her ,but he was confused. Why didn't she know about soulmates? "What'd ya mean you know nothing about soulmates?" It saddened him a little knowing she was clueless about it ,but he was happy that she would probably have a lot of firsts with him. "Um My dad never taught me about them. He kind of shunned the idea of them since my mother left." She had tried to ask about them before. That ended her up with a snarky remark and a grounding to stay in her room with no dinner. That was specifically evil. Dinner was her favorite meal of the day.

"Well we feel the full extent of everything once we uh have sex. With each other of course." Jesus he just made that more awkward. A blush creeps its way onto Y/n's face once again. "We also can't be away from each other for long periods of time and when we are with each other you're supposed to feel tingly, warm, and calming." He was right about the last part. The both of them felt that already. Alex was definitely excited to feel more. "How is the 'can't be away from each other' thing going to work? I currently live with my dad still so." That was one of the things worrying her at the moment.

She knew her dad would forbid her leaving with her soulmate. It did make her feel upset that her father would probably deny her the love from her soulmate and force her to be miserable. "When we are away from each other we feel pain. It's not unbearable ,but it's like an uncomfortable amount. It also feels like there's an itch under our skin that we can't scratch." Once Alex had gotten done explaining Y/n's phone went off.


Aren't classes done for the day. Why aren't you home yet?

"Shit, it's my dad. He's expecting me home soon. I'm sorry." Alex started to panic. She was leaving him already. She can't, he won't survive without her. He hadn't realized he blanked and had tuned back into Y/n calming him down. "Hey, I promise you it's going to be okay, alright? I'm not leaving you forever. I just have to go home for tonight." Y/n did not want to leave what so ever. She wanted to stay and hear him talk for hours. "Can I at least have your number? Please, I just need to know I can call you." He could honestly start crying at this point. It hurt him a little too much knowing he could not be with her every minute of the day. "Yes of course."

Y/n had since left and so did Alex. She waited for him to lock up his classroom before leaving to go back home. He offered to give her a ride ,but she opted out for walking. It gave her time to listen to her music.

It was around 3:30 p.m. when she got home to her father. "What took you so long leaving?" Her Father interrogated right when she stepped into the kitchen. "I had a few questions for my new teacher. He was super nice about it." She smiled. Her Father's eyebrows raised suspiciously. "How nice was this teacher?" She was faced away from him so he couldn't see her big grin. "Very nice. Helped figure out the extra materials and everything." He was still not buying it. "Well I would love to answer more questions ,but I'm leaving to my room now!" She rushes running upstairs to her room. Kicking the door closed behind her, she jumps on her bed and checks her messages.


Miss you already <3


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