Also Hyrule Warriors Link = Hyrule Warriors Think - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Like adding to that he could somehow overwork himself, to the point where the chain CAN'T EVEN SEE HIM because he's just surrounded by enemys, and then when everything's gone this guy either passes out, or is on the verge of it, yea I had them think of this cause I realised the original idea wasn't actually that angsty, anyways I ramble bye

Wait I had a cool angsty idea, even if I am a random person, I love wars, so I come up with alot of ideas for this guy, and I also love angst, so he is my victim, but idea: everyone ignores the fact that wars is able to literally PLOW through enemys like their flys. So what if during battles he just holds back to let the chain do their thing, but when the rest of them are pretty banged up and the others are tending to them, he just goes HAM on these bokoblins, like this guy looks insane, and the chain just sit there and watch like: Holy shi-, IS THAT NOT INTERESTING IDK?!, anyways sry if I'm annoying you'd just seem like the type of person,since we both seem to have a love for making angst of our blue scarfed boy



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