Also I'd Let Her Mind Control Me - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Okay okay okay here we go

Indri as The Lonely. The steward of the solitary self both personally and magically.

Mirara as The Dark, with heavy influence from The Stranger. She is the moon, and the shadow, and the darkness, and is so magically powerful that she's become *wrong,* at least by human standards.

Hecaea as The Buried or The Corruption. Girl has a lot of moss and animal stuff going on okay-

Ame following in Grandma Wren's steps as The Web. Rather than demonstrating immense individual power, though she certainly had it, she tends to her dominion through connection. Her strengths lay not only within herself, but in the network of control and allyship she cultivated over decades. There are so many complex pieces in the puzzle of Grandma Wren, each tended to with intense care, and Ame is inheriting the power that comes with that.

Eursalon as The Stranger. Whether he's a victim or an avatar, I genuinely don't know— either way, he's surrounded by people unlike him, taking on an appearance that doesn't match his actual body in order to blend in in a place he doesn't belong.

Steel as The Slaughter. War for the sake of war, death for the furtherance of the Citadel's political power. Possibly bordering The Web, considering the mind control and manipulation.

grimore as the hunt and suvi as the eye obviously but what do we reckon the rest are? the stranger indri? oooh! or maybe even the web indri! are we feeling the dark or the end for mirara?

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