Also The Way His Smile Starts On One Side And Then Spreads In That Gif! Wth - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Some Part Of Her Thought He Would Be Upset That She Was Planning To Leave, That It Had Always Been The

Some part of her thought he would be upset that she was planning to leave, that it had always been the plan. Things had changed since that plan had been drawn up. "Yeah," came from her softly. "Very different." The thoughts of where she could have been right now had she not decided to take this road seemed like a fantasy that belonged to someone else right now could she ever chose to be anywhere else but right here right now? A thought that scared her, as much as it made her happy, excited even about what this would mean. What it could become.

There was no quip to give as he said the obvious, she did like it when he ran his finger through her hair. A simple gesture that somehow just meant the world to her. "Easy?" There was a hint of a giggle in her tone, she knew all too well she never made anything easy when it came to her. Not because she didn't want to but because she just couldn't. It was a survival skill. One that he patiently waited out. "There's a book?" Her brows furrowed, confused about an adventure book, though it was forgotten for a moment when he brought up moments from what felt like a lifetime ago. She recalled that feeling now as she looked into his eyes. It had unsettled her then, she didn't understand what it was about his gaze that made her look away, sometimes it felt like shame. "Maybe, I don't recall not being able to do that." She teased.

A couple of months back when she began to realize what she felt for him, it dawned on her the real reason why she couldn't meet his gaze as much as she liked to stare into his eyes. It was because he had seen her. Had always seen her. He had seen her for a long time and didn't leave or hold anything against her and it unsettled her for many reasons. But that was long ago, now she liked it. Made her feel seen, known, cared for, made her know that she wasn't someone hard to love, someone that was unlovable. She was capable of being more than just the shell of a girl living on habits forced upon her. She was more than what she had been raised to be.

Some Part Of Her Thought He Would Be Upset That She Was Planning To Leave, That It Had Always Been The

Making her way carefully back to the kitchen to look through the cabinet she kept treats and food for Antares, she called out over her shoulder. "Food and a game?" Leave it to Wally to always keep her on her toes. Grabbing the bag with the snacks that the cat had seemed to like, she continued her train of thought as she began to head downstairs. "This better not be one of those dinner movie mystery theater things." Reaching the back door, she stuck her tongue out a little bit of childish disgust . "I don't like those." Stepping into the back alley, she shook the bag once before the ball of orange fur made itself known. Smiling, Elizabeth squatted down carefully and fed her one treat before petting her and giving her another and picking her up. "You are taking a ride with me today. You might hate me after but I'm willing to accept that. And you get to see your favorite person today, so its not going to be all bad."

Stepping back into the office with the cat in her arms, she locked the door and scratched behind the cats ear as it purred in her arms. Feeding it another treat for being so well behaved, she began to decide that perhaps she had been overfeeding the poor thing. She began to doubt taking her to the vet would be the right move, but it was more of her own fears of medical professionals and hospital settings that were creeping in. She needed to make sure that Antares would be okay and this was the only way. "Alright," she sighed. "We're ready when you are."

Some Part Of Her Thought He Would Be Upset That She Was Planning To Leave, That It Had Always Been The

If he wasn't so focused on the very real fact that this would have had a different ending, he'd have a quip ready to spit out but instead he sat in thought. How different life would be if she'd actually taken herself up on leaving. "But you fell in love." It wasn't an quip more a statement. A fact. "Honestly can't believe it. Life would be so different. For both of us."

The reassurance she gave him was enough to shelve that worry to the back for the time being. Though he still would be keeping an eye on her regardless. Wally was always concerned when it came to her. The funny thing about running his fingers through her hair was the flashback he'd get each and every time he did so. "I knew you liked it." His whispered tone broke through briefly as he chuckled amused. "Who knew it was this to get you to agree to a date." It was the smallest things that got pulled into focus. Like how she traced the inside of his palms. His fingers moving minutely against hers.

His facetious nature pulled to the front as he couldn't help but notice the vast differences between then and now. "Putting this under the wallaby and lila adventure book." The hand that was currently free went up to caress her cheek and smiled as he locked eyes. "Remember when you wouldn't meet my gaze."

Though his teasing tone dropped the moment he followed her movements. Hands ready to steady her if need be. His eyes narrowed as they zeroed in on her injury. Rather her side. Educated guess was a knife. Pesky little things were always a wildcard.

If He Wasn't So Focused On The Very Real Fact That This Would Have Had A Different Ending, He'd Have

Getting sidetracked he shook his head as he let out a chuckle. One of those that showed off his baby teeth grin. "Leave it to you to still leave me flabbergasted. No, don't change. I was thinking about dinner because food is always fun and a game. Like a legit game. I didn't want to go without you it seemed weird and odd and not as fun."

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