Also I Have Something Coming Out As Well So - Tumblr Posts
hi :D could i request tamaki with a s/o who cries easily? i adore your writing fiakdndncnc
wow so like I got super carried away with it ... but it was so cute to write !!! thank you for sending this in and awe stop your making me blush 🤡
on another note; Happy Thanksgiving everyone ! Hope your enjoying your time with your family!!

— tamaki has learned that with you, positive compliments mean crying
— “Your one of the bravest people I know.”
— “T-T-Tamaki...”
— he just shakes bc he made u cry
— and then he just whips out a box of tissues and then turns around to hide behind the wall while you cry over his compliment
— mirio commended you on a quick thinking move you made and tamaki had to ask for a couple toilet rolls from the janitor to dry up your tears that fell from your face
— you are so glad you keep makeup wipes in your bag because your mascara ran like the flash down your face skdkxk
— people in the halls just stare at you guys because jeez man he just complimented you it’s not that big of a deal—
— “I’m gonna make you proud Tama!” you blow into the tissue
— “You already do.”
— the waterworks are activated again
— he likes giving you compliments but he doesn’t like seeing you cry
— even if they’re happy tears
— “y/n, please don’t cry love...”
— you just huff and bawl your eyes out because hE cAlLeD yOu LOVE
— how are you not supposed to cry at the pet name like ???
— when you guys are out doing hero work and people compliment or cheer you guys on
— tamaki hides against the wall and you just swallow and start fanning your eyes
— “Y/HERO/N are you ok?”
— “I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine it’s just—“ sniff “whEW ok ok I think I’m good”
— then you look down at the crowd of people it’s all over man
— your quirk should be tears instead of whatever it is
— god your so glad you decided to put a mask on your hero costume cause when you took it off your mask had imprinted against your face and soaked all your tears and the eyeliner you used to fill in the gaps makes you look like a raccoon
— you kind of just 🥴 but keep it moving
— people are kind of surprised when they ask who asked you out first and you reply tamaki
— he gets shy when you tell the story bc he can’t believe that he was that brave and the fact that you cried that much kekskdkfmdn
— it took weeks for him to finally work up the courage to tell you he likes you
— every time he would walk up to you you would turn and he would pretend like he was going the wrong way
— until finally you turned and he managed to keep his ground
— “Tamaki! Is there something you need?”
— he just freezes and starts shaking
— mirio is in the wall thumbs up, nodding and ready to push him back around incase he goes to the wall to hide
— meanwhile he’s shaking like a leaf and stuttering looking back at you and the wall
— your vv concerned for him and ready to ask him does he need to go to recovery girl but then he finally speaks
— “I...I...I really admired your strength and quick thinking today...”
— “Oh...Tama—“
— “And uh...I think your really cool...and sweet...a-and pretty...i uh...”
— he gets so nervous he wants to turn around and run
— good thing nejire is around the corner so she can stop him lmaooo
— he’s shaking and your quiet until finally he just pulls out two tickets to go to an amusement park
— “And I...I was hoping you would go out w-with me.”
— poor tamaki is practically about to phase through the floor with all this shaking
— your just quiet until you make a noise and he looks up
— and holy shit your crying
— the big three are all confused like what lol he just asked you out not insulted you skdksks
— like snot running down your nose lips doing that weird inhale thing they do eyes red and makeup messy
— idk why y/n hasn’t invested in any waterproof mascara tbh
— he’s panicking and he’s like “oh no I did something wrong oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap”
— “I-I-I’m so sorry if I said something to offend you—“
— “I’ll go out with you!” You cry pulling out a handkerchief
— he just stares at you while you blow your nasty snotty nose into a handkerchief that’s gets washed 5 times a day
— “W-W” he cringes at that nasty blow you blow into the handkerchief and wipe your eyes “What day?”
— “I-It’s Saturday...if you...want to go.”
— you wipe your nose with your sleeve and take the ticket “Thank you Tamaki. I can’t wait to spend time with you.”
— then you leave and he’s just shaking bc yOu wANnA sPeNd tImE wItH hIm
— tamaki.exe has stopped working
— anyways fast forward a couple days and you guys head to the amusement park
— ur concerned bc he keeps hiding behind you while you guys walk around
— in reality he just really wants to hold your hand but he’s too shy lol
— so he just fine with walking behind you
— you guys play a couple of stands where you guys play and you continuously lose and he wins most of them and then shyly gives you the presents games and go on a couple rides and all in all have a good time
— he wins you a cute plushie of your pro hero agency and you swallow back your tears
— anyways you guys get to one of those stands where you can win a prize and
— There’s a Fatgum plushie smiling at you both
— you turn to him with a huge smile and go
— “I’m gonna win you one.”
— poor baby doesn’t know what to say bc he wanted to win you another plushie
— he wants to be manly like Kirishima kskdkskf
— but anyways you step up and grip the handle and swing as hard as you can and make it up to seven
— seven
— seven
— he watches your facial expression fall like a roller coaster and he is confused as to why you look like your about to cry
— but no you just pucker your lips and give the next person the mallot and walk off and he follows
— and your guys take about nine steps before you erupt like a geyser
— Everyone is just staring and he’s trying to calm you down but your just not lmao
— “Y/N, please. Calm down.”
— “Y/N love it’s ok I still like you.“
— you just pause and look at him and he’s like starting to panick realizing what he did
— and you just stare and then start sniffing again
— he hoped him telling you he likes you would calm you down
— but it didn’t he just admitted his feelings and now your shook
— so he’s panicking and your crying because you lost AND the fact that he likes you
— wow you are sister shook
— but anyways once he stops panicking he finally manages to calm you down so you can enjoy the last half our of the amusement park
— your still bummed out about not winning like any of them at all but hey now you have stuffed toys to put on your bed
— he takes you to the bathroom first so you can clean up the mascara that has run down your face and made you look like a raccoon
— he gets you some food too because after crying you certainly do get hungry
— “What did you eat Tamaki?”
— he holds up a chicken leg (food and an actual chicken leg on his arm) and you end up choking and laughing
— he just smiles softly bc he’s glad he was able to make you smile again