Also Warning That Its A Metalcore Song And The Guitars And Screaming Start Right Off The Bat - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Hope Drawing Responses Are Cool With Ya Cause Love Idea. Also Question Hits One Of Those Interests [live

Hope drawing responses are cool with ya cause love idea. Also question hits one of Those Interests [live for music] soooo yeah heh ◠⸜⸝◠

Yes and no. Skill wise she absolutely can sing [too much time alone + seems to live a bit out there so she doesn't have to worry about disturbing neighbors] but she has a tendency to sing misheard lyrics, both on accident and purpose cause it's funny, and sometimes gets too into it and gets really. really. loud. To the point of pretty much screaming what should be cleans.

also considering the number of bars and certain events, she is absolutely guilty of drunk singing which is less than pleasant. to put it nicely. has resulted in some interesting lyric alterations here n there.

Would She Be A Good Singer..?

would she be a good singer..?

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