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AU where the McCall pack run a popular vlog about their supernatural exploits and normal lives, and after a close brush with death against the sword wielding Oni, viewers keep asking Kira to train her girlfriend Allison.

Femslash Week –> January 31st: Canon Divergence
Allison notices that Kira looks uncomfortable at the party, so she goes over to help her feel welcome.
Aaand here’s the accompanying fic!

kiraweek2023: Day 4, Kira’s Childhood
|| for @kirayukimuraappreciation event
|| tags : kira/allison, canon divergence, they’re both 14, childhood crushes, love confessions & first kisses
“So, what’s going on? You’d never pull me away from the fair without a reason.” Allison bumps her shoulder into Kira’s and Kira instantly blushes red, fidgeting with the folded notebook paper in her hand.
“I um- I wanted to give you this.” She hands the note over and immediately looks out to the water. It’s low tide, the waves crashing softly behind the noise of the summer fair on the boardwalk. Both girls have been looking forward to it for the past few months, Kira knew she wanted to tell Allison about how she felt today, and she’s pretty sure Allison plans on winning every fair game she possibly can.
“You like me.” It’s not a question, the note tells Allison exactly how big of a crush Kira has on her. Still, Kira buries her face into her hands and groans, she can’t believe she finally makes a friend only to fall into the deepest romantic feelings she’s ever had.
“I- I’m sorry. It’s not like I planned on it, or- or that’s why I became friends with you, I just- I’ve never felt like this before and it felt wrong to keep it from you.” Not to mention the teasing comments her mom and dad have been making since she told them that she likes girls, they had put it together pretty quickly that Kira meant she liked a girl, Allison.
“I like you too.” Argent says so simply, her voice calm and steady, not a hint of nervousness leaking through and her expression a soft smile.
“Really?” It’s maybe a little too eager but Allison only grins wider, interlocking her and Kira’s hands. It’s not the first time they’ve held hands but Kira’s heart skips a beat and she thinks her cheeks might be on fire with how flushed they are.
“Yeah, really. Does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” She nods instantly and they both laugh lightly, Kira’s eyes not leaving the way Allison’s lips shine under the lip gloss she has on, they look velvet soft.
Kira doesn’t realize she’s staring so obviously until Allison’s free hand comes to cup her jaw, lifting her face up carefully and her eyes flicking between Kira’s lips to her eyes. Asking a silent question. Kira surges forward as a response, pressing her lips harsh against Allison’s, not really sure what’s she’s doing as she’s never kissed someone before, but Argent tilts her face to the side so there’s better access and she pulls Kira in closer. It feels like those metaphorical fireworks people always talk about go off and her whole body is filled with electricity sparking the longer her and Allison kiss.
Someone on the pier screams in excitement, Kira knows exactly what they mean.
I just love the fact that Kira and Allison switched weapons in their fight scene. It indicates their trust in one another, their level of comfort. If a weapon is an extension of a warrior, it stands to reason that a lot of trust goes into surrendering that weapon and then to use an untried weapon - better yet, someone else’s weapon - during a battle, shows how much your life depends on the other person. That they could get to that stage in such a short period of time and the fact that neither woman is concerned about the other’s place in Scott’s life is awe inspiring. This moment isn’t about Scott, it isn’t even about the twins or Isaac, it’s all about Allison and Kira, and I sort of love that.
remember when kira and allison casually switched weapons in the middle of battle because i do it was the sexiest thing ever