Also Same Abt The Ancient Egypt Obsession - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Woo Do-Hwans Unusual Angles Have Always Made Me Think Of Akhenaten, Egypts Heretic Pharaoh And Father
Woo Do-Hwans Unusual Angles Have Always Made Me Think Of Akhenaten, Egypts Heretic Pharaoh And Father
Woo Do-Hwans Unusual Angles Have Always Made Me Think Of Akhenaten, Egypts Heretic Pharaoh And Father

Woo Do-Hwan’s unusual angles have always made me think of Akhenaten, Egypt’s heretic pharaoh and father of King Tut. I can’t not see the resemblance. As Akhenaten got older he got more freaky looking (royal inbreeding has it’s price), but there’s no denying the resemblance. Yeah, I used to be hella obsessed with researching Ancient Egypt.

Damn, but Woo do-Hwan can act. He just amazes me constantly. Hope he’s surviving his military service okay. Poor bastard got assigned to an area that is really cold. Hopefully filming all those historical dramas during the cold-ass months and getting up at 5am for early shoots will make it easier for him. 

I like to imagine Lee Min-Ho sends him care packages each month with warm socks, an assortment of mini macarons, dried squid (yum!), some sort of egg-themed snack, and the occasional bit of old school porn that makes Do-Hwan giggle and blush. Such a thoughtful sunbae.

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