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yeah, Soul is just a guy and he regularly starts his conversations with “yo” and “what up mfs” and kickflips his trident and drinks two full cases of monster in a month because he’s a little silly and has main character energy when he is not busy being depressed but what i need you all to understand is that he is cold and bitter and violent when he allows himself to be. One minute he’s laughing and joking and the next he’s holding his trident up to Mind’s neck for making too rude of a comment towards Heart as a clear threat to get the other to shut up or he’s pinning Heart against the wall for attempting to punch Mind and digging the prongs of the trident into his side just to show the other who’s in charge. When he gets angry, he changes from the silly and mostly enjoyable presence into something a little more sinister and violent, a personality that both Heart and Mind have come to fear over time, someone who is unbothered by his sudden shift in morality and will not hesitate to manipulate and hurt others to get his way. And it’s not like Soul enjoys it, but it’s not really like he has a choice. As a separate being from the other two, he no longer has mind’s logic or heart’s sense as an innate part of him to help hinder and control that violence and bitterness inside of him, so when he gets like that its not always easy for him to come back to himself and his senses and it terrifies the other two. Do you understand. I need you all to realize this.