Also. She Really Said Hey Let Me Open Up A Bit Lol - Tumblr Posts

"Funny story that," Elizabeth laughed remembering the day Charlie and Anna met Wally. "My best friend thought the same about Wally when my godson went back home and told them he had a new friend. When they meet Wally, they were surprised, to say the least. They also were also glad that he didn't turn out to be some creeper. So you guys share that in common."
She held up two fingers on her right hand, "That's all I ever do, be brutally honest at times. Scouts honor." Making a mental note about learning a good peach cobbler pie recipe, she moved and nodded as to let him know that she was listening to what he was saying only to be met with another wave of emotions that she didn't know how to react. One moment they had been talking about Dolly, the next it was about how Wally's life had changed that day they met. A small piece of her felt guilty, knowing that he had always known what had taken her a long time to figure out. The statement also had her think over just how much she had changed too. Wally had changed her life in a way she didn't think possible. "I think we both changed each other, I know he changed me for the better. I hope I didn't change him for the worse."

She was taking in everything Jim was saying, glad to be able to talk to someone freely about how she felt about everything. With Charlie and Anna it was easy, she left and came like the breeze whenever she felt like it, no need to stick around when she wasn't needed. This was different. She wanted to be here. She wanted to get to know them all, but there would always be that piece of her that told her she didn't deserve it. That she didn't fit in and that they all deserved better but listening to him talk about what he had seen between the two of them, just made her happy. There was a time where being read so well by someone would be a death sentence to her, a grave mistake, but this observation just made her glad that everyone could see how much she did care.
"When did you two realize there was something more between you?" As always, she would never miss out in hearing a good story especially about her boyfriends family who never disappointed with a good one. "At least I'm in good company in this pond." Nodding in agreement, she followed his lead, getting up to purchase the couple of items she had her mind on. "Which one?" She asked generally curious about which book he had seen in her hand. In the last couple of weeks she had began to carry two books around when she had her bag with her. One that her therapist had suggested and a fiction novel for when she needed a break from all the real world things that were occurring. "You a big reader?"

He appreciated the kindness Liz showed him and his family. "I am not going to lie but I felt a little uneasy when Annie came back and said she had met her new friend. I was thinking a child but come to find it was an adult. But I am glad that you didn't turn out to be a creeper." A small little joke to ease any lingering nerves.
"I can't have sugary treats. They make my teeth hurt and you're right. Things are too sweet for the sake of being too sweet are usually covering up for something. Usually how bad they really are. Peach cobbler here is really good. Just the right amount but you need to promise you will tell me your thoughts afterwards."
"He can be slightly overprotective sometimes. A trait he shares with his sisters actually. Which when you think about it is funny since he's the most easy going of the lot. But, yeah" he nodded as the time was remembered. Wally had been the baby of the family and he got to see him grow up and go through all his awkward phases just like he did his own brothers. "He really did make us work for it. You'd think being godfather to our children helped our cause but it did not." Jim chuckled thinking he was so silly. "I remember he had a week assignment on the mainland and he nearly missed his flight because he didn't want to let us dogsit. Suffice to say Meli wrestled him down until he relented. It was purely separation anxiety. Which I get. But when he gets stubborn he gets stubborn. Though, I don't know if you believe in it or not but fate would be that it was the trip he met you." Story details were a little fuzzy still but he knew the fact that Wally had come back a changed man after that encounter. "He denies this but you changed him that day."

Jim laughed knowing how daunting that could be. "I understand how that could trigger some sort of anxiety but everyone's journey is different. It took me a while to realize that too. I think either you have figured or Wally has told you that I am a half sibling. But I was never treated like one. Not for the lack of similar looks, everyone thinks we're all fully related, but coming to terms with not being the outsider looking in takes time. And maybe that is why you and I got along better because there is an understanding here that no one else can really relate to. You met your one when it was the time it needed to happen. I met my wife as an awkward seven year old but we didn't date until years later. We kept being pushed together because we had two weddings back to back for our siblings to attend to. So, you know, we didn't really make it easy on ourselves. It's easy to let yourself get drowned with the what ifs but you and Wally just go. I turn into a creeper when I see you two interacting and it is just easy to see. The love is there. The playfulness of friendship dancing between you is obvious. Watching you with him, I just get it. It's not in your face but it's there. You'd do anything for him and he'd do the same for you. He's always been affectionate because that's how he is but with you, there's a deeper level to it." Jim chuckled and nodded, stretching his legs to get up. "Guess that makes us the odd ducks of the family. We should really finish up and get to that ice cream shop before I melt into this sofa cushion. Maybe you can tell me more about that book I saw you carrying around the other day."