All Might Imagine - Tumblr Posts
Oh my GOD. I just- brain FRIED- nerves on FIRE. You did such a good job with him and I can’t wait to read the others in your new series 😍😍😍
rainy morning (pt.1 in the ‘your first creampie’ series)

-Yagi Toshinori x f!reader-
smut drabble and the first part to ‘your first creampie’ series! (sidenote: these aren’t always going to primarily focus on the creampie part. if I did that, they’d just get repetitive. it will always be a part of the piece, just not the focus)
I love this. It was an absolute joy to write. It’s probably one of my favorite pieces I’ve written to date! So I hope you guys enjoy it as much as well!

You spit the rest of the toothpaste out, plopped the toothbrush down, and trudged into the hall, fussing to keep your eyes open in the light.
Flicking the switch off, Toshinori spoke, “Field Day was canceled due to the rain.”
“Oh, sorry,” you mumbled. “I know you were looking forward to this.”
“It’s alright. We can always reschedule, and you can go back to bed.”
You immediately retreated to the bedroom and burrowed into the blankets. They were still plenty warm from when you left five minutes ago. Rain drowned out the usual morning noises of birds and cars. It lulled your eyes closed.
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I’m in love with All Might x daughter reader how about a headcanon on how’d they spend the day together?
All Might spending the day with his daughter..

Your probably the first one to wake up before him but you don’t really mind, when it’s the weekend you often make pancakes or omelettes for the both of you.
If he’s not busy planning things and if Aizawa doesn’t leave the class homework over the weekend you two will basically spend the whole day out.
He didn’t mind you choosing where to go.
So often you both went to the mall, the zoo or even to the beach.
You’d even invite Midoriya to join the both of you since All Might and you enjoyed his company so much.
Okay but when you go to the mall you make your dad try on clothes.
“Hmm... not really your style.”
“Bad color.”
“Doesn’t go with your eyes.”
At this point your father’s tired of trying on so many different clothes.
FINALLY you chose clothes that work well with him.
A lot of people will recognize you out in public.
“Wow isn’t that All Might’s daughter?”
“You’re right she is!”
At times you wished people would treat you as Y/N Yagi not as All Might’s daughter.
When your dad saw the annoyed look on your face he’d apologize which would make you confused because.. he can’t really apologize for being your father?
Going out to get ice cream because why not?
You’d probably talk about world theories with him.
“Okay but just think about the world might be flat have you SEEN the ocean?”
“Y/N.. kid please just eat your ice cream..”
“The ocean is FLAT TOO!”
You take A LOT of pictures together and send them to Midoriya (who probably might or might not save them on his phone)
If you find a T-Shirt with his All Might form on it you’ll get it and show him.
“Dad look it’s you!”
“Why’d you buy that Y/N?”
“Well I gotta support the number 1 hero dont i?”
You also make sure to bring napkins since often he spits up a bit of blood so you always come prepared boi.
All in all spending the day with him is fun and Toshinori loves it as well.
Hey hey! Could you write abt the reader who’s All Mights kid who just ranked #1 Pro Hero. Keep up the good work!!
Dad All Might x Reader: #1 Hero
He’d be so supportive. Probably is surprised but super excited for you. Buys all your merchandise and even tries to disguise himself so he can get your autograph but you just humor him since you definitely saw through his disguise. He watches every fight thats broadcast and cheers you on from his living room and records them.
Every single photo and news article is clipped and put in a scrapbook. He has a small room dedicated to your merch. He goes to every event of yours and makes sure to let you know how proud he is of you. He loves you so much and is extremely worried every time you get hurt. He definitely visits you in the hospital every time you get hurt fighting. He’s your number 1 fan and even helps you with whatever you need, but you’re #1 now, so how much help could you need?
Hey tumblr! I know you won’t disappoint me, right? Trying to prove a point with this poll.